The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Waiting for Archdot]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Cheers and applause could be heard from the empty seats around what appeared to be the stage for a game show.

The Observer walked out onto the stage, a spotlight shining on him, and he bowed to the nonexistant crowds.
"Thank you, thank you. It's an honor to be starting this. We've been having a lot of fun with the previous season of battles, but we knew you folks couldn't wait for more, so we're getting a head start on this! I'm sure you all know the rules by now. 8 go in, every round somebody kills somebody else, and we move on to the next round until there's only one left! Now, without further adieu, let's meet our contestants!"

Multicolored lights raced around the room, when a bright spotlight illuminated a spot where previously nobody stood, and there was an aged man there.
"This, ladies and gents, is Arkal of the Silver Hammer. Why don't you tell us about yourself? That's right, because you're completely immobilized! Let me fill in the folks at home for you. Arkal is a great blacksmith who carries his forge around with him everywhere, and he can make some damn good weapons that he's proud of. We'll have to see how they fare!"

The spotlight flickered a bit, and where Arkal was just a moment ago, a girl appeared.
"This, folks, is Jennifer Tull! She's royalty, a quick learner, good at almost everything, and overall nearly perfect! Don't you just wanna smash her beautiful face in? We'll see how quickly her opponents get to that!"

In the spotlight just a moment later was a tan colored orbish thing.
"This here is simply called The Ovoid! A four dimensional entity that I honestly have no idea how you're going to kill it. This is only a part of it you're seeing, as the rest is occupying a dimension that your minds can't perceive! Good luck!"

Next up was a rather ordinary looking boy, except for the bloody shirt with hole in the shoulder.
"This is Maxwell. Funny thing, there's another Maxwell in another battle I have the pleasure of hosting! With this particular Maxwell is a creature named Sikarius, and it's basically a big ol' carnivorous tapeworm!"

A slab of obsidian took the spotlight, with a humanesque shape floating above it.
"This is Xadrez, and he plays a mean game of chess, I hear. Might even give my buddy The Director a run for his money."
The Observer paused to let the 'audience' laugh.
"Anyway, he's a higher planar entity, and master tactician. He should bring some unique strategy to the playing field."

Next up was a chartreuse naked man.
"This is the Kracht. It's some crazy mineral with sentience and no half-life that any of you will ever live to see. Unless you're immortal, but even then, chances are slim. He's in a time loop right now, and has won this many times over and over again. Who wants to rewrite history?"

The spotlight flickered again, changing the view to a man in a robe.
"Say hello to Keleth! A shapeshifter! Because really, we can't have a battle without some sort of shapeshifter, can we? He's the patient type, and travels light. Hopefully not so light that he'll have nothing to defend himself with. Easy kills are boring kills."

The light flickered once more to show a humanoid creature with scaled around his body.
"This is a Rillian named Wonar- Weonarth- Weonarith Tempers-Core- just call him The Divider, because his name is way too complicated. He's got a scythe that he's rather good with, and that's all there really is to say about that."

The colored lights began spinning around the room once more.
"Well, now you know our contestants, let's get this show on the road! Your first stop will be a wonderful place called Alpha Complex! A few tips for our wonderful players: Don't be a filthy commie, respect your superiors, and most importantly, be happy! Enjoy!"

The lights began shutting off one by one, and as the last one turned off, all that remained was total darkness.</font>


The eight contestants found themselves in a barracks. GBS was marked on the wall, and with the exception of Keleth, Jennifer, and Arkal, everybody had a yellow stripe on them. Nobody was quite sure what it meant, but the one thing that was apparent was the voice was apparently in charge.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Waiting for Archdot] - by Robust Laser - 05-23-2010, 02:38 AM