The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]

The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]
Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round One: Storage Park!]
Originally posted on MSPA by eberron.

[color=#P4914]From his perch a couple feet above the fallen dragon Ironjaw looked Guillemet over. "One shot to the ass and this is what happens?" Crouching down, he scoffed. "Truely pathetic. I'd have expected more of a fight, not such a show of...." Ironjaw stopped, unable to find the words that could best describe the sad sight below him. Letting his mind wonder for a moment, Ironjaw reached for the lid of a nearby crate.

Tossing the lid down on to Guillemet's head with a chuckle, taking note that the dragon winced slightly and was indeed still alive, Ironjaw reached in and pulled out a small sphere. Having never seen something like it before, atleast nothing that didn't explode anyway, Ironjaw twirled the object in his hand before biting the sphere. "Bleh! Rubber. Who would make something like this?" Looking in the crate, he realized that it was stuffed with sphere of every color. Sicken, Ironjaw chucked the sphere down onto Guillemet's head.

"What the?" Ironjaw watched as the sphere hit the dragons's head and bounce quite abit back into the air. Reaching over to grab another sphere, Ironjaw's mind pondered. "These could be rather interesting to use, if nothering more then to distract someone." Normally not one to use anything other then his own strengh, and the rare rifle shot, he decided to pocket afew. Looking down, Ironjaw saw that Guillemet was starting to come to. Glancing over, he grinned to himself and cracked his knuckles. "She plenty pissed at me anyway, might as well have some fun."[/color]

Guillemet's body ached. The shot in her rear was one thing, the crash landing another. As she lay on the floor trying to recover, Guillemet felt something heavy and made of wood crash onto her head, followed by laughter that was in turn followed by something small bounce off the part of her head not under the crate lid. "Your dead fool." Guillemet thought to herself as she shook the lid off of her face and slowly got to her feet. Abover her, Guillemet hear a scraping sound. Looking up, Guillemet only had time to mutter a curse towards her tormenter as a crate tipped over, raining hundreds of small, colorful spheres down on the dragon.


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Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round One: Storage Park!] - by GBCE - 08-26-2012, 09:36 PM