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Lucidstuck I - Printable Version

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 02-07-2017

>Derrick: Ask Ira if this thing feels hostile, if so, may be best to turn it off

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - bobjob3 - 02-07-2017

> 2 because I'm curious

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - The One Guy - 02-07-2017

1, but then summon Vorrus again and do the same thing on a surface that isn't a door.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - juddy555 - 02-07-2017

>2, for science.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Shadowfyst997 - 02-07-2017

>2 Most definitely.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 02-08-2017

>Vorrus Ira: close your eyes, see through the eye in the shadow snare

if this works we could set up like, surveillance cameras with this skill

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - RemoteCalamity - 02-08-2017

>3: set the snare elsewhere, then see what'll happen

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Scrungus - 02-08-2017

>1: I see no benefit in taking the risk. We'd be better off trying it again when we meet up with more of the kids in case it's dangerous. I see no reason to try this now.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 02-08-2017

Lucia: See what happens

[Image: RVSWQAL.gif]

You allow Ira to keep shadow snare going to see what happens next.

[Image: knLMErl.png]

[Image: qZjc1MZ.png]

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[Image: 3GCxdJp.png]

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Lucia has spawned a shadow creature of sorts. You're interested to find out what it could do.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 02-08-2017

> Clean up and put the creature in Lucia's room until you can get Reggie and Garry to help identify it.

Even assuming this guy is safe I'm not keen on messing with life when we don't know what it does or can do.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - amaranthineApocalypse - 02-08-2017

It looks like an owl!

Maybe it's some kind of scout?

>Make owl noises at it, see what happens

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 02-08-2017

>Lucia: Maybe you should investigate what this adorable little thing is and/or does. You could ask it a question. It might not be able to speak, so if that's the case you could try having it blink once for no and twice for yes. If it can't communicate at all just see what it does.

I'm kinda worried because usually cute things try to kill us, or are otherwise dangerous.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Princezz - 02-08-2017

>Send it outside the fort, and then follow it to see what it does.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 02-08-2017

>Derrick: treat it like a cat, offer your hand for it to 'sniff', if it seems amiable to the idea, try to pet it.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - juddy555 - 02-08-2017

>Use the scientific method. Poke it with a stick.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 02-09-2017

>someone: pet it

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 02-09-2017

I just wanna say, if anybody is going to pet the thing it should be Ira. At least she automatically comes back from the dead.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Scrungus - 02-09-2017

(02-09-2017, 03:25 AM)martialAcademic Wrote: »I just wanna say, if anybody is going to pet the thing it should be Ira. At least she automatically comes back from the dead.

>Ira: Pet it

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ForestGardener - 02-10-2017

Congratulations, you made a surveillance camera. It has the all-seeing eye symbol and wall attachment appendages.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 02-10-2017

(02-10-2017, 02:45 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »Congratulations, you made a surveillance camera. It has the all-seeing eye symbol and wall attachment appendages.

I doubt it's purely for scouting. If it is it's not really that great since we already have 14 or so people who are quite capable of doing it's job, one of which is required to have around just so we can use it in the first place (unless we decide to create a bunch of these guys, but that seems like more effort than it'd be worth since they're single use).

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 02-10-2017

(02-10-2017, 02:52 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »
(02-10-2017, 02:45 AM)ForestGardener Wrote: »Congratulations, you made a surveillance camera. It has the all-seeing eye symbol and wall attachment appendages.

I doubt it's purely for scouting. If it is it's not really that great since we already have 14 or so people who are quite capable of doing it's job, one of which is required to have around just so we can use it in the first place (unless we decide to create a bunch of these guys, but that seems like more effort than it'd be worth since they're single use).

Even if all it does is scouting/surveillance, if we can mass produce it they're an upgrade to our scouting capabilities. I'd rather have a legion of scouts that I don't have to worry about dying than 14 scouts that I do.

Plus, let's be real. The reapers haven't really done the greatest job of keeping the house secure. If we have something that can tell us whether something is inside, as well as where/what they are that's a significant improvement on our security.

That said, more information is required no matter what it does. Right now this is all conjecture. For all we know this crawls into monster's skulls and gives them laser vision, or functions as a boombox.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 02-10-2017

(02-08-2017, 08:10 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Derrick: treat it like a cat, offer your hand for it to 'sniff', if it seems amiable to the idea, try to pet it.

Oh .my. glub. .... It's so adorabuble /)^3^(\

Also, brain flash! What if this IS Vorrus?! O.O

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 02-10-2017

So, I had a thought. If this is a conjuration of Lucia's (even if a temporary one) wouldn't that mean we would be able to make commands with it as we would the other conjurations? Even if we can't directly make a command, if Lucia has any kind of control over it (which she should if she's sustaining it) we should be able to control it vicariously though her.

We might want to test that depending on what happens next.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Unclever title - 02-10-2017

>Well? Say hello to the little guy... girl... thing?

It's almost entirely an eye. Maybe call it a peeper?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 02-12-2017

Ira: Pet it

[Image: zvNsUuZ.png]

Ira pets the little shadow creature. It stares unflinchingly.

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[Image: NJgGGYe.png]

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