CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.

Poll: Should we use the old point system instead of the presence system?
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CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.
CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.
This is a card game loosely based off a party game called 1,000 blank white cards. In this game you create your own cards and duel your friends by drawing random cards from a big deck that contains all of the cards that everyone made! I've played and hosted a similar game on another forum and have made a few adjustments for the sake of game balance, such as making it less difficult to make a comeback when you are losing. Before you start to play, you should make 5 or more cards, and cards should be PMed to me instead of posted in this thread.

How cards work
Cards can have numerous different effects as specified by players, but as a general rule each card will have a name and a presence number. A player will need a certain amount of "presence" in order to play a card. Your presence will generally go up as the game progresses and if you don't have enough presence to play a card you will not be able to play it. There are two main categories of cards, cards that have life and cards that do not have life. A card that has life will remain on your field until its life runs out, and a card that does not have life will typically dissapear after its effects take place (although some lifeless cards will stick around until certain conditions are met). Once per turn each of your cards that have attack can attack another card on the field, and if your opponent has no cards with life on their field you can attack them directly. A direct attack on your opponent will always deal only 1 damage regardless of the cards attack power. Here is a template that you can use. A card does not need to use this exact template but your cards should be set up in such a way that there is no confusion as to how it works.

[Image: 7gcIHHn.png]

How presence works
Presence replaces points from the previous games. Each player starts the game with 1 presence and at the start of each turn you will gain 1 presence. (The person who takes the first turn does not gain 1 presence on their very first turn to counter the first turn advantage thing). Cards can have special presence altering effects, and the player with less life will gain an amount of presence equal to the difference between both players life. If your presence is reduced in such a way that you no longer have enough presence to sustain all of the cards on your field then there are no negative repercussions aside from not being able to play anything else (including 0 presence cards) until you have a positive presence level.

Quick recap: Presence = 1 + turn count + difference in life if yours is lower ± other card effects - the total presence of all the cards on your field.

Card balance
As a general rule of thumb, a cards sum of life and attack should be approximately equal to double its presence level, though cards can be somewhat stronger or weaker than that. Special effects and whatnot should be factored into price. Cards with a presence cost of 0 or less can be made, but such cards should be useless or near useless.

Game rules
1) For a standard game you will start with 10 life and 6 cards.
2) You can make a card at any time, even mid game.
3) If you have 0 or less hearts, you lose.
4) You draw one card at the end of each turn instead of at the start. PM me whenever you need to draw cards.
5) You are expected to keep track of what cards are in your hand. Consider making a text document for this purpose.
6) Cards cannot attack on the same turn they are played unless otherwise stated.
7) You can only play one card each turn.

Card creation rules
1) A card must have a name as well as a legible presence number.
2) No card can target a player specifically (IE. Billy Is Great: Billy wins instantly because Billy is Best)
3) Cards can NOT affect other peoples games. Cards CAN be affected BY other players games however.
4) Cards CAN affect other specific cards, even ones made by other people (IE: Craig. Can only be destroyed by playing Blitzkrieg)
5) Cards CAN require competitions (IE. Both players play oregon trail and the person who gets farther gets points), but cards CANNOT use competitions for skills lots of people don't have (IE. Both players remix sunslammer and the one with the better tune wins points)
6) Cards CANNOT force the other player to do something they are uncomfortable with (No forcing the other player to draw Baby Muppet Porn)
7) Cards SHOULD be 300*200 pixels
8) Use random effects (coin flip, dice roll) sparingly.
9) Card text that is not in english, not legible, or in some sort of code is to be treated as gibberish and has no effect.
10) No submitting cards from previous games, this game works a bit differently.
11) If you saw this game on another forum, you don't need to submit cards for more than one game. Each branch of this game will have cards created from each forum the game is in.

Here are some sample cards.
[Image: m8oe8JS.png][Image: X3gCOmM.png][Image: xt5QaUF.png]
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
I think this is a great idea, but you know, I wasn't prepared to play a card game on a forum thing?
Also creating cards seemed tedious.
Maybe if this was a real thing and not on a forum? I don't know. Seeing as this is a sequel it must have done well?
I can't speak for everyone but... you know. These were my thoughts.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
Well, it did well for a while. At its height it was actually quite fun! However if someone vanished it kind of screwed up everyone playing them and so a lot of matches went unfinished.

Personally I dropped off because people started making cards that were specifically tailored to be completely useless/overpowered/generally unfun and it kind of ruined the game for me. Now I am hesitant to join because I don't feel like remaking a bunch of new cards, though I think I still have a bunch from the old game sitting around that I could probably send in.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
Yo I'm curious to see old cards that were made! And I'd participate/play, if only I had the time to.
Maybe it would be easier for people to make cards if there was some kind of automatic app thing for it.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
There is - Supernerd put a template up there.

Also let me take a look around, see if I can't get a link up or something.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
I thINk he meant automated.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
I think he meant that too. Hehe. There are dollmaker makers, maybe there are motivationalpostermaker makers as well. I can see it working sort of like that.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
I will join this! And uh. This may be a terrible idea, but it might be a lot easier to use the Yu-Gi-Oh! card template maker? We can still have our own rules, and have a system where 100 is considered very high and all that, but the YGO card maker seems convenient.

EDIT: oh apparently you have to be signed in to actually be able to save the picture. probably not all that convenient so i take it back i guess.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
And a week later people notice this thread exists. If you want to see the cards from the last CYOGTCG game I hosted, --> click on over here <--

Apparently some people are too lazy to create and upload a 200x300 pixel image, which I think is just a bit silly. I am going to reluctantly make you guys an offer where all you need to do is tell me what stats and effects you want your cards to have via pm and I'll actually spend three minutes creating and uploading the cards for you complete with an illustration.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
EDIT: Forget what I just said, it was dumb.

That being (un)said, everyone play this game right now!
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play

So many of those cards are pure win! I do think it would be good for them to go through an approval process to enter the gamepile, however, as some of those do sound kind of OP.
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
Now that I look at the cards... They seem half-assed so I'll totally play.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: CYOGTCG 2: I wonder why nobody wanted to play
Technically, cards don't even need to be legible. They definitely SHOULD be though.
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
I sent in some more!
Someone should make a series of lolcat cards. (I haven't done any.)

Super, should I post the template I made? I could post it as a .psd
I like how it was in the old game though with a lot of different-looking card templates, it's way cool xD
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
Hai. Just posting here to address some questions and comments.

Supernerd Wrote:Number of submitted cards: 8

Supernerd Wrote:I wonder why nobody wanted to play

Want to know why noone is submitting cards or general interest? Especially veterans like myself that have been on this game since it started?

Presence. Its the presence rules. You are literally taking the entire pre-existing system and tossing it away in favor of one that makes it hard to produce cards, and even more difficult to play them. What you have now compared to the previous point system is...

-Double effort needed in creating cards in order to balance presence factors
-Confusing presence gain rules that make it even more difficult to play cards
-A cap on being able to immediately play the zany things that pop into one's hand
-An inability to make these zany things because of an over-reaching balancing system
-An over-reaching scale for presence-to-power, making the entire system hard to use
-No significant allowance for quick-action spell/trap cards

Supernerd. I know you want to fix the insane lack of balancing from the previous incarnations. Presence is not the right way to do that. I would suggest you roll back to the old point system, flawed as it was, because unlike this one it actually worked. I know thats personally what turned me away, and its likely killing any hopes of this sequel generating the interest of its previous incarnation.

And on another note:
-The 1 heart damage to players is good. Keep that. Bit seriously, ditch the presence system. Arglebargle. Have a nice day.
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
I must say I agree with Masterblade on that whole Arglebarle thing.
Presence is a bit unnecessary, Because now I have to judge how good a card COULD be and then put it in like 12 different possibilities. Then give it a presence number.
You won't be able to play ANY cards on the first two rounds.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
I argled the point
and with bargle adjoint
Arglebargle, a beautiful word
To yodel loudly, skyward.

I dunno, I found the cards easy to make (and those I sent in are mostly 0-1 presence cost), so I think it'd be pretty easy to get started with them if anyone wants to try the new system. But if the old players say the old system made more sense, maybe they're onto something. o3o
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
I put up a poll. Lets see what how people vote.
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
I think the presence system is too complicated. Other games regulate the cards you can play through replenishing energy (Magic: the Gathering), sacrifices above power limits (Yu!Gi!Oh!), expendable energy (Pokémon), one card per turn (Too many games to list), etc.

The point system needs a little work, perhaps with point costs for most cards, and point gain per turn. Something like 100 (or 10 or 1, whatever the scale may be), which can be expended at any time, and then of course there are instant "gain points" cards, or maybe even cards which increase your points per turn (Hypothetical: Coinage; Cost 200, Gain 50 extra points per turn).

Simply put, the presence rule makes the game a bit of a headache, especially making cards. The point of the game is to have fun, and most people will make silly cards, which add to the enjoyment for some (including me), and can be safely ignored for others. I trust other players not to make instant win cards/other overpowered stuff, but even if they do, your role as the mediator is to reject such cards. Honestly, putting "presence" in sucks out the fun, and I would not play again if the game remains in its current state.
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
The thing that has to be done with limit systems isn't a base point requirement needed to use things, but points to spend on better things. Setting point costs on square one is just as bad a policy as the current Presence system. What we need is a set allowance of what cards can be considered "free play" and which need point limits. Considering ho well we seemed to regulate it most of the time, I think this can be done on a local basis, rather than with a huge ruleset behind it.
RE: CYOGTCG 2. Number of submitted cards: 8
As people appear to unanimously hate the presence system, I am going to switch back to points. I am thinking of adding in a new "upkeep" feature to promote game balance. Basically that would mean that after playing any powerful cards you would lose a certain amount of points at the start of each turn based on the cards "upkeep" stat and if you don't pay the upkeep the card is sent to discard. This would come along with a 200 points per turn allowance or something, so you would still be able to use your cards at any given time. Does anyone have a problem with this idea?
RE: CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.

(I will have some cards made later when I am out of examtimes.)
RE: CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.
Does anyone know how to remove/change polls on this forum? I can't figure it out.