Dimensional traveling: The musical!

Dimensional traveling: The musical!
Dimensional traveling: The musical!
You are a young dimensional traveler who is about to set off on a journy to have your name in The Hall of Heros, a great honor for those who keep the peace in the Multiverse.

But wait, we are getting ahead of ourselves. We don't even know what your name even is, or anything about you at all! Care to fill in the details?
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
Tengo "Shotgun" Flamengo

You're ready to go to the hall of heros with your only possession, your clothes and your shotgun called "Shotgun".

Anything else? Just ask the shotgun.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
we’re a dragon

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
>You wear an odd helmet with drinking straws and cupholders on either side of it. You found it in the sports arena of an extradimensional civilisation that existed long ago. You wear it because it offers surprisingly good protection, it's easy to fix and drinking/eating liquid supplements has never been so convenient.
[Image: PNPpCfB.png][Image: KGVIPNT.png]
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
>What You've Got

The name's Jace (Jace!)
You've got four eyes on your face
And you treat it like a race
When you're traveling through space

You've got spiked clothes, big grin, red scales, geek pins
Six. Pack. Abs.
Or at least that's what you think

You've got a secret love of musicals, a penchant for nonsensicals, a gun named Centimental
that you found in a Dimension Mall™
One time got your hand stuck in rotatory vortex
But if anybody asked you, you will say you just got bored cause

You have a Complex!
The size of five dimensions

But nobody ever asks you which kinda hurts your feelings
I have no son.
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
(Alright than! I should have enough ideas to make our protag!)

Your name is Jace Flamengo, a dragon with four eyes and a love for guns. Being a fire dragon, you COULD just use fire magic, but than again nothing beats the sound of a gun shot! Included in your collection is a shotgun aply named shogun, mostly because of it's golden lining. Oh, and there's also Centimental. He's a gift from your sister before you left for your important journy.

Your main outfit consists of mostly spikes. In fact, the only thing that dosn't have a spike on it is a bizzare helment with two drinking straws and two cups on it. It may clash with the rest of your outfit, sure, but it is hella sturdy and even more convient!

Now that you finished talking about yourself, how about we begin with your journy!

There are three dimensions that currently need help. One is the famous land of the faes. Sadly, faeries HATE dragons. However, it might be worth it just to prove the king wrong by resucing one of his daughters. Why do they keep getting kidnapped?
The next is a technologly superior planet where everything is made up of man made materials. Oh, sorry, i ment ROBOT MADE. You see, only robots live here, but there is one thing that they cannot do; paint! They need help painting some of their metal to make them look styleish.
Lastly is a small prision for evil dimensional travelers called Wenan Jail. Apparently a mad man had just escaped. Maybe you should try and catch him?
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
>Faes. No fairy ever was faster than you damn shogun!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
WHy CHoose When You Can Do All Three At Once! Typical first stop for an Escapist is the nearest Royalty Stockhold to steal an heir or three, and, having done they, they typically get to loot. It's common knowledge that hypertech futureplanets are the best lootingspots
RE: Dimensional traveling: The musical!
> Crazy guy seems like a bunch of fun business to track down
I have no son.