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RE: Power-ups
I woulda assumed Defense didn't affect magic damage, what with resistances an' all, but whatevs.

Jump behind, stab in back. Aim for where a wing connects to the body(?).
RE: Power-ups
PWANG Krawdrie fires a shot at the Holy Gullotine on the Holiest of Days (HalleluHEYAYAYAYEAHH)
RE: Power-ups
>Punch once more! Except aim for the robo-eye. Anything that red and glowy HAS to be a weak spot.
RE: Power-ups
Still going smash on the mini mage.
RE: Power-ups
Once again, Ralyk shall shoot that swordbot!
RE: Power-ups
I was just thinking about how due to the map I'm thinking of everything as an enemy, even if otherwise I wouldn't have jumped to that. Like that holy guillotine. I mean, it's holy right?