[AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere

[AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
[AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
[Image: character_creation_3.png]
You're name is RoboAvian, you are a Fortuna fanatic and a new streamer, so new you made possibly one of the worst mistakes to make as a streamer, you forgot to start the stream. You had just picked the Ship and AI, and made your first crewmember, without realizing you hadn't started the stream. You go ahead and quickly start the stream, after all if you decided to not do it now you might never do it.
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[Image: est_character_sheet.png]

(This is my first fanventure, so I hope you all will like it! Also please send applications for characters, after a bit I will choose which ones will be part of the crew)

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Name: Jujube
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: AI (Cupid unit)
Job: Professional Hypewoman


[Artful Dodger] [Detrivore] [Rarely Misses]
[Dislikes Luck] [Honest] [Strangely Graceful]
[Hypocrite] [PTSD]

Bio: Jujube used to be a matchmaker, just like all the other Cupids, until she discovered that she had a terrible blessing placed upon her; those Jujube paired would end up perishing together in horribly unlucky accidents. Jujube swore off matchmaking, and now works as a sort of cheerleader for hire. She is going to Fortuna to try and lift this blessing.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Name: Boop
Pronouns: They/Them
Species: Somnus v26
Job: Mascot (really just an excuse to dress in fursuits)


Traits:[Artist][Differently Abled][Humorous]
[Adventurous][Built-in Weapons][Quickdraw]
[Bad at Maths][Defensive][Sickness Spreader]
[Timed Hits]

Bio: The notails making this v26 Somnus messesd up somewhat. You see, this Somnus sees things from a different point of view. Where most would get, say, a boring office job, Boop would look at that, and say “Why? It’s boring, and the bosses are likely to be manipulative.” Boop can be logical, but can also be a raging ball of fire if you question anything about them, and will likely run after the person who did. Or if on the battlefield, they will shoot constantly at that person. Boop is going to Fortuna to try and do something about their anger, and possibly get a new fursuit too.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Name: Esbarzer
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: AI (Coeus v33)
Job: Navigator/Computer Programmer

Blue: [Day Dreamer] [Overlooked] [Enjoys Reading]
Green: [Cunning] [Knowledge of Astrophysics][Multitasker]
Red: [Cryptic] [Easily Agitated][Prankster]
Yellow: [Self-Destruct] (He will die if he hears the word "Zeus")

Bio: Esbarzer, "Thornbush" in an obscure language, was a Coeus unit designed to contain top secret knowledge by the Notail goverment and to self destruct if it was ever released, making him a bit more charimatic and frail than most other AIs of his type. Unfortunately for him, he was discarded and sold, where he made a life of its own as a navigator. Still fearful of his eventual demise implanted too deep in his programming and behind a lot of notail security, Esbarzer has decided to test Fortuna to see if the self destruct code can be erased.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Name: Crystal
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Piscipleu (Regal)
Job: Doctor/Mechanic

Blue: [Affectionate] [Day Dreamer] [Loyal]
Green: [Skilled at repairs] [Lodestone] [Compassionate]
Red: [Clingy] [Denial]

Bio: Crystal Haze was born a regal piscipleu, a rare birth on a colony far from the home planet of Orcheston. Being such a rare sight pirates and slavers would try to capture him, but a Thanatos AI always seemed to be around to protect him, leading to him learning to repair and fix AI. He is headed to Fortuna because of this AI, but he refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Since only one AI submitted character is permitted, I’m changing my Coeus with this robot like character.

Name: Tarraco
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Kloegarb
Job: Engineer/Technician/Navigator

Blue: [Inventive] [Day Dreamer] [Stutters]
Green: [Curious] [Connections to Pirates] [High senses]
Red: [Extreme Hoarding] [Sticky Fingers] [Wanted]
Purple [Augmented]

Bio: Tarraco has spent most of his youth as an engineer for hire in multiple ships and crews, most of them with questionable intentions. Thanks to him, many pirates have gotten away with many important thefts, and the notails have a petty bounty placed on his head. But now he's old and doesn't want to die when the universe has so much to see, so he will gladly join any crew going to fortuna to fulfill his dream he has many times attemped to happen: becoming an unorganic robot.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Well it says up to half...so 2.5 characters can be ai.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
[Image: crystal_character_sheet.png]
As you finish making the next crewmember, you realize something you forgot
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(Any changes made to the characters are changes discussed and approved by the creator of the character, also if you want to talk in the chat put : before what you say
:this is an example!
and if it's your first time talking in the chat, tell RoboAvian your name, however there might be a few people RoboAvian already knows the names of)

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
:I do hope the Artemis is his sister then! And wow, Crystal turned out really amazing.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
:Ok but consider Getting more Boogs, Boogs are cool.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
((yes i am saying all this in chat))
:>he refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong
[Image: f60db82acb9510030d2cf396c5bfa087_its-fin...0-720.jpeg]
lol sure hope nothing actually goes wrong then.
I've heard about putting AIs and stuff in bios to get them to appear, never seemed to work properly for me tho. But idk about a Thanatos, maybe you'd be better off not meeting it.
Also im ten11, I like sticking solar panels on ships and waiting for them to charge rather than finding fuel and i think that says all you need to know about my playstyle.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
NOTE: the next update might take a while, I need to remake Est's sprite and a few other sprites I made since they don't look like they belong since I made them with GIMP instead of Firealpaca, I am sorry for the drawback but once I'm finished I will get right back to making submission sprites, also once I finish the sprite I will go ahead and edit the first post so it shows the new and improved sprite

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
oh it's alright that it might take a while! It's nice to know you want your stuff to look nice and you put in effort to do that :-)) gahh excuse my ramble úwù
: yeah that'd be pretty awesome if the game has your Artemis as Est's sister!!
Uhh... oh yeah my name! I go by CW. I try to be what i like and that's just a bunch of weird things. Im a weird thing haha
womp c(:
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
(08-24-2018, 12:13 PM)Ten11 Wrote: »((yes i am saying all this in chat))
:>he refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong
[Image: f60db82acb9510030d2cf396c5bfa087_its-fin...0-720.jpeg]
lol sure hope nothing actually goes wrong then.
I've heard about putting AIs and stuff in bios to get them to appear, never seemed to work properly for me tho. But idk about a Thanatos, maybe you'd be better off not meeting it.
Also im ten11, I like sticking solar panels on ships and waiting for them to charge rather than finding fuel and i think that says all you need to know about my playstyle.

:Oh I just realized what you were talking about. I mean the game could interpret it differently, but he refuses to admit anything is wrong with his friend. To be fair that could also lead into anyone else he cares about going missing.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
[Image: boop_character_sheet.png]
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(every submission IS canon and happened before stream started)

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
:Watch out this Boop knows about timed hits.
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
(09-04-2018, 11:50 PM)Kenshiago Wrote: »:Watch out this Boop knows about timed hits.


[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
:Boogs are one of the species in fortuna that look like small hard light projectors with wheels, next to that is the hard light projection wich has neon colors everywhere and look like a mish mash of other species, they act like spambots and are the best.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [AI]-Robots Robots Everywhere
Also a submission of a boog i guess.
Name: Money mcGiveMe
Pronouns: He/him
Species: Boog
Job: Prices haggler.


Traits:[Compelling] [Passionate About Money] [Moneymaker]
[Talkative] [Show-Off] [Monotone]
[Unnerving] [Ex-Con] [Greedy]

A Ex-Conman who just got tired of people who were skeptical about his abilities. Being a Very [Greedy] Person, he mostly only cares about money and wealth, being from a formerly poor family he set his goal to go to fortuna and gain INFINITE WEALTH.
His current job is to haggle shop prices for the crew, very likely to succeed due to his high charisma.
Local pidgeonmancer