RE: Post making contest - Kaynato - 05-25-2016
Believe in lubrication!
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 05-25-2016
RE: Post making contest - Schazer - 05-25-2016
It was all a ruse
RE: Post making contest - Sruixan - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:15 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbccdddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffggggghhhIIIIIiiIiiiikkkklllllllmmmmmnnnNnooooooooooooooooooprrrrrssssssssstttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuvvwwwwyyyyyyY,"",,!!!...
This post breaks 1, 2 and 3.
(05-25-2016, 01:15 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Believe in lubrication!
This post breaks 1, 2, 3 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:17 AM)Akumu Wrote: »3816
This post breaks 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:18 AM)Schazer Wrote: »It was all a ruse
This post breaks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
RE: Post making contest - Kíeros - 05-25-2016
(05-08-2016, 04:42 AM)umukA Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler."0" ro "X" fo eno tsael ta redner tsum tsoP .5
Show Content
:tsil woleb eht ni sdrow 68 eht fo eno euqinu a niatnoc tsum ecnetnes hcaE .4
.euqinu eb tsum ecnetnes hcae fo obmoc roloc/dnuorgkcaB .3
.rehtona fo rettel tsrif eht ot ecnetnes eno fo rettel tsal eht neewteb elcyc euqinu dna etelpmoc a eb tsum erehT .2
.secnetnes thgie yltcaxe evah tsuM .1
.secnetnes ton era sgnirts lluN .skaerbenil ro ,skram noitseuq ,skram noitamalcxe ,sdoirep yb detimiled ,rettel eno tsael ta htiw sgnirts era secnetneS :eton egasU
(05-06-2016, 05:56 PM)taehW Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler????kcimmig eht tuo erugif uoy nac woN
spac on .5
(0 naht erom) sdoirep dna sehportsopa fo rebmun emas .4
gat [gmi] aiv egami eno tsael ta .3
.tnuoc spus dna sbus .ezis txet detide fo ecnatsni .2
.selballys evif naht regnol on secnetnes .1
:selur eht erew ereH
(05-06-2016, 03:38 PM)rezahcS Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler tseb eht era syug uoY .tsekciuq tuo eno siht derugif ,selur yttihs ym lla fo ,ohw ,sdneirf evah ot denetraeh ylurt m'I .etimurof wollef a tuoba ecin gnihtemos yas tsum uoY .5
.tsop ruoy otni aieopotamono emos kaeuqs tsum uoy ,ezirp eht pu pans oT .4
.yalpdrow desab-gub tcesjni ton od taht stsop yna tcejeR .3
.YAM tuo delleps tsop s'taehW ;tnuoc t'nod smynorca/snoitcartnoC .drow elgnis a tuo lleps tsum enil wen hcae fo rettel tsrif ehT - citsorcA .2
.nup detaler-drib eno tsael ta ekarc tsum stsoP .1
(05-04-2016, 05:35 AM)umukA Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler.FIG detamina etome-TE-non a edulcni tsuM .5
.3 elur htiw stcilfnoc siht erehw rof tpecxe ,sgat etouq fo edistuo ,emanresu nwo s'rohtua tsop eht morf ,secaps gnidulcxe ,sretcarahc yna redner ton tsum tsoP .4
.sgat etouq fo edistuo ,tsop detouq eht fo rohtua eht fo emanresu eht ni ,secaps gnidulcxe ,sretcarahc lla redner tsum tsoP .3
.em yb degduj sa ,tsop detouq eht ot ylper evitnatsbus a niatnoc tsum :elur gnitsop-tihs on ehT .2
.gat etouq eht ni DIP yb denimreted sa ,daerht eht ni tsop rehtona fo etouq a niatnoc tsuM .1
(05-02-2016, 04:35 AM)resaL tsuboR Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler.ssap ot elur nekorb eht rof tnemeriuqer eht setagen sihT .nekorb eb tsum 3-1 selur fo eno ylno dna enO*
*3-1 .5
.tsop suoiverp eht ni dellifluf eb tsum 3-1 seluR .4
.kcirt ot tpmetta na niatnoc tsum tsoP .3
.god driew a fo erutcip a niatnoc tsum tsoP .2
muitrosnoC ecapS eht ot gnimoclew eb tsum tsoP .1
(05-02-2016, 04:09 AM)umukA Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler.noitazilatipac yna htiw "god driew" gnirts eht edulcni tsuM .5
.sgat etouq yna edulcni ton tsuM .4
(eniletad eht sa secalp hcus ni gnidulcni ,txet tsop elohw eht edulcni ot dednapxe tub ,txet nialp ni yllanigiro) rebmun tsop nwo sti edulcni tsum tsoP .3
.rebmun emirp a eb tsum rebmun tsoP .2
.gat reliops a nihtiw yleritne eb tsuM .1
:erew selur ehT
(04-30-2016, 09:28 PM)enotsworC Wrote: »
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Spoiler.1 elur tceffa ton lliw txet elbakcilc fo eulb tluafed eht
3 dna 2 elur tceffa ton lliw elbisiv t'nera taht sLRU
.knilrepyh a niatnoc tsum
.siht rof tneinevnoc yrev si erutangis s'rebilacxi
tsop eht revo egami llat lexip 08 na gniggard dna gnikcilc em yb denifed sa ,slexip 08 naht retrohs eb .4
srettel latipac 3 tsael ta niatnoc .3
esaelp drow eht niatnoc tsum .2
tros emos fo txet lufroloc evah tsum .1
selur ym
(04-30-2016, 05:05 PM)taehW Wrote: »
Show Content
Show Content
Spoilerylno "xof" delleps sretcarahc eht noitidnoc ehtrednu sretcarahc ciremunahpla tsop dluoc uoy ,ecnatsni roF .xof a yartrop yeht fi ,elur a kaerb ton dna 4-1 selur ni gnihtemos tsop nac uoy ,si tahT .elur noitpecxe na si 5
.2 rof tnuoc seilimS
.3 dna 1 rof stnuoc xob etouq/xob edoc/xobreliops a morf tsop a ni sretcarahc elbisiv)
noitanitsed laniF .5
soediv oN .4
noitautcnup/slobmys elbisiv oN .3
segami oN .2
sretcarahc ciremunahpla elbisiv oN .1
(04-30-2016, 06:25 AM)ylamonA Wrote: »
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Spoiler.gnitsop retfa elbisiv t'nerew taht sgniht rehto ro ,sgat ,sLRU ot ylppa ton did 5 elur taht etoN)
.e rettel eht niatnoc ton tsum tsoP :5# eluR
.retematnep cibmai fo senil owt tsael ta niatnoc tsum tsoP :4# eluR
.ddo eb tsum rebmun tsoP :3# eluR
.roloc ni eulb yliramirp eb tsum erutcip eht ni elitpeR :2# eluR
.elitper a fo erutcip a niatnoc tsum tsoP :1# eluR
(04-26-2016, 06:53 AM)nhemagheM Wrote: »
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Spoiler(tsal semoc erutuf dna tsrif semoc tsap sa gnol sa ,elur siht gnikaerb tuohtiw hcae fo selpitlum evah nac uoY .erutuF neht tneserP neht tsaP tnaem I redro ni yB)
.redro ni ,sesnet cisab eerht eht fo hcae morf esarhp ro drow eno tsael ta niatnoc tsuM
:saw 2 woN
.tnuoc drow emas eht htiw secnetnes owt tsael ta evah tsuM :5
.sdoirep ton era taht skram noitautcnup yna niatnoc tonnac tsoP :4
(tsop eht fo trap deredisnoc llits si tnetnoc fo ecnesba eht ,esac siht nI) "I" drow eht htiw trats taht secnetnes nihtiw deniatnoc eb tsum tsop eht ni gnihtyrevE :3
.ssel on erom on ,secnetnes eerht eb tsuM :1
:erew selur ehT
(04-26-2016, 12:11 AM)resaL tsuboR Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler.sgat gmi ni t'nera yeht fi neve ,serutcip yna niatnoc ton yam tsoP .5
.secaps yna niatnoc ton yam tsoP .4
.lobmys eno dna laremun eno tsael ta niatnoc tsum tsoP .3
.srettel esacrewol dna esacreppu htob niatnoc tsum tsoP .2
sretcarahc 61 dna 8 neewteb eb tsum tsoP .1
.sgat etouq ,yas ,yb detareneg yllacitamotua sgniht gnidulcnI .detsop tsop eht deredisnoc selur llA
(04-25-2016, 09:57 PM)rebilacxI Wrote: »
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Spoiler- .iniD emalb I yrros repus m'I .now ydaerla dah taehW dezilaer I nehw emas eht eb tsum srettel tsal dna tsrif eht' gnieb ot siht gnidargnwod ot yaw no saw I .retcarahc emas eht htiw dne dna nigeb tsum tsop ehT :eviF eluR
- .ekatsim a saw siht ,suougibma fo dnik era hceeps fo straP .evitcejda na niatnoc tsum tsop ehT :ruoF eluR
- .neve dna net naht retaerg eb tsum tluser eht pu dedda era tsop eht ni srebmun eht lla nehW :eerhT eluR
- .rehtie hguorht eno siht kniht t'ndid I exehtrae dna xiurs yrros .emanresu s'retsop eht fo rettel yreve edulcni tsum tsop ehT :owT eluR
- .fo kcart peek ot eramthgin a saw ti osla tsixe taht sdrow fo stol era ereht esuaceb yliramirp ,eb ot tuo denrut ti naht wollof ot elur rehguot a eb dluow siht thguoht I .dnuor siht edam tsop yna ni desu neeb ton sah taht drow eno tsael ta edulcni tsum tsop ehT:enO eluR
(04-24-2016, 06:17 PM)legoF nogarD Wrote: »
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Spoiler.muitrosnoC ecapS eht ot lla uoy emoclew I .ecnetsisrep ruoy rof enoyreve ot snoitalutargnoC
.tnuoc ot 3 eluR rof orez dedeen eht dedivorp m0g dnA
.drow a sa taht tnuoc ot detpo I dna "DAD" slleps "ECNAD A ECNAD" esuaceb 5 elur steem tsop gninniw ehT
.llarevo evitceffe os saw ti yhw s'taht ,2 elur gnikaerb tuohtiw 1 elur ssap ot sneppah "muiTroSnOc ecaPs"
.srehto eht htiw lanoitnetni sa t'nsaw ti tub 3 eluR fo tniop eht fo tros saw hcihw ,rehto hcae no pu gnippirt tpek tser ehT .diova ot ysae yllaer eb ot tuo denrut 4 eluR
.detsop soediv ro serutcip ni sdrow yna era oS .selur lla rof derongi era sgat fo stnetnoc eht dna sLRU ,serutangis ,seltit tsoP
.ereh sdrow erucsbo no sllac yffi yllaitnetop emos edam I ."B&A" sa daer eb dluow "seeB & stnA" os ,dedulcni era sretcarahc rettel-noN .ereh "drow" a sa stnuoc sretcarahc fo tes ynA .srettel laitini rieht htiw srettel eerht tsael ta fo drow hsilgnE na lleps tsum sdrow evitucesnoc fo tes emoS :5 eluR
.dnik yna fo sgat edoc BB eerht naht erom evah ton tsuM :4 eluR
.orez a evah tsum selur lla sessap taht tsop a snaem sihT
.slaremun namoR ot siht ylppa t'ndid I ,revewoh ;od srebmun regral fo stigid laudividnI .t'nod sgat ,ton od "oot" dna "ot" ."htruof" ,"driht" ,"dnoces" ,"tsrif" od oS .sdrow eht od sa ,tnuoc dnik yna fo slaremuN .tsop eht ni erehwemos eno siht naht rehto nekorb selur fo rebmun eht edulcni tsuM :3 eluR
.gnitpurretni sa tnuoc t'nod secaps dna sretcarahc lacitebahpla-noN .t'nseod "ab" ,selur skaerb "ba" oS .redro lacitebahpla ni rehto hcae gniwollof tebahpla eht fo srettel evitucesnoc evah ton tsuM :2 eluR
.tsop eht ni erehwyna detubirtsid eb naC .redro taht ni ,"tsop" drow eht ni srettel lla esu tsuM :1 eluR
(04-23-2016, 11:31 PM)taehW Wrote: »
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Spoiler.selballys evif naht regnol on secnetnes .5
.tnuoc spus dna sbus .ezis txet detide fo ecnatsni .4
gat [gmi] aiv egami eno tsael ta .3
.spac on .2
(0 naht erom) sdoirep dna sehportsopa fo rebmun emas .1
:stnemeriuqer lla llifluf osla dluow tsop siht
(04-23-2016, 11:29 PM)taehW Wrote: » .renniw er'uoy
(04-23-2016, 08:06 PM)dlewyeR Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler[b].srettel esacrewol dna latipac htob evah tsum tsoP .5
.htob ton tub ,scilati ro gnidlob evah tsum tsoP .4
.tsop suoiverp eht neht seilims laiciffo (lauqe ton) erom evah tsum tsoP .3
.(lagelli eb dluow 2#:#[#] .xe) nmulloc seno eht ni emit eht ni ”2“ a evah ton tsum tsoP .2
."dlewyer" ro ”dlewyeR“ evah ton tsum tsoP .1
(04-23-2016, 07:30 PM)naxiurS Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoiler.102# tsop dnuora pu def yrev tog I nosaer eht si dna ,":reliopS" drow eht dna xob etouq a etutitsnoc taht sdrow eht sedulcni sihT ."skaerb enil dna noitautcnup ,secaps fo noitanibmoc emos yb dednekoob ,dewolla serutcip on ,sretcarahc fo gnirts suounitnoc a" sa drow a enifed ot em decrof sah thguohterof fo kcal elbirret a erehw ,sdrow fo rebmun ddo na niatnoc tsum :5#
(laedi saw "etorw eiknaL" os) slewov tnereffid ruof ylesicerp esu tsum :4#
(stnuoc kram noitseuq a yb dewollof gnihtyna) noitseuq eno tsael ta ksa tsum :3#
draobyek SU/KU a fo wor srebmun eht no dnuof sa - )(*&^%$£"#@! morf sretcarahc tcnitsid owt tsael ta niatnoc tsum :2#
)em de'ajnin alonarg erehw eno eht saw elur siht yfsitas t'ndid taht enim fo tsop ylno eht yhw dna ,naxiurS rof "xiurs" tpecca ot ton ro rehtehw revo snettik gnivah noitaterpretni "tcirts" eht ecneh( tsop suoiverp eht fo rohtua eht fo eman eht edulcni tsum :1#
:der ni detacidni era tsop tsrif ym retfa edam snoitaretla gniyfiralC .llik nac sesac-egde esuaceb ,meht ekam uoy erofeb selur ruoy hguorht kniht :si yrots eht fo larom ehT .lla uoy nopu detcilfni gnireffus eht rof seigolopA
(04-22-2016, 02:23 PM)eiknaL Wrote: »
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Spoiler!emaG dooG
.emit yreve tcejbus tsoP eht ni : eht gnitnuoc saw I tol a ruof rebmun gnissap tuoba desufnoc er'uoy fI
.deretla 'tcejbuS tsoP' eht evah tsum tsoP .5
.noitautcnup fo sepyt tnereffid eerht tsael ta edulcni tsum tsoP .4
.setouq on niatnoc tsum tsoP .3
.tigid ciremuN a edulcni tsum tsoP .2
.reliops a niatnoc tsum tsoP .1
:selur eht erew ereH
(04-22-2016, 12:30 AM)m0g Wrote: »
Show Content
Spoilernuf saw siht !eno fo kniht I sa noos sa ezirp ruoy teg ll'uoy dna ptb ot snoitalutargnoc
erutangis edulcni ton tsum tsoP .5
m0g etouq tsum tsoP .4
doirep a ni gnidne ecnetnes a niatnoc tsum tsoP .3
seilims emit elgae tnereffid erom ro owt edulcni tsum tsoP .2
"a" rettel eht edulcni tsum tsoP .1
:og uoy ereh esuaceb regnol on rednow lleW
!!desu evah elpoep selur eht era ereh .daerht ym ni siht ekil semag gninnur neeb evah elpoep fo stol wow :TIDE
...ezirp laiceps a steg renniw eht haey ho dnA
.diarfa m'I "skaerb eht s'mehT" .eromyna tsetnoc gnikam tsop eht ni eb ot teg t'nod yeht stsop gnikaerb elur evif sekam enoemos fi .selur eht fo evif lla swollof taht tsop a ekam ot tsrif eht si reveohw si renniw eht ,tsetnoc gnikam tsop eht ot selur terces evif era ereht .tsetnoc gnikam tsop eht ot emocleW
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 05-25-2016
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 05-25-2016
RE: Post making contest - Crowstone - 05-25-2016
find and replace 'breaks' with 'passes' to win!
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
?"muitrosnoC ecapS eht ot emocleW" yas ot erew I fi tahW
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
Keiros you're doing a good job keep it up.
RE: Post making contest - Kíeros - 05-25-2016
.taht no sgat eht fo lla gnixif gnol oot yaw tneps I
(05-25-2016, 01:29 AM)rebilacxi Wrote: ».pu ti peek boj doog a gniod er'uoy sorieK
RE: Post making contest - Sruixan - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:23 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »*omitted for brevity*
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, along with my soul.
(05-25-2016, 01:23 AM)Akumu Wrote: »3820
This post breaks rules 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:24 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:24 AM)Akumu Wrote: »3820
This post breaks rules 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:27 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »find and replace 'breaks' with 'passes' to win!
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:29 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »?"muitrosnoC ecapS eht ot emocleW" yas ot erew I fi tahW
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(05-25-2016, 01:29 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Keiros you're doing a good job keep it up.
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3 and 5, along with my heart.
(05-25-2016, 01:36 AM)Kíeros Wrote: ».taht no sgat eht fo lla gnixif gnol oot yaw tneps I
(05-25-2016, 01:29 AM)rebilacxi Wrote: ».pu ti peek boj doog a gniod er'uoy sorieK
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
i thought it was keiros who was breaking your heart but it was me, i was the true villain of this piece.
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
really quickly
RE: Post making contest - Sruixan - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:44 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »i thought it was keiros who was breaking your heart but it was me, i was the true villain of this piece.
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:46 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »really quickly
This post breaks rules 2, 3, 4 and 5.
I'll only be making one more judging post before bed, in about ten minutes time. If you've anything you desperately want to try, now would be a good time...
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
i'm feeling pretty conf about us passing these rules sometime soon
RE: Post making contest - Kíeros - 05-25-2016
whati fiwer etodo somet hingl iketh isins tead?
RE: Post making contest - Sruixan - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:50 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »i'm feeling pretty conf about us passing these rules sometime soon
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:53 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »whati fiwer etodo somet hingl iketh isins tead?
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
I lied I'm making one more judgement post.
RE: Post making contest - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:53 AM)Sruixan Wrote: » (05-25-2016, 01:50 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »i'm feeling pretty conf about us passing these rules sometime soon
(05-25-2016, 01:53 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »whati fiwer etodo somet hingl iketh isins tead?
RE: Post making contest - Kaynato - 05-25-2016
####That is referred to in many circles as a book is an important endeavor to undertake, with the ultimate and final goal that would in such a circumstance be aimed for being to, in following, thusly produce an item of discussion, such that the topic of that category of items called “books” may be referred into circular circles of discussion wherein the topic of “books,” being discussed in such a way by those who would participate in the discussion of books, might foster discussion, and therefore lead, through the discussion of the subject material of that which is called by name “a book,” to a more developed discussion of books which may advance the discussion of books in such a way.
####Books, which are often the subject of many discussions in which the discussers of books may often discuss, often, the internal contents of the books which are discussed in the discussion, usually due to the cause that they are deserving of being discussed in such a discussion about books, as small mice and other small land animals are when an eagle gracefully swoops down from the sky to devour, giblets dripping from its cruelly bloodstained claws, small and utterly harmless, innocent land creatures for sustenance – indeed, the eagle, like the book which may be often seen in circular circles of book-related discussion, is a vicious animal that will never hit the bucket around a dead horse underneath a bush until it has devoured its worth of food, which in the case of the aforementioned book, may be compared to the paper on which books are printed, although the full comparison may extend to other substances such as ink, authorship, or book bindings.
####Usually the book in its natural habitat scrounges about vast savannahs, often being found within the confines of humanity which cultivates this unique crop with the shovels of printing and trowels of reading, harvesting this prowling creature for the sake of being discussed in discussion, poring desperately over pages, sometimes wrinkled, in search of the contents of books which come in the shape of aligned rows of mysteriously bent ink-splotches, which oftentimes may provide themselves either connectedly or disconnectedly to such an extent that insofar as they are found to such an extent, provide difficulty to those humans who pore desperately over pages, sometimes wrinkled, in their discussion of books within aforementioned circular circles of discussion.
####Ultimately in the ultimate finality of the following end, coming to the only conclusion that may be retrieved from such a discussion of books with pages, sometimes wrinkled, on which may be found mysterious remnants of ink arranged into discrete shapes, within the confines of circular circles of discussion in which the subject matter usually includes books, we must decide finally that the conclusion is readily apparent and obvious, as clear as a freshly-minted wine bottle, and thusly decide after much deliberation and decision-making that this was decided to become the concluding decision on books.
RE: Post making contest - Kíeros - 05-25-2016
.luos s'xiurS ekorb I taht ecalos ekat syawla ll'I tsael ta ,teselur eht evlos t'nod I fi neve ,yawynA
RE: Post making contest - Sruixan - 05-25-2016
(05-25-2016, 01:54 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: » (05-25-2016, 01:53 AM)Sruixan Wrote: » (05-25-2016, 01:50 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »i'm feeling pretty conf about us passing these rules sometime soon
(05-25-2016, 01:53 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »whati fiwer etodo somet hingl iketh isins tead?
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 01:56 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Books
####That is referred to in many circles as a book is an important endeavor to undertake, with the ultimate and final goal that would in such a circumstance be aimed for being to, in following, thusly produce an item of discussion, such that the topic of that category of items called “books” may be referred into circular circles of discussion wherein the topic of “books,” being discussed in such a way by those who would participate in the discussion of books, might foster discussion, and therefore lead, through the discussion of the subject material of that which is called by name “a book,” to a more developed discussion of books which may advance the discussion of books in such a way.
####Books, which are often the subject of many discussions in which the discussers of books may often discuss, often, the internal contents of the books which are discussed in the discussion, usually due to the cause that they are deserving of being discussed in such a discussion about books, as small mice and other small land animals are when an eagle gracefully swoops down from the sky to devour, giblets dripping from its cruelly bloodstained claws, small and utterly harmless, innocent land creatures for sustenance – indeed, the eagle, like the book which may be often seen in circular circles of book-related discussion, is a vicious animal that will never hit the bucket around a dead horse underneath a bush until it has devoured its worth of food, which in the case of the aforementioned book, may be compared to the paper on which books are printed, although the full comparison may extend to other substances such as ink, authorship, or book bindings.
####Usually the book in its natural habitat scrounges about vast savannahs, often being found within the confines of humanity which cultivates this unique crop with the shovels of printing and trowels of reading, harvesting this prowling creature for the sake of being discussed in discussion, poring desperately over pages, sometimes wrinkled, in search of the contents of books which come in the shape of aligned rows of mysteriously bent ink-splotches, which oftentimes may provide themselves either connectedly or disconnectedly to such an extent that insofar as they are found to such an extent, provide difficulty to those humans who pore desperately over pages, sometimes wrinkled, in their discussion of books within aforementioned circular circles of discussion.
####Ultimately in the ultimate finality of the following end, coming to the only conclusion that may be retrieved from such a discussion of books with pages, sometimes wrinkled, on which may be found mysterious remnants of ink arranged into discrete shapes, within the confines of circular circles of discussion in which the subject matter usually includes books, we must decide finally that the conclusion is readily apparent and obvious, as clear as a freshly-minted wine bottle, and thusly decide after much deliberation and decision-making that this was decided to become the concluding decision on books.
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
(05-25-2016, 02:12 AM)Kíeros Wrote: ».luos s'xiurS ekorb I taht ecalos ekat syawla ll'I tsael ta ,teselur eht evlos t'nod I fi neve ,yawynA
This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3 and 5 - I would like to remind you that you had already broken my soul, at the end of Revenge Of Extreme Trainwreck. And, come to think of it, also at the end of your puzzle hunt. Basically what I'm getting at is that my soul isn't safe around you...
Anyway, goodnight, folks! I'm looking forward to seeing the utterly ridiculous number/quality of posts I'll have to judge come tomorrow mor- afternoon, most likely...
RE: Post making contest - Kaynato - 05-25-2016
I believe in you!
!uou ni eveileb I
RE: Post making contest - CrimsonMage - 05-25-2016
.looc os