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RE: SmartCore
>mouse ./Documents
>ls ./Documents
RE: SmartCore
[Image: 0tBdjB2.png]

Live Audio Transcript From CAF1_3Show
RE: SmartCore
>Find CAF3_1 -Debug
>Camera CAF2_2
RE: SmartCore
>Vision ->
>tts SPF0_0 "Thank you for your patience"
RE: SmartCore
[Image: ZlsDQhv.png]

[Image: elECX0W.png]
[Image: XAYWB0B.png]
Live Audio Transcript From CAF2_2Show
RE: SmartCore
>Log "16, 54, 15, 100, 4; a towel; Everything indicate it's Tex. Or are we others using the Tex interface ? .. But then shouldn't we know it ? But if we are Tex, why am 'I' feeling such disociation with that fact ? Shouldn't the nature of one identity, if not the very name harcoded in ?; I have many"
>Camera CAF1_1
RE: SmartCore
> cd
> mouse Downloads
> ls Downloads
> cat Public/hope.png