The 6am thread

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The 6am thread
Rainbow  RE: The 6am thread
(11-12-2017, 06:06 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »I'm kind of cheating because I only got up at 6PM

that said yesterday/the day before i was up for like 27 hours so my life is a mess either way
RE: The 6am thread
I'm gay!
RE: The 6am thread
should i sleep or go to the shop or sleep an hour and then go to the shop???
RE: The 6am thread
i need to go to the shop i would really like to sleep and in a longer perspective i guess i need to sleep also
RE: The 6am thread
and i need to own this plush toy of alolan vulpix also
RE: The 6am thread
[Image: tumblr_oynresKl4e1ujy0w3o1_1280.jpg]

i love her...
RE: The 6am thread
it's 5:02 am
RE: The 6am thread
my sleep patterns...?
RE: The 6am thread
RE: The 6am thread
i got the sick
RE: The 6am thread
this is probably the first time since this threads inception that i have used it to bemoan being awake at this hour
RE: The 6am thread
Although this is not really such a late late time on the West Coast, it’s where I would be if Blizzard Entertainment had taken me on board the last time I applied. Clearly it is some hiring person’s fault who didn’t contact me. Couldn’t possibly be a matter of personal responsibility or anything.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: The 6am thread
Cartwheels in
RE: The 6am thread
It’s 0640 hours (1140 Zulu). I’ve decided to give Blizzard another chance.

To be fair, this time it should look a lot better on their end!

Fact Seagull Some yonks back someone in Japan decided to invent a kanji for the word “blizzard”. Like, they slapped “fish” and “storm” together (usually fish on the left means it’s some species of aquatic animal; frankly, I think most people would have considered “ice” for the left side, admittedly the whitespace balance would be more difficult aesthetics-wise) and gave it a reading of the English word blizzard. IIRC it was graffiti about 50 years ago. It isn’t really used. This is just a thing where there’s no rule that says you can’t invent new letters, kind of like how in kindergarten you may have heard an argument about whether googolplex counts as a number. Anyhow, it made its way into trivia books and stuff so that was good enough to merit inclusion as Unicode point U+2B679 as part of CJK Supplement C.

I am not making this up, just misremembering some details maybe.

It is 1140 hours. The position is marked as closed mere days later. That was an alarming designation to me, but apparently in the field of applicant tracking software it is a more benign superposition of “it may in fact be closed closed, but only new applications are definitely closed for sure.” Doesn’t mean I have to like it!

It is 0240 hours (early to bed, early to rise). I hope that even if my application is destined for the reject pile, they appreciate my unusual sense of humor in ensuring that the explanation of the joke I sent them is available right here. Unfortunately, search engines appear to not even try indexing every little thing anymore. If it is to be “got”, I may not have laid down enough groundwork, and instead only gambled on curiosity being piqued.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: The 6am thread
2021 year of the reboot
RE: The 6am thread
I can post in here between 6:30 and 7:00 because who's going to stop me. Anyway yeah I'm breaking my sleep patterns to write Grand Battle posts and I'm doing great.
RE: The 6am thread
Remembering how deeply I was into the Duke of Detroit in 2014 and having some regrets.
RE: The 6am thread
I'd like to think that nowadays when I do something self-indulgent in a battle it's a little more grounded within the setting. My distress here is like only 30% the concept itself and 70% the execution of the idea.
RE: The 6am thread
I will never look back at my nanomachine foxgirl who can only speak in spoilers and go 'no this was too silly'
RE: The 6am thread
I'm so fucking tired why am i not asleep now.
RE: The 6am thread
it can't really be 6am. i don't know how this happened...
RE: The 6am thread

every time i come to this page i look at this really cute vulpix plush and i love her still....
RE: The 6am thread
I got two hours sleep :)
RE: The 6am thread
Back to the usual I am up at 6am but it's a choice and not 'a my body just hates being sleep and refuses to do it on a schedule that makes any sense' thing