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RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Dragon Fogel - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 05:49 PM)Infinity Wrote: »More explanation (most of which I have explained before) Not a serious game =/= not mafia. Mafia involves scumhunting.

There are multiple things that can be meant by "not a serious game".

It can mean "this is a Mafia game where the flavor is extremely silly."
It can mean "this is a Mafia game where everyone has ridiculous abilities."
Or it can mean "this is a Mafia game where the victory of town or scum isn't actually important."

Jester Mafia, which I've run before, is explicitly the last one. The only reason there are scum at all is so the game has a condition for ending. Everyone is only concerned with their own win condition.

This game is not explicitly that, but a sizable portion of the players are treating it in that way. And realistically, you're not going to be able to convince them to stop.

I say this because the fact that I can just muck around and not worry about who's scum is the main reason I signed up. I suspect I'm not alone in this.

The reason a large number of silly people are voting you isn't that you're trying to scumhunt, it's that you're trying to get them to scumhunt. They're voting you because they aren't interested in doing that.

And good luck trying to tell the silly town from the silly scum, because both groups are going to act pretty much the same. The townspeople don't care if the entire town gets wiped out tonight, the scum don't care if their entire team dies. Any survival instincts they have will only be for the sake of getting to use their actions tonight to add to shenanigannery.

I mean, I guess silly scum might do something if a scumbuddy was threatened and they knew he had a fun ability to bring out at night? I honestly can't see any other way to tell the difference.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

But you're also targeting your target

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Granolaman - 03-28-2013

Boogeyman brings up a valid point. You've fucked yourself six ways to Sunday with that claim. You're either oblit bait or lying with a doc claim, which is also pretty scummy.

You're drawing all this attention to yourself by playing seriously in a nonserious game on D1, the least serious day. It's not that scumhunting is against the rules, it's just a faux pas.

To prove my point on the nonseriousness, I will now vote to Lynch: Infinity while cackling as evilly as possible:

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

I'd unvote you so sol would stay invincible tomorrow too but someone's just going to NK you tonight so that this does not happen .(
U a dead man

if you live until tomorrow you told everyone your name so you're going to be obliterated, you won't live until tomorrow because some tasteless humans don't want sol to be invincible, you won't live until tonight because I want a medal

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 07:04 PM)Infinity Wrote: »Trying to find fallacies in my argument after I claimed is suspicious to because it means you want to lynch a doc.

"Trying to find a reason why my claim is invalid is invalid because of my claim."

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Boogeyman - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 07:16 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »I'd unvote you so sol would stay invincible tomorrow too but someone's just going to NK you tonight so that this does not happen .(
U a dead man

if you live until tomorrow you told everyone your name so you're going to be obliterated, you won't live until tomorrow because some tasteless humans don't want sol to be invincible, you won't live until tonight because I want a medal

If I don't get to be invincible then NO ONE DOES.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Whimbrel - 03-28-2013

How I would fix my fries? I shall walk you through it, step by glorious step.

I would begin by setting up my fancy French Mandolin--the blades would be set to "Waffle Cut" and "Quite Thin"! I would cut the potato in half so it didn't slide around, and transform it into wonderful waffle-cut potato slices.

I don't have a deep fryer, so I would take an ordinary pan and fill it with some kind of oil. Olive oil? Canola oil? Vegetable oil? Whatever works. I would heat it up until it's bubbling, and throw some potato slices in to test it.

Once they browned, I would fish them out with a mesh ladle, and set them to dry on some paper towels.

FINALLY, while they were still hot, I would squirt out a mountain of ketchup, lightly season them with salt and pepper, and eat the entire pile of french fries.


RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Infinity - 03-28-2013

@jacquerel But I only kill other docs.

@dragon fogel Hmm... I guess you're right. Personally, I wanted to play a game of mafia, but I guess that won't happen? The problem with that is the fact that others not scumhunting means I can't scumhunt, which is annoying. So if we're not scumhunting, why lynch? I mean, I'm just a newb who wants to enjoy his second game, if only at night. I think, though, there is a disagreement here, so I'll ask everyone who is voting me to explain why. Do you think I'm scum? Are you mad at me for white font (which is over, btw) or telling you to scumhunt (which is over as of now) Are you just joining the bandwagon? If so, why? Is it just cause you feel like it? Is it because you want to lynh someone?

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Granolaman - 03-28-2013

This is now the Food Appreciation Thread

RE: Infinity: Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Infinity - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 07:19 PM)Chwoka Wrote: »
(03-28-2013, 07:04 PM)Infinity Wrote: »Trying to find fallacies in my argument after I claimed is suspicious to because it means you want to lynch a doc.

"Trying to find a reason why my claim is invalid is invalid because of my claim."

But what he said was invalid.

(03-28-2013, 07:31 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »This is now the Food Appreciation Thread

RE: Infinity: Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Why do you think I'm scum though?

Why does that keep happening? I thought I was posting a new message, sorry for the edit.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Crowstone - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 05:45 AM)Granolaman Wrote: »Before we seal this lynch up I would like to cordially invite the Disgruntled Protector from Clusterfuck 1 and the Worthless Medical Intern from Quarantine to my humble abode tonight. This request is purely for sentimental reasons; I just want to see the roles successfully not kill someone they're trying to protect for once.

I suppose anyone else can show up too, just let me know in advance so I know how many pizzas to order.

oh no what if this is a trap

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Robust Laser - 03-28-2013

Well mostly the main reason to lynch you is for a medal WHICH WE MUST GET but yeah, it seems you meant to join an entirely different game of mafia.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

no but like
at this point it doesn't matter if you are scum or not (and I never cared in the first place) because if you don't die now you'll die tonight or tomorrow morning

dying now leaves the least chance that you will screw over town by making an obliterator invincible, killing a doctor or having some other on-kill power activate upon you
only town will have any interest in killing you tonight but they will have to because obliterators are not town roles and you being alive tomorrow helps one become invincible for another game day


tbh that was already explained to you I don't know why you didn't read it, maybe because I posted it

someone else say that again but as not me


solaris is an obliterator
If he matches your name with your role, you die and he becomes invincible for one game day
presumably he wins by guessing a certain number of people?

basically don't post your role in this topic or sol will kill you in an adorable manner

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

except please post your name because I want him to do that

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

I just posted four times in five minutes someone stop me

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Pinary - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 07:46 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »except please post your name because I want him to do that

He did already, it was Eldwin McNamehave (and there's no need to confirm this elsewhere).

(Shh, I want to see what happens if Sol oblits someone with the wrong name.)

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Crowstone - 03-28-2013

jacquerel if you announce your role, solaris can kill you

that would totally be a twist to the fanfics

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Solaris - 03-28-2013

I agree with jac first person to speak up gets killed last I promise

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - myw - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 07:42 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »no but like
at this point it doesn't matter if you are scum or not (and I never cared in the first place) because if you don't die now you'll die tonight or tomorrow morning

dying now leaves the least chance that you will screw over town by making an obliterator invincible, killing a doctor or having some other on-kill power activate upon you
only town will have any interest in killing you tonight but they will have to because obliterators are not town roles and you being alive tomorrow helps one become invincible for another game day


tbh that was already explained to you I don't know why you didn't read it, maybe because I posted it

someone else say that again but as not me


solaris is an obliterator
If he matches your name with your role, you die and he becomes invincible for one game day
presumably he wins by guessing a certain number of people?

basically don't post your role in this topic or sol will kill you in an adorable manner

Does he self destruct if he guesses wrong? that'd be a fun game.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Pinary - 03-28-2013

Sol my name is Beldwin McNamehave. Definitely.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

no but the assumption is that if he guesses wrong a bunch of fun-killers take advantage of the fact that he is no longer invincible and kill him

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Infinity - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 06:19 PM)Boogeyman Wrote: »
(03-28-2013, 05:49 PM)Infinity Wrote: »More explanation (most of which I have explained before) Not a serious game =/= not mafia. Mafia involves scumhunting. I don't care if town isn't in the majority, it benefits scum to lynch a s not on their team because opposing scum teams are a threat. In short, if you want to play or want to win, scumhunt. I would be kinda ok with you lynching me if I wasn't a doctor. I am Edwin Bola, the doctor who kills any other doctors who are also doccing that target.

Alright you want to go serious in this game? Here are some serious reasons for still wanting you dead.

Hey guess what, there's still an obliterator running around. I don't think the claim necessarily makes you town, and I would still rather have you die swinging from our noose than watch you die tomorrow while simultaneously making another problem invincible.

But even more than that:

This is why. This right here.

White font is over, I forgot about the oblit, but there is quite a large possibility that solaris will be NK'ed. Yes, probably it was a mistake to claim, but, you know, I am a doc, so can you keep me alive for now?

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

How is he going to be night killed through unpiercable kill immunity

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Jacquerel - 03-28-2013

(03-28-2013, 01:31 AM)Schazer Wrote: »0_o has been OBLITERATED.

this lasts until tomorrow morning as far as I am aware

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (65/67) - Granolaman - 03-28-2013

You're scum because see posts #811 and #813. Also scumhunting is anti-town. Also everyone else thinks you are and I like being a part of something bigger than me.

No traps. Scout's honor.