Eagle Time
The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 02-27-2020

>Can two people use the device at once?
>both of you: Get in there, find things.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 03-02-2020

Estvaan: It may be a great idea to do a spit shine on the scry orb, try it out.
Adler: That is revolting, grab some alcohol to try and rinse off the spit from the orb.
Orb: You are not exactly happy about either of these idiots touching you.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 03-05-2020

Quote:>Can two people use the device at once?
Estvaan: It may be a great idea to do a spit shine on the scry orb.
Adler: That is revolting.
Orb: You are not exactly happy about either of these idiots touching you.


"So this is the D.V.'s famous scryin' orb," Estvan murmured as he turned to look at it. "Sure an it's not as shoiny as oi expected. Have ye been keepin it clean, lad? Oi'll just give it a wee bit of a spit-shoine.."

"Don't touch it!" I exclaimed. "If you stick your finger in there, it'll shut down, and I don't know how to get it started again."

"Well how do ye use it then?"

"You just sort of stare at it and will it to open up," I instructed.

Estvan glared at the orb for a few seconds.

"Tis not workin for me at all, at all," he grumbled. "Show me how it's done, bedad."

I entered the scry-space and came back out. "Like that."

"Sure, ye disappeared for a second, boyo, so oi guess it's workin." He scowled at the orb again, with intense concentration. "It won't let me in, though. Sure an oi'm not allowed, is it?"

"Maybe I can bring you in," I suggested, as I concentrated on the orb and imagined Estvan in the scry-space with me.

Quote:>both of you: Get in there, find things.


"Begorrah," he exclaimed, with an admiring whistle as he looked around the scry-space. "Sure an' this is quite the setup. Oi wonder what all moight be hidden in here?"

"That thing over there that looks like a tree is actually a crack that you look through to scry," I said, pointing.

"Well sure, let's take a peek then," Estvan chuckled, ambling over to the crack.


"Cushlamochree!" he exclaimed. "Sure an' this is amazin! How do oi direct it - ah, never moind, I see .. aye .."

He was silent for a few minutes, and just as I was about to say something, he exclaimed:

"HUDALALEIGH! There they are!"

.. and pooked away.

Just like that.

I stood there staring at the empty crack for a good long while, as conflicting feelings whirled in my mind. I wasn't exactly sorry that Estvan was gone, but then again it meant that I was now alone.

Except for my Ixies, that is .. but ..

I realized with sinking dread that I had left the Ixies in the lowfolk world when Estvan and I walked through the Gate. How much of a time slip had there been?


I peeked through the crack and saw a strangely familiar-looking marten femme standing in the stone circle.


RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 03-05-2020

>Adler: GREAT AUK! She's beautiful and she's looking for you! Quickly pook to her so she needn't wait a moment longer! Start flirting.
>Oak: What's he doing? He should remember you, he's the one who turned  you into a little girl.
>Adler: Oh. She's the really annoying one who's obsessed with hair...
>Oak: The obsession paid off, you were able to use the doubloon he gave you to open your very own salon with working sinks and everything.
>Adler: Enough with the hair talk, and no she still isn't allowed to braid your hair, why is she here? Your instructions were not for them to come back until called for.
>Oak: There's a bit of a situation, well two actually... You see, you were all spreading the word like Ramble instructed, building a cult-like secret society, it's been some time and they're getting antsy and demanding a public appearance. The other problem is there's some crazy guy in Percythorpe also spreading the word about Ramble, but he's saying that the elf is a White Fox Shoe Goddess. He and his followers wear shoes on their heads and worship shoes in Ramble's name. Your followers and their followers have been butting heads and things are starting to get ugly. Not to mention they're making us all look bad by acting like crazy nutjobs. Your other two cohorts are in town trying to keep things calm, but you're not sure how long that'll last.
>Adler: "Wait... Have you been telling people all this time that my name is 'Ramble'?"
>Oak: "... Oops."
>Ixies: Fly out of the dolmen and grump at Adler. He needs to tell you all when he's traveling between worlds. Adler's damn lucky you all had the foresight to follow him the moment he pooked so you wouldn't be left behind in a time skip. It was Typantronn's idea. She won a lot of aphids because of it too...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 03-06-2020

Ixies: Tell lord Adler that the townsfolk venerate the great Ramble, you have brought them great hair these last few decades and they are ready to fight and die for your cause.
Adler: But your name isn't Ramble.
Oak: "Ramble has become a household name, all children sing great songs of the hairdressing elf Ramble. Young children make their nightly wishes to grow up to become great hairdressers just like myself"
Adler: "my name isn't Ramble"
Oak: "The secret society we formed has emblazoned your name onto their heraldry, a large pair of barber's scissors with the name Ramble written in cursive across the blades."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 03-12-2020

Quote:>Adler: GREAT AUK! She's beautiful and she's looking for you! Quickly pook to her so she needn't wait a moment longer! Start flirting.
>Oak: What's he doing? He should remember you, he's the one who turned you into a little girl.

FUMA'S WHISKERS! she was stunning, and she was looking for me! I decided I wasn't going to let this particular lowfolk femme get the better of me. I would take charge of this situation immediately!


"Hey beautiful," I schmoozed as I pooked right next to her and turned on my charm. "What brings a nice femme like you out in the middle of a hostile forest like this?"

"Uh," she said, clearly dazzled by my Wiles. "Don't you remember me? I'm Oak Marten, whom you turned into a little girl all those years ago."

Quote:>Adler: Oh. She's the really annoying one who's obsessed with hair...
>Oak: The obsession paid off, you were able to use the doubloon he gave you to open your very own salon with working sinks and everything.


"Aw crud," I grumbled. "You're that annoying one who's obsessed with hair."

"That obsession paid off, Your Lordship," she chuckled. "I invested the gold doubloon you gave me into a small beauty parlor with a chair and a sink .. and with these glorious curls which you also gave me, customers began to flock to my shop and I'll soon be adding my third chair and sink. Yes, my dreams have mostly come true."

Quote:>Adler: Enough with the hair talk, and no she still isn't allowed to braid your hair, why is she here? Your instructions were not for them to come back until called for.

"Well, good for you," I sneered. "And no, you're still not allowed to braid my hair. Why are you here? Your instructions were not to return until I called for you."

Quote:>Oak: There's a bit of a situation, well two actually... You see, you were all spreading the word like Ramble instructed, building a cult-like secret society, it's been some time and they're getting antsy and demanding a public appearance. The other problem is there's some crazy guy in Percythorpe also spreading the word about Ramble, but he's saying that the elf is a White Fox Shoe Goddess. He and his followers wear shoes on their heads and worship shoes in Ramble's name. Your followers and their followers have been butting heads and things are starting to get ugly. Not to mention they're making us all look bad by acting like crazy nutjobs. Your other two cohorts are in town trying to keep things calm, but you're not sure how long that'll last.
>Adler: "Wait... Have you been telling people all this time that my name is 'Ramble'?"
Ixies: Tell lord Adler that the townsfolk venerate the great Ramble.
Adler: But your name isn't Ramble.
Oak: "Ramble has become a household name"
Adler: "my name isn't Ramble"
Oak: "The secret society we formed has emblazoned your name onto their heraldry, a large pair of barber's scissors with the name Ramble written in cursive across the blades."

"Well, I've been spreading the word about Lord Ramble the Wish-Granting Hair Elf in my shop. Rowan and Poplar have also been proselytizing in their own way. People are interested; we've got a respectable and well-coiffed little cult going .. but they are starting to get antsy. They want a personal appearance or a small miracle. At the very least they expect a magical shampoo & conditioner."

"Have you been telling people my name is Ramble?" I asked.

"Let me finish," Oak insisted. "Our cultists are growing impatient, and meanwhile a rival cult has sprung up, led by Crazy Old Jerry. They wear shoes on their heads and claim that the white elf Ramble is a gorgeous snow-vixen who bestows shoes on the faithful. It can't last, but right now it's hurting our operation. So I left Rowan and Poplar holding down the shop while I came to find out if you'd forgotten about us."

"What are the odds that I would happen to look outside on the very day you showed up?" I mused. "Have you been here long?"

"Actually this is the fourth time I've come out here looking for you," Oak sighed. "I was almost ready to give up, but you turned my life around and I owe you for that. I used to be an honorless mercenary thug, but now I'm a respectable businessfemme. The thing is, it's getting harder and harder to reach this stone circle. The forest gets thicker and tulgier every time .. and those meddlesome rabbits with their humorless religion have built their settlement right on the edge of the forest and have made it their mission to keep everyone else out. They think we perform devilish rites or something."

"Why are you telling everyone my name is Ramble?" I inquired.

"Isn't it your name?"


"But we made a sign, and uniforms, and everything. The bedtime stories about your gallant hairdressing adventures! The rousing songs! The pop-up books! Ramble's a household name in Tulgeyside."

"Well that doesn't do much good when I'm really -" I started, then thought better of it. "No .. I don't think I'll be telling you. I'll just keep that a secret. Ramble will do for now."

Quote:>Ixies: Fly out of the dolmen and grump at Adler. He needs to tell you all when he's traveling between worlds. Adler's damn lucky you all had the foresight to follow him the moment he pooked so you wouldn't be left behind in a time skip. It was Typantronn's idea. She won a lot of aphids because of it too...


"SIRE!" my Ixies called as they buzzed out of the dolmen. "Thou really shouldst warn us ere thou jumpest twixt worlds! We had to follow thee as quickly as we could, lest we be separated by a dire time-slip!"

"On the plus side," Typantronn chuckled, "I did win a tidy bundle of aphids."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 03-12-2020

>Adler: *SIGH* Just another thing you have to deal with. At least you're  FINALLY getting agents out of this. First order of business: you need more information. Have Oak tell you everything she knows about these rabbits and the rival shoe-cult run by... Wait. Shoes? Old Man Jerry? Oh no...
>Adler: Have your Ixies gather Intel on these rival factions. It's too risky to have the entire cult come up here to see you, perhaps if you just did an interview limited to the cult's most influential and most popular members so they can dispel the group's worries on your behalf.
>Adler: Also, don't go back into Faerie until all your Ixies are back and you have a plan of action.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 03-13-2020

Ixies: Tell lord "RAMBLE" you need to search this realm for new and exciting bugs to devour, you think "RAMBLE" will like this.
Adler: "My name isn't Ramble, stop calling me that"
Oak: "Oh Ramble you are the most generous Elf, well to the followers of our faith you are, please make a public appearance we need this for morale.
Adler: "You realize I am confined to this place, here I have an idea (pook Oak into your clothing and hairstyle to fool your followers)
Adler: internal thoughts "What have I done?!"

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 03-16-2020

>Okay, you're going to organise a "meet and greet your god" right here in this clearing
>Tell oak to start telling you about the followers', to tell you what they are like and what they want. (also get the ixies to spy on them to be sure of all the details she won't tell you)
>Once you get three that seem to be simple to handle, fool and grant the whishes off ith your resources, tell Oak they will be the 'derving ones' and they'll get to meet you... in three days for.. mystical reasons.
>You can't go back to faerie and take the risk of wasting twenty more year so Oak going to have to bring you a tent and some food so you can look good in three days.
>Okay now you got three days to prepare.
>And no she's still can't bread your hairs but she can give it a wash and comb over.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 03-18-2020

Show Content

Quote:First order of business: you need more information. Have Oak tell you everything she knows about these rabbits and the rival shoe-cult run by... Wait. Shoes? Old Man Jerry? Oh no...
It's too risky to have the entire cult come up here to see you, perhaps if you just did an interview limited to the cult's most influential and most popular members so they can dispel the group's worries on your behalf.
>Okay, you're going to organise a "meet and greet your god" right here in this clearing
>Tell oak to start telling you about the followers', to tell you what they are like and what they want.

"What have I told you about gambling?" I snapped at my Ixies. "Hover around here and await further orders."


"Hmm," I muttered thoughtfully, turning back to Oak. "I need a clearer grasp of the situation before I can make a plan. Tell me about this cult of yours. How many members are there?"

"About twenty really committed, and that many more curious hangers-on," she replied.

"What about the rival shoe cult?"

"There are only about a dozen of them, but they are extremely fanatical. Plus, they have shoes. Really nice shoes. Crazy Jerry insists that they are elf-made, but how can that be? Are there other elves besides you?"

"None that would stoop to making shoes," I scowled. "Especially not for .. did you say Jerry? Fuma's Whiskers, I think I know him."

"We always thought he was harmless, but he's causing us quite a bit of trouble now. He is turning the heads of some of our newer converts and several who are on the fence. If we had a visitation from our Glorious Lord Ramble, it would allay a lot of fears and cement your followers' devotion."

Quote:Oak: "Oh Ramble you are the most generous Elf, well to the followers of our faith you are, please make a public appearance we need this for morale.
Adler: "You realize I am confined to this place, here I have an idea (pook Oak into your clothing and hairstyle to fool your followers)


"Well unfortunately I am under a geas that prevents me from leaving this circle," I admitted. "However, I could transmogrify you into a semblance of me, and you could address the cultists on my behalf. As my avatar, so to speak."

"NO WAY," Oak refused vehemently. "No offense, Your Lordship, but I've had enough transformations to last a lifetime. Plus, as gorgeous as your hair is, I cannot afford to lose my trademark curls. My business depends on them. They saved me from the shameful life of shadow-puppetry that Rowan fell into."

"Well that leaves us only one option," I concluded. "We will have to have a convocation, a sort of meet-and-greet here in the forest. Since I can't come to them, they must come to me."

"That's going to be tricky, my lord," Oak sighed. "The forest itself grows ever thicker, as if it is actively resisting intrusion .. and the rabbits are always watching its perimeter."

"Tell me about these rabbits."

"They aren't from here. They came from England, and I think before that they were somewhere in Europa. Their religion is very intolerant, which explains their migration, because nobody anywhere else could tolerate them. They impose their rules on everyone who crosses their path, whether you belong to their society or not. They've established a settlement on the edge of the tulgey wood and they seem to be here to stay. It has worked out so far because hardly anybody ever goes there, so the rabbits and the regular folk have no dealings with each other .. but it will be difficult to sneak twenty-plus people through their territory AND through the forest without them noticing. And when they learn that we're going to an ancient pagan monument for cultish purposes, well .. they'll completely flip."

"What about a smaller group?" I mused. "You could bring the three top cultists here to meet me. Who are the most devoted and deserving members?"

"Well .. Toby was our first convert. He's been with us the longest and is extremely devoted. Then there's Marsha, but she might not be fit to make the journey, so maybe Tabitha.."

"I don't need to be bothered with the details," I interrupted. "You just pick three members based on whatever criteria you deem appropriate. You're my High Priestess; I'm trusting you with this task. How soon can you make the selection and organize the outing?"

"Three days at the most."

"Very well, High Priestess Oak. You have your assignment. Return to me in three days' time."

Quote:>Once you get three that seem to be simple to handle, fool and grant the whishes off ith your resources, tell Oak they will be the 'derving ones' and they'll get to meet you... in three days for.. mystical reasons.
>You can't go back to faerie and take the risk of wasting twenty more year so Oak going to have to bring you a tent and some food so you can look good in three days.

"It shall be done, My Lord," Oak replied, her eyes gleaming after being called High Priestess.

"Oh, and one other thing," I blurted out as she turned away. "As I said, I can't leave this circle, and I probably should avoid returning to Faerie between now and the meet-up, because there's time-slippage involved in the use of the Gate. I can't risk missing the appointment. I'll need you to bring me some food to tide me over while I wait."

"Uh, I'm not sure that is feasible, My Lord," Oak replied. "As I mentioned, it's sort of tricky getting here, and I can't prepare the group excursion if I'm also running back and forth with picnic baskets. Can't you magick something up?"

"Ah yes, in all likelihood I can," I replied smugly. I pulled a gold bravo out of my Elfintory and handed it to her. "Here's something for your trouble. Now go."

Quote:>Adler: Have your Ixies gather Intel on these rival factions.
>Adler: Also, don't go back into Faerie until all your Ixies are back and you have a plan of action.
new and exciting bugs to devour, you think "RAMBLE" will like this.
(also get the ixies to spy on them to be sure of all the details she won't tell you)


"Ixies!" I hissed as Oak disappeared amidst the undergrowth. "I need you to gather intel on these two rival cults in Tulgeyside, and the strange rabbits she talked about. I must know everything she left out of her report. Also, bring me some food."

"Typantronn hath plenty of food, Sire," several Ixies pointed out.

"That's right," I sneered. "You owe your gambling winnings to me, anyway."

"Of course I will be glad to share my bounty with my Sire," Typantronn declared reluctantly.

"& I will stay & make sure U dont get lonely!!1!" Angela chirped.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 03-21-2020

>Typantronn: It seems to go right over your head that Adler taking all your winnings is meant to be a punishment. Offer up all the food you have to Adler with pride.
>Adler: Look down at the bag of crawling, pulsating bugs. Well, dig in.
>Angela: Start using some of the advanced wiles techniques you were taught as as spy. No malicious purposes, he won the contest with Sam, so that means he wins your heart. He's head over heels for you, he just doesn't it know it yet.
>Adler: You know, Angela's grotesque deformities actually make her look kinda cute.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 03-22-2020

Adler: You where hoping that Lady Hawke with the hooks for hands would maybe killed Jerry but it would seem they have joined forces and become stronger.
Lady Hawke: You know you are the power behind the shoe throne let Jerry think he is in charge.
Jerry: You are the great prophet of the mighty Elf Fauxfox mistress of shoes, you will allow these rival cults to destroy the order of the holy shoe. You will launch a crusade if necessary. You will not tolerate these rabbit heathens in your realm.
Typantronn: It may be a good idea to gather up more delicious grubs for your Lord Randall, he looks famished.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 03-24-2020

>Ignore all these distracting shananigans and start strategizing.
> Hmph souds like the intolerant rabits could be a great way to get rid of the crazy cult or the other way around. Kill two birds with one stone.
>(... Okay so the last time you tried using an ennemy against another, the results were... mixed, but hey it did work in getting the duchess out of there so there was something to it.)
>Maybe you could try elfminding your former minions, Ethel and Percy. It's been while for them buthey, maybe see if you can't trade a couple favors.
>Actualy when you turned this mercenary in a little girl, you effectively gave hi..her asecond lease on life.. you wonder would lowfolks be into it what with htis silly thing they do of getting 'old' and dying form it ?
>While you're stuck here you can alway work on your grammayre.
>I mean you could try turning this sack of worm into something slightly less terrible to eat, like rice or fruits.
>Or work on your stew making. I bet even insects and mud could be made in a decent stew if you could just have a couple bay leaves...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 03-26-2020

Quote:>Typantronn: It seems to go right over your head that Adler taking all your winnings is meant to be a punishment. Offer up all the food you have to Adler with pride.
>Adler: Look down at the bag of crawling, pulsating bugs. Well, dig in.

"Here is my stash, Sire," Typantronn said, handing me a surprisingly large bag.


"Behold the best grub the forest has to offer," she exclaimed as I opened the bag and stared down into a writhing mass of aphids, earwigs, caterpillars, and literal grubs.

"Be not shy, Sire," Typantronn continued, noticing my hesitation. "Dig in! Eat hearty! What's mine is thine, and there's plenty more where that came from!"

"I'm, er, not accustomed to eating such things raw," I murmured truthfully. "I don't suppose you have a cook-pot?"

"Alas, no."

Quote:>While you're stuck here you can alway work on your grammayre.

I pondered for a moment and tried to visualize the interior of the Royal Kitchen. There were cabinets along one wall, and inside those cabinets some pots ... I imagined a stew cauldron ... I pinpointed its location ... I grasped it with my mind and willed it to be here before me .. I whispered an appropriate phrase of Gramarye ...

And I was looking at a medium-sized stock pot. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it would do!

Quote:Typantronn: It may be a good idea to gather up more delicious grubs for your Lord Randall, he looks famished.
>I mean you could try turning this sack of worm into something slightly less terrible to eat, like rice or fruits.
>Or work on your stew making. I bet even insects and mud could be made in a decent stew if you could just have a couple bay leaves...

"Impressive work, Sire," Typantronn observed approvingly. "But that is a large pot, and thou lookest hungry. I shall fetch more tasty bugs for thee!"

"Wait," I interrupted. "What I need more than that is some herbs, some starchy roots and leafy greens. And some water. Can you find those?"

"Yuck," Typantronn grimaced. "Truly there is no accounting for taste. But if thou desirest to ruin thy bug repast by making a complete hash of it, then I shall comply forthwith!"

I apported sticks from the forest as Typantronn flew back and forth with cups of water which she dumped into the pot, and various possible ingredients which she laid on the ground beside me.


After constructing a cook fire, I set the pot on top of it and began to work on my stew. As I stirred it, I thought over the current situation.

Quote:Adler: You where hoping that Lady Hawke with the hooks for hands would maybe killed Jerry but it would seem they have joined forces and become stronger.
> Hmph souds like the intolerant rabits could be a great way to get rid of the crazy cult or the other way around. Kill two birds with one stone.
>(... Okay so the last time you tried using an ennemy against another, the results were... mixed, but hey it did work in getting the duchess out of there so there was something to it.)
>Maybe you could try elfminding your former minions, Ethel and Percy. It's been while for them buthey, maybe see if you can't trade a couple favors.
>Actualy when you turned this mercenary in a little girl, you effectively gave hi..her asecond lease on life.. you wonder would lowfolks be into it what with htis silly thing they do of getting 'old' and dying form it ?

Apparently Lady Hawke had neither killed nor restrained Terry, but had instead joined forces with him. Her wealth and his madness would make a dangerous combination!

I needed to know more about the rabbits before I could devise a strategy against them. My plans could change after the Ixies came back with detailed information, but I began considering the possibility of turning the rabbits against the shoe cult, and vice-versa. I had already had pretty good results pitting my enemies against each other .. admittedly I still was surrounded by a hostile forest, but at least the Duchess of Daisies had been forced to leave the island I was living on. That cut the number of threats in half, which is what I'd call success!

I wondered, with a pang of bitterness, what Ethel and PJ were doing. What if they'd figured out a way to have children? They would have churned out a whole brood by now. I shuddered at the thought, and felt genuine relief that I wouldn't be able to check on them until after I had returned to the scrying tower. I bet Ethel was old by now. That's what lowfolk did; they got old, and then before you knew it they died.

Hmm, this made me think of Oak. When I turned her into a little girl, had I re-started her lifespan from a younger point? Would she now live a full .. what, eighty years .. plus however old she'd been before I transmogrified her? If that was the case, this could be a boon to offer my followers. Lowfolk in the stories were always desperate to prolong their pitifully short lives - and who could blame them?

Quote:>Angela: Start using some of the advanced wiles techniques you were taught as as spy. No malicious purposes, he won the contest with Sam, so that means he wins your heart. He's head over heels for you, he just doesn't it know it yet.
>Adler: You know, Angela's grotesque deformities actually make her look kinda cute.


"LOL wut's cookin, hotstuff?" Angela giggled, interrupting my reverie with an embarrassingly obvious Wile.

I glanced over to reprimand her for not helping Typantronn bring supplies, but as I looked at her I noticed that she was actually kind of cute, in a bizarre and unnatural way.

So instead I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine, and fired back with some Wiles of my own.


"Hey doll," I purred. "Why don't you fetch me a couple of mushrooms?"

"EEEEEEEE!!!1!!" she squealed.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 03-27-2020

(HSH King Alder II) Ponder: what would go well with stew?
(HSH King Adler II) Snap fingers: of course.  WINE!
(HSH King Adler II) Visualize where the Royal Wine Cellars were.  See many bottles.  APPORT!
(Bottles) Turn out to be bottles not of wine, but of ultra high-end fur shampoo, originally ordered for Floozies and for your late brother.  (Avoid the one marked "AXE")
(HSH King Adler II) Get an inspired idea!

[Note that Adler, long ago, had been in Estmere's royal shower, and may have mis-remembered where the cellars were, vis a vis the fur shampoo repository.]

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 03-29-2020

>Double check those mushrooms she bring you, will ya ? You already had a mushroom trip once we don't need another. (Or worse, you do remember how your dear mother may have possibly killed ypur father with poisonous musroom, uh ?)
>(Though, some midly hallucinogenic stew/fumes could come in handy  for the whole 'cult' thing but that's a consideration for later.)
>Then fail to notice the mushrooms she brings you. (Remember when you couldn't see mushrooms ?)
>Cook a fairly delicious stew overall nonetheless.
>Grammayre yourself a tent and a few items of tastefull decoration, you have two days to wait.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 03-30-2020

>Angela: Perfect! Your double wiles are working perfectly. Your blatant and obvious attempts at flirting made you seem cute and endearing to him. Keep this up, and he'll be all yours forever.
>Adler: Receive mushrooms, complete stew.
>Adler: Take a sip... It's passable... You may be a wizard at making stew, but it's very difficult to make a masterpiece with tainted clay.
>Ixies: Return to Adler with a full report. Explain everything you know about the Rabbits. The Shoe cult is a joint venture between Lady Hawke and Jerry. Hawke funds the cult and Jerry manages it. It's a very strange partnership, since Lady Hawke seems to get nothing in return. The Cult is a money hole. She just really seems to find Jerry's utter madness very enticing. Yes, it's just as icky as it sounds.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 04-01-2020

Angela: You have a stroke. A sexy stroke.
Ixies: Report that Jerry is a bearded old maniac now who has taken to wearing his patented Shoe ArmorTM which is as it sounds a bundle of shoes strapped to his body by twine, he does this because he is afraid of assassination from the worshipers of lesser footwear such as sandals or flip flops (P.S there are no worshipers of these specific footwear).
Adler: Suddenly as you have eaten your stew, you realize Angela gave you the wrong mushrooms!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 04-02-2020

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Quote:>Angela: Perfect! Your double wiles are working perfectly. Your blatant and obvious attempts at flirting made you seem cute and endearing to him. Keep this up, and he'll be all yours forever.


"As U command, Sire," Angela chuckled after recovering her equilibrium. "I will go & get teh bestest mushrooms, LOL."

She wrung her hands strangely and flitted off into the forest.

Quote:>Then fail to notice the mushrooms she brings you.
>Cook a fairly delicious stew overall nonetheless.
>Adler: Receive mushrooms, complete stew.
>Adler: Take a sip... It's passable... You may be a wizard at making stew, but it's very difficult to make a masterpiece with tainted clay.

I sat, placidly thinking about nothing in particular, and watching my stew simmer. It was coming along nicely.

"Mushrooms, Adler sweetums," Angela chirped.

"Just set them down right there," I murmured, with a vague gesture.

I stirred some more. It was beginning to smell quite intriguing.

Time to taste it.


"Ah yes," I declared after a cautious sip. "This will do adequately. Not bad at all, considering what I had to work with."

"What about my mushrooms?" Angela asked petulantly.

"What mushrooms?"

"Teh ones I brought from teh forest 4 U!"

"Oh, er, thanks for bringing them," I waffled, not at all sure where they were. "But it turns out they won't be necessary."

Quote:(HSH King Alder II) Ponder: what would go well with stew?
(HSH King Adler II) Snap fingers: of course. WINE!
(HSH King Adler II) Visualize where the Royal Wine Cellars were. See many bottles. APPORT!
(Bottles) Turn out to be bottles not of wine, but of ultra high-end fur shampoo, originally ordered for Floozies and for your late brother.

"Now then," I continued, taking another taste of the stew. "What would go well with this earthy, savory, insectoid flavor? Ah yes, of course .. a light white wine."

I tried to recollect the exact location of the Royal wine cellar. I guided my mind down imaginary halls of the palace, based on my memory .. I visualized racks of bottles .. I selected two .. and willed them through the ether to me!


"Oh," I muttered as I looked at the labels. Apparently I had not accurately remembered the way to the wine cellar. One bottle proudly declared its contents to be "PERSOC GLOW 2-in-1 fur shampoo & conditioner infused with real Peach Essence" and the other was "ADLAND'S OWN Hoof & Horn Gloss."

Well, I wouldn't be drinking either of these .. but the shampoo might be handy as a gift to bestow upon my hair-obsessed cult followers. I put both bottles into my Elfintory and began eating my stew, using as a bowl a fancy gravy boat that I managed to pull from the kitchen.

Quote:>Grammayre yourself a tent and a few items of tastefull decoration, you have two days to wait.
>Ixies: Return to Adler with a full report. Explain everything you know about the Rabbits. The Shoe cult is a joint venture between Lady Hawke and Jerry. Hawke funds the cult and Jerry manages it.
Ixies: Report that Jerry is a bearded old maniac


I had eaten my fill and begun wondering what I should do to spruce up the stone circle for my cultists' visit, when my Ixies returned with news.

"The rabbits are uptight and hate all forms of fun," they reported. "Meanwhile Jerry hath become something akin to a Village Idiot, somehow commanding more respect than usually pertaineth to that position. It could be due to Lady Hawke's inexplicable support. She backeth his uncouth projects - lately he hath taken to pinning shoes all over his body as some form of spiritual armour - at no visible benefit to herself."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 04-02-2020

>Ixies: continue delivering exposition as Adler gets to work tidying the place up.
>Forum Adventure: Suddenly have a tone shift from a Fantasy adventure, to an Exterior Design Simulator. "You've just tuned into EGTV (Elven Gardens TV) for Outdoor Decor with Adler Young!"
>Adler: Treat your Ixies like a live studio audience as you set about redecorating the stone circle while putting on an over-the-top TV-style persona. Frequently endorse sponsored products as you go.
>Ixies: Oooh-Aaah, clap, laugh at jokes.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 04-02-2020

Angela: Be upset Adler did not eat the mushrooms, well your hungry and you are still going to eat any scraps that Adler deems worthy. Eat the mushrooms.... like wow man these colors taste amazing, and hey is that a talking rock.
Ixies: Be concerned as Angela is talking with inanimate objects.
Trees: Be very concerned that Angela is trying to talk with rock spies that may be working for Adler.
Adler: Disregard Angela's behavior she is a strange creature who communes with strange beings.
Rocks: stay quiet in hopes that this creature stops talking.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 04-03-2020

>Angel: In the midst of your musroom trance blurt out some fragments o fa few Vulpitian state screts. Ooopsie.
 > Adler: Don't care. Already knew. This on probaly an halucination. ..Okay good to know but weird ...Wait, what was that last one ?!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 04-09-2020

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Quote:>Ixies: continue delivering exposition as Adler gets to work tidying the place up.
>Adler: Treat your Ixies like a live studio audience as you set about redecorating the stone circle while putting on an over-the-top TV-style persona.
Angela: Be upset Adler did not eat the mushrooms, well your hungry and you are still going to eat any scraps that Adler deems worthy. Eat the mushrooms..

"Go on," I muttered vaguely while I surveyed the circle with a decorator's eye.

"Lady Hawke financeth all of Jerry's nutty projects and he acteth with nigh impunity in the town. His antics have drawn lots of attention. People join him just for laughs at first, but his madness seemeth to be contagious. Meanwhile the rabbits apparently worship the Blessed Baby Bunny begotten by the cosmic ram. It maketh about as much sense as the shoe cult but is far less funny."

"Uh huh," I replied - and then, spotting something out of the corner of my eye, "EUREKA! That's it!"


"What better way to spruce up an area than with a decorative spruce?" I exclaimed, apporting one in from nearby. "It adds that touch of evergreen dignity that will really make your guests feel comfortable AND reverent!"

"Needeth to be much bigger," one Ixie commented.

"Sire, wert thou even listening to our report?" another inquired.

"GTFO," Angela sulked. "U didnt use teh mushrooms I brought 4 U! Well fine, Im hunrgy, Ill eat them myself."


All of the Ixies' chatter, and the forest's growing rustle of consternation faded into the background as I scrutinized the stone circle with a critical gaze. This was almost like making stew! Instead of flavors, I just had to arrange colors, shapes, and textures in a pleasing manner. A holly bush here, a patch of violets over there, a few medium-sized stones scattered in a manner carefully calculated to appear random...

Quote:like wow man these colors taste amazing, and hey is that a talking rock.
>Angel: In the midst of your musroom trance blurt out some fragments o fa few Vulpitian state screts.


"Oooooo good morning Mr Rock," Angela cooed as I apported one next to her. "How R U? Yes of course its me, silly. Yea, I have changed havent I LOL thx 4 noticing!1! But I havent 4gotten my mission. Still following Teh Plan. He will fall 2 my Wiles, just U weight & C. Meanwile, did U ever notice orange is a flavor & a color? Well red is 2! & blue, OMG its delicious. U weight rite hear & Ill get U sum blue 2 try."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 04-10-2020

>Angela: Considering you swore yourself exclusively into Adler's service, gave him critical information detailing the Vulp Republic's plans, and sabotaged some of their operations for Adler's benefit, and considering you are still technically an elf and cannot lie, whatever "Teh Plan" is, it doesn't seem to be working in the Republic's best interest.
>Ixies: Continue your exposition dump while also giving Adler feedback on his decorating.
>Adler: Some of these, more of those, tilt this one a little, some good lighting over there, what do they think about a water feature? And DONE!
>Ixies: Be really impressed by Adler's decoration sense. Applause.
>Trees: Begrudgingly praise Adler's abilities as an exterior designer. One tree is simply so overcome by the sheer beauty of it that he is reduced to enraptured weeping.
>Adler: Wow! You found another skill that you're really good at. Wiles, stew, and landscaping. You deserve your own scrycast show. Maybe it's something to fall back on if the whole empire thing doesn't work out. I mean, more than it already hasn't.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 04-12-2020

Angela: Oh god you are seeing... your superior standing not ten feet from you... holding a fly swatter, flee, FLEE!
Ixies: Restrain her, why does she keep doing this.
Adler: Become engrossed in your decorating you do not even notice when the spruce disappears.
Agent Sprucey The Ducey: Infiltrate into the scry tower and see if you can find any way to help Adler your new lord and master, he created you therefore he is your father.