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The Grand Battle [Game Over!] - Printable Version

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Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-15-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.


Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-15-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

While dexexe's posts aren't that good grammar-wise and storytelling-wise, he is quite creative with what he does get out. However, we don't know anything about Dorukomets. All we know right now is that he's a pompous ghostly knight, who can turn tangible/intangible.

I voted against almost-there, no offense to him though.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by andy.

wait a sec, you're voting against AT just because he's new?

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

andy Wrote:wait a sec, you're voting against AT just because he's new?

The hell?

Anyway, no I didn't vote him off because he's new, it's because we don't know beans about his character. Not much character-development, y'know?

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by andy.

what do you know about the other guy?
he's insane. that's all i'm getting.
vote for someone else.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

andy Wrote:what do you know about the other guy?
he's insane. that's all i'm getting.
vote for someone else.
Lutherion, he's actually a fairly believable character. We know enough about him to... say... make a cameo of him.

Dorukomets, we don't know enough about him to really do much. We don't know his strengths, weaknesses, personality...

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - btp - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Wait what, we actually have a user who's name IS "Andy"?

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

bobthepen Wrote:Wait what, we actually have a user who's name IS "Andy"?
Pretty sure it's the Andy we all know and... know.

Which concerns me because he could make two votes.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - btp - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

cyber95 Wrote:Pretty sure it's the Andy we all know and... know.
Which concerns me because he could make two votes.
After looking at his post history, I think this is highly probable.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by andy.

i'm a godmod, not a cheater.
and it's not like twenty different users ae just emergency voting fodder for me.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

And this is why polls suck.

Just count the posts, it's easier and it avoids the problem of anonymity.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.


Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

It seems, poll or not, that the general consensus is to vote out almost-there. Well, it's tied in the poll, but I don't exactly trust it right now because of Andy.

Therefore, the next story post is reserved for almost-there. There is no expiration on this, as he needs to write up the death of Dorukomets. After that post, it's reserved for me to write in the next round transition.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

I'm fairly certain that Andy is causing these ties. He has the power of a maximum of 4 votes, after all.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Aryogaton Wrote:I'm fairly certain that Andy is causing these ties. He has the power of a maximum of 4 votes, after all.
He has four seperate accounts? Seriously?

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Each account has the theoretical voting power of 2, when they change their vote.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Aryogaton Wrote:Each account has the theoretical voting power of 2, when they change their vote.
Changing your vote removes your vote for the other option though. He can't exactly put four votes into one side. Or two votes into both sides, for that matter.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Aryogaton - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

cyber95 Wrote:Changing your vote removes your vote for the other option though. He can't exactly put four votes into one side. Or two votes into both sides, for that matter.
Say it's tied, and he has voted for 1 option twice. He then changes both his votes to the other, leaving a vote difference of 4.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Dragon Fogel - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

But if he hasn't voted at all, he only has an effective voting power of 2.

In other words, if there's a vote of 4-0 before he's considered, then the most he can do with two accounts is make it 4-2. "Voting power of 4" suggests that he could turn that situation into a tie, but he can't.

Being able to change the *margin* by two isn't the same as having a voting power of 2.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

I'm thinking that if somebody takes 24 hours to post their death, I'll write it myself and just have that part of the story be part of the story that moves it to the next round.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by fait.

Just wondering, what else do we plan on writing about besides combat and dialogue? Will there be more objectives that need to be completed in the next rounds? Like, say, a race to the finish, or perhaps work as a team to complete a goal? Otherwise, this could get old real fast.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - Robust Laser - 07-16-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

fait Wrote:Just wondering, what else do we plan on writing about besides combat and dialogue? Will there be more objectives that need to be completed in the next rounds? Like, say, a race to the finish, or perhaps work as a team to complete a goal? Otherwise, this could get old real fast.
All goals are set by the players, really. You guys just happened to choose to fight from the start. Just because the guy running this thing wants everybody to fight, doesn't mean your characters necessarily have to go along with it. Somebody will always die each round, but if none of the players are going to willingly kill, the "Director" will set something up to make it so.
(the guy running the show is now known as the Director from now on because it's easier than The Guy Running This Show)
So yeah. If you find that everybody fighting isn't good storytelling, then you've got to switch it up a bit. Keeping things interesting is one of the ways I rate writing, anyway.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-17-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.

I'm not sure how we'll get this going, but I say that next round we all have an eating contest.

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-17-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by fait.

PawntoD4 Wrote:I'm not sure how we'll get this going, but I say that next round we all have an eating contest.
((If Alcarith were a fat dragon, she'd probably win. But she's not much of an eater and she doesn't take her dragon form much anyways.))

Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!] - GBCE - 07-17-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.

fait Wrote:
PawntoD4 Wrote:I'm not sure how we'll get this going, but I say that next round we all have an eating contest.
((If Alcarith were a fat dragon, she'd probably win. But she's not much of an eater and she doesn't take her dragon form much anyways.))
((Well Emily won't stand very much of a chance either, but I still think it would be fun.))