Storytime [29 apr] 3 days missed!

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Storytime [29 apr] 3 days missed!
Storytime [29 apr] 3 days missed!
I'm going to write a story, and I'm going to add to it each and every day.
If I miss a day, I will add a point to "Days missed".
If there are any points in "Days missed", you will be allowed to suggest ideas, plot twists, etc for the story, and I am forced to implement ONE idea per day I do not update.

Sounds like a plan?
Okay, here goes.

Days missed: 3
Last updated: 22:00 29 apr 2013 (GMT+1)

Meet Jack.
He is an interdimensional traveler.
And he's in trouble.
You see, he's on an important mission.
And something went wrong. Someone sabotaged the mission.
And, well, confusion ensues. Let's see, how he gets out of this situation.

Jack pressed himself against the wall of the bathroom as the door opened and two cops came in.
"He's gotta be around here somewhere," he heard one of them say.
Jack looked on the band around his wrist, which was displaying a progress bar. It was nearing completion, but oh so slowly.
"Okay, you check out the bedroom next to here and I'll check this room thoroughly."

Jack looked at the progress bar again, as his cover was removed.
"Here he is!" the cop shouted. He was impressively muscular and a lot larger than Jack. He quickly pulled his gun and aimed it at Jack
Jack put his hands in the air and smiled. "Sorry, you're late."
He wove as the cop pulled the trigger in slow-motion, but the gun and the hands holding it faded and disappeared, until all Jack saw was himself and a white environment.
Then the opposite happened and a chamber with a grumpy looking girl slowly came into view.

"Jack, why do you always make things so tense? You could have been dead! I'm supposed to be busy with my 'normal job', remember?"
"I'm sorry, Sue," Jack replied. "But I hadn't the chance to contact Hans about it. He's got his phone turned off."
Sue frowned. "Again? That's the third time this week. He's got to be reachable, it's more important than ever that he is. Sending people to possibly dangerous alternate dimensions is not something trivial."
Jack shrugged. "Well, not sure how exactly we got into this mess, but I'm sure Hans is trying to make the best of it too, in his own way."

Sue took her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number. "I'm going to call Hans right away. I'm sure he likes having almost killed you."
Sue waited some time. "I don't think he's going to pick up the phone. Let's give him a quick text message then. Here we go: Jack almost dead. You can be proud. Turn on phone next time, so we can REACH you."

Jack untied his wristband and put it back in a box which contained a few more. "Let's wait what he's going to say. See you tomorrow. I'm going home and drink something that helps me relax. He pulled the trigger, Sue. He pulled the damn trigger. A second later and I would have been dead."
Sue turned towards Jack. "See you. And be safe. You've been great so far, and I don't want to lose you."
"A compliment, interesting." Jack closed his eyes halfway. "Is that supposed to mean something deeper? Anyway, see you later too. Hopefully next time it will be a less awkward conversation."

Jack walked out of the door to the parking lot where his car stood, opened it up and sat inside. "What a day," he silently said to himself.
He fastened the seat belt, and drove away, not noticing a person hiding in the shadows.

Hans went out of the office building where the conference took place before turning his phone on.
A number of messages immediately assaulted him. A few were sent by Jack, another by Sue.
Hans frowned, and read the messages. "Damn them, they KNEW I was not available. I told them yesterday." He sighed, and decided to confront them the next day.
It could wait for a bit, since the moment they really needed him was already over.

Sue remained in the room from where the dimensional travel took place, deciding to get a drink before leaving.
She heard the door open. Jack came in.
Sue frowned. "Jack? I thought..".
She didn't have the chance to finish her sentence, because Jack pulled a revolver from his vest and shot her.
Sue sank to the floor, struggling to remain concious.
She opened her eyes just in time to see Jack disappear.
Sue crawled towards the table, grabbing a noteblock and a pen.
In a last fit of concentration she wrote three words on the paper, before her fingers lost their grip on the writing device forever.

The next morning, Hand opened the door of the building, and upon seeing Sue lying on the floor, sped towards her. He opened the note in her hand. He read it aloud. "They are here".
He heard Jack entering the building behind him, and his surprised gasp.
"No, that... How did this happen?"
Hans looked down at his hands. "I just found her here, all there is is this note." He stood up to look Jack in the eyes. "They are here. That's what is says."
Jack looked at Sue, and then back at Hans. "Does that mean what I think it does?" Hans nodded. "There are a few lookalikes walking around causing trouble."

Jack frowned. "I think we need external help on that. Possibly a few lookalikes as well, but on our side."

To be continued.