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4tuna Mafia Game - Printable Version

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RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Hichico - 11-17-2016

<Veraxus raises an eyebrow before stepping back with the jammer>

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"I'm... sorry but did you just mention El mercado negro? The black market? Surely you jest, yes? The black market is a hive of illegal goods, is it not? More importantly.."

<Veraxus looks to Dorite.>

"Esto parece muy peligroso, this seems very dangerous if it is a signal jammer as you say..Dorite was it? Y puede * I * decir que está brillando brillantemente como carbono presurizado ~"

"Ah, I forget myself. A signal jammer is a very dangerous instrument to have on a ship, yes? I am not ah...savvy with these things. I apologize"

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-17-2016

[Image: fknfs.jpg]

Whoa, did you say that the thing messes with navigation? Hey! That's my job!

I say we destroy the thing not only because it makes my job harder but also because I don't want it to fall into the wrong hands either.

And does Zelphik have any evidence from searching Larry's room or is he just goofing around / tampering with the evidence?? Hmmm?

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Apo11o - 11-19-2016

They've been as quiet like many others since the announcement of Larry's death; of all the people whom could have died, why had it been necessary to be Larry? Surely that was on everyone's minds. Slider slowly tilts their head at the signal jammer being produced, however.

Ah, weell... I am an expert in electronics. I suuppose you could give it to me if you so desired... But if you are planning to destroy it, that may be just as weell. I would not want it to fall into the wrong graasp. []<

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-23-2016

[Andromeda entered the room and yawned twice, despite having rested adequately the previous night.]

[Image: fdhfd.jpg]

Right. I don't like the idea of throwing people overboard, but with two people killed already, we don't really have a choice. So I'm voting for Hoot because they were so keen to get rid of Zelphik yesterday and they barely gave a reason!

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Hichico - 11-23-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"¿De nuevo? Por qué esto sigue sucediendo.. another tragic event on what should have been such a wonderful trip...and here I thought, if even for a moment, that a new love could have been found, t'was not to be I suppose..."

<Veraxus sits down to ponder the correct course of action to take at the moment>

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-24-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Gimeurcookie - 11-26-2016

[Image: 5IVPYaY.gif]

Geez things are getting badder and badder. I want to say sorry but it looks like we can no longer do this not kill people thing. In fact....I think it's the goal of those killers to get us to not kill each other. That's pretty sick really.

[Image: WNCKd7U.gif]

I do want to say, I don't think Hoots is any of these pirates. How do I know this, weeeeeeell I went in to Hoots room, you know, just to talk to Hoots, buuuuuuuut I couldn't get in to contact with Hoots, so I decided to dig around, you know, a little invasion of privacy doesn't help hahaha! But yeah, I didn't find anything fishy or anything. I mean other then a pirate tv show dvd but that's nothing big, plus there were no tweeps in it. I know that's a weird thing to say but maybe the media is right, tweeps make poor pirates.

I mean what pirate watches pirate shows anyway?

[Image: 5IVPYaY.gif]

I don't really know who to vote for but I think I'll vote for Crypstinger. Nothing against you, but I just got this feeling about you. Not a good one you understand? If you can help me out and prove why you shouldn't be voted that would be great.

[Image: 6F0HzWu.gif]

I do vote myself to be the new Larry. I think I can do it, and I think being as nice as open as possible will help us all.

[Image: 5IVPYaY.gif]

Or get me killed faster. One of the two.......

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-26-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - DS Piron - 11-26-2016

[Image: 5RhLQxe.png]
"Well, that settles that. Unless anyone has a reason we shouldn't, I think we can all just elect Deed Mann (gimeurcookie) for larry.

Also, did anybody have any luck with trying figuring out who's doing these murders?
I'd try but between keeping the ship clean, and my failure to search Larry's room, I haven't turned up anything." Zephik asks.

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Hichico - 11-26-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

"Estos horribles giros de acontecimientos me han dejado sin palabras..I do not believe that Hoot is the horrible person we should be ejecting, however my suspicions have fallen flat, with no leads."

"For now, I shall vote for Dee to be our new Larry, Siempre debe enviar un turista para hacer un trabajo carismático, besides I am confident that Dee is no traitor, simply a loveable Francamente muy atractivo, dork."

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Justice Watch - 11-27-2016

Over the speaker, more Larries could be heard talking amongst themselves.

[Image: dKk44jS.png]
Aaaah, Larry wonders what sort of Larry these new friends have! Gosh gosh, they must be really nice! Larries are always nice!

[Image: HFgXyo5.png]
Yes yes, Larry certainly hopes so! We haven't really met a Larry that wasn't nice... Larry hopes they're okay, though!

[Image: jgaqcJZ.png]
....L-Larry hopes so too. If this ship's Larry is hurt, then that would mean someone hurt their Larry. And t-that would mean...

An almost... familiar looking Larry could be seen onscreen.

[Image: 5FRgilB.png]

[Image: MKjpk8A.png]

[Image: Ym2G7jW.png]

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-27-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-27-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-27-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-27-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Gimeurcookie - 11-27-2016

[Image: 5IVPYaY.gif]


RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-27-2016

[Image: dqqbn.jpg]


Anyway reaching a majority is the most important, so I vote for Deed to be our Larry. And I still stand by my vote for Hoot to be ejected, for the same reason.

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - DS Piron - 11-27-2016

[Image: 5RhLQxe.png]
"....I'm going to guess, by context, that... that's not our Larry.
I'm also going to guess that that... 'Larry' will be haunting my nightmares for years to come..."

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-27-2016

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wats a tweep gotta do 2 get 4 dang hrs 2 themselvs so they can catch up on their fav bloggers upd8s!? Jus cuz deres some criminality goin on in a tweeps vcinit doesnt mean we gotta act lyk unculturd savajs as da rl world, da CYBR world + all its gud gud content is bz revolvin!

Lemme sit my tailfthr down 4 a damnd 2nd + c wat u all hav bn up 2. Probs zilch + diddly amirite lmao

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - OTTO - 11-28-2016

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RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Apo11o - 11-28-2016

Goosh, friend, you're a really good Larry! I meaan, of course you are. You are Larry, after all! []3

I'm sure like everyone is saying, we should eject someone, but.... []<
I don't know who I could possibly pick! We would be sentencing someone to death! Is thaat really right..? I'm not sure how I could choose someone to die just like that... []<

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-28-2016

Lmbo so big ups 2 da 1stm8 4 foloin thru w/ da plan them + i cam up w/ last nite! sadly it didnt work so hot cuz of a certn SUM1 *glarz dagrz @ da 2rist w/ da Larrycap* takin a gosh dang rood toor of my room lyk xcuz me Deed? Larry? Wat am i suposd 2 cal u now y doesnt rl hav a handy drop-down menu so u can c wat ppls old names r?????

Andromeda + i r cul as comets, i tried hittin dem up last nite 4 sum soundbytes 4 my intervew i had pland b4 thngs went south + larry + g + dat other guy went spaceways lyk rl pear shaped!! Capn if ur lisn dis aint how u throw a party 4 next time kk???

Anyhoot Our rl gud + smart plan waz 2 get some votes hapnn on ur pal here Hoot. Andromeda wud call da bluff b4 u all actchl pushd me out da airloc, + then we were SUPOSD 2 cast sum rl aspersns on da folx hu thought id be gud + smart 2 lynch!!!!

Havin cald dat *Pagepoh noizz* of a plan 2 a wet + smelly concluzn, its tym 2 get a rl lynch goin!!!!!!! So im gonna vote 4......

Dorite (Starlit-Drakon).

Step rite up + tell da crew y we shuldnt leav u out in da cold rite da heck now!!!!

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Justice Watch - 11-28-2016

The mysterious Larry turns to the camera and happily waves hello~!

[Image: BTXCuFn.png]

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Schazer - 11-28-2016

Slider!!!!! Frendo but not rly. I got ur msg last nite!!! U sed sum rl nice things bout ur pal Hoot, + here wuz me all thinkn notails r a buncha obnoxis lurgy-babblers hooz only joy in lyf is 2 find everythin rong in da world + fix it rite up!!!

Wat im sayin is u aint xactly in dis tweep's gud boox ither, so...

unless ur hankerin 4 sum sweet tweeply interrogatns after im dun w/ Dorite, ud best try sayin somethin that aint just: "Aw no dyin + lyin how sad, how culd we posibly point fingers + suspect our own, buncha symbolz dat luk lyk a sad faic"??????

RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11) - Apo11o - 11-28-2016

[]3? But I'm not a notail. I thiink you've mistaken me for some other fellow!
Our net survival is important! I know that we should be picking someone to lynch. []< Aall I'm saying is that maybe we should all laay out any reasons about why people are suspicious! Make some lists and suuch, you know?
For eexample, you voted for Dorite. But why? Did you rooll a dice to decide? Waas it based on how much they did or didn't talk? I just want to be able to make an informed decision!
... Or at least, as informed as I can maake like this, anyway. []<

Also, that Larry is creepiing me out a little. []<