Obelisk City

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Obelisk City
Obelisk City
The rain finally faded to a mist, then stopped. The hurricane devastated the city more than expected- in the lower elevations, streets covered with water reflected the sky like a mirror. In the days following, life returned to normal, more or less.

Except, reflected in the stormwater and rising hundreds of feet above the buildings around it, the Obelisk stood. Its obsidian surface seemed to be cut out from the night itself. Looking at it, it seems to move, reflections dancing in ways none ever should. The populace walks by as if they dont even see it...

And, stranger still, people have begun reporting attacks. Situations varied, but all the witnesses who managed to remember what happened said the same thing: the victims were attacked by someone who looked exactly like them...

Obelisk City is a forum rpg based on the magical burst game system, which, in turn was based on magical girl animes in the flavor/tone of Madoka. Each player is a magical girl (or boy, in this city) who, for whichever reason, makes a contract (for better or for worse) with an adorable magical creature in order to gain magic powers so they can fight.

In order to play, you need to make a character and get some dice (or a dice machine thing). This is a magical girl style rpg, so make sure you come up with some FLAVOR- make stuff sparkly and awesome. I highly advise reading the rulebook, though, as it provides some flavor and backstory on the magic and systems and provides the combat rules that you'll need to know when a fight comes down.

I will be the GM for this game, playing the adorable mahou shojou animal thingy as well as all the npcs
1: felixsparks - Felix

2: SupahKiven -lilith

3: cyber95 -eiko

4:MasterBlade - Claire

if you would like to join, please post below. It would help immensely if you read the rulebook before making a character, but if you have a character idea you desperately need to make, concessions can be made. Also note this is the first rpg of this style I've attempted to run, so rules may be ignored for convenience's sake.

Character creation rules in a nutshell:
This just covers flavor, so you should read the character creation rules in order to get your stats.

PCs must be 12-17 years old. Either gender, but there must be at least one pc of either gender joining. Think of their families and acquaintances- the people (and even other PCs) your character has positive bonds with are a gameplay mechanic.

You need at least 3- one from common human feelings, one from common involvement with the world of the magical, and one from a friendly rivalry or battle-born cameraderie. and yes you can pick other PCs.

Have fun!

the rulebook again

useful character sheet link

#obeliskcity is our irc channel for when we need to do combat quickly. Its on esper.net
RE: Obelisk City
Felix Sparks reporting for ass kicking duty!

RE: Obelisk City
And here we go.

RE: Obelisk City
Character sheet, yeah!

RE: Obelisk City
Hello! Posting interest in this; just need to clear some details with the GM.
RE: Obelisk City
ok these are looking good! i left some suggestions in your inboxes, so make sure to check them. Especially you, Masterblade i have some important backstory stuff in there.

What i'm most wondering is how we're going to start this. I'll begin with a forum post i guess but this might be best if we were all also on IRC at the same time if we wanted to do combat.... If anyone has any good ideas about when to be on IRC i'd be gateful.

Also i might have a mental image of your character which is different from the way you think and i might draw them this is a risk we're all going to have to take.


ALSO note: this doesnt work exactly the same way as Madoka. You dont make a wish and then get powers, you make a contract in order to get powers and the wish comes after collecting 13 oblivion seeds. Also the monsters arent magical girls that have been driven into despair. just in case that wasnt clear.
RE: Obelisk City
Care to set up a channel somewhere then? Add it to the beginning post too.
RE: Obelisk City

The bus shook slightly as it passed from Main Street onto 2nd avenue. Soft music played over the radio, muffling the silence of the strangers underneath the radio's words. There weren't may people on at the time- an old woman, a businessman, and four teenagers.

One of them, a pale girl in formal wear sat in the back, holding her bag in her arms. She stared out of the window, scanning the faces of the people they passed.

"You're never going to find the Youma that way," a small voice whispered from beside her. Claire glanced sharply down at Kowo, and shushed him. The small creature somehow rolled its beady eyes and froze again, trying to pass as a stuffed animal. He- it- looked like a stuffed lion with wings, complete with a tiny crown.

Kowo sighed and, glancing at Claire, stealthily poked his head out to look around. He grinned, revealing tiny needle sharp teeth.

Claire glanced down, followed his gaze, and grabbed her pendant with a gasp.

A man threw himself in front of the bus, slamming into the windshield and rolling off. Everyone inside lurched forward as the bus came to a screeching halt.

"Found it," Kowo said.
RE: Obelisk City
Felix was sitting on the bus on the way to his job as a blacksmith when the man hit the windshield. As the bus driver began to panic, he stood and sprinted out the door, looking for the body of the man. "Sir, sir are you ok?!"
RE: Obelisk City
Lilith sat at the back of the bust, grumpily staring out the window and listening to some music. She grunted in annoyance as the bus stopped dead with some weird thump. One of the other people on the bus shot out of the bus, wailing some sort of nonsense. Lilith figured that something was wrong with the bus. Rolling her eyes, she got up and walked out of the bus, shooting a glance at the boy running around. What was he doing?
RE: Obelisk City
This was not a particularly welcome addition to her trip to the grocery store. What was that guy doing!? Was he okay?

Eiko rushed out the door to go check on him. It looked like somebody else had the same idea.
RE: Obelisk City
Felix ripped open the door and jumped down. The scent of iron hung in the air- the acrid smell of blood. He dashed around the front of the bus to see if the man was alright-

the city was not there. the road was not there. The man was not there. behind him the door hung, leading back into the bus. Around the door was buzzing static of blurred faces, a wall stretching into infinity. Felix stood on a path that led into the abyss opposite the door, a single whispering road.

nothing was there.
RE: Obelisk City
"..... Oh my fuck." He gasped, looking around. Where WAS everything?! What the hell was going on.... He looked back into the bus, then back to the road. Slowly, a wild grin spread across his face. This road led somewhere. Somewhere probably AMAZING. He began to jog down it, totally willing to go on an adventure.
RE: Obelisk City
Claire, having braced herself the second her trickster lion began grinning, crept up from her seat unscathed by the sudden stop.

"You'd think more people would be concerned about a talking lion. Guess it isn't the worst thing to happen today." She whispered to Kowo, believing noone to notice considering the going-ons. "Lets sneak out the back and get dressed proper. With all these civilians, things are going to get hectic quick."

Stuffing the guide into her bag, Claire quickly sprang up for the nearby window, slipping through an opening. She then rolled under the bus to transform in secret. Mind wipe or not, it isn't proper for people to stare at a lady while she's changing.
