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The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Printable Version

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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Plaid - 01-16-2015

Immigration gave us some wrong information and now Ren's move to the new zealand is delayed another month


RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Schazer - 01-17-2015

Haha goddamn so I stayed at my friend's place in Miyazaki last night; he lives in an apartment complex so there's no fucking spare parking. I'd had success on a couple of late nights pulling up in the parking space reserved for a chiropractor on the ground floor of said complex, but I had a lie-in the next morning before leaving to meet a friend at noon.

I'd taken a gamble and hoped they wouldn't be open Saturdays. Busted!

The assholes taped a sheet of paper to each my windscreen and driver's side window basically naming and shaming my parking infringement. While I was taking them down and trying to remove the tape a guy comes out and chews me out for a good ten minutes, which ok I'm going to say he was within his rights to do that. I fucked up and the lecture was deserved. Still an asshole move to basically render my vehicle undriveable; I'm going to be spending tomorrow picking the last of the tape residue off.

All things considered I'd rather they'd just called the cops and given me a ticket. Getting lectured was not fun, but at least it wasn't in public and the guy never got my name or any details about me other than my license plate :v

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Schazer - 01-20-2015

I made a little pink bob-omb out of fimo, then my oven toaster wrecked it.

Now I have a small piece of soot (still with a slight key shape on one part) and an apartment that smells like burnt plastic :c

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Whimbrel - 03-09-2015

just got the word back on the tumor we had to remove from my cat.
it's cancer.
aggressive cancer.
we're scheduling her for chemo

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - chimericgenderbeast - 03-09-2015

someone in my home town (or high school home town, whatever) committed suicide by train and it's seriously messing me up that this was a problem when i was in high school and now i'm graduating college

like it's just super fucked up that there can literally be eight suicides a year and there isn't any sort of fundamental change in the academic environment that's causing that. it makes me fucking angry that there's talk of just fencing off the track or adding another guard, like, that's supposed to fucking appease your conscience? no one's going to do anything about the environment that's driving students to literally kill themselves?

what the fuck is wrong with this world

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 03-09-2015

Is there no form of counseling offered in those schools or are those bullshit too.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - OTTO - 03-10-2015

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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Palamedes - 03-10-2015

They're not all that bad, but often they can't really do much to alleviate the issues that most colleges and universities place on their students, plus all of the other school related stress that often comes with it (parents, debt, fear of a piss-poor job market, etc.)

Frankly you could see the best professionals in the world but it's not going to help if you keep going back to the situation that is causing all of your problems. It's like going to get support for your constant lion injuries - no matter how much you talk about it the only thing that will really help you avoid them is not fighting lions.

Oh right and let's not forget that both the way we generally view the necessity of a good education/the fact that school counselors are paid by the school means that most of the time they're not going to want you to leave, much less advise it.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Schazer - 03-11-2015

Wore a cool new dress shirt and a wool coat I recently scavenged to a friend's for dinner tonight, she didn't have enough parking for all of us, sorry I parked five minutes away and got a ride back at the end of the evening.

We get there and the car park's been chained off, I rush to my car to see if it's been clamped or anything. Turns out the chains and post can be lowered by twisting, so my car is extracted no sweat. I do however trip in the pitch-darkness over a concrete-ringed bed of shitty leafless shrubs, landing mostly on my left elbow.

I get home and the coat's been ripped, as well as the lining, and my new shirt is going to need to get patched too. I spend half an hour searching for a care label on the coat, eventually giving up and searching for the actual coat online until I find a product description.

Result: my clothes should be fixable (provided I can pick up needle felting) but my elbow stings like a bitch and hurts to bend too sharply. Suffice to say I'm pretty pissed right now.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Schazer - 03-14-2015

Did a test run of my talk, crammed about ten minutes' content into six

I'm gonna rock this

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Plaid - 03-15-2015

Going thhrough huge psych med withdrawals again because I'm a huge dumb and ran out on a weekend? currently I need to shower but I can't move without this weird static in my ears and feeling super dizzy

Also cycling rapidly through wanting everyone to leave me alone forever and wanting all the affection ever
so that's fun

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Solaris - 04-11-2015

everhthingsv happening and it s all bad adn im bad and guilty

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - AgentBlue - 04-12-2015

I have an assignment that I just haven't been able to do and it's late and there's so much other stuff to do and I'm still sick but I don't want to ask for an extension because I just want it all to be over and I don't want to fail again ;-;

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - wooiljung - 04-12-2015

I tried taking a castle with 50 garrison with 100 of Nord Huscarls, the best units in-game. Somehow they all died -_-

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Solaris - 05-05-2015

i dont know how to speak to anyone about anything all the time

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - OTTO - 05-05-2015

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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Schazer - 05-13-2015

At my minimum levels of willpower to do things like eat, clean, sleep work-appropriate hours, generally go to work

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - AgentBlue - 05-18-2015

Eli is depressed and I don't know how to help. Our cash situation is dire as hell; it's been six weeks since they lost their job and we've gone back to zero after spending months trying to save up enough money to move. We're going from week to week not knowing if we can make it to the next, and Eli's super stubborn about accepting or seeking help, so all I can do is cover groceries from time to time.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Kitet - 05-26-2015

so, how do i tell my dad that i don't want to go through college anymore.
extra context:
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - No - 05-27-2015

I, uhm found these articles/videos regarding underemployment from what was going on at the irc ;w;

I'm sorry for being of so little help ;w;

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-27-2015


have no idea if Slate is or isn't politically biased but this may at least be informative to you, kitet

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Plaid - 06-04-2015

Some of you who follow me on tumblr and twitter have heard a bit of the laptop saga. It appears to finally be coming to an end, 2+ months later. I'm going to write it up here because i'm so angry about it i'm literally crying, right now.

Okay, so. Near the end of March, Ren and i ordered a laptop each from mightyape (a company based in auckland, up north, that has in the past been very reliable. They mostly do tech related products but do all sorts tbh). Ren likes gaming and i need to run a bunch of art programs, so we figured the same laptop would be best and so cool whatever ordered it. Two weeks later, we hadn't been charged and we didn't have any laptops.

We email mightyape to find out what happened; apparently the laptops (that were listed in stock, then later listed as in stock with a supplier aka it's going to take you a few days longer to get them) had apparently stopped being made and didnt exist any more. They apologised, and suggested a replacement. We agreed, and ordered the new laptops.

After a little while, the new laptops arrive. Ren opens his and starts installing things etc and is well set up by the time i wake up and start unpacking mine. I turn it on, try to set up a windows live account and suddenly the screen goes black. Hmm, weird. I fuck around with it for half an hour (the screen intermittently flashes and comes back a couple times) before deciding nope, this laptop is definitely fucked. Ren offers his to me but i tell him no, he already has his set up so we'll just contact mighty ape and get a replacement.

We email them, and they send a shipping label to us. It arrives a couple days later, and we box up the laptop and send it off. It takes their expert tech guys over a week to decide yes, this laptop's screen cuts out when you do something sch as: open the lid, try to log in, use it at all

They email us saying okay yea this laptop is toast, we'll send you a new one. I'm kind of upset at this point but figuring that its not their fault, and just a bunch of bad luck. They promise it will be sent with one day shipping, so it arrives as fast as possible.

A few days later we get a notification that it has shipped. It has been sent with economy shipping. It is a friday, and a long weekend (p much every new zealand holiday is moved so that they can create long weekends, which is important in this story. i don't think i mentioned but this happened with the original laptop too). it doesn't arrive till wednesday, at which point i am fuming. I open the box, take out my new laptop, start getting it set up and then the screen cuts out again. Oh no, i think. Maybe its not broken and its just a small glitch. I reboot it and it happens again, though this time i can use it enough that i set up an account etc. If you knock the lid, the screen dies. This laptop has a touchscreen, which is now pretty much non functional because you can't jostle the screen too much. You can't close the lid without playing the half hour which angle can i open this laptop to at a usable level game (when the screen cuts out, it has to be put into sleep mode and reawakened for the screen to even turn on again).

Its not as bad as before, so i decide that i'm sick of dealing with mightyape and will just deal with it. I install my programs, decorate it and then after a week or two decide no, i actually cannot and should not have to deal with this so send mightyape another email saying that we're going to pick a repair company down here and they'll pay for it, because i have no faith in them shipping anything, They reply oh okay but anyone but our certified repair folks will totally void the warranty, and considering how terrible the experience has been so far i don't want to do that.

So we do the wait for shipping label/send it away/let them check it etc dance again. The distinct implication we've gotten from these messages is that mighty ape has an in-house repair team; in fact that wording might have even been used? we get informed that the laptop will need to be sent away for repairs, making it take even longer. We are given a refund on shipping costs and a $20 credit for the store.

Weeks pass. The repair is finally complete. It gets sent to us with economy shipping again despite promises, and again over a long weekend. Miraculously, it actually arrives on the tuesday this time, and Ren opens it before i wake up to tst it. By the time i wake up, he comes into our room to tell me "bad news; it's still broken." You've got to be kidding me. He thinks it's less broken than before, but by the time i try it out the screen will not work at all at anything greater than a 45 degree angle to the keyboard and cuts out if you dare try to log in. We send a couple of angry emails to no reply, and so i decide no fuck that i'm going to call them.

I called them yesterday. The person on the other end apologised at me for about 20 minutes solid and told me neither of her managers were here so she couldn't do anything. Can i call back tomorrow after i've talked to them? Ugh, fine. They call back today and Ren takes the call. He tells them at my request that we want a refund, and they tell him basically that its all asus's fault and don't offer any sort of compensation or sya that they can do anyting. We'll only get our 1.8k (of money we really don't need to be spending!!! but i need this laptop to work!!!) once they get the laptop back and confirm that yes, they managed to not only not fix it but make it worse. They send a shipping label.

I'm lying in bed during this. I'm having a bad time with my depression right now, and my doctor has basically told me it's all my fault and i'm not trying hard enough, plus reduced my meds. i let ren take the call for this reason despite him having huge phone anxiety and generally not being good with phone calls, so he kinda lets all this slide and then tells me this and i just lose it. I get super angry at mightyape and have spent most of the day lying in the dark crying? This is just another setback that i really don't need right now. I've been without a functional laptop for over 2 months. Down $1800 with nothing to show for it.

"oh but have a $20 voucher"

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - Reyweld - 06-06-2015

Have you ever disliked someone so much that you have no idea how to act near them? Is that person around you almost everyday because they hang out with your friends? I know how you feel.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-06-2015

Do they dislike you too? If so, find some way of being so awesome at being yourself that they get pissed off. Your regular friends won't see it as being different from every other day.

-if your friends like them, I have no idea what to do in your situation.
-if your friends also don't like them, they (the interloper) will leave sooner or later.

RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables) - OTTO - 06-06-2015

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