1280 Blank White Cards: TDM Tower Defense Edition

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1280 Blank White Cards: TDM Tower Defense Edition
1280 Blank White Cards: TDM Tower Defense Edition
There are 1280 blank cards, and a 30x30 square map made of 900 of these cards.
Immediately, 32 cards are taken away and put in 4x4s in the corners. These are the Bases. They have 500 HP and give 100 Income.
20 cards are taken and used as Walls around the bases. They have 50 HP each.
8 cards are taken and used as Doors around the bases. They have 75 HP and act as doors for team members to enter and exit fortifications.
8 cards are taken and used as 2x2 Basic Turrets for each base. They have 250 HP each, and allow to do damage in a circle of range 3. Range begins at the surface of a unit.
380 cards are free to take and use as tokens, items, and the like.

[box=black border=3][box=transparent border=5][Image: unknown.png][/box][/box]

Players will join by saying which team they will join, and optionally will suggest a team name and color. They will also give the stats of their Units in private, such as how many spaces they take up, their health, their speed, their attacks, and other stats. Units automatically respawn by the ally Base in 3 turns, but of course this is subject to change as with every other aspect of the game.


Income is split between a team. This means that, the more players you have on a team, the less money each gets per turn. Players can also be kicked off a team and make new teams.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: 1280 Blank White Cards: TDM Tower Defense Edition
I choose to be a shop keep in a different corner, where both teams will buy towers from me. with said gold, i can afford to set up towers to only defend my shop, and whoever controls it greatly limits the other teams possibilities, making them only available to use basic towers, instead of fancy ones (such as railguns or tesla or anything along those lines). I could also sell upgrades to existing troops weapons, armor, etc. this will make this much more... strategic.

Egg It hatched.Show