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Lucidstuck I - Printable Version

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Kayriel - 06-01-2016

(06-01-2016, 08:49 PM)lovelypenguin Wrote: »Hm...what if we had Derrick ask Alice some questions? Like "Dear *Sister*, would you ever betray me?", just to see what her reaction would be. Anyone think that would be a good idea?

Never accomplishes anything. The person being asked always says no. If they're an experienced manipulator (which Daydream/Alice CERTAINLY is given her personality and I believe Illusion element) they'll say no in a way the target they're familiar with has no choice but to accept as true. If anything we'll just end up pissing her off and making her suspicious. We want to avoid unnecessary friction with the yandere. We DO want to figure out how to get him to think independently of her and to be capable of wariness around her.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 06-02-2016

Early-bird stream! ^^

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 06-02-2016

Derrick: Change into something more comfortable

[Image: 4AysKyn.png]

You head up to your room to change into your regular clothes. Though despite not liking skinny jeans, they weren't that uncomfortable.

[Image: DvB8gSz.png]

You check your dream journal. Seems you're still awake.

[Image: MinVQ10.png]

You decide that orange juice would be nice to have while watching a movie with Alice. You're sure there's still some left over from breakfast.

[Image: meVyAKh.png]

You investigate the orange juice carton, and it appears empty. Well, you're sure you'll both be fine without it.

[Image: xjaan3u.png]

Show ChatlogShow

[Image: Sl4fNwW.gif]

About an hour or so into the movie you begin to feel a little drowsy. The warm cosy blanket and your sister's warmth is making you feel like passing out any second now.

[Image: 5KeulMe.png]

Show ChatlogShow

[Image: C3rlcBr.png]

Suddenly you're not so drowsy anymore.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 06-02-2016

>Derrick: consider you may be asleep, try to call Bambino with the powers of your mind.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 06-02-2016

Only one cup was drained and Derrick was suddenly feeling drowsy. God fucking dammit.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 06-02-2016

>Derrick: TV's off, Sister suddenly disappeared, and you're suddenly not tired. You're most likely in a dream. You should see if you can grab the blanket and those cups of Orange Juice. Then maybe you should mentally call Bambino and/or Reggie so you're not alone.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 06-02-2016

(06-02-2016, 04:52 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Derrick: consider you may be asleep, try to call Bambino witht he powers of your mind.

Seconded, and

>Derrick: go to the night fort, look for reggie.

>Reggie: Warn Derrick about Lucia's situation.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - The One Guy - 06-02-2016

> Derrick: Notice the cups; why is your sister's still full?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 06-02-2016

(06-02-2016, 04:52 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Derrick: consider you may be asleep, try to call Bambino with the powers of your mind.

Seconding, and adding:

>Derrick: See if you can ask either Bambino or Reggie on how you can wake up from a dream earlier. You don't want to sleep on the couch or have Alice carry you to bed.

If we're lucky with the dream-mechanics time-dilation, Alice hasn't begun the raep yet :I ...or if she did, well, she had ample warning not to and it's her fault and maybe she deserves Derrick catching her >.>

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Princezz - 06-02-2016

I can't be the only one who thinks she put something in that drink...

>You're almost certainly dreaming. Go and check the journal again.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - lovelypenguin - 06-02-2016

>Derrick: Be on guard; you most likely just fell asleep. You should probably skedaddle to your room and check your journal. While you're at it, grab those blankets for some sweet item combining later on.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 06-02-2016

Stream is still going on btw, you guise can head over and ask IP yourselves ^^


RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 06-02-2016

For those worrying, I don't think Alice is gonna rape Derrick again, substances like alcohol and drugs seem to have a certain effect on dreamers, remember how last dream absolutely nobody saw derrick? derrick does not remember dreaming either, I'm thinking these substances make dreamers not lucid dream, either that or derrick did stuff without being seen by absolutely anyone (which I deem unlikely). Since now Derrick is lucid dreaming, I think if Alice were to try anything funny on him, he would notice and wake up.

It might also be wise to ask if anyone saw Derrick last dream.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - adashofpepper - 06-02-2016

She fucking roofied him.

I mean, probably.
Maybe we should wait to be sure, but If she did, we have to do something now, For Derricks sake.
If were not going to talk to her, we need to recruit Gareth or someone to stop this.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Kayriel - 06-02-2016

(06-02-2016, 09:38 PM)TerraTorment Wrote: »For those worrying, I don't think Alice is gonna rape Derrick again, substances like alcohol and drugs seem to have a certain effect on dreamers, remember how last dream absolutely nobody saw derrick? derrick does not remember dreaming either, I'm thinking these substances make dreamers not lucid dream, either that or derrick did stuff without being seen by absolutely anyone (which I deem unlikely). Since now Derrick is lucid dreaming, I think if Alice were to try anything funny on him, he would notice and wake up.

It might also be wise to ask if anyone saw Derrick last dream.

I concur with Terra. Daydream mentioned that she really wanted his virginity. His first time was going to be with her and no one else. She mentioned the hundreds of times she watched that scene and got off on it. She also knows that Derrick wouldn't just accept it as normal should he find out, so risking multiple attempts seems ridiculous. If anything, that long-building itch she's had has been sated for now, even if she's up for a ride again, the mental pressure mixing with her hormones for that first time should have been relieved for the time being.

Plus, as Terra said, Derrick was not dreaming last time when he was drunk. That gives us precedent to believe that he's not been roofied. Rather than try to alert him to something that may not be a problem (and breed unhealthy paranoia, causing him needless stress) let us concentrate on getting him through this dream and seeing what happens afterwards.

I hate to sound like a dick, but even if she does rape him again tonight, he has the mercy of not being... conscious, for the event. Which would be a whole can of trauma-worms. And it will tell us, provably, that Alice intends to keep this up (or that she's done for now). So let's concentrate on guiding Derrick to his gear, getting in touch with the others, and accomplishing some goals. We can't just keep wandering aimlessly, and Alice is not our main enemy. She's not even our enemy at all, just an obstacle we need to maneuver Derrick and Lucia around without letting Alice try to kill either of them in jealousy.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-02-2016

(06-02-2016, 10:01 PM)adashofpepper Wrote: »She fucking roofied him.

I mean, probably.
Maybe we should wait to be sure, but If she did, we have to do something now, For Derricks sake.
If were not going to talk to her, we need to recruit Gareth or someone to stop this.

this is so blunt its hilarious

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ForestGardener - 06-03-2016

It is very suspicious that Derrick got sleepy after drinking and Alice did not drink. But what can we do about it?

If we or anyone who is not Alice try to tell him, he won't believe it and the situation will get worse. Probably in a way which Mal would love.
If we or anyone else try to make him suspicious of Alice, same thing. Backfire.
If we or anyone else try to confront Alice about it or try to make her feel guilty, she will simply lash out. We know she can hold a grudge.

I am nervous for when Daydream gets around to confessing to Derrick, and I will be so incredibly relieved when she does. Once the dust settles anyway.

Garreth may have gotten Derrick to acknowledge the lens through which he sees his sister (I hope), but he will refuse to remove the lens until it has been shattered, I think.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - btp - 06-03-2016

Oh no! You're gonna be late for school!!!

And your teeth are loose and you can't find your pants in time for class and...oh yeah, this is most def a dream.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 06-03-2016

Derrick: You're almost certainly dreaming. Go and check the journal again

[Image: Po4btho.png]

You decide to go and check your dream journal, though something strange comes into view. You freeze almost instantly, it appears as a floating sword with a flame in the center. It doesn't appear to be moving.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Kayriel - 06-03-2016

>Derrick: Call Bambino. If he does not arrive immediately, shout BOO.

>Derrick: If Bambino and/or Reapers arrive soon, prepare to talk this creature down. If it is hostile, destroy it.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Princezz - 06-03-2016

>Well, no need to check the journal now, this is definitely a dream. Try talking to it first, then call for help. You should also see if you have anything in your inventory.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 06-03-2016

>Derrick: No sudden moves. Say "Here let me turn on the light so you don't trip. I was just waiting on my friends so we could watch a movie. Would you care to join us?" Focus on the lamp and turn it on from the distance with your mind.

If it worked for the candle it should work for the lamp? I feel that Derrick's true level-progression isn't from Bambino gathering souls, but rather from him honing-in on his latent powers.

If it doesn't work, well then Derrick can just turn it on by hand ...there'll just be an awkward pause in the conversation ^^

If it DOES however work, then it would make for a SO much more dramatic entrance on Derrick's part.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Fellow - 06-03-2016

(06-03-2016, 08:42 AM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »>Derrick: No sudden moves. Say "Here let me turn on the light so you don't trip. I was just waiting on my friends so we could watch a movie. Would you care to join us?" Focus on the lamp and turn it on from the distance with your mind.

What say we do the opposite and try to put out the swords light, so we can sneak past it?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 06-03-2016

>Derrick: try to keep the couch between you and that thing. Considering it's size and lack of weapons, it may be a good time to try Emily's methods.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 06-03-2016

>Derrick: Yep. Dream. Grab the blanket and the cups of orange juice, then calmly go to your room via the Old Fort.

Let's avoid conflict and/or possible conflict when we have no backup and no armor on. iP told us some stuff about this guy in the stream, but let's put our tin foil hats on for just a moment and not be the horror movie characters by walking towards spooky shit alone when we have friends nearby.

Also, I want to make a water gun that shoots orange juice. The idea just tickles me.