The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round... Uh, Seven? The Oasis]

The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round... Uh, Seven? The Oasis]
Re: The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round One: The "Denny's"]
Originally posted on MSPA by Jakester390.

"So what do you say, do we have an agreement?"

"Yes. On one condition. This would not be an alliance to kill all the other contestants. It would be an alliance of knowledge, so that we and everyone else could possibly escape this ... Glorious Championsip."

"You do realize that we are going up against a nearly/beyond omnipotent being right? After all, in order to shrink an object from whatever your previous size to this would have to do one of two things denied by the laws of physics. They would have to either shrink all your atoms, or overcome the electron/neutron repulsion force and reduce the space between the atoms without collapsing you to a black hole. Plus, since he dragged us all here for his entertainment, he's probably going to be watching us the whole time. Even with the odds stacked like this, you still want to try to escape?"

"We're ... we're working on it. But it is a non-negotionable term for the alliance."

"Just making sure you knew what you were getting into. I accept of course, I'm all for the idea. First things first though, we should probably exchange technologies. So since you're from the end of the universe, you probably have some sufficent space-warping technology. So I'll give you time-warping technology for space-warping technology."

"What about paradoxes? Suppose that our escape plan works and we manage to return to our own universes, could we use said technology to go back and convince people to start preventing the Big Crunch earlier, and thus create one?"

"Pfft. Not my universe, not my problem. Anyway, time travel works differently in every universe. For example, in mine there is only one time traveler, whose duty it is to prevent paradoxes and who can't age. In your universe, the timestream might be extremely mutable, to the point where you could kill your grandfather when he was six and suffer no ill effects."

"Then why don't you travel back and kill the lunatic running this before he summons all of us?"

"Because time travel is based on the universal constants. Unless we can find them, I can't time travel. Plus, it requires a riduculous amount of energy. But that is beyond the point. The best way to solve as many problems as possible at once is to find an internet connection. The Denny's is a good a place to start as any."

Quantos and Lucky, having reached an accord on their goals and future action, finally set off to try and find an internet connection in the Denny's.


Messages In This Thread
RULES ADDENDUM - by MaxieSatan - 04-24-2011, 04:31 PM
Re: The Glorious Championship! [S3G5] [Round One: The "Denny's"] - by GBCE - 05-05-2011, 07:40 PM