Notail Simulator Beta (4/4)

Notail Simulator Beta (4/4)
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (3/31)

"Maybe it doesn't like tailmic songs? =3"
"Well it has bad tastes then, but we should get the tailmic away to see if it calms down. No use possibly damaging something we can take. <:)"
"You want to take that with us? =3"
"If possible, yes, if we don't find something else. We need to get some artifact from this place to prove we were here. These papers are nice, but they're not impressive. Now that puppet, on the other hand, that would draw a crowd, you know, once we find someone who can see it. <:)"
"Maybe we should find something everyone can see. Plus I don't think it likes tailmics and we have too many of those. =3"
"Hmm, I suppose so. <:)"

The owner of the tailmic pushes it along, disallowing her from her glass tapping. Once she has been pushed far enough, the tailmic turns around to show her back to her owner before raising her head straight up to show them her face symbol flipped upside down. This behavior is rarely displayed at notails, especially at owners, but is entirely natural. It is a show of distrust, typically done towards other animals to let them know they cannot sneak up behind the tailmic because they are both aware of them, and do not like them.

"Wow. <:)"
"I think this place is messing with her. She has never been so rude before about being pushed. Most of the time she doesn't even seem to notice when I push her away. 8]"

The tailmic turns her head to get a better look at what's behind her before clicking her mandibles loudly and once again flashing an upside-down face.

"Twice! <:)"
"I'm not even doing anything to you! Why are you so mad? 8]"

She whips her tails on the ground, a clear sign that she will attack if something doesn't cease its actions. The owner backs away with their arms up.

You glance back and away from the scene. At the end of the hallway, is a mangled looking shadow. It disappears as soon as you see it, causing you to jump.

"Did you see that? =3"

You ask the E-class who was ordered to keep watch.

"See what? *p"
"Oh, maybe it was just one of those shadows you see when you turn around. =3"
"You know some of those are anomalies right? *p"
"I do now, and it doesn't make me feel better. Thank you. =3"
"You're welcome. *p"

You decide not to bother the others with your shadow spotting, you are in an unsettling location, and it is likely to eat at your nerves.

The tailmic who was extremely agitated before is now grooming the claws of her owner.

"Did she put on that whole show just so she could groom my claws? 8]"
"They must have been exceptionally dirty. <:)"
"I don't let her groom them because I don't like the feeling of tailmic mouth all over them! 8]"
"Well if you washed them yourself maybe she wouldn't have gotten so offended about having dirty claws touch her. <:)"

You stay out of the conversation and approach the glass where the puppet anomaly is. It lies in an unmoving heap, as if tossed aside like trash. It seems to take a few seconds to recognize you, and when it does, it hops back up and begins to hum while grooming once more. This time it is tenser, and its tune more stressed.

You hum back.

It stops its song with no rhythm and twists its head side to side, nearly falling to the floor each time.

It is not aggressive towards your song but is puzzled by it. It hums out a few notes then waits for you to hum back. Your returned hum leaves it more puzzled. E-4 has disengaged from the tailmic conversation to watch. You turn around to them to comment.

"Its humming is weird. =3"
"Aww, it stopped moving. <:)"

You turn around, and it's still for a few seconds, then animates again.

"So both of us can see it, but only one of us causes it to move. =3"
"I wonder what causes it to only activate for you and not me. What's the difference between us? <:)"
"I'm much taller than you. =3"
"E-2732, I don't think height determines this. <:)"
"You don't know that. =3"

E-4 ignores you and checks the papers on this anomaly. You look over and see that they are written in an unrecognizable language. The only useful parts of all of the pages are the images, and even though they don't explain much, you make a mental list of them.

1. The puppet itself inactive.
2. A symbol of a fox with an X in the bottom left-hand corner.
3. A symbol of a mass of tentacles with a check in the bottom left-hand corner.
4. A circle of green with an unrecognizable symbol in it. You can assume this is the safety level.
5. The puppet in an active state grabbing a small rodent-like creature with horns.
6. The puppet inactive, holding a doll of the creature grabbed before.

You all feel satisfied enough in checking this anomaly and move on to find another that's more visible.

Two floors of empty rooms down there's finally another anomaly.

[Image: D0uOlzU.png]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die. A 7 is rolled.

Inside one of the rooms is a box-like object with legs, with two pipes with holes coming out of it. It moves about the room slowly, much like a turtle. Everyone can see this one. E-4 checks out the papers, yet again having to just focus on the images for data.

1. The creature itself, in this image its mouth is open, showing flat grazer teeth.
2. A symbol of a fox with tentacles behind it. A check is in the bottom left-hand corner.
3. A circle of green with an unrecognizable symbol in it. You can assume this is the safety level.
4. Another picture of the creature, but surrounded by small long-eared creatures. Someone has drawn on this image seeming to signify that something non-visible is coming out of it at this moment.
5. A fox creature has its mouth open near one of the tubes. The other tube has symbols drawn around it; none of them are like the symbols on the paper. A, for lack of better terms, large pile of noodles on the floor seems delighted in this action.


((You can suggest to go find another anomaly, just know the roll will trigger per anomaly we find.))
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
>Tap the glass. For science.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
> Move on and keep searching.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
(04-01-2019, 06:12 AM)SirBlizz98 Wrote: »>Tap the glass. For science.

>Tap! The! Glass!
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
Fox-Doll anomaly.
-Locates fauna, grabs them, turns them into dolls. Purpose of humming unknown, but willing to speculate it is related to either its movements or as a 'baiting' attempt.
-Humming in return confused the creature, perhaps it thought we were a similar entity, and our humming came off as a botched, terribly mangled form of its humming-speech. Note to research this further, when circumstances are more permitting. This facility wasn't abandoned on a whim, and we can only hope the anomaly responsible is long gone or deceased.

Tube-Box anomaly.
Reminiscent of an arachnid, though I cannot recall the name. Would remain in place, sweeping the area for prey, herding it closer when detected.
>Take note of the symbol in the dot, if we find papers with a different symbol, we can compare anomalies and guess their meaning.

Speculation: Anomaly is either
A: A hunter-predator, currently circling its tubes to detect prey, after which it will attempt to 'vacuum' the offending prey for sustenance.
B: A food processor, taking in material with one tube, processing it into a more consumable form, and delivering it via the other tube.
C: The same as B, but instead of processing delivered materials, it (somehow) manipulates entities into offering themselves as material.

Accordingly, I suggest leaving this one alone.
>Instead, ask fellows if any of them know how to read the symbols/have ideas on their meaning to co-ordinate translation efforts. Even a partial translation here would be useful.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)

"I think we should skip this one, it seems kind of boring. =3"
"Well, there isn't any harm if we check a few before deciding. <:)"

You all continue to check the hall for anomalies. You check behind yourself at one point, only to find the tailmic in the group to be lingering behind. Not only that but she had her head raised in the offended position, but not towards anyone in the group, but towards the empty hallway all of you have already passed.

Maybe she's jumping at shadows too.

[Image: D0uOlzU.png]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die. A 12 is rolled.

Another anomaly is found still in its enclosure, is rather gruesome, but at this point, everyone has seen worse. It is the body of a 4 legged canine seemingly beheaded and impaled with 6 spears. A 7th spear actually hangs outside of the room.

"I think this creature's name is "Something", 7. I don't know what the something is, though. <:)"
"You're guessing because of the spears? =3"
"Yes, but also because some of these papers seem to have lists on them, and the symbol on, what I assume is on its nameplate, means "7." Or at least "7th object on a list." This is the first one we've seen with a number this low. It's the only reason I could read it. The others have, what I guess are larger strings of numbers, making it rather hard to figure it out. <:)"
"They got names like us. =3"
"Please don't put it that way, it's uncomfortable. <:)"
"Sorry. =3"

E-4 flips through its file.

1. A symbol of a fox with tentacles behind it. A symbol that is a mix of a check and X is in the bottom left-hand corner.
2. A circle of green with an unrecognizable symbol in it pointing to a circle of purple with a smaller circle in it. You can assume this is the safety level, but do not know what O danger would be.
3. A canine with no spears in it. It shows signs of being aggressive, with teeth bared. Unlike the canine before you, it has a fully formed head.
4. A canine with 4 spears in it. Its head is just a skull. Its body language is relaxed and neutral.
5. A canine with 6 spears in it. It looks like the one before you.
6. A canine in the distance, the picture is blurred and unfocused. It has more than 4 spears in it, but you cannot tell how many. The area may or may not be on fire.
7. The (presumed) number "7" points at a spear, and at the head of the no spear canine.

E-4 mentions it's rather funny how there were 7 images in the pages. There could be more coincidences like that but as they can't read anything on the pages it's impossible to tell.


((Full discloser, the rolls for this section are a little weird because larger roll =/= safe, it means more impressive. For example, a 19 might be very impressive but very unsafe, or it could be very impressive and safe. You'll have to use the images to figure out how safe things are as the numbers will only correlate to how impressive it is.

Extremely low numbers might spawn something really impressive but not contained in its room though.))
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
Pick up the seventh spear and check to see if the anomaly gives any sort of reaction to it.

If it doesn't, keep moving and take the spear with you. We need all the extra weaponry we can get.
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
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>Inform others that using the spear outside it's associated anomaly(?) may not have the desired effect, see 4. and 6.
>Continue to compare notes. Identifying the number seven on its own isn't much, but it's relation and contextual similarities with previous documents might allow you to... Learn the numbers one through six. Well, it's a start anyways.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
> Go say hello to the tailmic and see if you can figure out what she's upset about.
[Image: QuarantineTextLogo.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)
(04-02-2019, 04:36 AM)Kodai Wrote: »> Go say hello to the tailmic and see if you can figure out what she's upset about.

[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/1)

One of the E-classes goes to grab the 7th, hanging spear. You decide to stop them.

"I don't think that's a good idea. =3"
"I concur, let's leave this anomaly alone. I don't like the look of some of these images. <:)"

The E-class groans in annoyance but backs away. It seems they're getting tired of traveling in these labs and wants to get something and get out.

While the others look for another anomaly, you approach the tailmic to figure out what's going on with her. You try to ask her what's bothering her, but she just hums and shakes her head in delight at you attempting to speak with her.

"What are you doing? 8]"
"Trying to find out why she's so tense. =3"
"Maybe it's because we're in a creepy anomaly lab. She's just angry about everything. 8]"
"Well, I was hoping to get more info from her. =3"
"Tailmics don't talk. 8]"
"I know but..... =3"
"It's a good thing they can only hum. If tailmics had the vocal cords for talking they'd go around repeating people like how they repeat hums they hear. 8]"
"I think it would be cool if they could do that. =3"
"I don't! I don't need my conversations repeated to random people. I tell my tailmic everything. 8]"

You pretend to give up and shrug, so the owner would leave you alone. The moment you're mostly alone with the tailmic again, you attempting speaking once more. Yet still, all you obtain is a few hums, nods, and a general sense that she's happy and interested in things.

It seems her mood has flipped, for now, you'll try again when she shows annoyance.


The next item is taking a while to find, so you speak with E-4 and learn a few numbers in the unknown language from them. You don't think you'll be able to hold onto this knowledge for long, but you doubt you'll see the language outside of today anyway.

[Image: D0uOlzU.png]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die. A 5 is rolled.

You're the finder of the next anomaly, it's a rather sturdy and glossy piece of paper sitting on a pedestal, at least from what you can tell from behind the glass. What is odd about it, is that in big words at the top of the paper is the word, "Channel."

It's the first readable thing you've seen in this lab.

There are words under it but those words are smaller and you can't see them from here.

Suddenly, the lines of words on the paper, except for the word "Channel," moves up, with the words at the top disappearing.

E-4 comes over to check on what you're doing.

"Oh, it's one of those. Jeez, I hate those. It just ruins the atmosphere, you know? I don't know why they exist anymore."

You wait for E-4 to finish up their comment, but you do notice that E-4's tone of speaking felt strange to you. It wasn't typical.

The words on the paper seem to shoot upwards quickly, mostly with short, or even one-word sentences.

E-4 puts their hands on their face, seemingly realizing a mistake they made. One of the other E-classes jabs them in the shoulder and laughs, E-4 lightly pushes them back, though E-4's push is more in annoyance.

"I didn't mean to say that in public, no need to rub it in. <:)"

There are chuckles from most of the E-classes. You feel like you're missing some kind of joke because you don't know what's so funny.

"Anyway, this isn't an impressive anomaly, and it definitely doesn't show any of the cultures of whatever inhabited these labs. I guess we can keep checking for a bit more, but if we can't find anything soon, I fear we'll have to check the other sections or just grab the puppet. <:)"

The others agreed and moved on. You hang back.

For some reason, their lack of curiosity in the object made you more curious about it. They didn't even check the papers, as if they already knew what it was.

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)
Take another peek. Just another. Is there an associated file, and if so, what images are on it?
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[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)
>Well if they don't care about it than neither should you. Ignore it. For science.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)
Take a peek at the papers, it couldn't hurt.
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)
> Check the papers. Maybe you'll figure out why the others reacted as they did.
[Image: QuarantineTextLogo.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)

You take a peek at the papers for the anomaly yourself. The curiosity is just too great.

Sadly, there are not many images to see.

1. A symbol of a fox with tentacles behind it. A check is in the bottom left-hand corner.
2. A circle of green with an unrecognizable symbol in it. You can assume this is the safety level.
3. The entire alphabet. This is in your own language as opposed to the common language in the labs. The alphabet is out of order, showcasing the person who wrote them down didn't know what order they would be. There are a few symbols as well, such as ?, !, #, %, but there's also one symbol you don't know about here. @. There's no indication of its meaning.

The door to the anomaly is open. Either someone didn't lock it the last time they entered, or it was such a low danger that it didn't need to be contained or protected.

No one is watching you, so you slip in.

You reach out for the piece of paper and as you touch it, find it strange. It is far more sturdy than you thought and slightly thicker than a sheet of paper, about 20 sheets stacked you would guess. The front of it, where the words are, slightly glows. You would be sure that even if the room was pitch black, you could read it. It could also be used as a flashlight. The way it feels is nothing like any paper you've handled, in fact, the front feels like a window and the back like a sleek cold rock.

You finish up your physical investigation of the thick paper, confirm to yourself that you are not currently dying, a necessary check when checking anomalies, and then proceed to move on to read what's on the paper.

What you see is........


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[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/3)

"Wow, you really don't like those don't you? <:)"

The anomaly is on the floor. The window part of it shattered.

It no longer glows.

You don't know what happened. You try to talk but find yourself unable to formulate words. E-4 takes your hand.

"Are you ok? Is there another anomaly in the room? <:)"

You finally gain the ability to speak back.

"Do you think I'm stupid? =3"

You don't know why you asked that, you much less know why you're pointing a knife at E-4. Even E-4 seems taken aback, unsure of how to answer.

"That is....a loaded question to be asking right now E-2732, what made you think about that? <:)"
"I dunno. =3"
"Ah...well can you at least point the knife away from me? <:)"

You put away your knife.
You feel awful for no reason.

"E-2732, do you want to go back up the elevator? I think maybe you're being affected by an anomaly, one that makes you feel bad or makes you paranoid. Can you tell me what happened here? <:)"

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/4)
>"...You said you saw one of these papers before. So you should know what it does. =3"
>"So. Read it. Out loud. =3"
If they get a headache like we did, perhaps the paper isn't as hostile as it appeared...
Or they know how to act. Wouldn't be the first time.
No headache? Then we should stay suspicious of them.
Second-in-command, and they aren't shooting straight with us?
May not have information enough to act, but the hunch is strong enough to press for information.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/4)
Alright, tell him that you picked up the anomaly and... blacked out for a moment. But do ask him about the anomaly and how he knew so much, as well as what OOC means.
Haha ok
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/4)
> Tell E-4 that you can't remember what happened. Not after you tried to read what was on the paper, anyway. But hey, it's broken now, so you'll be fine. No need for you to leave.
[Image: QuarantineTextLogo.png]
RE: Notail Simulator 2018 (4/4)
(04-04-2019, 06:24 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>"...You said you saw one of these papers before. So you should know what it does. =3"
>"So. Read it. Out loud. =3"
If they get a headache like we did, perhaps the paper isn't as hostile as it appeared...
Or they know how to act. Wouldn't be the first time.
No headache? Then we should stay suspicious of them.
Second-in-command, and they aren't shooting straight with us?
May not have information enough to act, but the hunch is strong enough to press for information.

>What does OOC mean