what is this guy lekiddo's deal even

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what is this guy lekiddo's deal even
what is this guy lekiddo's deal even

Damn, this is one catchy tune! A real summer slamma-jamma if I do say so myself. Like ok no yeah it's weird, but catchy, especially the chorus. But what I'm wondering is what exactly is this guy's deal, even. Look at those dance moves he performs. They're off-the-beaten-path to be sure, and that does a lot to make them endearing, but like I dunno, man, there's just this weird vibe I'm getting from him, like his face just isn't displaying quite enough flexibility, here. And then there's the issue of how he always seems to be looking at a point somewhere noticeably above the actual camera's lens' location. It's unnerving, is what it is, and when he says something like "we gonna put the loving in," well I think it's perfectly fine that I find the whole thing to be just a little unnerving, now that I've taken a few minutes to watch this video several times in a row, despite what I said and still sort of maintain, about this whole thing being fairly describable as "catchy." Thoughts?
RE: what is this guy lekiddo's deal even
I think Lekiddo has a perfectly normal face, but I'm not so sure about his song. It's like a summer version of that one dreadful Christmas song Paul McCarthy did