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Lucidstuck I - Printable Version

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Zephyr Nepres - 05-01-2017

I liked Derrick's and Emily's the most :p
Really awesome job Pan. Is Ruu taking language classes or something?

Also holy fuck is Ulios thirsty, jesus.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 05-02-2017

(05-01-2017, 09:31 PM)Shadowfyst997 Wrote: »OMG Pan that is the best thing ever. Especially love the last panel, everyone looks soooo great! <3

thank you so much!

(05-01-2017, 11:05 PM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »I liked Derrick's and Emily's the most :p
Really awesome job Pan. Is Ruu taking language classes or something?

Also holy fuck is Ulios thirsty, jesus.

Yes she is! She's gotten much better at talking, but still slips into third person when excited.

as for Uilos...His Girlfriend is just real cute. She's real cute and nobody understands.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 05-02-2017

Lucia: Give Lucas your tin foil hat so he doesn't have to rely on Hermes.

[Image: kHZA6Wp.png]

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[Image: 4SzFTwm.png]

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Lethos kneels down in fatigue sending a mighty shockwave throughout the grasslands. Her immense power in simple movements leave you in pause.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ActivelyAnonymous - 05-02-2017

>Emily: you go hug that big mama this instant, she deserves a rest, and maybe a little weight off her shoulders (and the rest of her body)

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 05-02-2017

(05-02-2017, 02:50 PM)ActivelyAnonymous Wrote: »>Emily: you go hug that big mama this instant, she deserves a rest, and maybe a little weight off her shoulders (and the rest of her body)

Seconded. Hugs are nice. Also, if we don't take this chance to hug Lethos now while she's huge, when's the next time we'll be able to hug somebody of that scale?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 05-02-2017

>Garry: suggest giving Lethos an idea of how Emily's powers work so that her friends won't accidentally misunderstand and attack.
>Lucas: if she's still weary of going through it, ask if there's anything else you can do to help her, since she's so tired.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-02-2017

(05-02-2017, 02:52 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Garry: suggest giving Lethos an idea of how Emily's powers work so that her friends won't accidentally misunderstand and attack.
>Lucas: if she's still weary of going through it, ask if there's anything else you can do to help her, since she's so tired.

Seconding! Let's not rush into this ..

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Xoleuph - 05-02-2017

(05-02-2017, 06:29 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »
(05-02-2017, 02:52 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Garry: suggest giving Lethos an idea of how Emily's powers work so that her friends won't accidentally misunderstand and attack.
>Lucas: if she's still weary of going through it, ask if there's anything else you can do to help her, since she's so tired.

Seconding! Let's not rush into this ..

yep, sounds good.
we arent in a rush and messing up is not something we cant really afford to do with lethos.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Kayriel - 05-02-2017

Augh! Pan darling what have you done to my poor heart. That was amazing. Also, I adore this forward and interested Uilos. Also like his style!

All these outfits were fantastic, and I loved the character interaction flow.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 05-03-2017

(05-02-2017, 09:44 PM)Kayriel Wrote: »Augh! Pan darling what have you done to my poor heart. That was amazing. Also, I adore this forward and interested Uilos. Also like his style!

All these outfits were fantastic, and I loved the character interaction flow.

Kaaaaay~ you are the sweetest, thank you! I'm very happy with the results myself, hopefully i'll be able to draw more stuff now that i'm free of these shackles...I hope XD

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Mousemallow - 05-04-2017

(05-02-2017, 08:07 PM)Xoleuph Wrote: »
(05-02-2017, 06:29 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »
(05-02-2017, 02:52 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Garry: suggest giving Lethos an idea of how Emily's powers work so that her friends won't accidentally misunderstand and attack.
>Lucas: if she's still weary of going through it, ask if there's anything else you can do to help her, since she's so tired.

Seconding! Let's not rush into this ..

yep, sounds good.
we arent in a rush and messing up is not something we cant really afford to do with lethos.

And THEN we hug her.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 05-09-2017


[Image: Hp70HCE.png]

You all proceed with caution. Overhead a sea of winged creatures descends upon you.

[Image: AXNf8XB.png]

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[Image: wYB0Blo.png]

You place your hand on the fortress that is Lethos' foreleg, and begin to pause. You think of how things could have been for her, and how this shape she has taken is not who she really is.

[Image: nfwNkXK.png]

Suddenly everyone hears a very loud POP! sound. It startles the life out of you.

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[Image: VGYY41N.png]

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[Image: KmddvpC.png]

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Lethos has been redeemed! Your efforts have been a success.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 05-09-2017

>Derrick: let her borrow your coat for a bit, quietly suggest to Lucia to dash away so she can 'find' (secretly make) something a bit more appropriate for Lethos to wear

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Fellow - 05-09-2017

>Derrick: Ask a reaper to fetch some of Lexii's clothes.
Let's save bcs and just combine some clothes instead.
Edit: Also, I think it's a bad idea to send Lucia off on her own while Alice is around.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-09-2017

This is officially the most ridiculous redemption and i LOVE it! xD

I guess you could even say it... Blew me away :P

Wonder what will happen to all those baby dragons now though... Better question though, what ARE they o.O!?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Unclever title - 05-09-2017

Well, that was easy! But then I guess the greatest challenge was in just gaining enough trust to get this close in the first place.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Shadowfyst997 - 05-09-2017

I'm with Reggie on this one, total babe <3 ^.^ <3

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 05-09-2017

(05-09-2017, 04:53 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Derrick: let her borrow your coat for a bit, quietly suggest to Lucia to dash away so she can 'find' (secretly make) something a bit more appropriate for Lethos to wear

seconding, but change it so that derrick goes together with lucia, and i'm also submitting this outfit i drew for lethos to be crated

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Fellow - 05-09-2017

I'll post my outfit too.

This'd be made by combining Lexii's clothes with a white rose.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Xoleuph - 05-09-2017

(05-09-2017, 05:52 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »Wonder what will happen to all those baby dragons now though... Better question though, what ARE they o.O!?
judging by the fact that they changed as lethos did, they are probably something akin to an extension of her being.
I wouldnt be surprised if the little one we see now is the only one left.

on dresses, I would suggest something regal to go with her crown thing.

also, we need to get a reaper kid to heal her arm. this is no state for one of our new friends to be in.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 05-09-2017

I was gonna go through a whole thing about hugs, but I just realized something very important. We need to give Hermes the soul to unlock the shipping chart, before everybody wakes up. We're gonna need it for the coming day, or at the very least it will be incredibly handy.

Actually, fuck it. I can do both.

>Lucia: Give the exquisite soul to Hermes before everybody wakes up. Also hug Lethos or something.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Zephyr Nepres - 05-09-2017

I second Fellow's outfit. It looks great!

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Mousemallow - 05-09-2017

(05-09-2017, 10:16 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »I was gonna go through a whole thing about hugs, but I just realized something very important. We need to give Hermes the soul to unlock the shipping chart, before everybody wakes up. We're gonna need it for the coming day, or at the very least it will be incredibly handy.

Actually, fuck it. I can do both.

>Lucia: Give the exquisite soul to Hermes before everybody wakes up. Also hug Lethos or something.

I think we should check if Lethos gives us an item equivalent to Ruu's Tears before we do anything with the exquisite soul, in case we need power for something later.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ActivelyAnonymous - 05-10-2017

I kinda schemed a bit with iP before this human!Lethos's design was unveiled/solidified, so I'ma just go and dump my whole album of Lethos practices, along with some notes:

out of all that, this is my specific outfit design submission:

and this is my most successful drawingpainting:

Damn I wish BBCode would allow restrictions to image size. Edit: thanks y'all for the tip

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 05-10-2017

(05-09-2017, 11:32 PM)Mousemallow Wrote: »
(05-09-2017, 10:16 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »I was gonna go through a whole thing about hugs, but I just realized something very important. We need to give Hermes the soul to unlock the shipping chart, before everybody wakes up. We're gonna need it for the coming day, or at the very least it will be incredibly handy.

Actually, fuck it. I can do both.

>Lucia: Give the exquisite soul to Hermes before everybody wakes up. Also hug Lethos or something.

I think we should check if Lethos gives us an item equivalent to Ruu's Tears before we do anything with the exquisite soul, in case we need power for something later.

Whether or not Lethos gives such an item is currently irrelevant, because we don't have another soul to use it on anyways and the exquisite soul we have now is sufficient to get the shipping chart. The next level up we'd be investing in is for sure Hermes' shipping chart anyways. We need the shipping chart to help keep Lil Mal at bay.

But the reason I'm rushing the shipping chart right now is because it's possible/probable that there's gonna be some emotional bombs going off between the kids in the coming days, and we need some support structures in place to mitigate fallout. The shipping chart will help us do that effectively, and we need to be effective to maximize our chances of keeping Lucia alive.

tl;dr: It doesn't matter if Lethos has an item or not, we NEED that shipping chart from Hermes.