Eagle Time
The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-08-2022

Quote:>Adler: You wait patiently as a detachment of ixies go to fetch Vernier. The ixies that stayed to guard you bemoan that they cannot place bets on how long it takes Burnside to wake up. They claim those were always the most exciting. You vaguely remember hearing that it takes 21 days to break a bad habit. And since you were gone about 3 weeks that's close to the mark. Obviously their gambling addiction goes deeper if they are still going through withdrawals. Or was it that it takes 21 days to start a good habit. Hmmm... Maybe you could test your powers by magicking up a book on the subject.

"Buzzella, Flitterwit, and Hortense," Typantronn ordered. "Thou'rt with me to go get Miss Vernier. The rest of thee stay here and keep watch about our Sire."

"Three aphids I reach her first," one of the Ixies (maybe Flitterwit?) cackled as they buzzed away into the woods.


"Tis a shame we cannot wager on how long it taketh Burnside to awaken," grumbled one of the Ixies that remained behind. "Those were always exciting."

"Tis not mission critical," another one pointed out with a shrug.

"Can we bet on when or if her slumbers ever will be mission critical?" the first Ixie asked hopefully.

"Doubtful - but methinks we can bet on how soon the detail returneth with Miss Vernier."

Several of them flew into a huddle and I could hear bets being exchanged.

Hmm. I vaguely recalled reading something from Wise Professor Skunk that said it took twenty-one days to break a bad habit. Or was it to start a good habit? I had been gone slightly longer than that, and it appeared that some positive discipline had been instilled in my Ixie troops. However, they were still in the grip of addiction. Clearly this problem went much deeper than I had supposed.

Quote:>Adler: Some time passes as you try to conjure up a book on how to deal with addictions, either from nothing or without knowing where one is. You are not having much luck, until...


I decided to pass the time trying to apport the self-help book I had been thinking of, but it turned out to be quite difficult. I couldn't remember the title nor where exactly I had seen it. I wasn't even completely sure it was by Wise Professor Skunk. Maybe it had been a Mephitist pamphlet I picked up one time at the temple. Or maybe I read it in the herbalist's waiting room when I was little.

I produced a bunch of scrying theory books from the tower library, and a couple of lectionaries and hymnals from the temple, but none of them were what I wanted. I tried imagining the book and pulling it from nothing, but my mental picture of it was too vague to produce anything. Casting about at random, I got an Elvish grammar, a guide to ant-cart repair, a few issues of Running Sores Quarterly Digest, and a slim volume entitled How To Score With Lowfolk Femmes. I tucked that last one into my Elfintory to peruse later. I couldn't take the chance that Vernier might arrive and see me reading it!

Quote:>Vernier: You push your way through the overgrowth into the clearing, upon seeing Adler you call out to him, ecstatic to see that he is alive and well.


"OH SIR!!" she called out at that very moment. "You're alive and looking well! I'm so glad to see you!"

"Ditto," Rebecca waved from a few paces behind.

Quote:>Adler: You are immediately excited to see Vernier so excited to see you. So excited, in fact, that you summon a massive pile of books. Directly above you.
>Vernier: You rush over to help dig Adler out from under a giant pile of books.


My heart skipped a beat and I accidentally apported a huge pile of books.

"Oh goodness," Vernier exclaimed. "I thought you understood by now that you don't have to show off to impress me."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-14-2022

>Adler: Quickly! Try and salvage the situation so you look cool instead of like a doofus!
>Vernier: Oh dear, he's flailing around like he's trapped. Help him out of there.
>Rebecca: You try to help too, but quickly become distracted by a book on elvish fashion. You wonder if they have any witchy outfits.
>Vernier: Once Adler is out of the book pile, you begin fussing over him. How long was he gone over there? Has he been eating? Did she try to starve him? Did that horrible woman hurt him in any way? Gasp! She didn't... force herself on him, did she? By Fuma, if she did- there's a special place in hell for people like that!
>Adler: As she's fussing over you, your eyes glaze over and you start doing the dazed goo-goo eyes again. Wait, no! You have to fight it! You need to express gratitude and commend her like a sane adult! You also need to get on with your plan so you can avenge your brother and save Faerie! Remember, Vernier said she likes Focused, Business-oriented men. Focus... Focus!
>Focused Adler: You are very grateful for her concern, but you can assure her that you are well in mind, body, and spirit. You were able to overcome her in the end. She is now allegedly working for you and shouldn't be a problem again for some time. Now then: Business...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-15-2022

Quote:>Adler: Quickly! Try and salvage the situation so you look cool instead of like a doofus!

I tried to make a suave, nonchalant quip, like "time to catch up on my reading," but all I could manage was "MMFFF!" as I realized I couldn't breathe. I tried to struggle free from the pile of books but all I could do was wiggle my feet.

Quote:>Vernier: Oh dear, he's flailing around like he's trapped. Help him out of there.
>Rebecca: You try to help too, but quickly become distracted by a book on elvish fashion. You wonder if they have any witchy outfits.

"Oh dear," Vernier sighed. "I think he's trapped under there. Books are quite heavy, you know. Help me dig him out."

The two femmes began chucking books off of the pile.


"Oh hey, this one's about elvish fashion," Rebecca observed. "I wonder if they have any cool witchy styles."

"Are you all right, Sir?" Vernier asked as she continued moving books.

"What's a slingkini?" Rebecca murmured distractedly.

Quote:>Vernier: Once Adler is out of the book pile, you begin fussing over him. How long was he gone over there? Has he been eating? Did she try to starve him? Did that horrible woman hurt him in any way? Gasp! She didn't... force herself on him, did she? By Fuma, if she did- there's a special place in hell for people like that!
>Adler: As she's fussing over you, your eyes glaze over and you start doing the dazed goo-goo eyes again.


"Are you all right, Sir?" Vernier repeated after she had extracted me from the book pile. She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me gently. "How long were you gone? It's been a few weeks here, but I understand time is different in Faerie. Have you been eating? Did that interloper, that enemy agent try to starve you? Did she hurt you? The Ixies told me there was a fight! They also said she was a ... a floozy! Did she force herself on you?"

Vernier was touching me! She was concerned for my welfare! She was perhaps a bit jealous to think that Lana Lynne might have had her way with me! I could feel myself slipping into a fog of love-besotted bliss!

Quote:You have to fight it! You need to express gratitude and commend her like a sane adult! You also need to get on with your plan so you can avenge your brother and save Faerie! Remember, Vernier said she likes Focused, Business-oriented men. Focus... Focus!

NO! I had to fight it! I had to stay in control! My mother didn't raise me to fall victim to some femme's Wiles! I couldn't look like some sort of lovestruck simpleton in front of Vernier! She said she liked mels who could FOCUS and stick to business! And besides, my Ixies probably had a lot of aphids riding on this!


"I am very grateful for your concern," I stated with utmost clarity, "but I assure you that I am well in mind, body, and spirit. I was able to overcome Lana - that's the evil Sisterhood agent. She is now allegedly working for me and shouldn't be a problem again for some time. Right now, we've more pressing business to attend to."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-21-2022

>Adler: In a very focused manner you once again relay the established plan for the benefit of your followers (but mostly for the benefit of the readers). Vernier will tell tales of your deeds and establish lore to people who will in turn tell the stories to others, Lysander and Ash are allegedly doing the same thing, those two are also researching the whereabouts of this Zandar woman you need to crown you, Lana is now also allegedly looking for her as well.
>Rebecca: Wow, Adler sure has a lot of "allies" that he can't trust. Has it always been like that?
>Adler: Yeah, pretty much. BUT! That's going to change. You have these two plus all your oath-sworn, gambling addict ixies, and potentially many more. Once your tales spread and "worthy" people come looking for an audience for you, you can discern who would be most loyal and make them your agents. These agents will also spread your legends and would be scouring the earth looking for Zandar. With so many people working for you, the plan has to succeed.
>Vernier: It's a cunning and creative plan. Has Adler changed his mind on how to handle things like food and water?
>Adler: No, you believe your previously established plan will suffice. However, you are simply so focused right now that you will restate it anyway. Vernier will continue to periodically bring you food, drink, and news. She will be payed for her efforts and you shall have the forest create a quick and easy path that will be so well hidden that only Vernier, and by extension Rebecca, will know about it. During your time alone, you will practice your new powers of conjuring things from nowhere. You will also need to practice the method of controlling the time slips Ash gave you. It seems to work to an extent, as both times you jumped through the gate only a few weeks went by instead of months or years. Maybe now that you have a firmer understanding you can apport books on the subject and actually be able to read them. You will have your ixies warn Vernier when you test this out so she doesn't waste food during your absence. On the note of time travel. Vernier has been the most exemplary companion and agent you've ever had. Should she wish it, you are still willing to use your transmogrification powers to keep her young and in her prime for as long as she desires.
>Vernier: You'll have to think about it. It all sounds so very strange and fantastical. And that's coming from someone helping an elf start a cult.
>Adler:No-no she should definitely think about it. Big decisions and such. And finally, you wish to have a meeting with Oak Marten to see if there's anything you can do to help repair the damage done to her family as a result of their service to you and to see if any of the mare still interested in working as your agents. Internally: and so you can warn Oak not to trust Ash. You'll need to find out if trees can hear/intercept elf mind. Oh right, also Rebecca should stay here for a time so you can tutor her until she can pursue her studies on her own. That is, unless she made a breakthrough while you were gone and can do so right now?
>(It seems that the story is getting to a point soon where the author can fast-forward things until the next point of interest.)
. . . .

>One Audience Member to Another: "All this exposition. I feel like he's patronizing us."
>Adler: "Quiet, you!"

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-22-2022

Quote:>Adler: In a very focused manner you once again relay the established plan for the benefit of your followers (but mostly for the benefit of the readers).


"Let me make sure we all still know what the plan is," I declared with all the focus I could muster. "This is as much for my benefit as yours. Both of you are to tell tales of my deeds, to establish some charming and enticing lore which people will repeat to each other. Lysander and Ash are allegedly doing the same thing; we'll see how that goes. I trust both of them about as long as I can hold my breath. Those two are also researching the whereabouts of this Zandar femme whom I need to crown me. Lana Lynne is supposed to be looking for her as well. In her case, I'm not even holding my breath."

Quote:>Rebecca: Wow, Adler sure has a lot of "allies" that he can't trust. Has it always been like that?

"By the Bunny!" Rebecca exclaimed. "You seem to have a lot of people you can't trust working for you. Has it always been like that?"

"Unfortunately, yes," I admitted. "However, I expect that to change. I trust you two, plus all of my oath-sworn, gambling addict Ixies. If our plan works, eventually there will be many more. As your tales spread, worthy people will come seeking an audience with me. I'll determine who would be the most useful and recruit them as agents. In addition to whatever short-term quests I give them, these agents will also spread my legend as they scour the earth looking for Zandar. With so many people working for me, the plan has to succeed eventually."

"It's a cunning and creative plan," Vernier beamed. "Do you wish any changes to the way we're coordinating your supply of provisions?"

"No, I believe our previously established plan will suffice. However, I am simply so focused right now that I will restate it anyway. Vernier, you will continue to periodically bring food, drink, and news here to the stone circle. You will be paid for your efforts and the forest shall create a quick and easy path that will also be so well hidden that only you, and by extension Rebecca, will be able to find it."

"Very good, Sir," Vernier acknowledged.

"During my time alone," I continued, "I will practice conjuring things from nowhere. I will also perfect the method of controlling time slips, which Ash gave me. It seems to work to an extent, as both times I entered the Gate, only a few weeks went by instead of months or years. There are more books in the library on the subject, which I will study. I will have my Ixies warn you when I test this, so you need not waste your time delivering food during my absence. On the note of time travel, should you wish it, I am still willing to use all the elfly powers at my disposal to keep you young and in your prime for as long as you desire."

"Uhhh," Vernier hesitated. "I'll have to think about it."

"It's a big decision," I admitted. "Tell me when you've made up your mind. Now then, finally, I wish to have a meeting with Oak Marten to see if there's anything I can do to help repair the damage done to her family as a result of their service to me. I also would like to find out if any of them are still interested in working as my agents."

I also needed to warn Oak not to trust Ash, but I refrained from saying that part out loud. The trees might be compelled to report it to the Unseelie old fox. An upsetting thought occurred to me: Could the trees detect Elfmind? I needed to devise some way of finding out.

"Is that all, Sir?" Vernier asked after a moment's silence.

"Oh right," I blurted, startled out of my reverie. "Rebecca should stay here for a while so I can tutor her, at least until she is advanced enough to pursue her studies on her own."


"My Lord! When I recovered from my attack, I could do this," Rebecca declared proudly. She snapped her fingers and a small flurry of glowing sparks appeared. "Everyone else in the coven is totally jealous - not only of this, but of my cool outfit too. They all want to come and see you, but I thought it would be best to wait and get your approval before inviting them here."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-28-2022

>Adler: Well, you are very happy to see that Rebecca made a full recovery, and her "coven", as she puts it, might make a good batch of followers. At the very least you can steer them onto a devout path of seeliness in service of Fuma, proving to the world your own seeliness. Naturally, you won't have time to tutor them all in the finer points of the art of being seelie, but this could very well be the perfect way to put Rebecca's role as one of your apostles to the test. She can apply what she's learned about seeliness and japery and teach them what she knows, become a teacher in her own right. Having said that, you should still have a meeting with them so that you can"wow" them to ensure their loyalty. But, you should have them wait a while and maybe you could concoct a "test of worthiness". This would be good practice for future followers seeking an audience with you. Or maybe it would be better to have them meet you first so that they can hear directly from you that Rebecca will be their teacher. Perhaps the "test of worthiness" could be used later to test their loyalty before they learn anything of- Waaaaaait a minute...
>Rebecca: What?
>Adler: Your business focus breaks as what you just saw finally sinks in. Ask her to do that again, please.
>Rebecca: You oblige and snap your fingers with the same resulting sparks.
>Adler: . . . How did she learn to do that? Your lesson plan hasn't covered any magic yet.
>Rebecca: That's not entirely true. There was a section is Saint Reynard's book that covered pranks, and a number of those pranks made use of simple magicks.
>Adler: Oh, so she figured out how to read that part. But still, did the book actually explain how those spells were performed, simple though they may be, you assumed the reader would have needed prior knowledge on magick to use them. Were finger sparks covered in the book? It's a very simple thing to do, but... She said she could do that once she recovered from her attack. Did she have time to practice or was it immediate?
>Rebecca: You take a deep breath and prepare to happily explain yourself. Surely your dark, uh, Seelie Lord will be pleased and impressed by your story.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-29-2022

"Well," I replied. "I am glad to see that you made a full recovery. If you think your co-called coven of witches would make a good batch of followers then of course, I'm willing to meet them. At the very least I can steer them onto a devout path of Seeliness in the service of Fuma. If my followers are Seelie, won't that prove that I too am Seelie?"


"It was a rhetorical question," I blurted before either of the femmes could interrupt my train of thought. I turned and began musing aloud. "My only worry is that they will all be obsessed with wearing black and playing malicious pranks. I won't have time to tutor them all in the finer points of the art of being Seelie, but this could very well be the perfect way to put Rebecca's role as one of my apostles to the test. She can apply what she's learned about Seeliness and japery and teach them what she knows, become a teacher in her own right. Yes, yes, that's good. I should still have a meeting with them, if for no other reason than to impress and awe them with my elfly powers and ensure their loyalty. That could become a tedious chore, though. I have a lot to do. I should make them wait a while under Rebecca's coaching and maybe undergo a test of worthiness before being admitted into my presence. Yes, they will value my lessons more if they must earn them. I could use this as a way to refine my techniques for dealing with those who will come later, seeking an audience with me after hearing the legends my apostles will be spreading. But wait - would it be better to have them meet me first? Then I can tell them directly that Rebecca will be their teacher, thereby granting her a measure of authority. Perhaps the test of worthiness could be used later to be sure of their loyalty before they learn anything of - Waaaaaait a minute..."

Quote:>Adler: Your business focus breaks as what you just saw finally sinks in. Ask her to do that again, please.
>Rebecca: You oblige and snap your fingers with the same resulting sparks.

I spun around and faced Rebecca. "Do that thing again with your fingers and the sparks."


She snapped her fingers and a cluster of tiny lights flickered in the air around her hand.

Quote:>Adler: . . . How did she learn to do that? Your lesson plan hasn't covered any magic yet.

"It's a simple schoolyard glamer," I stated with some surprise. "You're missing the audible component - there should be a crackle or a tinkling of tiny bells - but this is nevertheless a piece of magick. How did you learn this? Your lessons haven't covered any magick yet."

"Sorry to contradict you, My Lord," Rebecca grinned, "but there was a section in Saint Reynard's book that covered pranks, and a number of those pranks made use of Fell Magicks."

"There's nothing Fell about Reynard's japes," I scolded. "We've been over this! You've got to rid yourself of your obsession with darkness. Just because your weird rabbit religion frowns on something does not necessarily mean it's evil. Wait, so this means that you were able to read the full Panoply of Japes. Did the book actually explain how those spells were performed? Even though it's basic stuff, still I assumed the reader would need prior knowledge of magick to make use of any of it. I don't even remember if finger sparks were covered in the Foxspell. It's a very simple thing to do, but... you said you could do that after recovering from your attack. Did you have to practice or did you suddenly have the talent?"

Quote:>Rebecca: You take a deep breath and prepare to happily explain yourself.

"Oh my Dark, uh, I mean Seelie Lord and Master!" Rebecca declared excitedly. "When I was in my fit, I dreamed that Reynard was talking to me. 'Hudalaleigh' he kept saying, and telling me I was a 'foine figure of a garl, bedad.' But in between all of that, he recited to me the full text of the Foxspell. Vernier says I was feverish and delirious the whole time."

"She was," Vernier interjected. "I feared she would not pull through."

"At one point," Rebecca continued, "I dreamed that the demon, er, I mean goddess Fuma appeared. I tried to pledge her my soul but she said 'twas not meet and she did not require it of me, but did I wish to learn the magick of the elves? I said yes, of course, and Reynard recited to me over and over the last section of the Foxspell."

"Where is the book, by the way?" I asked, nervously remembering what Angela had told me about Ash.

"Gone, My Lord," Rebecca admitted glumly. "After I came to my senses, I asked for it but it was nowhere to be found."

"Raccoon Monst - pardon, I mean Miss Burnside and I searched the stone circle for it," Vernier declared. "But we could find no trace."

"I assume it melted back into the mist from whence you conjured it. But all of its contents are safe up here!" Rebecca tapped her forehead. "I have an excellent memory! In my dream, Reynard told me the key to magick. When I awoke, I tried snapping my fingers to make lights, and got a faint glow from my fingertips. I've been practicing constantly for the past week -"

"She really has been snapping her fingers all the time," Vernier verified.

"And now I can make four or five little sparks!" Rebecca finished triumphantly, with another finger snap to illustrate her point.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-05-2022

>Adler: "Hudalaleigh" , "bedad"? Saint Reynard sounds a lot like Estvan.
>Adler: Ask if Rebecca received any visitors while she was recovering.
>Rebecca: You have no idea.
>Vernier: Answer truthfully whether there was or wasn't. If not, we can move on. If so, describe this visitor.
>Adler: The book going missing is troubling. It could have faded into nothing since you conjured it to nothing. If that's the case, it's a little disappointing that your conjured items have a time limit. You'll need to experiment to find out. If Ash took it, that might just be a disaster waiting to happen. You'll need to send an ixie to infiltrate his home and find out. Perhaps Angela, she tailed him for a long time without him noticing. Hopefully she can actually deliver her report without having another seizure.
>Adler: It's also a little odd that Saint Reynard and Fuma would visit a lowfolk. If her vision is genuine and not just a severe fever dream, this would be a historical moment. You positively beam at the thought that maybe it was your teaching that made this lowfolk girl worthy of an audience with Fuma!
>Adler: Rebecca has proven to be very open to elfly things. She took to your lessons like a fish to water and read the Foxspell in what might be a record time. Perhaps she... No, that's impossible. The odds against it are staggering. Plus, what elf in their right minds would leave their child in the care of those rabbits. There's no way she could be a changeling.
>Adler: Ask Rebecca her age and whether she's had any strange happenings or encounters in her life.
>Whether Rebecca is a Changeling elf or just a gifted lowfolk is up to the author's discretion.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-06-2022

Quote:>Adler: "Hudalaleigh" , "bedad"? Saint Reynard sounds a lot like Estvan.
>Adler: Ask if Rebecca received any visitors while she was recovering.
>Rebecca: You have no idea.
>Vernier: Answer truthfully whether there was or wasn't.

"Remarkable," I murmured vaguely as thoughts raced through my mind. Rebecca claimed to have been visited by Saint Reynard and Fuma! Even in a dream, this was incredible! I had never heard of Lady Fuma visiting a lowfolk! This was unprecedented! If it was genuine, what could it mean? Could it have been due to my involvement? Was Rebecca visited because she was my pupil? Or ... come to think of it, her description of Reynard sounded a lot like a certain mischievous old fox I knew.

"Did you have any visitors while you were recovering from your attack?" I demanded.

"I have no idea," Rebecca shrugged. "I thought Reynard and Fuma were there, but I was delirious."

"Burnside or I or some of your insects were with her at all times," Vernier explained. "Nobody visited. Nobody could have come into the room without being seen by one of us."


"Huh," I said, thoughtfully. That seemed to rule out a prank by Estvan (though why he would do something like this was almost as inexplicable as Fuma visiting a lowfolk femme.) Rebecca had proven to be very open to elfly things. She was an incredibly apt pupil who had read (and memorized?) the Foxspell in what might be a record time. Perhaps she...? No, that was simply impossible. The odds against it were staggering! What elf in their right mind would leave their child in the care of those horrible rabbits? There's no way Rebecca could be ... a changeling!

Quote:>Adler: Ask Rebecca her age and whether she's had any strange happenings or encounters in her life.


"Exactly how old are you?" I demanded.

"I turned eighteen during your absence, My Lord," she stated, with a Meaningful Look. So she knew Wiles too! My suspicions deepened.

"And how do you know you are that old?" I pressed.

"Uh, because my birthday went past, and it was the eighteenth one."

"Are you sure of that? Do you remember all eighteen of them? How do you know what day you were born? Do you remember that too?"

"Well, no, but my parents told me that was my birthday, and we've celebrated it every year for as long as I can remember, and the number has gone up by one every year ever since I could count and keep track of it myself, which I guess was when I was five."

"How do you know they are your parents? Are you sure they actually begat you?"

"Funny you should mention that," Rebecca chuckled. "They told me they found me under a cabbage leaf, but that's just the kind of story adults tell to kids in Bunkirk. They want to keep it a secret, but you can't hide the truth from a witch! I know how babies are really made."

"A cabbage leaf, eh?" I mused. Why, this practically confirmed it! "Do strange things happen to you often? Do strange people turn up in your life?"

"You mean, like, witches and elves?" she asked sardonically. "All the time."

This line of questioning wasn't leading anywhere! I began to realize, with increasing dismay, that it was actually very hard to tell if someone was an elf or not! There was only one more thing to try...


I focused my Elfmind on Rebecca and transmitted to her the message: If you can hear me, say the word "rutabaga."

"By the Bunny!" I could hear her thinking. "When he stares at me so intently, it sets my heart all a-flutter, and my loins all a-quiver!"

"Rutabaga," Burnside mumbled from where she lay, still semiconscious, on the ground.

The test was inconclusive, but I decided it was most likely that Rebecca was not a changeling.

Quote:>Adler: The book going missing is troubling. It could have faded into nothing since you conjured it to nothing. If that's the case, it's a little disappointing that your conjured items have a time limit. You'll need to experiment to find out. If Ash took it, that might just be a disaster waiting to happen.

"It troubles me that the book has gone missing," I sighed. If Ash took it, that could mean trouble. Or did it fade away to nothing, as Rebecca supposed? Did that mean that the things I conjured from nothing had a limited life span? That was disappointing, but then again, I realized I didn't know exactly what kind of magick this was. Elf gold turned back into sticks and rocks after a while, because it was a low-effort glamer meant only to fool lowfolk for a short time. Transmogrification required much more concentration but produced lasting effects - for example, Angela Weakflit's new form, which she had retained for longer than I could calculate offhand.


"Where's the chair and all the stuff I conjured up for Vernier?" I asked, as I surveyed the lawn inside the stone circle. "Did you take them?"

"No, sir," Vernier declared. "Those things were all gone when I came back."

The hair cult's wash basin was still there, but that had been made from a stone I apported from the forest. Apports were durable, of course, because they were real objects that had been magickally moved from one place to another. Only the things I had conjured were gone. Had they been illusions? They couldn't have been. The chair was solid. The chocolate was edible. The copy of the Foxspell had been complete. Conjuring solid objects from thin air should be impossible, yet I had done it. How?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-12-2022

>Adler: As you remember, all the times you summoned something from nowhere, you were going out of your way to please Vernier. Obviously this means Vernier has some kind of special power and was sent by Fuma to aide you, meaning that you two are obviously meant to be! Wait, No-Focus! You were also able conjure the Foxspell from nothing when Rebecca tried flirting with you. Is heightened focus the key? Can you only conjure things for other people? You're almost positive that the key isn't 'True-Love' like in all those sappy children's stories you remember reading. How can a prince kissing you cure death by poisoned apple? Complete rubbish. Obviously you will need to do some experimenting. Maybe some historical records about Iraneous covers how he did it.
>Vernier and Rebecca: You both stand there and stare awkwardly at Adler as he is in VERY intense thought. He occasionally mumbles to himself. Something about apples and rubbish. With how often he does this, he must live a very rich inner life.
>Adler: And that's why glass slippers are completely impractical and dangerous! You look around to see everyone staring at you. Uh, right. Ahem.
>Adler: You tell Rebecca that you would like to have a quick meeting with her "coven", preferably all at once. You'll wow them with a light show, talk about the importance of being seelie and serving Fuma, and then declare that Rebecca will be their teacher. Rebecca will teach what she learns from you to them. However, it would be best if She doesn't mention her being their teacher and let you tell them. A bunch of angsty teenagers fighting over who is your favorite is the last thing you need. On the note of teaching, she should go home with Vernier so you have time to prepare her next lesson materials. Also, she can practice her sparking fingers some more. If she can perfect it with sound completely on her own, then you'll really be impressed.
>Vernier: Oh no, not more snapping...
>Rebecca: You are so excited! It's happening, it's really happening! You can't remember a time in your life when you were this happy! You wipe a tear from your eye and thank Adler for everything he's done.
>Adler: You genuinely feel good about steering your acolyte's life in a better direction, and the idea of sending more wayward souls into Fuma's embrace fills you with ebullience. You will be able to practice your new powers, hopefully pull in some research materials, and once you master the time skips, you'll be able to answer for sure if Rebecca is a changeling or not by seeing how fast she ages when you skip forward in time.
>Adler: Alright, before this meeting is adjourned, does anyone have anymore thoughts, questions, or suggestions?
>Anyone: Now's your chance. Do you?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-13-2022

Thinking carefully back over recent events, I realized that all the times I had summoned something from nowhere, I had been going out of my way to please Vernier.  Obviously this meant that Vernier had some kind of special power and was most likely sent by Fuma to aid me, which meant that we were fated to be together!


Wait, no!  I could feel another case of the goo-goo eyes coming on!  I had to focus!  If I wanted to impress Vernier, I had to focus!!  On further reflection, I recalled that I was able conjure the Foxspell from nothing when Rebecca tried using her Wiles on me.  Was heightened focus the key?  How could that possibly be?  If I was concentrating on a higher level, shouldn't I be totally aware of what I was doing?  It seemed more like an almost-involuntary thing, essentially uncontrollable, like the Irenaeid Battle Fury.  Perhaps I could only conjure things under duress, and only for other people.  If that were true, it would be difficult testing such an ability.  In any case, I was almost positive that the key wasn't 'True Love' like in all those sappy lowfolk children's stories.  How could a kiss from a prince cure death by poisoned apple?  Complete rubbish.  Further experimentation would be required.

Quote:>Vernier and Rebecca: You both stand there and stare awkwardly at Adler as he is in VERY intense thought. He occasionally mumbles to himself. Something about apples and rubbish. With how often he does this, he must live a very rich inner life.


"He seems to do this a lot," Rebecca whispered behind me.

"My brother also used to drift off into a world of his own," Vernier sighed wistfully.

"What do you suppose he means about apples and rubbish?" Rebecca asked.

"I'm not sure," Vernier replied, "but perhaps I should not include apples in his food baskets."

"And that's why glass slippers are completely impractical and dangerous!" I declared, turning around triumphantly to see the two femmes staring with bewildered expressions.  "Uh, right.  Ahem.  Rebecca, I would like to have a quick meeting with your coven of witches, preferably all of them together at one time.  I'll amaze and astound them with a light show, talk about the importance of being Seelie and serving Fuma, and then declare that you shall be their teacher.  What you learn from me, you will convey to them.  However, uh, don't mention that this will be your role.  Let me tell them.  For now, go home with Vernier so you can gather your group.  I just escaped from a dangerous Floozy and I need some time to prepare materials for your next lesson.  Meanwhile, practice your finger sparks some more.  If you can perfect it - with sound - completely on your own, then I will really be impressed."


"By the BUNNY!!!" Rebecca squealed.  "And, um, Praise Fuma!  This is sooo exciting!!  It's happening, it's really happening!  I'm gonna learn magic and be the leader of the coven!  This is so COOL!  Thank you, oh thank you my Lord, my Master!  I will serve you forever!"

"Now now," I chuckled magnanimously.  "Don't let it go to your head."  It felt genuinely good to steer this wayward femme's life in a better direction, and the idea of bringing more misguided souls into Fuma's blessed light filled me with ebullience.  While Rebecca was away summoning her coven, I could test out my newfound powers ... perhaps do some research ... and if she mastered this spell on her own, it might give me a better clue as to whether or not she was a changeling.

"All right," I declared.  "We've reviewed everyone's assignments and you all know what you should be doing.  Before this meeting is adjourned, does anyone have any more thoughts, questions, or suggestions?"


"What are we doin' again?" Burnside asked groggily as she got to her feet.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-19-2022

>Rebecca: Well, first you and Vernier got a message from Lord Randall's bug servants that he was back and wanted to have a meeting. Vernier was so happy to hear that, she also knocked over her chair when she bolted for the door. You practically had to run to keep up with her. Then you saw Randall summon a giant pile of books that fell on top of him. This was obviously to show off his power and resilience. Then you and Vernier dug him out, then Vernier started shaking him and he got that strange look in his eyes again. Then he got the intense eyes again and started doing a fake deep voice. Then he said-
>Vernier: Gently inform Rebecca that she does not have to recount the entire meeting step by step and word for word.
>Adler and Vernier: Give Burnside the bullet points.
>Adler: It's odd she passed out like that. She's usually very resilient.
>Rebecca: Didn't she freeze up twice from shock?
>Adler: This was a completely different circumstance. All you did was spin her around a little and ki- uh. *You glance at Vernier* You spun her around a few times.
>Burnside: You blush at the memory and avoid eye contact. Yeah, that could've done it.
>Vernier: Why was he spinning her around?
>Adler:ANYWAY, you were asking if anyone had any final thoughts and concerns. Does Burnside have anything to add.
>Burnside: Do you?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-20-2022


"Well, what happened so far was this," Rebecca began to explain. "First Vernier and I got a message from Lord Randall's bug servants that he was back and wanted to have a meeting. Vernier leaped up with a yell and knocked over her chair when she bolted for the door. We rabbits are fast, but I practically had to run to keep up with her. When we got here, we saw Lord Randall summon a giant pile of books that fell on top of him. This was obviously to show off his power and resilience, as well as to test our loyalty, so Vernier and I dug him out of the pile. Vernier started shaking him and he got that strange look in his eyes again. Then he got a really intense look, the kind that makes you melt when he looks at you, and he started doing that funny voice that's maybe his impression of a mortal? I think he does it to protect us from what would otherwise be the irresistible power of his smoldering glance. Then he said-"

Quote:>Vernier: Gently inform Rebecca that she does not have to recount the entire meeting step by step and word for word.
>Adler and Vernier: Give Burnside the bullet points.

"Rebecca, dear," Vernier interrupted. "I don't think Miss Burnside needs a fully detailed recounting of everything that happened."

"Yeah," Burnside agreed. "Just fill me in on what we're doin' now, and what my assignment is."

"Basically the same as before," I stated. "Vernier is second-in-command and will be coordinating things outside the tulgey wood. She is to come here at least once a week with food and a detailed report, but I encourage her to come as often as is convenient. Rebecca will gather her coven of witches and bring them here for a mission focus meeting, after which she will learn magick and be my liaison with the witch community. The Ixies will find Oak Marten and request her to come here for debriefing. I, of course, will remain here and practice several magickal skills which I need to refine - and work on developing a lesson plan for Rebecca."

"What'll I be doin'?" Burnside asked.

"What were you doing before?"

"Patrollin' the woods for interlopers, an watchin' for you to reappear."

"You can continue your patrols," I decided, "and help me with my magickal experiments."

Quote:>Adler: It's odd she passed out like that. She's usually very resilient.

"Are you all right, Miss Burnside?" Vernier inquired. "You were passed out cold when we arrived, and you're usually so resilient. I didn't think anything could faze you."

"She did freeze up twice from shock," Rebecca pointed out. "She stood motionless while I did her hair and makeup, remember? The insects were betting on it."

"This was a completely different circumstance," I insisted. "All I did was pick her up and spin her around a little and ... uh ... well, I spun her around a few times."

Quote:>Burnside: You blush at the memory and avoid eye contact. Yeah, that could've done it.


"That was pretty much what done it," Burnside admitted bashfully.

"Why were you spinning her around?" Vernier asked. "And why would that cause -"

"I was happy to get away from Lana, and to find out that it had only been three weeks," I asserted. "ANYWAY, before we got sidetracked I was asking if anyone had any final thoughts or concerns before we adjourn."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-26-2022

>Burnside: You raise your hand.
>Adler: You ask her in exasperation if her question involves skinning people alive.
>Burnside: You nod.
>Adler: Is there anyway you could just say "no" and leave it at that?
>Burnside: You shake your head.
>Adler: *sigh* What is it?
>Burnside: It's a waste to just have you patrolling in and around the forest when you could be out hunting rabbits. Bring the fight to them on their own turf. Leaving a few skinned, headless torsos hanging on the forest borders would put the fear of Fuma in them right quick. Heck, you could probably sneak into their village at night and take care of them all at once.
>Rebecca: You gasp in horror at the suggestion. You have little love for them, but they're still your family!
>Adler: Now-now, calm down. There's no way you would allow that to happen. For starters, that's monstrously unseelie and inhumane. Hanging headless bodies around would have everyone on this island up in arms and trying to burn the forest down with all of you inside it. There are also women and children in that village. A deranged woman barging into town at night and killing them all is something you would never allow. There is a seelie option. You just need to find it. *Internally* An elf, who isn't Burnside, would probably be able to talk them down. With your elfy charisma you could do it if you weren't trapped here. Hmm. Lysander called her a "psycho", but he might have just been being hyperbolic. Maybe that Zandar woman could talk some sense into them. Who knows, she might even convince them to be your allies and serve Fuma. It's worth a shot.
>Adler: Anway, no you will not allow Burnside to commit war crimes. You already have enough of that on your conscience. Her services are best used guarding you and your followers. Plus, you need someone to help with your with your Magick experiments. If no one else has anything to add, you suppose this meeting is adjourned.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-27-2022

Quote:>Burnside: You raise your hand.


"Ooh, me!" Burnside exclaimed, waving her hand in the air. "Me me me! I gotta thought an' a concern!"

"Does it involve disembowelment and/or skinning alive?" I asked.

"Welllll..." Burnside stalled thoughtfully. "Best case scenario, I reckon it would."

"Can I just say no, and leave it at that?"

"Nuh uh," she insisted, with a vigorous head shake.


"Now the way I see it," Burnside explained, "it's a doggone waste to just have me patrollin' the forest. Them rabbits don't never come in here anymore. Instead I figure it'd be best to start huntin' em. Bring the fight to them, so to speak. Leavin' a few skinned, headless torsos hangin' in the trees right at the edge o' the woods'd put the fear o' Fuma in 'em right quick. Heck, I could prob'ly sneak into their village at night and take care of 'em all at one time."

Quote:>Rebecca: You gasp in horror at the suggestion. You have little love for them, but they're still your family!

"YEEK!" Rebecca gasped. "Oh don't do that! I know they're mostly a bunch of jerks, but I still know a lot of them! My parents and siblings live there!"

"Now now," I soothed. "There's no way I would authorize that. It's much too Unseelie, and it also would be counterproductive. I want there to be an aura of menace hanging around these woods, so the locals dread it and won't come in here ... but hanging headless bodies around would outrage everyone. We'd have the whole population of the island up in arms and trying to burn the forest down, with me inside it. Additionally, massacring the entire village would leave nobody around to dread the legend of the White Elf. Who's going to whisper tales of my unknowable elfly doings around the fireplace on a winter's night, if there's nobody left alive?"

"But it's their dang prayers keepin' you from scryin' past the edge o' the woods," Burnside protested.

"I can work around that limitation," I replied. "When I am finally able to leave this stone circle, then I'll find out how much force their prayers really have on me. Meanwhile, their superstitious dread only adds to my mystique. I can use this, I'm sure of it! There is always a Seelie option, if you think hard enough."

"Too much thinkin' an not enough doin," Burnside grumbled. "That's why the Seelie fall farther and farther behind."

"No," I decided. "You do not have my permission to commit atrocities in the rabbit village. I don't want you wandering too far afield and getting distracted from your main duty, which is to guard me and my loyal followers. Also, for the short term, I need you to assist with my magick experiments. If strangers stray into the forest, then they are yours to do with as you please. I don't want to know anything about it. The rest of you, spread the word amid the surrounding communities that a horrible monster haunts these woods and they had best not enter."

"AW," Burnside groaned. "It'll be so BORING if nobody ever trespasses! Why not tell 'em all to come to the party instead!"

"Sir," Vernier interjected. "These orders seem to be at cross purposes with your other intention of inviting potential servants and allies to find you. You'll have no followers if Miss Burnside murders every stranger who enters the forest."

She had a point. My heart swelled with admiration at Vernier's cleverness. She was such a valuable asset to my team! I paused for a moment to maintain my serious face.

"I suppose I'll have to think of some other way to deal with this," I mused. "For now, Burnside, you should tie up or otherwise restrain any intruders, and bring them to me - UNINJURED -"

"Dagnabbit!" Burnside objected.

"Uninjured!" I repeated. "Anyone accompanied by one of our group should be allowed to pass. Bring unaccompanied strangers to me so that I may pass judgment on them. Now, if no one else has anything to add, I declare this meeting to be adjourned."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-02-2022

>No One: Has anything to add.
>This Meeting: Be adjourned.
>Adler: Your followers are prepped and ready to head home. You send a detachment of ixies and the trees already know to defend them. You decide to have Burnside escort them as well. They probably don't need the extra protection, you just kinda want a break from her for a while. For the time being, Burnside is best in small doses. Heh, "small". She'd probably slit your throat, or someone else's, if she heard you say that out loud, though.
>Rebecca: You struggle to contain your excitement, but you are practically bouncing around with giddiness. Real magic and you don't have to get covered in guts or feel bad about it. Becoming Seelie was the best decision you ever made.
>Vernier: Before you leave, you tell Adler how relieved you are that he is safe and sound. You also thank him for letting you help.
>Adler: She's thanking you for allowing her to help you? You're flattered, but customarily speaking, it is you who should be expressing gratitude to her.
>Vernier: Yes, it's silly, but you really just can't put into words how happy you are to finally be helping someone and, for the first time, you're not afraid that everything will go horribly wrong. You really do believe that Adler will succeed and that makes you feel like you're finally doing something worthwhile.
>Burnside: Blech. Gag you with a spoon. How sappy can you get?
>Adler: You shoot Burnside a warning glare.
>Burnside: Eep!
>Adler: It takes every ounce of your willpower to stop yourself from swooning over Vernier's words. You maintain what you hope is your confident composure and assure her that you are grateful for her help and you, probably, wouldn't have made it this far without her.
>Adler: Once your guests and their guards depart, your fatigue and exhaustion finally catches up to you and you fall back onto the soft grass. Your remaining ixies ask if you are alright and if you need anything, but you tell them you are fine. You just need to rest for a bit and collect your thoughts. When Burnside and your ixies get back, you'll send a messenger out to fetch Oak and then you'll use Burnside to test if the trees can detect elfmind. For now, you'll just rest for a bit...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 11-03-2022

Quote:>No One: Has anything to add.
>This Meeting: Be adjourned.

"All right," I continued after a moment's silence. "Time for you to go home."

Quote:>Rebecca: You struggle to contain your excitement, but you are practically bouncing around with giddiness.


"Oh Bunny, oh Bunny!" Rebecca giggled excitedly. "I can hardly wait to start learning real magic, without even having to sacrifice animals or sell my soul! Being Seelie is the greatest!"

"Sir, before I leave," Vernier murmured. "I just want to let you know how relieved I am to see you safe and sound ... and also thank you for letting me help."

"You're thanking me for letting you help?" I repeated. "I think technically I should be the one thanking you."

"Yes, it's silly, I know," she admitted, "but I just can't put into words how happy I am to finally be helping someone. For the first time, I don't feel afraid that everything will go horribly wrong. I actually believe you will succeed, and this gives me the sense that I'm finally doing something worthwhile."

Quote:>Adler: It takes every ounce of your willpower to stop yourself from swooning over Vernier's words.

With a supreme effort of elfly will, I maintained my confident composure.


"I assure you," I assured, "I am grateful for your help, and we both know I wouldn't have made it this far without you."

Quote:>Burnside: Blech. Gag you with a spoon. How sappy can you get?

"Bleeeah," Burnside grumbled. "Why don't yall two get a room?"

"Why don't you accompany them back to their home?" I suggested, with a stern glance.

I sent a detachment of Ixies along with Burnside to escort Vernier and Rebecca. They probably didn't need the extra protection, but it would be nice to have a bit of peace for just a little while. I had just undergone a very trying ordeal with a dangerous Floozy, followed by an emotionally intense planning meeting. My fatigue and exhaustion were finally starting to catch up with me.


I reclined on the soft grass inside the stone circle and let my mind wander.

"Art thou all right, Sire?" some Ixies asked as I lay there.

"I'm fine," I muttered drowsily. "I just need to relax for a few minutes and collect my thoughts. When Burnside and the others get back, I'll send a messenger out to fetch Oak, and then I'll get Burnside to help me test if the trees can detect Elfmind. For now though, I'll just rest for a bit..."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-09-2022

>Adler: You are standing with your bow in hand. Strange, you don't remember getting it out. You hear a battle raging outside. You are in the scrying tower. Why are you... Your troops! You have to help your troops win the battle. You run for the balcony. You have to get there before... You see the vial. It's balanced precariously on the rail. You lunge for it but it slips through your grasp and tumbles to the ground below. You desperately look over the railing, but instead of the vial you see a never ending field of the dead. The sounds of battle are replaced by thousands of voices calling out your name. You flee back inside in terror. Inside you see your brother with his back to you. Estemere's alive? You call out to him as you rush over. He says nothing. You place your hand on his shoulder. He turns around. Instead of Estmere's face you see a desiccated skull eyelessly staring back at you. Its jaw falls open and rasps out, "Why?"
>Adler: You bolt upright in a cold sweat and your heart beating in your throat. You are still in the wooded clearing in the same grass you laid down upon.
>Ixies and Burnside: What's wrong?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 11-10-2022

Quote: >Adler: You are standing with your bow in hand... Why are you... instead of the vial you see a never ending field of the dead... Estemere's alive? ... Instead of Estmere's face you see a desiccated skull

For some reason I was standing in the scrying tower, with my bow in my hand. What was I doing here? I had to get outside and rally my troops! I dashed out the door and saw the vial of Plague of Battles spinning like a top, teetering on the edge of the balcony railing. I lunged desperately to catch it, but it tumbled over. Looking down to see where it landed, I beheld a horrible field of dead and mangled elves strewn all the way to the horizon in all directions. I stumbled away from the railing as a thousand voices shrieked my name. I fumbled the door open and dashed back inside, and there was Estmere with his back to me, staring at the scry orb. I tried to call his name, but the sound caught in my throat and I just croaked inarticulately. I reached forward and put my hand on his shoulder, and he turned around to reveal a ghastly skull where his face should have been.


Its jaw fell open and a sepulchral voice issued from the opening, rasping out "DUUUUDE, WHYYYYY?"

Quote:>Adler: You bolt upright in a cold sweat and your heart beating in your throat. You are still in the wooded clearing in the same grass you laid down upon.
>Ixies and Burnside: What's wrong?


I awoke with a blood-curdling scream. I was lying on the grass, in the stone circle, and Burnside was inexplicably snuggled up against me.

"Calm down, sugar," she murmured soothingly. "I don't even have a knife or nothin'."

"Sire! Art thou all right?" some Ixies asked as they buzzed out of the bushes. "We thought we heard thee screaming."

"I had a bad dream," I gasped. My heart was pounding furiously. "How long was I asleep?"

"About a day," one Ixie said with a shrug.

"Nineteen hours, to be exact," another Ixie declared.

"Fuma's Musk!" I exclaimed. "Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"It seemeth that thou needed it," another Ixie replied. "When was the last time thou slept?"

"Plus you looked so cute an' peaceful lyin' there," Burnside added. "A nice rest was doin' you good."

"I don't have time to drowse the days away!" I objected. "Elves don't need to sleep! Especially when there is important work to be done! I have preparations to make! I have to get ready for my presentation to Rebecca's coven of witches!"

"Oh, about that," the Ixies interjected. "We were coming to tell thee, they are on their way."


"What??" I blurted. "NOW???"

"They've reached the edge of the forest and will be here in an hour."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-16-2022

>Adler: Your heart is still jackhammering in your chest and you are still rushing with fear infused Adrenalin, you start panicking. Ack! What are you going to do? You have less than an hour to prepare. Your presentation needs to be flawless! These are a bunch of edgy, social outcast teenagers. A volatile combination. If you don't grab their attention in the introduction they'll lose interest and leave and then start spreading stories about how dumb and lame you are! Everything you've been working for will fall to ruin before it even starts! What are you going to do??
>Burnside: If they're social outcasts then why would anyone listen to them or care if they start saying Adler's lame?
>Typantronn: You state the Adler that panicking is only going to waste more time. Does he really need to put on a huge show anyway? ... Well, you know one trick that will calm him down. *Ahem* You ask Adler what would miss Vernier think if she saw him in this state.
>Adler: You stop panicking and freeze as self awareness washes over you. What are you doing? You're going to have to deal with situations like more many more times in your life. You're just going to have to deal with it and roll with the punches. You push your fear and panic back down from whence they came and brute force some confidence in it's place. After a deep breath you put on your game face.
>Adler: Alright, you would have liked some time to write a speech and rehearse, but you're going to have to improvise. Still, when dealing with lowfolk theatrics are always helpful. It'll help if they think that they're being tested so you want the first thing they see when they approach is Burnside standing guard. Since Burnside has become a local legend for herself it will certainly impress them that the "Raccoon Monster" is working for you. Burnside's part will be simple, she just needs to look intimidating, but not too intimidating, and when they approach instruct them to enter the stone circle if they are worthy and brave enough. When they enter it would help if they see that you have more servants so the Ixies should make a show of buzzing around like they're doing something important. The ixies can then start rhetorically asking if they're worthy and maybe argue amongst themselves if they are or aren't. This is all to put them on edge and hopefully play up to their expectations of what a powerful elf has at his disposal. Also to just look generally mystical. They ixies can argue with each other for a little while and maybe taunt the coven a little bit over their "worthiness". Once they're sufficiently softened up one of the ixies can declare that you're approaching. The ixies all scatter then dissapear. Then quiet. If Rebecca's early behavior is anything to go by, these people will all be outcasts wanting to gain power to achieve some form of revenge on society. This is what you want to steer them away from. To that end, your dramatic entrance should make you look intimidating and powerful but make it absolutely clear that you are an agent of seeliness and goodness. An agent of light. Yes! You will appear with bright lights and give yourself a booming "righteous" voice. Give them the notion that you and your enlightened ways are far more powerful than whatever dark spirit they were hoping to find was. You can tell them that you know they have wicked desires in their hearts and this displeases you. This will definitely put the fear of Fuma in them. In a good way. How you should proceed next will depend on their reactions. Scaring them straight and showing them how much more powerful the light is compared to the dark should open them to your sales pitch for them to become agents of good and messengers of Fuma. You can turn the light show and booming voice off and become more approachable once they seem to be on board.
>Ixies: Sounds good.
>Adler: Alright, once they're close, everyone take their places.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 11-17-2022

Quote:>Adler: Your heart is still jackhammering in your chest and you are still rushing with fear infused Adrenalin, you start panicking.


"I'm not ready!" I wailed. My heart was still beating rapidly from the terror of the dream I just had, and I started to hyperventilate. "I can't put a whole show together in less than an hour! It has to be amazing! It has to be flawless! These are a bunch of moody, insolent, young social outcasts! AND they're lowfolk! If I don't impress them immediately, they'll lose interest and leave, and spread stories about how dumb and lame I am! The whole project will be ruined!"

"Why would it matter if a buncha losers think you're lame?" Burnside asked.

"Outcasts, not losers," I corrected her. "They know things that the common rabble can never appreciate. These are the kind of people I need to impress, but I'm gonna blow it because I'm not ready! Oh this is awful! Maybe I should just hide."

"Begging thy pardon, Sire," Typantronn interjected. "Standing here panicking is only going to waste time that would be better spent in getting ready. Dost thou really need to put on a huge show?"

"They're not coming all this way to hear me tell jokes and sing songs," I retorted.

"You could charm 'em with Elfsong," Burnside suggested. "That's a thing, right? I remember hearin' about it in the Changeling Orientation sessions."

"It won't do!" I groaned. "Elfsong is only good for hypnotizing and confusing them. We're doomed!"

"What would Miss Vernier think if she saw thee in this state?" Typantronn demanded sternly.

Quote:>Adler: You stop panicking and freeze as self awareness washes over you.


She had a point. I was being silly and wasting valuable time. If I was going to make it as Lone Elf, I would have to learn to think on my feet. There would doubtless be many more situations like this, or even worse, in my future. Time to start dealing with them, now!

"By Fuma," I declared, gritting my teeth and forcing myself to focus. "You're right! Battles are not won by surrendering! He who would succeed must strive with all his will!"

"That's the spirit!" Typantronn cheered enthusiastically.

"I would have liked some time to write a speech and rehearse," I mused aloud, "but instead I'm going to have to improvise. Now then ... lowfolk are easily impressed by a bit of theater. The first thing I want them to see when they emerge from the bushes is Burnside standing guard. I gather that she has become a local legend, and it will surely impress them to see that the famous 'Raccoon Monster' is working for me. Or wait ... will that come across too grim? I don't want them thinking I'm Unseelie. Hmmm ... Burnside, your part will be simple. You just need to look intimidating, but not TOO intimidating."

"How do you mean?" Burnside asked. "Is a fist full o' daggers more or less intimidatin' than a machete? Should I be naked, hunched over an growlin' or dressed, standin' up an talkin' proper? Should I go kill somethin' real quick an smear its blood on me?"

"Uh," I stalled, momentarily losing my train of thought. "Just be sort of stern and quiet, and look mean but not scary. If you still have that assassin's cloak, wear that ... and I guess use the machete unless you've got like a wicked looking pole-axe or something. You're the dreaded Raccoon Monster, but you've been tamed in my service. This will give the impression that I am a, what's the term? A bad-ass? Then when the witches approach, instruct them to enter the stone circle if they are worthy and brave enough. At this point they should see that I have more servants, so the Ixies need to be buzzing around, looking busy like they're doing something important. Yeah yeah, we're setting the stage! The Ixies notice these intruders and start rhetorically asking if they're worthy and maybe argue amongst themselves if they are or aren't."

"Soundeth good," Typantronn declared with a nod. "Can we bet on it?"

"Better not," I decided. "We're trying to look professional here. You can argue with each other a little bit and maybe taunt the coven over their 'worthiness' but don't get carried away. Remember you're supposed to be working, relaying messages or whatever, so you wouldn't have a lot of time to dally. Once they're sufficiently softened up, then you, Typantronn, can declare that I am approaching. You all scatter and disappear. A suspenseful silence descends over the stone circle."

"It giveth me chills just imagining it!" Typantronn exclaimed.

"That does sound purty good so far," Burnside agreed.

"Good," I chuckled. "Then you understand the effect I'm going for. Now, at this point I have to be careful. If Rebecca's early behavior is anything to go by, these people turned to witchcraft hoping to gain power to wreak some sort of petty vengeance on society. This is what I want to steer them away from. Therefore, my dramatic entrance should make me look intimidating and powerful but also make it absolutely clear that I am a spirit of seeliness and goodness ... an agent of light. Yes, that's it! I will appear with bright lights and a swarm of butterflies, and give myself a godlike booming voice. They'll see immediately that I and my enlightened ways are far more powerful than whatever dark, demonic spirit they were hoping to find. Ooh! I'll declare that they have wicked desires in their hearts and this displeases me. Do a little bit of Elfmind on them and tell them what they're thinking. That will be easy, and it should definitely put the fear of Fuma in them! At that point they should be open to becoming agents of good and messengers of Fuma. Once they're on board, I can dispense with the light show and become a little bit more approachable. That's it. If you have questions, ask them quickly. You need to get in position and get ready, and I need to catch some butterflies."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-23-2022

>Adler: You set about rounding up some butterflies when a thought occurs to you. You remember something Rebecca said about the effects of butterflies; how when they flap their wings they cause storms and hurricanes on the other side of the world. If you were to gather too many of them together, the storm they unleash could be powerful enough to ravage the entire planet! But wait... Butterflies gather in huge numbers all the time. If the beating of their wings unleashed such destruction then logically the world would already be destroyed. Perhaps it is only done consciously, like if the butterflies will it. Yes, that makes sense. Then truly adding butterflies to your entrance would only make you look more powerful and awesome! To tame not only the "Raccoon Monster" but also bring an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies to heel! However, before you use these butterflies, you have to be sure.
>Adler: As a butterfly perches daintily on the tip of your finger, you glare at it and conjure up the most intimidating voice you can muster. "Alright butterfly, let me make one thing perfectly clear: you don't cause any trouble and I won't cause any trouble for you. If you do this for me, I can make it worth your while. You understand?"
>Butterfly: You say nothing as you are a butterfly.
>An Ixie: You alert your sire that the coven is drawing near, he should take his place now. Also, what is he doing?
>Adler: You take the butterfly's silence for compliance. You tell your ixie that you were just making sure that you all understand each other.
>Ixie: Uh... Okay...
>Adler: You gather everything you need and hop into your hiding place. You heart picks up, the last few times you tried making a grand entrance didn't work out so well. You need to make this one count. You steel your nerves and mentally prepare yourself as you hear them approach.
>Adler: You have to stifle a laugh as you hear them collectively gasp at the sight of Burnside standing guard. She says her lines and you hear the coven nervously shuffle forward into the circle. So far so good...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 11-24-2022

Quote:>Adler: You set about rounding up some butterflies when a thought occurs to you... something Rebecca said about the effects of butterflies;

As I chased butterflies around inside the stone circle (they flitted through here more often than you might think), I remembered that Rebecca had said that when they flapped their wings they caused storms and hurricanes on the other side of the world. If I gathered too many of them together in one place, the storm they generated could be powerful enough to lay waste to the entire planet! But wait... that couldn't be right. I had frequently seen large swarms of butterflies. If the beating of their wings unleashed such destruction, then wouldn't the world already be annihilated? This implied that the cataclysmic weather effect must be a product of intention. The butterflies had to consciously will it to happen. Yes, that made sense. Going forward from that conclusion, it was clear that incorporating butterflies into my entrance would make me look even more powerful and awesome! How incredible, not only to tame the Raccoon Monster, but also to have an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies at my command! However, before I used these butterflies, I had to be sure.

Quote:>Adler: As a butterfly perches daintily on the tip of your finger, you glare at it and conjure up the most intimidating voice you can muster.


"Listen up, butterfly," I said sternly in my most no-nonsense voice as one of them perched on my finger. "Let me make this perfectly clear: You don't cause any trouble and I won't cause any trouble for you. Cooperate, and I can make it worth your while. You understand?"

Quote:>Butterfly: You say nothing as you are a butterfly.
>An Ixie: You alert your sire that the coven is drawing near, he should take his place now. Also, what is he doing?
>Adler: You take the butterfly's silence for compliance.

The butterfly flexed its wings slowly as it considered my proposal, no doubt triggering monsoons somewhere far away.

"My assassin cloak got turned into this witch outfit," Burnside exclaimed as she dashed up to me, brandishing a machete. "It's a little raggedy. Reckon it's scary enough? I still think there oughta be some blood an' matted hair on this blade. If I'da known we was doin' this, I wouldn've cleaned it."

"Sire, the coven approacheth," an Ixie alerted me. "Time to take thy place and ... what art thou doing?"

"I'm just making sure we understand each other," I informed her. Turning back to the butterfly, I muttered, "I take your silence for a sign of assent. Let's do this."

Quote:>Adler: You gather everything you need and hop into your hiding place. You heart picks up, the last few times you tried making a grand entrance didn't work out so well. You need to make this one count. You steel your nerves and mentally prepare yourself as you hear them approach.


I would have liked to gather more butterflies, but I was out of time. Five was still pretty impressive, especially considering how powerful they were. I pooked us all to the top of the dolmen and lay down in the grass up there.

"Busy busy busy," an Ixie declared as she flew past.

"We have much to do for our master," another Ixie proclaimed theatrically.

"Don't oversell it," I thought, then hunkered down out of sight in the concealing grass as I saw Burnside turn towards a rustling disturbance in the undergrowth.

Quote:>Adler: You have to stifle a laugh as you hear them collectively gasp at the sight of Burnside standing guard. She says her lines and you hear the coven nervously shuffle forward into the circle. So far so good...

"Enter these here sacred precincts," she intoned solemnly, "only if y'all are worthy an' brave enough."

Burnside was doing great! I could barely suppress a grin as I heard the witches gasp and then shuffle forward in awe.

"Intruders!" an Ixie shouted. "Interlopers! Begone! We've no time to deal with thee!"

"We are ever at work, doing the bidding of our mighty sire," another one shouted.

"Mayhap these be the guests we were told to expect," another Ixie theorized.

"These? Fie! Look they worthy, thinkest thou?"

Oh yes, this was going even better than I had dared to hope. I'd give them a few more seconds to take it all in, and then make my big appearance.


And with that, it is time for me to disappear.

You see what day it is. Your stupid lowfolk holiday season starts tomorrow. You know who goes on the prowl looking for elves this time of year.

No way is mama Mavis' bright-eyed boy getting stuck making toys, no siree! So I'm going to shuffle off to an undisclosed location.

Someone will be here next week to continue the story while I'm away.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-30-2022

>As Adler heads towards the door he fails to notice a number of his audience watching him very intently. After he closes the door a few minutes pass and the conspiratorial whispering begins.
>"Is he gone?"
>"Yes. Did you swap his tie?"
>"I did. Are you sure this will work?"
>"Of course. That tie came from the Kringle himself. It bears an enchantment forged of pure Christmas magic, ancient and primeval. It functions as a tracking device. No matter where he hides the Kringle will know exactly where he is. Not only that, but if he tries to pook at any point he'll be sent directly to the Kringle's workshop."
>"Excellent. And if this succeeds-"
>"The Kringle will deliver on his end of the bargain. Oscar Meyer Wiener Whistles for all of us."
>"But I wanted a bag of thirty silver pieces."
>"Quiet, someone's coming."
>The temporary story teller enters the room and is taken aback by how "intense" the audience seems. After an awkward introduction, the story continues.

>Adler: As the coven shuffles about nervously while the ixies play their part, you peer over the edge to get a sense of what you've got to work with. They are pretty much exactly what you imagined. A group of awkward teenage social outcasts wearing too much black and too much makeup. Also some of them have really bad posture. Hopefully your influence can whip them into shape.
>Ixies: One of you yells for the others to be quiet. You all go silent as if listening for something. One of you exclaims that "He is approaching" while another shouts for you all to flee. Fly, Sisters, Fly! Lest you suffer your lord's righteous fury! Within moments you are all gone and the circle is tensely quiet.
>Adler: Perfect! They did perfectly! Now to just wait for a little bit and let the dramatic tension build. You observe the now frightened coven of wannabe witches.
>Coven: One of you begins shaking like a leaf while pulling on the sleeve of another. "I'm really scared. It was a bad idea to come here. This is too much. Can we please leave? I just want to go home..." The rest of you begin mumbling to each other, not as sure as you were when you first planned this excursion.
>Adler: Okay, that's enough waiting! You didn't expect them to get scared this quickly. Perhaps your original plan isn't a good idea anymore. No. No second thoughts. You need to fast track these people onto the path of righteousness. Trial by fire is necessary. Jump in before they leave.
>Adler: With a bright flash and billowing white smoke you step forward as a cloud of butterflies disperses from behind you. You glow with divine light and your eyes burn with holy fire. You have given yourself an angelic appearance. Your voice booms out like a crack of thunder wrapped in godly fury. "Who dares enter my domain? Who are you that presumes to be worthy to stand before me?"
>Coven: One of you lets out a terrified, blood-curdling shriek and immediately faints. The rest of you real in shuddering terror.
>Adler: Uh, maybe you overdid it on the entrance. No changing course now, the show must go on. You continue to the next part. "I need crusaders that are pure of heart and of noble of deed. I see before me not but witches and ne'er-do-wells whose hearts overflow with wicked desires." You point at one and read her thoughts. "You! You were willing to sell your immortal soul just so you could bewitch some boy you have a crush on. The most precious thing any being has to offer and you would squander it for a one night stand?"
>Witch Girl: You cover your face as tears well up in your eyes. It's true. What where you thinking. Oh god, you are so ashamed...
>Adler: You point at another. "And you! You wanted to learn how to curse your mother's garden so nothing could ever grow there again. You would curse your own mother over nothing but a small list of petty slights. The very woman who cares for and feeds you and you treat her like your worst enemy."
>Scared Witch: Through choked sobs you voice your regrets. You beg him not to smite you and how you don't want "I hate you" to be the last thing you said to your mother.
>Adler: You pass over the girl that fainted on to the next one. "You!-" you are slightly taken aback when you see her curled up in the fetal position covering her ears with her eyes clenched shut. All you get when you try to read her thoughts is a terrified mantra "I'm a terrible person. I'm a monster. Please don't hurt me." You decide to push forward with your performance. You are LORD RANDAL! You are an agent of seeliness and devout servant to Lady Fuma! You require- Nay! You DEMAND that your followers be the same and... You observe the coven. They are a mess of terrified sobs and fearful shaking. Your heart sinks and pangs of guilt begin to gnaw at your conscience. And... And you're just scaring a bunch of frightened kids, aren't you?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 11-30-2022

*And you're just emotionally scarring a bunch of frightened kids, aren't you?