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4tuna Mafia Game - Printable Version

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-28-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-28-2016

Well az notd tweeper comedian Tril 1ce sed: if it luks lyk a notail + emots lyk a notail, den u can laff @ me if im rong but i cant hear u behind dis gud gud mask losr!!!!!

w/bout da corolary huh punk?!? if it luks lyk a notail but dosnt talk lyk a notail den maybs u shuld shove dat thing in da airlok + question it in relativ safety!!!

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-28-2016

wat u supposd 2 b if ur not a notail huh!? subterfujin 4 shur @ least wich seems lyk a p. dumb idea in a sitch lyk dis! folx bein cagey bout spammin wats on deir minds or masx cuz theyr scared ov a lil interogatins w ur pal Hoot here is wats gotn 3 innos jetisn'd alredy!!

idc if u dont hav a confesn printd out w a crims digisig! ne kinda suspshn can get da ball rolin on actchly makin sum progress here!

Hecka yknow il indulj u u w/ev da hec ur suposd 2 b, lemme knok 2getha 1 o ur presh lists 4 u >:>

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Apo11o - 11-28-2016

I'm a zuid'tian, of course! Whaat else would I be? It almost sounds like you're accusing me due to what I am. It's not very kind to accuse someone based on their speciees, you know... One might even call that speciesist. I was under the impression most tweeps didn't like that kind of thiing? []<

Thank you thank you thank you!!! []3
I appreciaate that you're taking the time to make a list for me. If there's anything I can do for you in retuurn, let me know! []3

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-28-2016

im gonna pretnd lyk u dint just confyus my lak of comprensiv knowlej bout da poetnix-damd alphabt soop o subspcis ov notails + da races lyk urself un42nat enuff 2 resembl dem w actchl specism... cuz dats a convosashn u can eat all da worz u hork 4 wen wev delt w dis otha nonsns! ('nlss ur w doz KORNjerks n wich cas gud evenchl riddans!!!!!!!)

lyk kinda rich dat u go on + on bout not bein abl 2 tel 1 rotn crewman from da rest on dis ship + u jump dwn my throt bout dedicatin my brainspas 2 stuff dat aint a ful list of the cosmos' persnicket criters huh!?

i mean if u insist on makin me retweet myself... if it luks lyk a notail and it talks smack lyk a notail.... just sayin........

Newayz now dat i got dat off my chest heres Hoot's gud hot top 5 list of shipm8s i wud be kk w puttin thru da intewringa8r:

1= Dorite aka Starlit-Drakon
1= Dot Harzel aka BB
3= Slider aka Apo11o
3= Cryptrsinger aka
5= Zephik aka DS Piron

"How com deez folx", im envisinin yall sayin in amazment (plz dont actchl im not dun talkin yet ty)??? heres how u improv ur chancs 2 win x-clusiv tix 2 da top of Hoot's hit list (luk! its a list 2 do u stil think im bad @ interspeecs relashns now punk!?)

Talkin lots is supa-important in sitchashns lyk these. Rememba, KORN gets a chans 2 pik us off in our sleep each nite, but we only have ths daytim 2 retali8! Less news from indivijls is thus bad news 4 da foloin reasons:
  • U mite not hav concreet proof 2 bak ur suspshns, but u shuldnt be afraid 2 vois em! I was tellin our 1stm8 bout dis last nite, but im not scared o gettin lynched 4 bein 2 vocal! After all, if KORN is elimin8d and da survivin crew makes it 2 42na, they can just 42na-wish the jettisnd crew back!***
    • KORN, in KORNtrast, cant risk atractn suspishn so theyl just try 2 do w/evr da crowd is doin. If dats stayin mum + w8n 4 da nite, dats rl gr8 4 KORN! Much ez-er 4 them than strikin a prekaris balans btwn a-quzn crwmmbrs + stayin outta da spotlite!!!
  • lobbyin aq-zashns at each otha is rl gud! it lets us c hu's avoidin talkin 2 hu + where + wen folx will back each otha up. Deres more than one KORNfederit on board so forcin them 2 interact in public is how we can catch em out!!!
  • Shuttin down discussos is rl bad! Dat Hermes-speed No Lynch on D2 wuz lyk watchn a rl gud vidsrz then findin out six eps in dat the dam thing got canceld + the cast+crew had 0 tim 2 rap things up!!!! i wasnt plannin 2 get kild on dis dam trip but dam that D2 cam p. dam close!!!!! Obvs i dont suspct evry1 hu votd 4 it 2 b KORN cuz there was lyk 6 of u and 1 of them was Larry, so lyk yaya mistaks hapn BBUT capitalizn on cru mistaks is da mafia operandi (ask 1 of da 2rists if u dont kno dat word)

Deez lists brot 2 u by Tweeps 4 Responsibl Mafia Eradicashn (A parody organizashn brought 2 u by @hootoffDpresses)

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-28-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - DS Piron - 11-28-2016

[Image: 5RhLQxe.png]
Zephik sighs.
"I don't like it, and I'll surely regret this, but I going to vote to Lynch Dorite as well."
"We. We need to catch these people. The longer this goes on, the more of us will die."
"...If anyone has anything saying Dorite isn't with KORN, I'll gladly offer myself to be lynched instead."

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Hichico - 11-28-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"I believe Hoot may have a point in all of this, Estas personas han sido muy tranquilo ... they have been quite quiet as of recently. Unfortunately I have nothing to go on myself, as my investigación has revealed nothing. And in truth I have been...attempting to ignore this situation I suppose. La cocina me trae consuelo, y me permite pensar que ves, I cook to keep my mind off of this."

"However, for the time being at least, I trust Hoot. As such, I shall be voting Dorite off. Aunque me gustaría que, quizás en otro tiempo que podría haber sido más. Tal vez incluso ..... no, el pensamiento es demasiado desgarrador...I am sorry, I believe there is something...how you say, in my eye."

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Apo11o - 11-28-2016

Oh, I'm sorry for leaping to conclusions then. I thought you miight have been saying something because I'm a clockwork. You know how it is; most people alwaays have something to say about zuid'tians. []3

Hmm... I see where you're coming from with your reasoning now. I've been mostly quiet when I didn't have much to saay, especially when I've nothing to give in suspicions, but when you put it the waay you have... Well, I'll speak anything that comes to mind, then! I'm not afraid to die..! Maybe it would even be better. There was always the possibility of losing your life on a Fortuna trip. []3

I'll vote for Dorite too. []3

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-28-2016

"Wh- what have i done to you! I have done nothing to garner this accusation!"

"If i'm going to be accused randomly like this, i vote hoot off the ship!"

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - BB - 11-28-2016

Dot: Alright, I think I've heard enough. Dorite I'm going to vote that you be escorted from the ship.

HOWEVER, I still dont subscribe to anything as savage as lynching somebody. Why don't we get a little bitta manpower toward finding or fashioning some sort of cell for Dori here? We can set some potential threats to the side, and I do emphasize potential , without turning into the folks were trying to catch. Or worse, doing their work for them.

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-28-2016


RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - DS Piron - 11-28-2016

"Well. That happened."
"And so is this: I'm withdrawing my vote for Dorite for them moment, until the deadline.

We have six-and-a-half hours people (hopefully). Is Dorite guilty or not?"

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-28-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-28-2016

"i have done nothing, i am innocent!"

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-28-2016

"i may have nothing to prove my innocence, but you have nothing to place guilt on me. i have commited no crime except that of being on this ship. you may even search my room, if it will satisfy you."

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-04-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"¿Por qué el destino, por qué seguir a tomar pretendientes!"

<Veraxus swears loudly at the news of Hoot's demise, he seems more upset than usual.>

"Why did this have to happen, why? And why does this KEEP happening"

<Veraxus turns to the crew, and attempts to regain his composure>

"All of you, Traidores y estafas de la espalda, where were each of you last night? I expect to hear an account from everyone. We cannot allow these Insectos que actúan como si fueran personas, to continue slaughtering us any further!

"I realize you may be apprehensive to speak, so I shall speak myself. Last night I created the...less than gourmet...meal of this morning, this gruel deluxo. It would have been a good dish, however my poor pressure cooker gave out on me, Yo bromearía que debería comprar uno nuevo, pero este no es el momento. Because of this I was up all night cleaning it off of everything in my room, I do not believe I got all of it, but I tried. I welcome each of you to see for yourselves, I have nothing to hide."

"Now, everyone, where were each of you and what did you do as of last night?"

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

Hey everyone. I think it's time I reveal to you something that might put me in danger, but is ultimately for the greater good.

For the past few nights I've been investigating certain people as I have access to the database of people on the ship. But last night I finally determined someone to be guilty with hard evidence. And that person is Slider.

I will be voting for them, and if you don't want to die tomorrow then you'd vote for them too. Please. (I'm practically begging you!)

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-04-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"¿Evidencia? Would you be so kind as to share this evidence? I understand your situation, but I do not know what to believe at this point, I....I hope you understand.

Also, if you would please answer my question as well, where were you as of last night and what exactly were you doing?"

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

[Image: fndxz.jpg]

[Andromeda suddenly realizes that he didn't write his evidence down on a sticky note, and because he has, like, a shitty memory, he can't remember.]

Uhh, um, I - all I can remember is that his file was littered with criminal activity like robbery and smuggling I think. I can't remember the specific evidence. Sorry...

As for what I did last night I investigated Slider, of course. Else I wouldn't have this evidence.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

That's really funny Andromeda...... because I didn't find anything in Slider's room today! You are a huge pomme de terre, liar aren't you. I knew there was something fishy when you wanted to be first mate.

Vote Andromeda!

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Hichico - 12-04-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]


<Veraxus gives a stern expression before he continues>

"Perhaps, perhaps not. Tengo algunas teorías de mi propio que se deben despejar primero.
Andromeda, this evidence will not suffice to be clear. However I once again refrain from my vote. Dee, I would ask you the same question I posed to the rest of the group. Where were you, and what did you do last night, with the additional question, why were you in Sliders room?"

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

[Image: fdhfd.jpg]

Oh is that so? I don't know, it seems really easy to hide something in a room. It's harder to hide your entire criminal record, isn't it?! You yourself seem a bit fishy. What were you doing these past nights?

Still voting for Slider.

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - Gimeurcookie - 12-04-2016

I was in Sliders room because he looks like an evil hacker that is why! Also you know what I have been doing the past few nights Andromeda, I've been blurting out my every move. As team Larry I pride myself in telling the truth at all moments! Wish our first mate could be like that. I was right about hoot, and now I am right about this. What I found in his room was video games, recording of his voice, and pictures of him at night concerts!

He is not an evil hacker, what a disappointment...... I thought maybe he would have something interesting to look at.... I think this proves my point well, meanwhile you cannot provide anything!

If you were really in Sliders room, answer this..... What do Slider's family members look like?

RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11) - awkwardcarapace - 12-04-2016

Oh, that whole me-voting-for-Hoot thing? That was a plan cooked up by me and Hoot for the express purpose of trying to find out who'd jump on the voting bandwagon. I'd vote for Those people would ideally be the mafia. Of course, that didn't really work out...

And another thing. I didn't actually go into Slider's room. I just quickly slipped into their doorway, grabbed their ID card or whatever and left back to my room. If you really were in their room I would've seen you in there in the tiny glimpse that I had of the room. But you weren't!!