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Alright, finally, every one of the original players are now on eagletime. Hooray! This can finally continue.

Please resend your actions. Deadline is at least one week probably longer, so everybody can get their bearing!

City Map and Landmarks

The Secret Newspaper For Secret People

February 21

Stellar looks for Stargazer
You know that horrible gossip magazine? Well, turns out the rumours are true! At least, they now have coorporate funding. Rejoice people! This probably means a brighter future for the stars in Hopes, since it will have money for non-madeup content.

Doctors found religion!
Well, they claim that religion found them! An envoy sent by their namesake has coerced them to join the mighty force of science. The dichotomy is strange in that, but probably false.

Vanguard becomes Rearguard
Well, not exactly, but it is now filled with bums.Most of the old writing staff is still on board, but the noble newspaper is now in control of a hobo army, which are in turn are the pawns of the post office. I hope this won’t make the paper too… sloppy.

After a suprising event, the staff and residents of BOTH castle ruins decided to join the smugglers, whispering about some sort of king. How could a tiny gang take all these in one fell swoop? We do not know.

Waterworks recaptured by the federal government
Nothing to see here, move along.

Lunch with music and fashion
The Diamond restaurant and observatory has been taken over by the liberal use of music and fashion. A great party has been thrown, and everyone is invited! Everyone who got an invitation at least.

Angler’s lantern
A rowdy gang of fishmen has overtaken the Hangelans Memorial Lighthouse. Looks like they have a vice (or pincer?) like grip on the aquatic traffic of the city. Most of it, at least.

Canned Justice
The vigils captured the great food factory! Now the food will be filled with JUSTICE and LAW and VIGILANTISM and other fancy things best written in capital letters.

Religion is art, right?
The Ley shrines have been overtaken by a freak art cult. I wonder how will they mix with the druids, hohoho!

That is all the news, folks!
you'll never find me
The Nexus

[PMs will head out sooner or later into your waiting inboxes]
[Image: cityscape.png]
I am waiting for one last order, and a correction that someone promised, but looks like it that tonight I can update no matter what! Keep your fingers crossed.
Turn 3

The Secret Newspaper For Secret People

February 28


Rumpus at the Museum
The fabled museum of war had a little bit of altercation. A group of businessmen of an unnamed company were being menaced by really, really persistent lemonade vendors. It never escalated to assault, but the police had to be called to disperse the yelling crowd.

Speaking of the police
A few major police officers have been fired for accepting bribes for multiple sources for unknown reasons. This was only revealed because one particularly foolish officer was gloating about it loudly. Bribes including Dough Based Police Food, for currently unknown purposes, but investigation suggests that they were also hiring people with fake records.

Movie Studio says they will be loyal to their sponsors, but they will consider tightening their ties for now
No further comment was available.

A large number of people dressed like ghosts, armed with a van shooting lightning, has claimed the cemetary in the name of SCIENCE.

Fishy news
A group of very aggressive reporters swarmed the fishery, while yelling about MAIL. Perfectly normal, from these lesser journalists.

Elecrtic plant stormed
The electricity plant has been taken over by vigilantes. Power to the people!

Maniac Mansoners
Melon Mansion was redecorated by caring and not at all crazy artists. I congratulate them for repairing this wonderful landmark in an actually tasteful manner.

Heroes of the market
An army of pickpockets must have descended on the market of old, for nearly everyone was robbed. But fear not citizens, all the valuables were returned to their owners, no thanks to the ineffective police, but thanks to some renessaince looking guys.

Grand Crackdown
Not one, but two government branches has raided the Museum Of Art, aided by noble hobos. The resident and no doubt ILLEGAL ARTISTS, were kicked out from the place.

The great prison has been broken into, and is now in the hand of a criminal gang. They won’t come out, right? They must think it is a comfy home, right?

The strange new music of the radio is particularly popular amongst the richer folks.

That is all the news, folks!
you'll never find me
The Nexus
[PMs will go out slowly]
I guess deadline is next week's thursday again! Spooky.
Two days until deadline! I have received a message from only one person that he has no time to update, and I know of only one other person who is very busy, but I only have three commands sent in...
I have four commands sent it. I'll wait until next thursday before I'll actually skip people after a month. : (