The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round... Uh, Seven? The Oasis]

The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round... Uh, Seven? The Oasis]
Re: The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round One: The "Denny's"]
Originally posted on MSPA by Jakester390.

That’s weird. Third tachyon flux in a couple minutes. Something odd is going on here.

”Hey Lucky. My sensors built into my time travel apparatus designed to detect fluxes in time just picked up three different tachyon fluxes in the last couple minutes. I’m going to have it display the data. I want you to pinpoint the origin locations of the fluxes.”

"Alright. The first came from an area about 100 feet to the northeast. The second came from about 12 miles to the west. The last came from the same location as the first.”

”Wait... about a hundred feet to the northeast... THE KAZOO!!!”

”Did you just say kazoo?”

”Yes, now hurry!!”

”A regular kazoo?”

”You obviously don’t know much about science. from what I’ve heard this kazoo is some kind of astro-nuclear breakthrough.”

”I’m a time traveler. If there is one thing I DO know its science. I just asked because if it was a regular kazoo that would have probably topped the ten weirdest things I’ve ever seen.”

"Quantos? Shouldn’t we get back on track with the tachyon fluxes?”

”Right, right. The first flux’s power output seems to indicate a dimension hop in, slowed time, followed by a teleport. The second looks like a deport, then an enormous burst that could only come from a dimension hop. The third looks like a dimension hop in, then a time freeze, finalized by a dimension hop out.”

"If you know what power dimension hops produce, couldn’t you reverse engineer one?”

”You think you could repeat that a little simpler?”

”Lucky, recognizing the effects of tachyons does not allow for one to replicate them. And Winston, someone entered this world, slowed time, moved instantaneously, then left. Then either the same person or someone else entered this world, stopped time to do something, then left. And shouldn’t you be more worried about the kazoo?”

”You’re right!” Winston dashed out of the room and turned left, then right, entering a room full of computers, and a large metal door. “Come on you darn thing, OPEN!” He shouted, pounding on the door with his chaingun fist.

"Shouldn’t we follow him before he knocks the place down by accident?”

”Probably. Come on, let’s go.”


”Help me get this darn door open, with your crazy space-bending powers Quantos!”

”I’d love to, excepting a few things. First off, it’s time-warping not space-bending. Second, I’m nearly out of coolant, so I’m going to wait for it to precipitate/defrost before I do anything. Otherwise my arm would be liable to explode. Lucky, do you think you could get the door open?”

"Give us one second. Okay, done.” With that the door split off from its hinges and fell down, with Lucky following it through.

”Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. There’s a robot sentinel guarding the kazoo.”

”You’re telling us this now!!”

"I don’t think it will be a problem.”

”And why is that?”

"Because there is what looks like a robot sentinel dead on the floor from a knife wound, behind which is standing what looks like Gaurinn attached as Cailean’s left arm.”

”I have to say Lucky, that is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard and ... oh. Um, hi?”

Messages In This Thread
RULES ADDENDUM - by MaxieSatan - 04-24-2011, 04:31 PM
Re: The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round One: The "Denny's"] - by GBCE - 06-09-2011, 06:05 PM