SpoilerTo keep order of what you are limited to doing, your power will be based around "Acts." These Acts may not seem like much, but many things can come from them, ranging from magic cockroaches to pocket dimensions. Using them is easy and fun, the big problem is gaining them. In the beginning of the game, the former gods left their energy from the wars, making the regeneration of acts easy. However, this residue will fade farther in game, so you must gain acts the harder way. You can get them from worship by intelligent mortals, or by controlling that of which goes along with your Spheres of Power. But even using acts comes with a price, for you lose them depending on how you used them. Here are some price-examples, but you may usually estimate from these examples.
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SpoilerCreate Small amount of earth: 1 Act, a bit like a meteor depending on what you make it out of.
Create Moon-sized object: 2 Acts. This is the smallest object that can exist in a stable orbit around a planet without any additional assistance from a god. This is mostly just for decoration...mostly...
Create Very Small Planetoid: 3 Acts. The cheapest of planets that can technically hold a stable ecosystem. Also known as a Dwarf planet.
Create Small Planetoid: 4 Acts. Gravity is a bit weaker than what us humans are uses to. And there isn't much space. But if you don't feel like saving up for an earth sized planet, this should serve your purposes for a while. This is the smallest planet that can support a stable satellite.
Create Regular Sized Planetoid: 5 Acts. This is an earth sized planet. Now. Our planet can support thousands of species. This will not support thousands of species. A regular sized planet will support large ecosystems, but it isn't going to serve all your needs. Luckily, gods are known for creating lots of planets for various reasons. So it's unlikely that a planet of this size will be filled to the bursting any time soon.
Create Large Planetoid: 6 Acts. For when an earth sized planet just isn't quite big enough.
Create Very Large Planetoid: 7 Acts. You're not going to need a new planet for a while. This planet is going to have plenty of empty space early on. It's also best to remember that the gravity on this planet is quite a bit higher for the needs of life to be sustained, so be warned.
Create Absurdly Large Planet: 8 Acts. Assuming you can deal with the ludicrous gravity, planets of this size will likely be all you ever need. Even if most of the planet is going to be empty wastelands without so much as a tumble weed in sight.
Gas Giant: 6 8 or 10 acts. These are for aesthetics mostly. These big lumps of gas are usually used to support multiple planets or moons. But it is possible for other unique forms of life to live on these places.
Stars: 12 acts and up. Expensive, and vital. You're universe will start with a dim star, somewhat capable to start you guys off.
Pocket Dimension: 15 acts and up. Basically pockets of space that are cut off from the rest. The inside is usually very different from the outside. These are usually a place to put dead mortals, or a resting spot for the gods. Or some gods just want to be left alone, y'know? It's best you don't make these in a long while.
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SpoilerBasic Life: 1 Act. Micro-organisms, insects, small flora/fauna, the tiny stuff. Usually where you wanna start if you are going to use Evolution.
Small Animals: 1-2 Act. For all your pet-shop needs.
Normal Animals: 2-3 Acts. Usually ape-sized or slightly bigger/smaller. This is where Intelligence usually lies.
Large Animals: 3-4 Acts. Elephants, giraffes, dinosaurs, and giant fire-breathing bunnies.
Titans: 4 acts and up. Titans are the big boys. These things are very large and should be handled carefully, an ecosystem can be on the fate of destruction right under a Titan's foot.
Evolve: 1
Add Intelligence: 1 Act and up. Using this on a creature once can allow them to enter the technological era of the stone ages. Using this enough times can allow a creature to reach to the space age or farther.
Extinction: 4 acts and up. Wondering why it is so expensive? Well causing the extinction of a large mass of living creatures can affect a lot on an ecosystem. Warning: this may also cause distrust in you from other gods, it can piss A LOT of people off, and it can piss ME off.
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SpoilerMortal Interaction: 1 Act. Gods and mortals live on two seperate planes of reality. Gods must use 1 Act to physically or mentally interact with mortals. Telling them to worship your god and believe in them is a common use of this.
Artifacts: 2 Acts and up. Magical items enchanted with your god's power. These come in a large variety ranging from granting the wielder to increase in physical strength to casting a curse on the wielder personally by your god.