Eagle Time
ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Printable Version

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ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Pinary - 07-16-2011

Things are getting off to an excellent start around here, and I figure people have thoughts about some of the various ETFAs we've got going!

What do you think, things going well? Got an adventure you think is cool? Some fanart for something? This thread is probably a good place for that.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Ixcaliber - 07-16-2011

Don't you miss it when people used to do these?

[Image: EagleTime2.png]

EDITed because I only just figured out what is going on in Guy's adventure. Blankaloupe


Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Dragon Fogel - 07-16-2011


Best character so far. Obviously.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Norivia - 07-16-2011

that's pretty great ix.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - whoosh! - 07-16-2011

Oh wow, this is the first time one of my characters has been in one of these. Happymelon It's looking lovely, Ix.

(Also it has given me motivation to update Rat, which may not be as good a thing as this.)

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Ixcaliber - 07-17-2011

Also this:

[Image: assimiliate.png]

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - SleepingOrange - 07-26-2011

From scenic Skyfish Cargo Hold comes...


Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Dragon Fogel - 07-26-2011

I just have one thing to say to that, Slorange.


(It's only now that I noticed the Jub-Jub bird and the golden apple! Didn't catch them the first time I saw it.)

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Ixcaliber - 07-26-2011

I concur. Happymelon

I love it when people do group shots.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Infrared - 08-01-2011

[Image: annaliese.png]


worst fanart in the world?


Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - SleepingOrange - 08-03-2011

Aaahhhhh Ed this is magical and I keep trying to make you something to say thank you and it keeps not coming out Meloncholy

I am just posting this so you know I'm not ignoring you and that I love this very much Minion

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - whoosh! - 09-04-2011

[Image: jbralHaTKA1L1f.png]

sokrates is looking to be a good adventure, but only time will tell. (Also updates. Those should help.[/unsubtlehint])

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Pick Yer Poison - 09-23-2011

Oh hey, it's another sokrates...thing.This tune just popped into my head the instant I saw the walking and I couldn't think of anything else to do.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Fabricati - 11-06-2011


I could use some helpful hints, about how to transfer threads.

Those of you who don't know (everyone), I run a text adventure in the MSPAFA, 'Jackbot'. I would like to transfer it over here, but am not sure on:

-- Recapping! How and where do I cram four chapters of "STUFF" into one post!
-- Statuses! I figure people might want more than what I've put down already.
-- When To Transfer! Actually, I'm at a decent point for this, I think, as I am about to change chapters.
-- Politesse and Etiquette! Namely, how do I be polite about transferring my adventure?

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Dragon Fogel - 11-06-2011

I quoted posts and reposted them over here when I moved Firebird, although if your adventure is longer that might be more complicated.

I guess it depends on how many updates you've already got? If it's a lot, you might prefer to put it up on an offsite mirror and then link to that.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Jacquerel - 11-06-2011

Uh well the easy solution for the first is just to copy and paste every post into a spoiler in the first post, with maybe the very first and most recent updates left outside the spoiler at either end.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Schazer - 11-06-2011

From a modly point of view, people are welcome to port adventures over! My recommendation would be an arrangement like this:

1st post:
Quick explanation that your thread began elsewhere, and mention that it's fully mirrored in the posts following the first one. Perhaps a plot-justified recap as well. I'm not sure what you mean by "statuses" (do you keep track of the various stats and inventories of your characters? If so, that'd probably belong spoilered under the recap).

2nd-nth posts:
Mirror dat thing. Depending on the number of updates, you may want to put each update under a spoiler, or some other arrangement so that everything's copied over here tidily. Bear in mind that nested spoilers currently don't work on the forum; that's a fix Pinary's going to work on when he's got time. Don't worry too much if you have to use multiple posts to get it mirrored; it's certainly not spam so there's no problem with it.

nth+1 post:
Post your last update! Then nag us until we all suggest on it.

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Jacquerel - 11-06-2011

I guess you clicked the one adventure that doesn't link to it in the OP

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Yoshi - 11-08-2011

Fuggin ballsacks you guys, my computer has gone back to "piece of shit" status. Gotta send it in for the second time now to the fancy mac hospital BECAUSE THEY PUT A PART BACK IN WRONG. I need to just make an adventure that is nice and quick and simple to draw so I dont get pissed off and discouraged when I can't get to my assets/the assets got erased. Crying Eagle

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Yoshi - 11-11-2011

Would you guys get mad if I made a rip-off of problem sleuth :v

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Woffles - 11-11-2011

Don't we already have Meander for that? :o

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - AgentBlue - 11-11-2011

Fuunnily enough, I've never read Problem Sleuth :3

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - sdegenko - 12-02-2011

I drew things for The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and Business Bird.


Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Infrared - 12-04-2011

I fanarted

[Image: m58Qi.png]

Re: ETFA Discussion and Fanartery - Phish - 12-10-2011

Oh wow, all the TWSes

so many words
*brain melts*