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The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 08-27-2020

>Oak: Describe Uncle Ash's personality. Despite that he puts on a jovial face when he's in public, he has a bit of a moody streak. He frequently slips between boisterously joyous euphoria and the deepest depths of despair. When he's drunk, he mumbles about revenge and how "they'll see. they'll all see." You never really thought much about it, though, since that's more than half of the bar's patrons. Rowan already told Adler about how Uncle Ash helped your father become a successful lumberman. Uncle Ash was always a great outdoors man. Had a way with nature, saying that he "knew things that no one else did." The most surprising thing was when your siblings, Rowan and your brother, took you home, Uncle Ash was the only one who wasn't shocked by your transmogrification. He's been mostly absent ever since his bar burned down, but he pops in every now and then.
>Oak: Oh, speaking of your siblings, your father recently retired and Rowan and your brother have taken over the family business. Unfortunately, your siblings are terrible with business and money, and its been nothing but huge losses since. Even with all the assets that were claimed when the Duchess fled. Thankfully, with Vernier's council, it looks like the family business will actually start making a profit again. Then Adler's cult with have a lot more resources to work with. The Salons were never affected since they are independent.
>Oak: Pause to take a drink, that was a lot of exposition to go through.
>Adler: Before you can ask more questions, Vernier wakes up.
>Vernier: Now that you've woken up and you've regained your senses, while you have no more doubts about Adler's elfiness, and preferences, ask why he didn't flirt with you when you first met? Elves are supposed to be infamously flirtatious.
[Gonna reuse this]
>Adler: You have tried flirting with them both on your first meetings and neither one noticed, so you gave up.
>Oak and Vernier: *start whining* "You gave up on us so easily? Are we really so hideous?"
>Adler: "No fair! Stop using wiles on me!"
>Vernier and Oak: "But... We're not."
>Ixies: Intervene. Tell everyone to stay on track, this is a professional meeting. No hanky-panky.
>Adler: You felt like you were on the verge of groveling. And they weren't even trying to use wiles on you? Something's wrong. You need to build a tolerance for lowfolk women asap!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 09-01-2020

>Sleeping with your high priestess and cultists is hardly "weird". In fact it's kind of expected, it's one of the major perks of the whole 'pagan god' thing.

>Heck, maybe getting a little nookie one of these days may be good for you psychologically.
>It's not like you haven't had paramours and one time flings before. (I mean your ixies are related by blood to you, remmeber. Also dame Chiterlaigh and that horrible racoon insane fey and a few others...)
>Maybe jsut try aking sure you don't leave some half elves vaking so to speak (... is that evena  thing that is possible ?)
>That aside, back to buisness..

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 09-02-2020

Oak: Tell Adler Uncle Ash has been seen around a lot of individuals who are connected with arms dealers and gunsmiths in the region, last time you saw him at the bar it seemed he was making a payment to a merchant a Pontious Lysander, Lysander is a very controversial Proboscis Monkey who worked with the duchess of daisy's as a go between for several arms deals. Lysander however has a hit out on his head for selling the Duchess's personal information to a tabloid magazine.
Adler: Yes getting in contact with this Ash figure may be very pertinent, especially if he has someone who the Duchess wants dead. An arrangement could be made with this arms dealer. Tell Oak to get Ash here at once, also have the cultists send word to this Pontious (what an elegant name) that he would like to set up a meeting with the monkey.
Vernier: Help organize the cultists, its a bit of a meet and greet with this lot. They all seem to be strange yet affable coworkers, try and see if any of them have interests outside of hair.
Cultists: You do not have interests outside of hair.
Vernier: Disappointment ensues.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-03-2020

Quote:>Oak: Uncle Ash's puts on a jovial face when he's in public, he has a bit of a moody streak. He frequently slips between boisterously joyous euphoria and the deepest depths of despair. When he's drunk, he mumbles about revenge and how "they'll see. they'll all see." Uncle Ash helped your father become a successful lumberman. Uncle Ash was always a great outdoors man. Had a way with nature, saying that he "knew things that no one else did." Uncle Ash was the only one who wasn't shocked by your transmogrification. He's been mostly absent ever since his bar burned down, but he pops in every now and then.
Oak: Tell Adler Uncle Ash has been seen around a lot of individuals who are connected with arms dealers and gunsmiths in the region, last time you saw him at the bar it seemed he was making a payment to a merchant a Pontious Lysander


"Although he put on a jovial face in public," Oak continued, describing her mysterious Uncle Ash, "in private unguarded moments he often seemed haunted by a dark despair. When Ash was in his cups he would sometimes mutter things about showing them all, getting back what was his, and making them all see .. but many of the tavern patrons talked the same way after a few pints, so we never attached any great importance to it. He was quite an outdoorsman. As you know, he helped our father become successful in the lumber business. Often he would go on vacation from running the tavern and come back with sacks loaded with fish and game. He said he knew the best spots, and had a store of nature lore that nobody else knew about. After the tavern burned down he has been away most of the time, but he still shows up every once in a while. We never know when he's coming or how long he will stay. He usually vanishes as unexpectedly as he arrives. Last time I saw him, he was involved in deep conversation with Pontius Lysander .. now there's an interesting character .. Pontius was an intermediary in the weapons trade, selling O'Daisies wares up and down the valley, but then he got into some sort of trouble with the Duchess and had to hide for a while. But what was I saying? Oh yes, Uncle Ash was the only one in the family who didn't seem shocked by my transformation. In fact, I think that's around the time he first started asking about you."

"Hmm," I mused, taking it all in. "You call him Uncle, but to which of your parents is he a sibling?"

Quote:>Vernier: ask why he didn't flirt with you when you first met? Elves are supposed to be infamously flirtatious.
>Adler: You have tried flirting with them both on your first meetings
>Oak and Vernier: *start whining* "You gave up on us so easily? Are we really so hideous?"
>Adler: "No fair! Stop using wiles on me!"
just because he can make a woman get off doesnt mean hes straight you know. If hes not getting anything out of it,it leaves you to wonder a little bit.


Before Oak could respond, Vernier suddenly sprung to her feet.

"A very pretty trick, Your Lordship," she sneered. "Though I wouldn't mind at all if you did it again, I feel I must point out that it proves nothing. Provide all the magical pleasure you wish, but if you get no enjoyment out of it yourself then one can only conclude that you don't like femmes!"

"In the tales, elves are said to be incorrigible flirts," Oak murmured suspiciously. "But not you, my lord."

"I did flirt with both of you at first," I protested. "But I stopped when I realized who Oak was, and that Vernier wasn't .. the right one."

"Are we really so hideous that you gave up on us so quickly?" both femmes whined.

"NO!!" I squawked. "It's not that at all! Stop using Wiles on me!"

"We're not!" they protested. "What does that even mean?"

Quote:>Sleeping with your high priestess and cultists is hardly "weird". In fact it's kind of expected, it's one of the major perks of the whole 'pagan god' thing.
Tell Oak to get Ash here at once, also have the cultists send word to this Pontious
It seems like it would be worth sending an ixie to tag along with Oak

"Look," I sighed in exasperation. "You're both very lovely. Do you WANT me to flirt with you? Seriously?"

"I .. honestly it would be a bit strange," Oak admitted.

"Pshaw," Vernier scoffed. "It's totally normal for the leader of a cult to have venery with his high priestess. I'd even say it was expected. There's only one way to settle this."

"Fine, I'll have venery with both of you!" I yelled.

"Actually I'll be convinced if you just do it with her," Oak stated.

"That suits me," Vernier agreed.

"Fine, you can watch us then!" I exclaimed.

"Ew," Oak replied. "I'd be quite content to take her word for it."

"Fine, you can go!" I bellowed. "But tell your Uncle Ash I want to talk to him."

"Am I to brave the rabbit patrols by myself?"

"I will provide special magickal protection!" I declared.


"Some of you escort Oak back to town," I ordered my Ixies via Elfmind. "Make sure the trees help her evade the rabbits. And take Angela with you."

"Aw, we wanted to stay and watch," they replied.

"GO," I commanded.

"Are you feeling all right, my lord?" Oak inquired. "You look slightly ill."

"He's just nervous at the prospect of handling a REAL femme," Vernier scoffed.

"I'm disappointed you won't be joining us," I told Oak. "But I've arranged an escort to see you safely home."

Quote:You need to build a tolerance for lowfolk women asap!
>It's not like you haven't had paramours and one time flings before. (I mean your ixies are related by blood to you, remmeber. Also dame Chiterlaigh and that horrible racoon insane fey and a few others...)


"All right, elf," Vernier chuckled as soon as Oak was out of sight. "Don't be intimidated by your own small stature. Show me what you can do. And save your magic touch for the end."

I stared up at her and tried to still the fluttering of my stomach. Why was I so nervous? She was just a lowfolk femme, and quite an attractive one, at that! I'd had wild flings with elfin ladies many times, and never felt as uneasy as this.

"If he tickles me under the chin, I'll melt," I heard Vernier think, very clearly through my Elfmind.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 09-03-2020

>Elfmind? Thought Lowfolk minds were closed to such...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-03-2020

(09-03-2020, 02:29 AM)Major Matt Mason Wrote: »>Elfmind?  Thought Lowfolk minds were closed to such...

Nope, they're wide-open to it. Precedent was established earlier that Adler could hear their thoughts if he paid attention. I point you to https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=223894#pid223894 They can't hear Adler's thoughts though, because he has Elfmind and they don't.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-03-2020

>Adler: Well, you suppose the best way to start is by tickling her chin. Which would be a whole lot easier if your hands weren't shaking so much. You've done this so many times! Why is this so difficult? Why are you so nervous?
>Vernier: *Sigh* It looks like you're going to have to take the lead here. Take Adler by the wrist and guide his hand to your chin.
>Vernier: Look into Adler's eyes. He really is terrified, isn't he? You begin to feel heavy pangs of guilt over what you're trying to pressure him into doing.
>Vernier: Loosen your grip on Adler's wrist and give him back his hand. "You really do look terrified... If you really don't want to, you don't have to do this."
>Adler: Mentally berate yourself. Why are  you shaking like a leaf? You look like a fool. Stop it! Stop it right now! No, you're making it worse!
>Vernier: You instinctively want to comfort him with a hug, but stop yourself as it was your touch that started this. You've been taking care of people for a long time now. Especially your brother who was "simple". Adler reminds you a lot of your brother. You can tell when something is bothering someone. There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye, especially if it can turn Lord Randal into such a wreck. Gently ask him if he wants to talk about it.
>Adler: You freeze up. When was the last time someone asked you what was bothering you and actually meant it?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tai-1 - 09-04-2020

Ummm......I'm thinking this Uncle Ash was "related" to Rowan....not Oak....

Yay....I'm fact checking and not offering suggestions....yay!!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-04-2020

(09-04-2020, 12:46 AM)Tai-1 Wrote: »Ummm......I'm thinking this Uncle Ash was "related" to Rowan....not Oak....

Yay....I'm fact checking and not offering suggestions....yay!!
It was implied that Oak and Rowan are siblings.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 09-04-2020

It was ? I missed it.

>The camera fade to black as you have some really awkward atempt at sex
>The fact that she's vaguely reminding you of your mother with is not helping...
>yeah maybe you need to get your head cleaed a bit first /before/ you can get...  well you know...
>Vernier: Sigh inwardly as you swallow your frustration
>You,re going to have to raise his confidence up, ylu're not greagt at it....
>Adler Doesn't matter, anyone to confide in will do...

>Later, the seccond atempt goes much better, a pleasant time was had by all....
(I'll keep that suggestion in bank for next round if needed)
>But by that time we are ready to time skipp to the next important buisness.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-04-2020

In further reference to the use of Elfmind on lowfolk: A review of Adler's powers was in this episode https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=241977#pid241977

Regarding Marten familial connections: Rowan is obviously in cahoots with the two mercenaries and tells tricorn-hat that he got a "new little sister" thanks to Oak's transformation https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=239090#pid239090
Oak's last name is also Marten https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=240689#pid240689
The forest informs Adler that all of the members of that family are named after trees https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=242139#pid242139
Oak calls Ash "uncle" too https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=1834&pid=242545#pid242545

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 09-07-2020

Oak: Moving with your entourage back into town to find your Uncle Ash you see Lysander who is currently doing a demonstration of a new style of weapon that he appears to have imported from a far off land.
Lysander: "Come one come all and look at the new eastern technologies, a rifle that can fire... twice!"
Crowd listening to Lysander: Scream at him "MADNESS! no such weapon exists!"
Lysander: "Oh this weapon is real, produced in the lands of Polskavia (This is definitely a real country you didn't make up Lysander) this rifle can fire twice due to it's design of having two barrels welded together" demonstrate the weapon on a pair of pumpkins, both explode from the shots making several women in the crowd faint from the power of this gun.
Oak: You should probably report this to Adler once you find your shady uncle.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-10-2020

Show Content

Quote:>Adler: Well, you suppose the best way to start is by tickling her chin. Which would be a whole lot easier if your hands weren't shaking so much. You've done this so many times! Why is this so difficult? Why are you so nervous?
>Adler: Mentally berate yourself. Why are you shaking like a leaf? You look like a fool. Stop it! Stop it right now! No, you're making it worse!

Well, clearly tickling Vernier under the chin would be the best way to start! I reached up ...


"Oh goodness, he's going for it!" she thought, and craned her neck forward.

Why was my hand shaking?? This was ridiculous! I had caressed plenty of femmes before! I could do this! I willed my arm to be still, but that just seemed to make it shake more.

Quote:>Vernier: *Sigh* It looks like you're going to have to take the lead here. Take Adler by the wrist and guide his hand to your chin.


"Come on now," Vernier sighed after waiting a few seconds. "There's no need to be nervous. Here, I'll help you."

She grabbed my wrist, and I might have flinched or yelped .. I don't exactly remember.

Quote:>Vernier: Loosen your grip on Adler's wrist and give him back his hand. "You really do look terrified... If you really don't want to, you don't have to do this."
>Vernier: You instinctively want to comfort him with a hug, but stop yourself as it was your touch that started this. You've been taking care of people for a long time now. Especially your brother who was "simple". Adler reminds you a lot of your brother.

"You really do look terrified," Vernier observed.

"Nnno, I c-can do this," I squeaked.


"This isn't right," she declared, letting go of my arm. "I thought at first you were just a pouf, but this is something else entirely."

"He reminds me of my simple-minded little brother," she thought.

Quote:You can tell when something is bothering someone. There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye, especially if it can turn Lord Randal into such a wreck. Gently ask him if he wants to talk about it.

"You poor thing," she continued, bending down to look me levelly in the eye. "You're all alone out here with nobody to talk to but those bug thingies. Yes, I can see in your eyes that you are much older than you look, and you've had more than your share of troubles. Do you want to tell me about it?"

Quote:>Adler: You freeze up. When was the last time someone asked you what was bothering you and actually meant it?
>You,re going to have to raise his confidence up, ylu're not greagt at it....
>Adler Doesn't matter, anyone to confide in will do...

What insidious new Wile was this?? As if I would be foolish enough to give this lowfolk wench the incredible leverage she would have over me if I confided my inmost sorrow to her! I knew better than that!

It took a split second for these thoughts to pass through my mind, and then -


"EVERYBODY I KNEW AND CARED ABOUT IS GONE," I blubbered while clutching pathetically at the lowfolk femme.

"There there," Vernier murmured as she gently rocked back and forth. "Just let it out. Tell me all about it."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-11-2020

>Adler: Spill your metaphorical guts. All of them. From the beginning to now. Including all the bits you probably shouldn't tell anyone, lowfolk or elf. Keep it to the bullet points, though. Otherwise you'll be there for months.
>Vernier: ... Wow... That is a LOT of baggage for one person.
>Adler: And the worst part is, you completely freeze up and make a fool of yourself whenever you speak to a lowfolk woman. You have absolutely no idea why, you never had any problems with elven women.
>Vernier: You're not a psychiatrist, but you have an idea. More on that later. First, as a sign of good faith to show you won't betray Adler's trust, he can do one of those "magic goose things" so that you will not divulge any of what you were told to anyone but Adler himself. Now, before you discuss Adler's lady problem, here's a question. From what Adler has told you, it sounds like his entire life was planned out for him. He was told he had to follow a "destiny", was manipulated and forced to follow it by a dozen different parties and factions,  and every time he deviated he was punished. He went through life without having any real choices on where it went. Your question is this: Is that destiny, that preplanned life, is that really what he wants?
>Adler: Of course it i-! ... Is it? What have you gotten following that path? Looking at your surroundings, it's obvious. All your friends and family are gone, your home lies in ruin, and in the eyes of your fellow elves you have become the biggest villain in history rivaled only by the Duchess of Daises herself. If you could leave this circle, walk right out of there and start a new life, would you? It would be easy to support yourself in the lowfolk world, you have many skills. You could become a captain of industry like the Duchess did, or even a king. You could find a lowfolk bride and magically keep her young so her lifespan matches yours. You could find a way to father a child and leave a lineage, a legacy that wouldn't be tainted by your old life. If you could, would you? You... you don't know anymore. Not that it matters. The  only way you can escape your current imprisonment is by following your destiny. Become the emperor and pardon yourself. Once again your path  is chosen for you...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 09-11-2020

Oak: Moving with your entourage back into town to find your Uncle Ash you see Lysander who is currently doing a demonstration of a new style of weapon that he appears to have imported from a far off land.
Lysander: "Come one come all and look at the new eastern technologies, a rifle that can fire... twice!"
Crowd listening to Lysander: Scream at him "MADNESS! no such weapon exists!"
Lysander: "Oh this weapon is real, produced in the lands of Polskavia (This is definitely a real country you didn't make up Lysander) this rifle can fire twice due to it's design of having two barrels welded together" demonstrate the weapon on a pair of pumpkins, both explode from the shots making several women in the crowd faint from the power of this gun.
Ixies: You wonder if that weapon can shoot sugar.
Oak: You should probably report this to Adler once you find your shady uncle.
Adler: You explain to Vernier that this is your path and you must follow it if you wish to save yourself in the eyes of your people, but you also realize you need to stand strong in the face of adversity and not falter.
Vernier: Oh by Fuma he is stubborn, try to explain to Adler that he needs to think for himself.
Adler: Argue that you are thinking for yourself, it is the will of Fuma and it is your will at the same time!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-17-2020

Quote:>Adler: Spill your metaphorical guts. All of them. From the beginning to now. Including all the bits you probably shouldn't tell anyone, lowfolk or elf.

I told Vernier everything.  Every detail .. things I should not have told anyone, let alone a lowfolk wench .. but I could not help myself.  Once I started talking, it just came out, and I couldn't stop the flow of words.  When I was done, I collapsed to the ground, limp and exhausted but strangely calm.

"Wow," Vernier said.  "That's a lot for one little elf to handle.  I need a drink."

I indicated that there was potable water in the basin nearby.

Quote:>Vernier: to show you won't betray Adler's trust, he can do one of those "magic goose things" so that you will not divulge any of what you were told to anyone but Adler himself. Now, it sounds like his entire life was planned out for him. He was told he had to follow a "destiny", was manipulated and forced to follow it by a dozen different parties and factions. He went through life without having any real choices on where it went. Is that destiny, that preplanned life, really what he wants?

"All right," she sighed, wiping her face after a long gulp of water.  "You've confided in me, and I want you to know that your trust is well placed, so go ahead and put a geas on me so I can't discuss what you've just told me with anyone other than you.  I insist."

This seemed like a sensible move, so I got up, dusted myself off, and composed the appropriate Gramarye to lay a geas of confidentiality on Vernier.

Quote:>Adler:  The  only way you can escape your current imprisonment is by following your destiny. Become the emperor and pardon yourself. Once again your path  is chosen for you...
Adler: You explain to Vernier that this is your path and you must follow it if you wish to save yourself in the eyes of your people, but you also realize you need to stand strong in the face of adversity and not falter.
Vernier: Oh by Fuma he is stubborn, try to explain to Adler that he needs to think for himself.
Adler: Argue that you are thinking for yourself, it is the will of Fuma and it is your will at the same time!


"Now then," she stated as she placed her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, "the way I see it, you've been a pawn in other people's schemes your whole life.  Almost none of what you've done has been your own decision, but all has been chosen for you by the ones pulling the strings."

I agreed that was a fair assessment.

"My question is, what do YOU want?"

"Does it matter?" I responded bleakly.  "I'm a prisoner.  The only way I'm getting out of here is by following my appointed destiny.  I have to become Emperor, to restore my people and my good name.  I can't indulge my own wants until this is accomplished."

Quote:Lysander: "Oh this weapon is real, produced in the lands of Polskavia (This is definitely a real country you didn't make up Lysander) this rifle can fire twice due to it's design of having two barrels welded together" demonstrate the weapon on a pair of pumpkins, both explode from the shots


Vernier was about to say something else, when suddenly a detachment of Ixies buzzed into the circle.

"Sire!  Sire!" they exclaimed.  "Thou'st got to hear this!  We escorted Priestess Oak back into town without incident, but Lysander the traveling merchant was there in the market square, and OH SIRE he hath a new doomsday weapon from a far-off land, before which any army on earth must fall!  Tis truly horrible!"

"Incidentally," Typantronn chirped, "did they have venery whilst we were gone?"

"Nay," the Ixies atop the dolmen replied glumly.


"HAH!!" Typantronn gloated.  "I win again!  That's twoscore of aphids EACH thou owest me.  Pay up, sisters!"

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 09-17-2020

>It's trully the most horrible weapon of war... or is it the most terrible weapon of war ? It's cumbersomme, doesn't hit its target about half the time and take twice as long to recharge.
(Two barrel muskets actually have existed but they weren't used for war and popular outisde of some marginal hunting for some good reasons...)
>It does rpobaly commes from the Duchess o,Daisy plans tho, so that meas he must be in cocntact with her or her minions.
>Adler: Glare at the Ixies. Typantronn Smuchpepper Santocup, you stop betting on the humiliation of your beloved lord and master and..uh... grand grandfather, right now !
>"No". You may (mostly) fidelly serve him now ut the betting is sacred. Also you're making like so many aphids with that...
>Vernier: Pat adler back, next time, next time the venery will be great and steamy (you hope)

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tai-1 - 09-18-2020

>Vernier: Perhaps it was a good thing the two of you didn't have venery. After hearing Adler's sad story, it's brought up your maternal instincts. You kinda want to nurse him.

Gee...you're so lewd Tai-1...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-20-2020

>Adler: *sigh* Ignore that gambling for now, just have them tell you about what they found. But you are going to have a very serious discussion with them about their gambling problem later. It's flat out embarrassing.
>Ixies: Give Adler a brief but informal account about the weapon you saw.
>Adler: This could be useful and give you an edge. Have your ixies covertly steal the weapon so that you and/or your followers can use it. Your current followers may not be trained fighters, but you might have some eventually. At the very least you can learn to use it. These new weapons may spit in the face of the elven tradition of combat, but who cares? If you're going to be forced into a destiny, you'll do it your way. You will take every advantage you can get. You'll have to find someway to be defiant or else you'll loose your mind.
>Adler: Ask Vernier about the theory she mentioned earlier. The one about where his weakness towards lowfolk women comes from.
>Vernier: Before you get into that, first you're going to need to ask him about what he thinks of lowfolk.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 09-22-2020

Vernier: Realize the full weight of the story you have been told and pull out a flask and offer it to Adler, he really needs a strong drink right after that explanation.
Adler: Decline the alcohol, you need to keep a sober mind for now. You think this Lysander could be very useful so maybe the Ixies should not steal this weapon, a lowfolk with connections is required to arm your cult. Tell the Ixies to find some of his hairdressing cult members and get one of them to convince Lysander to come into the woods for a meeting with a very wealthy buyer, if they need to give the man incentive you pook the Ixies a bag of gold coins to give to one of the cultists.
Ixies: "Why lord Adler can you not do that with aphids?"
Adler: "You'll get 30 extra aphids each if you can ensure Lysander reaches here safely before nightfall"
Ixies: All the Ixies eyes bug out of their heads and they begin to drool and fly off as quickly as possible.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 09-24-2020

Quote:>Adler: Glare at the Ixies. Typantronn Smuchpepper Santocup, you stop betting on the humiliation of your beloved lord and master and..uh... grand grandfather, right now !
>"No". You may (mostly) fidelly serve him now ut the betting is sacred. Also you're making like so many aphids with that...


"TYPANTRONN SMUCHPEPPER SANTOCUP!" I bellowed. "You have been warned repeatedly about betting on the humiliation of your lord and master! When are you going to stop?"

"Never, Sire," Typantronn answered sassily. "We serve thee more faithfully in more ways than ever our dams did, and we always shall - but the betting is a sacred tradition, not to be hindered. Besides, I am verily making out like a bandit. Why quit when I keep on winning, winning, winning??"

Quote:>Vernier: Pat adler back, next time, next time the venery will be great and steamy (you hope)
>Vernier: After hearing Adler's sad story ... You kinda want to nurse him.
>Vernier: Before you get into that, first you're going to need to ask him about what he thinks of lowfolk.

"I'm surprised at the level of insubordination among your troops," Vernier observed. "There are lots of ways of establishing discipline which I could teach you. And tangential to that, perhaps next time we can ruin the field commander's lucky streak by having some great venery. But I have to ask you, how do you really feel about us so-called 'lowfolk'?"

"You are alluring but dangerous," I remarked before turning back to the Ixies. "Tell me more about this doomsday weapon. What exactly does it do?"

Quote:>It does rpobaly commes from the Duchess o,Daisy plans tho, so that meas he must be in cocntact with her or her minions.
>Ixies: Give Adler a brief but informal account about the weapon you saw.
>Adler: This could be useful and give you an edge. Have your ixies covertly steal the weapon so that you and/or your followers can use it. Your current followers may not be trained fighters, but you might have some eventually. At the very least you can learn to use it. These new weapons may spit in the face of the elven tradition of combat, but who cares? If you're going to be forced into a destiny, you'll do it your way. You will take every advantage you can get. You'll have to find someway to be defiant or else you'll loose your mind.
Adler: You think this Lysander could be very useful so maybe the Ixies should not steal this weapon, a lowfolk with connections is required to arm your cult. Tell the Ixies to find some of his hairdressing cult members and get one of them to convince Lysander to come into the woods for a meeting with a very wealthy buyer, if they need to give the man incentive you pook a bag of gold coins to give to one of the cultists.

"It is one of those exploding blam-tubes which hurleth a deadly missile out of the blamming end."

"I've seen those before, at the O'Daisies manufactory," I observed.

"O, but Sire, this one consisteth of TWO tubes, connected so artfully together that they may be carried as one. With it, one may deal out a double death to one's adversaries. Both tubes may be blammed in concert, or indeed they may be blammed separately: One for now, and another for later, with no need to re-charge the device betwixt the two blams!"

"That could be useful," I mused aloud. "Not for me, of course. Even with two ready shots there's no way it could match the speed of my bow .. but lowfolk's archery skills are notoriously pitiful, so such a device could be a tactical boon for my followers! I need to speak to this Lysander fellow and see if he can supply us with some of these weapons! How long will he be in the area?"

"He usually stays in town for a few days or a week, depending on how good his business is," Vernier informed me.

"Could you talk to him and persuade him to come here?" I asked her.

"It would help to convince him if I had some gold, to show him you're a serious buyer," Vernier replied. "He won't want to come all the way out here unless he's sure of making a big sale."


Suddenly the trees rustled, and the Voice of the Forest whispered to me "Ash Marten says hello."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-26-2020

>Trees: Also Ash Marten says that he will be paying a visit "very soon" once he and Adler have some privacy.
>Vernier: Point out to Adler that Lysander might not make a very good ally considering her betrayed the Duchess, his best and most dangerous customer, for a shockingly low amount of money.
>Adler: That might not be an issue, Since Lysander seemingly works for Ash, his loyalty might be assured by association. Plus he may very well have betrayed the Duchess at Ash's command. A cunning play if true.
>Vernier: Before you leave, lay out your theory for why Adler has such a weak spot for lowfolk ladies. Based on what he's told you, most of his interactions with elf women boils down to them trying to manipulate him using wiles. Not to mention being puppeteered by the "Sisterhood" for his whole life doesn't help. On the other side, His recent interactions with lowfolk women have been very different. Most of the lowfolk women he's interacted with have not been impressed by his "elfyness", possibly causing an attraction specifically for being different. Plus twice now it was a lowfolk lady that provided a light during his darkest moments. Once now and earlier with that lowfolk wench who won't be named. You believe Adler's feelings for lowfolk is a result from a combination of mistrusting elf women as a result of manipulation and betrayal and latching onto lowfolk women for treating him much better. So far, anyway. On top of the whole "alluring but dangerous, want it because you can't have it" thing.
>Adler: Uh, maybe? To be  honest, you don't like thinking about it because it stirs up feelings that confuse, frighten, and anger you.
>Adler: After Vernier leaves you send your ixies away as well. Ash's message about "privacy" was loud and clear. Some time passes until a friendly "Hello" startles you. You see a jovial gentleman standing just outside the  circle, leaning forward with his hand resting on the invisible wall. Interesting, he can't enter the circle. He has a warm smile, but a glint in his eyes makes you think of a cat toying with a mouse.
>"Uncle Ash": "At last we meet. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Adler Young. Oh, but I seem to have you at a disadvantage. It's only fair that you know my real name too. I am Lord Randall, and you and I have a lot to discuss."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 09-27-2020

> Now that you've regained your composure, try ti stop Vernier from psychoanalysing you around three or two centuries before that's a thing that even really exist.

>Just remember all those graves of lowfolk betryed by their lowfolk lovers....

Quote:>"Uncle Ash": "At last we meet. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Adler Young. Oh, but I seem to have you at a disadvantage. It's only fair that you know my real name too. I am Lord Randall, and you and I have a lot to discuss."

>Distinctly remember the grave of lord Randall in the cemetary. Could there be two elves called Randall who are also lords ? (he jsut said "I am," not "some call me" or"I go by"). If not, something is very wrong

>Could this elf be unseelie or worse have gone so nativeamong the lowfolk tat he could start to /lie/.

>Or maybe... not an alf at all... Take a good look at his tail, that it doesn't look like there's a surperfluous skunk tail there..

>Comme to think of it, so far the lowfolks you've met haven't done it that much. You'd think they would do it all the time by contrast to elves but really they dodn't do it that much.

>Well, greet "Uncle Ash" with allt he decorumand respect you are bale too considering the meager sicrumstances but do not invite him in just yet.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 09-27-2020

(09-27-2020, 02:06 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Distinctly remember the  grave of lord Randall in the cemetary. Could there be two elves called Randall who are also lords ? (he jsut said "I am," not "some call me" or"I go by"). If not, something is very wrong
From what I remember, his name was on the gravestone, but it never specifically stated that he died.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 09-28-2020

Adler: pook Vernier some gold and tell the Ixies to help her get Lysander here.
Cultists: Find evidence of several scouts of the Rabbit cult camping outside the boundaries of the forest, begin frothing a the mouth pull out your scissors and straight razors and find the heretics!
Adler: You hear some horrible sounds of lowfolk rabbits deathcrys in the distance.