Eagle Time
Pairtree - Printable Version

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Pairtree - kilozombie - 07-18-2018


Retrieving last intake tunnel.


Error in host.


Error in host.


Error in source universe.


Error in source universe.

>retrive newhost

Command not recognized. Relay "help" for help.


Command not recognized. Relay "help" for help.

>are you kidding

Command not recognized. Relay "help" for help.

>i liked the people in that universe

Command not recognized. Relay "help" for help.

>what happened to them

Command not recognized. Relay "help" for help.


Commands (PAGE 1/19):

help <1-19>
- Selects different help pages. Default: 1.

select <adventure>
- Selects desired adventure for edits. FOG currently inaccessible.

retrieve <adventure>
- Retrieves input source and reestablishes tunnel link to restart desired adventure. Default: currently selected adventure.

newhost <type>
- Finds a new host to establish tunnel link for roundabout input. A.K.A.: narration. Required for functioning input stream. Will cease to function in case of total universal collapse on input end. Default: Sentient being.

source <designation>
- Changes source to a different plane or different universe. Default: Selects random.


Source established. Relay "info" for info on source.


Host found. Sentient-to-IA tunnel found.


Beginning adventure.

Narrator's WordsShow

RE: Pairtree - kilozombie - 07-18-2018

[Image: e7pJGac.png]

You wake up again. The world is rattling.

Around you, a rusty zirconic chamber that resembles the back of a carrier borigi (you've been in a few) shakes and rustles with the feeling of spacewind against its surface. You're sitting rather calmly on one of the benches, and there's at least one other weirdo in here, in the complete opposite corner, minding its own business. You gather some information on yourself, again.

You've got a comfy sweater, heavy boots, and your head is covered in tendrils. You're also hoisting around what feels like the very heaviest backpack imaginable. Oh, and you've got a bird on your shoulder. That's Pat, obviously. And Pat seems ecstatic to see you.

[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: qGtRkAW.png]
[Image: TzjeNec.png]
[Image: 56XLbHv.png]
[Image: e1ShVz6.png]

You also get a good look at what's in your bag. And... hoo boy. It looks like whatever you and Pat were last up to, it wasn't entirely... legal.

The BagShow

RE: Pairtree - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 07-18-2018

my name is the one that is pat, i'm giving you a new name. (then give pat the name other people suggest.)

we're going to make the capsule coin more valuable by eating it. that's a new use

can we combine the shitty rigged dice with the safe-cracking cards to get cards that don't even fucking work

RE: Pairtree - Schazer - 07-18-2018

See if there's some kind of emergency feature on the PDA or if it's just a fancy useless wrist accessory

RE: Pairtree - Numbers - 07-18-2018

Christen Thyself ‘joop’

RE: Pairtree - UnassumingCephalopod - 07-18-2018

The name's Slip, and that's what we'll give any potential pursuers during the SICK HEISTS we pull

RE: Pairtree - kilozombie - 07-22-2018

You decide on your name, your companion's name, and how you're going to get some value out of this wacky shit.

[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: lNuePvS.png]
[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: ZUtbOfs.png]

You take the capsule and stick it in your face-zone. After rubbing for a while to try and find a mouth, it finally settles near the top of your head as an accessory. You've gained 10% value on the Capsule Coin by using it as an accessory! Yeah!

[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: Qkqztwc.png]
[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: 0qv8Dtn.png]
[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: XjYcYi2.png]
[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: egbijLi.png]
[Image: rSuhAkJ.png]
[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: qNCjmWl.png]

You start whittling the bizarre dice and writing the results down on the safe code paper, as a way of making both things useful. You come up with some interesting results on the dice! The D4 lands on Ŋϛº, and the D21.5 lands on ΰ‘ν. You've gained 20% value on the Wildcard Safe Codes and Terrifically Rigged Dice by using the codes as Rune Paper and the dice as Trans-Numerical Viewports!

[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: eWXqrE7.png]

Suddenly, the guy at the other end of the room speaks up. His shiny yellow goggles, patchwork leather clothes, and rusty robotic-looking limbs shift to face you and Pat/Juke.

[Image: tnDvmpN.png]
[Image: 8i9CqoE.png]

He flicks a switch on his goggles, and reveals something that looks a lot more like eyes.

[Image: tnDvmpN.png]
[Image: cEwUGF7.png]
[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: gAfiu1j.png]

Real quick before you answer that, you decide to check the PDA. Turns out it's more than just a password-activated screen! Emblazoned at the top of the digital output is a little clock that tells you the exact time and date. It's 4 | 4102 | 4651, 0661:938! You've gained 10% value on the Someone's PDA by using it as a clock!

The BagShow

RE: Pairtree - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 07-22-2018

use the rune paper codes on the pda lock screen. boom solved

play dice but also play dumb. insist you have no dice so they must provide their own

RE: Pairtree - Schazer - 07-22-2018

Use calculator app on the PDA to keep score in your dice games.

Use the rune paper as a..... bingo scorecard? Or just head what game the spacefarer has in mind.

RE: Pairtree - a52 - 07-22-2018

play texas holdem, but with dice

RE: Pairtree - UnassumingCephalopod - 07-22-2018

Stick two D21.5s together, proceed to attempt to roll the impractically-shaped result

RE: Pairtree - FlanDab - 07-22-2018

Shake capsule coin and listen to it jangle.

RE: Pairtree - Numbers - 07-22-2018

flip the capsule coin and use the result to see what die you will use of the D40 and D21.5, then play a game by using the runedice as game dice on the rune board, with the PDA as a scoreboard of sorts and pieces of nebula kibble as game pieces. name the game wgart

RE: Pairtree - LammarWesley - 07-22-2018

>Ask if the spacefarer want to bet something

RE: Pairtree - Myeth - 07-22-2018

(07-22-2018, 04:45 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »Shake capsule coin and listen to it jangle.

This is very important. We have to Listen To It Jangle

RE: Pairtree - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 07-22-2018

(07-22-2018, 09:49 AM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Ask if the spacefarer want to bet something

seconding, but don't offer any counter wager of our own

RE: Pairtree - Lordlyhour - 07-23-2018

Return Pat's Name To Him. Now The Name Pat, Having Been Used for you and Him, SHould Be Worth More, Ditto The Name Juke. Then proceed to use in your pack to juggle

RE: Pairtree - Myeth - 07-24-2018

(07-23-2018, 02:29 PM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Return Pat's Name To Him. Now The Name Pat, Having Been Used for you and Him, SHould Be Worth More, Ditto The Name Juke. Then proceed to use in your pack to juggle


RE: Pairtree - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 07-24-2018

if we must wager, bet both of our names

RE: Pairtree - Thalia V1 - 07-25-2018

(07-24-2018, 01:03 AM)Myeth Wrote: »
(07-23-2018, 02:29 PM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Return Pat's Name To Him. Now The Name Pat, Having Been Used for you and Him, SHould Be Worth More, Ditto The Name Juke. Then proceed to use in your pack to juggle



RE: Pairtree - kilozombie - 09-14-2018

Crafting of things commences immediately. You start preparing your newest dice game of all, titled Wgart, after your favorite mushroom plant.

[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: iUWacKn.png]

You begin by combining both of the D21.5s into a single, all-encompassing being-- the beloved D42. You've gained 10% value on the Terrifically Rigged Dice by using it as a Creative Tool!

[Image: tnDvmpN.png]
[Image: qsat6cF.png]

Well, would you look at that? You've learned a third name, and it's about to be up for grabs.

[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: uPIXN70.png]
[Image: uXnyBSQ.png]
[Image: Dm11nxQ.png]
[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: 5xJQl1v.png]

While they were squabbling, you were working on a secondary task-- one with immediately fruitful results. The inscribed runes on the top of the paper, miraculously, work just fine when scanned as a password for the PDA. You've gained 20% value on the Wildcard Safe Codes and Someone's PDA by using the codes as Arcane Unlocker and the PDA as Unlocked PDA! This sets you up on the final step to the quest of Playing Wgart.

[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: rA0WPiZ.png]
[Image: XkP2ELY.png]
[Image: CW1xzvp.png]

You place down the set of dice and capsule coin on the makeshift board for posterity.

[Image: 9PEVKLw.png]
[Image: tY0ZXtE.png]

[Image: Qgr2VpF.png]

You've gained 50% value on the Terrifically Rigged Dice, Wildcard Safe Codes, Nebula Kibble, Capsule Coin, and Someone's PDA by using the dice as dice, the codes as a game board, the nebula kibble as playing pieces, the capsule coin as a decider, and the PDA as a scorekeeper. Legendary showing, dear Juke! But it's not over yet. There are three names at stake.

[Image: VEejwr0.png]
[Image: Q2Ne2FS.png]

The BagShow

RE: Pairtree - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 09-14-2018

the only rule is i win

RE: Pairtree - Schazer - 09-14-2018

Each face of the dice denotes a card in the 40-card Hollow Deck (The Tangible suits Sola and Siderea, Intangible suits Metric and Decima) 1 through 7, Space and Time and Zip (which in key situations counts as Zero)).

Each player writes down their own hand of choice, before the die is rolled thrice by the "dealer" and three further cards are "drawn" (the flop), then a fourth (the turn)by the player next to the dealer, then a fifth (the river) by the third player. Before and after each draw, players may (in clockwise order around the table) reveal a card in their hand identical to a "drawn" card, triggering a "collapse".

In a "collapse", the player who initiated may choose to either remove the duplicated card from the middle and leave a blank space (in which case the card in their hand is marked as a "ghost"), or strike off their own card from their hand and write down another secret card not already revealed in this round.

Cards in hands that have been revealed through a "collapse" may be subsequently "collapsed" by other players who have it in their hand.

Once all five shared cards have been revealed and/or collapsed, players then bet any number of cards that they can make the best hand from the remaining cards. At the reveal, if a card exists in more than one place, a penalty is noted for the controllers of the infringement (also the card explodes and no longer exists in the game, unless there is a Zip card in the shared card group which can then "zip" one of the infringers to the same suit as the Zip).

Winner takes the written-down cards people bet (meaning in the first round everyone has a maximum bet of two). "ghost" cards can no longer be "drawn" from the die, and if they appear in subsequent rounds the dice is re-rolled. The ultimate winner is whoever gets control of the most cards by the time everything's turned to paradox ghosts.

42 and 1 respectively do something heinous when rolled. I dunno what that is exactly.

RE: Pairtree - Dragon Fogel - 09-14-2018

After going through a bunch of complicated steps, the entire game is decided by one coin flip.

RE: Pairtree - Ten11 - 09-14-2018

shouldnt a d21.5 + a d21.5 make a d43? where did the missing face go...