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Enemy Territory - Printable Version

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Enemy Territory - Pick Yer Poison - 07-11-2011

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Choose your color.

Re: Enemy Territory - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2011

>Dark purple.

Re: Enemy Territory - MaxieSatan - 07-11-2011


Re: Enemy Territory - Godbot - 07-11-2011

> Teal

Re: Enemy Territory - Anomaly - 07-11-2011

Dark red.

Re: Enemy Territory - Pick Yer Poison - 07-11-2011

> Dark red

[Image: et1-1.png]

You are SECRET AGENT 10. You are in DEEP ENEMY TERRITORY. You are also in DEEP SHIT.

:> _:

Re: Enemy Territory - Godbot - 07-11-2011

> Just turn around and bullrush them with the table.

Re: Enemy Territory - Dragon Fogel - 07-11-2011

>Stop cowering behind that bazooka and pick it up already!

Re: Enemy Territory - Anomaly - 07-11-2011

Look, just wait for them to run out of ammo. Seriously, they can't have that much.

Re: Enemy Territory - MaxieSatan - 07-11-2011

Charge backwards and ram them.

Re: Enemy Territory - Not The Author - 07-11-2011

Anomaly Wrote:Machine guns can only fire continuously for about four seconds before running out of ammo. He's They've probably wasted his their entire clips just firing at your shield. Hop out from behind and force-feed him his them their own guns.

Re: Enemy Territory - Selward - 07-11-2011

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Stop cowering behind that bazooka and pick it up already!
>Agreed, hoist your shieldzooka and fire a lethal warning shot.

Re: Enemy Territory - Pick Yer Poison - 07-12-2011

> Look, just wait for them to run out of ammo. Seriously, they can't have that much.

[Image: et2.png]

What, were you living under a rock for the last few years of firearms development? Guns shoot lasers now, not bullets, so the only restriction in terms of ammunition is the charge left in the gun's battery. Even most low-grade energy cells can hold enough charge for up to half an hour of continuous firing, and you're pretty sure they're equipped with the most modern equipment.

> Stop cowering behind that bazooka and pick it up already!

But then you won't have any cover!

...actually, that's just crazy enough to work. And it's better than cowering behind it.

[Image: et3.png]

[Image: et4-1.png]

[Image: et5.png]

Much better. Now that you've taken care of that, it's time to complete your mission. What was it again?


Re: Enemy Territory - Godbot - 07-12-2011

> Milk

Re: Enemy Territory - Dragon Fogel - 07-12-2011

>Set the explosives, rescue the kidnapped scientist, and eat a hot dog!

Re: Enemy Territory - whoosh! - 07-12-2011

> Infiltrate the enemy base and obtain the all important plans.

Re: Enemy Territory - MaxieSatan - 07-12-2011

Something about a control point.

Re: Enemy Territory - Schazer - 07-12-2011

Kill, like

all the villains

Re: Enemy Territory - Not The Author - 07-13-2011

You were going to collect the rest of the alphabet.

Re: Enemy Territory - Pick Yer Poison - 07-16-2011

> Milk, eggs, flour, apples, toothpaste

[Image: et6.png]

Oh. Shit.

[Image: et7.png]

You left the oven on!

> Something about a control point.

[Image: et8-1.png]

Oh, right! You were in here to capture the control point! When you said you were SECRET AGENT 10, you didn't mention that you were also the TOTALLY BALANCED TENTH CLASS in a game of TEAM FORTRESS 3.

Now, what was the key ability of your class again, and what was its main weakness?


Re: Enemy Territory - Dragon Fogel - 07-16-2011

>Weakness: Random bouts of minor amnesia

Re: Enemy Territory - MaxieSatan - 07-16-2011

> Strength: Infinite ammo.
> Weakness: Can't jump, entire body is classified as "head" and "back" simultaneously.

Re: Enemy Territory - Schazer - 07-18-2011

You are the polymorph.

You are so heinous the two sides will band together just to smite you from the face of the earth.

Re: Enemy Territory - Niall - 07-20-2011

You are The Cleaner. You have a Vacuum Cleaner capable of sucking up, storing and sorting enemy fire directed at its hungry mouth as well as any bodies on the battlefield which can give you the various powers of the other classes once you've stored enough of each kind of ammunition/body. You can remove sticky bombs from the battlefield and can put out allies who are on fire with your powerful suction. The down side? You don't have any ranged attack until you have sucked up some ammo. Also, if you aim your suction at an ally there's a small chance to suck one of their weapons. Your melee weapon is a Broom. Your taunt is where you ride the Broom and pretend to be a witch.

Re: Enemy Territory - MaxieSatan - 07-20-2011

Niall Wrote:Your melee weapon is a Broom. Your killtaunt is where you ride the Broom and pretend to be a witch, and fire off an Avada Kedavra.