(Grand Poobah)

Registration Date: 08-23-2017
Date of Birth: Hidden
Local Time: 02-19-2025 at 03:22 PM
Status: (Hidden)

Angustine's Forum Info
Joined: 08-23-2017
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Total Posts: 85 (0.03 posts per day | 0.04 percent of total posts)
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Additional Info About Angustine
Gender: Male
Location: Accident, Maryland
Bio: I was the teacher’s pet at school and here’s why. On New years eve, all my friends at school wanted me for their troll threesome! lol of course i said “go ahead, help yourselves” instead of “be sure to tag @scottrogkh.” Also I loved hiding under my desk during math practice. Intentionally or not, I fucked my ass. My watch was teal with teal lugs fastened in a cage metal baseball shanks that slotted through the bend East Mode Drag Needles live off my axiveosary pickup vintage so many words after sign on Snow-Fitness Techno, Newport Central Vermont Fucked Your Shoes, AC battery! Loud harbor at school with the tanner, I knew he was underage I didnt care especially since tanner was always in his parents bedroom wearing their electronic helmet or wasp training, since I stepped on a batter-hen super “gladiator” when we scoped him I made a comment to a teacher “did you part enough time at our school?” Since I had him in my doom I also walked past the gangs, the small bright shirt was a trout.

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Angustine's Signature
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]