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4tuna Mafia Game - Printable Version

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RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Apo11o - 12-04-2016

It's fine. If you so wish to kill me, then I'll take my death with dignity. I'm not afraid to be thrown out with everyone else. []3

Buut. Andromeda. You are a robot yourself, aaren't you? Would you truly condemn me for stealing those without rights away from their captors? Theft is not the same as murder. The most that I haave done on this ship is speak to people, every night. Hoot confirmed this yesterday, didn't they? []3

Dee can also vouch for this, I thiink. Even if I seemed suspiciious in some way, I did keep with the plan we had made. []<

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

Yeah sure, you made a plan with Hoot to off them, I believe you, not. I took Slider's tablet to my room. What sort of Âne, idiot stands around in a room with stolen goods? I mean I know I'm a little loose in the brain but I know how to steal, you don't sit with your goods in the store mot français ici, silly! You will get caught that way.

All I know is that is it likely not him. Where did you use the ID card anyway?

Also yes! I know Slider very well even though I may have assumed they were you know...A mass murderer. Look it happens. Slider has been doing nothing but talking! I'm sure we have a thief on the ship but it's not Slider.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

I used the card to research on my computer. But... Dee, you're on the crew, I know that for sure. I investigated you the second night, and you're innocent 100%. And I think that if we argue amongst ourselves it's only going to strengthen the opposing side. I know is that Slider's criminal record is very full and that he's quite guilty. If we don't vote the right person this may all be over.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

Do not do this bull with me! This stupid "Oh you're innocent and I can prove it, hint hint, this is a bribe." I suspected you on the first day. You wanted to be first mate so you could get closer to the captain didn't you? We have a saying from where I come from.

"Dee vous ne connaissez pas une lèche de touristes parlent!"

It means that when the volkron's back is against the wall he pays well to get out. Put your bride away. (Unless that bride is not being killed by pirates, in which case hit me up if you're still alive by the end of this day and also a pirate. ;) )

Plus lets be honest, I'm a little too loose lipped to be a murderer. I would have told people by accident by now.....

(Side note to that bride offer, do not hit me up with a bat, I am too young to die I have never even seen Moiresme yet, please spare me.)

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

Fine. I'm putting my bribe away. But if you are truly on the crew you're making a big mistake.

That's all I have to say on the matter.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

Now, mafia. Knowing you guys, you're all going to vote for me to be lynched and gain the advantage. Isn't that right?

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

First you say "Oh I know you're on the crew", then you go "Well if you are on the crew" you paid out your bride before shaking on it. If you are really on the crew you wouldn't have lied at all.

Anyway, my vote still stands, but, I may take it back.....so I can attempt to hit 2 birds with one stone.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

No one listen to Andromeda! Andromeda never worked with Hoot I bet! This is all clearly Andromeda attempting to wiggle their way out of it, like a tourist snail!

But you know what Andromeda? If they don't vote for you that's ok, because I will make sure you get the friendship treatment. If you are all scared of voting for the wrong person, give the vote to Larry or don't vote at all.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

No no - don't vote for me OR Dee. This is our last chance to catch a mafia member, so the crew needs to coordinate to all vote for one singular mafia guy in order to achieve a correct lynch.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Apo11o - 12-04-2016

If it were only my life on the line, I wouldn't care if we voted for me - I wouldn't bother speaking up at aall. Let the diice fall as it may. But at this point, if we maake a mistake... The mafia will reign victorious. We cannot aafford to be wrong. []3

Do you need proof that I have not been acting maliciously? Our fiirst night here, I struck up a friendship with Larry. On our second, I spoke to Dee. The third, I contacted Hoot. Last night, I communicated with Dot. All night, every night, I haave been talking to our fellow crew members. []3

I do not want you all to die. Pleease, choose wisely. []<

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

Andromeda is cleeeeearly bait if they're not on crew. We know first mates likely get some sort of power and if it's an extra life then why not make the 1 clearly pirate/mafia jump out at the last moment and hand us proof themselves of their guilt? If we killed Slider they win, if we kill Andromeda and they have an extra life they win.

We're doomed or at least close to it and I'm sure they know it.

So before everything hits the brick wall (We've already been hitting it but we're backing up the car to hit it again don't worry) Here's my list of people who are maybe giant murderers.

or Cryptic but I don't know.

I base this off totally valid facts, also known as, a back of a cereal box and people who voted to approve Andromeda and also people who voted to kill Dorite which are almost totally the same people. This is why I thought Slider was a murderer and checked on them.

Oooooooooooooor I'm 100% wrong and those people just follow whoever says something first in a manner that sounds important, which is also true, and we should have just attempted to get to the captain so we could toss him out the airlock and hopefully pacified these killers. Maybe we could have just given them our lunch money and they could have taken the ship and dropped us off next planet.

Then again senior (That's french right?) these are the type of sickos who kill a Larry the moment they spot one, I suppose they would have taken our shirts with them too.

What I'm saying is duuuh Hoots was the only smart one of us so clearly the killers are the ones with the higher int scores.

So changing my vote to BB because if I'm going to mess up I'm going to mess up picking the person who only might be apart of the other team.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-05-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

<Veraxus sighs as Dee mentions their suspicions>

"While normally I would feel...saddened that you would suspect me, Dee, I do not blame you. Far from it in fact, everyone in this situation is suspicious. However I assure you that I am innocent. I had originally planned to speak with Hoot last night, but Mi bastardo de un cocinero lento, my slowcooker unfortunately broke."

<Veraxus pauses for a moment before continuing>

"I...I feel Como si yo pudiera haberlo salvado, si hubiera seguido sólo, o tal vez hecho algo más para hacer valer mi vida inútil...I feel I could have saved hoot, but I refuse to let his memory go in vain. Previously Hoot approached me during the night, and he shared with me his own theories on who is guilty:

<Veraxus shares a file sent to him by Hoot Previously: https://pastebin.com/JyfHvfUn >

Hoot's reasoning was that the most suspect were the ones who did not speak much, if at all. As such he shared with me that he thought in particular that Dorite, Slider, Zephik, and Larry were to be watched for this reason. As he said, they.."Sed as much as a hostless gondii"? I am sorry, I still struggle with the tweep ways of speaking."

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-05-2016

[Image: rklyv.jpg]

Maybe I could just gain people's trust by getting some actual evidence out there...

[Andromeda re-enters his room and exits, a tablet in his hand. He begins reading off of the tablet.]

..."Police Citation for Organized Crime." And other offenses include robberies, child smuggling, illegal hunting, like, five mining safety violations and a whole bunch of other stuff. Looks like this guy's a real menace!!

And it makes sense he's in a gang too - I was reading up on the geography of Bodus, the planet we're on, and the atlas said to watch out for organized crime syndicates. That's what these gang symbols on my sticky note up here were reminding me about...

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - OTTO - 12-05-2016

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RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-05-2016

Oh yeah haha, can't believe I didn't even mention Slider's name -- it's Slider. Those notes pertain to Slider.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - OTTO - 12-05-2016

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RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Apo11o - 12-06-2016

Illegal hunting? Child smuggling? That's disgusting! I would never do something so callous as to carelessly take the life of another being and laugh about it. |[]<

If you are so determined to call me the killer, than you might as well. But I will not let it be said that I am a callous, cold being like you have just suggested that I am. []<

I'm a fully realised creation with a beating heart, and I won't sit by and simply let you call me such horrible things. []<

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - OTTO - 12-08-2016

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RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-09-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

<Veraxus takes a moment to think over everything, eventually taking notice of the bracelets nearby>

"Ah, ¿Alguien perdió una pieza de joyería? Did someone lose a piece of jewelry or something of the like? There are two small bracelets here on this table. I thought I might point them out to be safe. If no one has lost them ah.. would anyone be opposed to my taking one? They are fairly nice!"

"Ah, sorry sorry, but back to the topic at hand. Andromeda, these are...very serious accusations, needless to say I am..conflicted. While I do not believe in blindly trusting this information, it does line up with the late Hoot's theories. Tal alma, perdida por el tiempo ...Slider was on Hoots watch list, and you claim that they have done these terrible things. It...lines up fairly well."

<Veraxus sighs once more before continuing>

"But I would like to hear from more members of our crew before anything is settled. Specifically I would like to hear from Zephik, they have been...quite quiet during all of this."

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-09-2016

Give the bracelet to Slider, he's the person who goes around making friends anyway.

Also I don't know Veraxus, while I think Hoot had the right idea I think Hoot must have tagged some of the wrong people. Larry and Dorite were innocent and I believe Slider to be as well. That's 3 out of 4. We got lots of conflicting info on Slider, it's not a good idea to vote for them.

We can't blindly follow what a dead mann said my friend. Mainly when we can confirm said dead mann was wrong about 2 out. Hoots track record is looking bad. We cannot vote Slider. I wish the others would bother speaking. Does no one honestly have more info they dug up aside from this group?

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-09-2016

I'm just saying if you want to kill a person based on another person's guess, in which they got 2 out of 4 wrong then either you are a pirate and trying bad to hide it or Hoots themselves came down from the heavens to inform you they are 100% totally right on this stuff, and I don't see any holy bird ghosts.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-09-2016

"I am just going on a gut feeling, deed. I was unfortunately unable to dig up any information, and am simply using what I have. What little that may be. Though I will agree that Hoot's track record is..quite bad, but had they been a pirate I have to wonder why they would not have simply had me voted away after showing this information, or even show me this information in the first place."

"Perhaps I am..overthinking this? I do not know, however I will go with my gut and vote...for Slider. Should it get me killed in the process...well, I have lived a good life. I have flirted with many, and gotten the numbers of quite a few. It is a good life."

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - DS Piron - 12-09-2016

Zephik sighs.
"If I had any luck with what I was doing, one of us would have a lot of awkward bruises, and I'd be asking them what they were doing in Hoots room. Or, rather, Andromeda's, seeing as that's the one I mopped so slick that nobody could try a murder in there last night."
Zephik pulls out a Lollipop and looks at it.
"Here's what I reckon what I'll do tonight; I'll clean Deed Mann's room. Ready a trap for a KORN."

"Slider, say anything, and I'll withdraw this vote I'm casting now. (I.E. provisional vote for Slider)

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-09-2016

Hoots wasn't a pirate, we know this because Hoots is dead. Hoots was a person who just made a little tiny bitty accident and apparently tagged all of their fellow crew as pirates because they didn't talk.

At least if we get out of this day alive at least we'll know who has to be a pirate, the people who are following a dead mann who has so far been wrong while toting a brand of "But lets keep following their word." Hoots wasn't a god in disguise you know!

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-09-2016

Wait a moment....you said Larry was tagged by Hoots. Didn't Larry die right away? How the heck could Hoots tag Larry, Larry only missed the talks because we stupidly voted no vote. I'm starting to think your Hoots evidence is fake! Did you even talk to Hoots? Also didn't Andromeda say they talked to Hoots too?

What day did Hoots talk to you all? That's at both of you.