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Lucidstuck I - Printable Version

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 03-29-2017

We're just waiting for the story to unfold i guess, sorry for the lack of input...
We're all here with​ you IP, looking forward to your streams too ^_^

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 03-30-2017


[Image: 2hXOGZA.png]

You make your way over to the megalithic Lethos trotting through the grasslands. Each step she takes causes you all to lose your footing in the damp terrain. Lethos' foot prints can be seen on for as far as your vision allows!

[Image: xIYfvWZ.png]

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[Image: Wdj6gku.png]

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 03-30-2017

> Derrick: Camouflage the projector using some grass before you leave. Wouldn't want some random monster to come by and mess with it.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 03-30-2017

>Derrick: rather than you to run back and forth, maybe give the group a call

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ActivelyAnonymous - 03-30-2017

Lethos being big makes Lucia look even more smol.

That is all I have to contribute other than seconding.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Fellow - 03-30-2017

>Derrick: Use your gloves to fasten the projector to the ground and suggest having a pair of flimsies guard it.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 04-01-2017


[Image: 2qa02tt.png]


[Image: 2wovubb.png]

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 04-01-2017

Terra you magnificent bastardo, you actually got me there xD

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - RemoteCalamity - 04-01-2017

I knew something like this would happen

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Shadowfyst997 - 04-04-2017

OMg Terra, I thought that was real for a second XD Sooooooooooooooooooooooon!

In other regards, can someone remind me why we're trying to talk to Lethos again? I know theres a good reason for it, but for the life of me, I can't remember what.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 04-04-2017

(04-04-2017, 03:51 AM)Shadowfyst997 Wrote: »In other regards, can someone remind me why we're trying to talk to Lethos again? I know theres a good reason for it, but for the life of me, I can't remember what.

It's because Emily wanted to, IIRC.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 04-04-2017

(04-04-2017, 03:51 AM)Shadowfyst997 Wrote: »OMg Terra, I thought that was real for a second XD Sooooooooooooooooooooooon!

In other regards, can someone remind me why we're trying to talk to Lethos again? I know theres a good reason for it, but for the life of me, I can't remember what.

We're talking to Lethos in general because she's a boss monster, and fighting her would suck big time.

We're talking to her NOW because Emily wanted to.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Shadowfyst997 - 04-05-2017

Ah, okay, thank you ^.^

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Zephyr Nepres - 04-05-2017

(04-01-2017, 05:00 PM)TerraTorment Wrote: »Best April Fools joke so far

You got me real good. Probably should have noticed with the formatting differences, but I'm as dense as Derrick :p

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 04-05-2017


[Image: dsVByj4.png]

Before you realise it, the mysterious shadowy figure reappears!

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[Image: h3AIjms.png]

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1. You've got a job to do here, request peace.
2. Two warnings missed harm on strokes of luck, this means war.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 04-05-2017

> Reggie: Stat check

> 1

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 04-05-2017

Plz let's not kill Asane... er, i mean Miho there :o
...wait, doesn't "miho" mean "my son" in Spanish o.O!
Did you just rule-63 Asane there?! That would be awesome! /)^3^(\

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 04-05-2017

> Derrick: point that she's the one who has been trying to kill you and you have no intention to fight anyone who's not hostile to you- Wasn't she watching you you when you tried to help Anansi and then took her to meet with the group so she'd be safe?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 04-05-2017

>1: "We've got 2 people like you that we came with, and you saw us not murder Anansi. All 3 of them are alive despite previous exposure and opportunity, and there's 2 more like them inside our HOMES. Now. We're gonna go try and make friends with that giant monster lady over there so either watch us and know what we're saying is true, or fuck off and we'll never see you again. Either way we've got better shit to do than fight with you."

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - facethelight - 04-05-2017


RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 04-05-2017


kill it with fire

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 04-05-2017

Derrick: You've got a job to do here, request peace

[Image: FzeawJu.png]

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[Image: Vzji2Lf.png]

You watch as Miho loosens her jacket revealing her natural state!

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - facethelight - 04-05-2017

>ask her about that sick jacket yo
>Derrick: ask her for her sick number yo, call that girl on her cellphone like our lord and savior drake has taught us

though for gods sake if for some reason we get some more catlove commands, ignore my meme

>Derrick: Its every mans dream for a catgirl, seriously, befriend and be-girlfriend if you get me, you never get a second chance at having an anime girl come true.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 04-05-2017

> Derrick: contact friends to come over and ask them to bring Anansi along

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 04-05-2017

(04-05-2017, 06:53 PM)Panur Wrote: »> Derrick: contact friends to come over and ask them to bring Anansi along

Seconding! ...looks like we'll have to put talking to Lethos on hold for now.
But hey! Maybe this non-busty cat-girl will be able to tell us a thing or two about the leviathan lady currently taking a leisurely stroll... heading in our general direction... We should probably move fast tho o.o!