Eagle Time
BUSINESS. - Printable Version

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RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 09:12 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »>obligatory This Is Fine meme
> also what the fuck just happened, explain

[Image: pkzW8wH.png]

When you turned the prettiness up, the ART STYLE dun got goodlier! Isn't it obvious?

RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-24-2017

>I mean how does this work, explain the laws by which your universe operates, over here we deffos don't have 'prettiness dials'
>anyway go smell the flowers

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 09:21 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »>I mean how does this work, explain the laws by which your universe operates, over here we deffos don't have 'prettiness dials'
>anyway go smell the flowers

[Image: i2WNEVL.png]

You see, in our universe we are not bound by as many laws of logic and functioning as your material plane. We are tied only to an adjacent universes commands, which is how we can keep this comic "fun and simple" just like every other comic our creator has made from the nothingness.

Also, what flowers? we're in the middle of Arizona for crying out loud.

RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-24-2017

>Maybe turn the graphics down. Your bandmembers seem to not exist on this level of fancy

RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-24-2017

>Does this imply that your bandmates aren't sophisticated enough to be here

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 09:50 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Maybe turn the graphics down. Your bandmembers seem to not exist on this level of fancy
[Image: 4M9sQTn.png]

They do, they were just blown away from the blast. Also they're likely dead.

And also, we can't go back if we tried. Our creator is stupid and needed a plot convience so he made it so once the knob is turned one way, it can only go forwards.

He likely made it so because playing as me was boring, this is understandable however.

>So what character will it be out of this merry band?

[Image: RrEGtQI.png] A, CEO of Yokels Folk Music
[Image: IHQuo6A.png] B, Manager of Soul Contracts
[Image: yJQbyZM.png] C, The Vice Chairman who is also an Emu.

RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-24-2017

>C, because I am very curious where this will go.

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 10:12 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>C, because I am very curious where this will go.

[Image: O9S4Uub.png]



Ok lets not go the Emu route.

[Image: IHQuo6A.png] A

[Image: RrEGtQI.png] B

RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-24-2017

>B. Start by sealing off the vice chairmans room, that might be contagious

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 11:13 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>B. Start by sealing off the vice chairmans room, that might be contagious

[Image: GHPwDvz.png]

Yes, the CEO... Could you like.. input a name before we quarantine the emu?


RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-24-2017

>Bart the Bot

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 11:45 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »>Bart the Bot

[Image: GHPwDvz.png]

Your name is now Bart the Bot.

And on the subject of that dumb ole emu, you'll be happy to seal his emu buttcheeks up.

[Image: amoJKmM.png]

You've sealed the Emu's "office" slash cage but accidently harvested 17 brains including the emu's brain.

RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-24-2017

>Phew. Crisis averted.

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-24-2017

(06-24-2017, 11:55 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Phew. Crisis averted.

[Image: UibkADT.png]

Except for the 16 people you killed.
Oh well, whats a little brain harvesting between friends now adays.

RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-25-2017

Put the brains in cat-shaped droids and somehow make it work

RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-25-2017

>Musical cat shaped droids. You have a funny feeling something happened to the band that went out a while ago.

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-25-2017

(06-25-2017, 12:22 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Musical cat shaped droids. You have a funny feeling something happened to the band that went out a while ago.

[Image: mZQS7Dt.png]

Horrifying, but cute. You'll eat 12 brains and save 1 to add onto yourself to become smarter maybe. Whatever.


RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-25-2017

>Have the cats sing summin and also how smart are you?

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-25-2017

(06-25-2017, 01:31 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »>Have the cats sing summin and also how smart are you?
[Image: YsEBPSy.png]
The cats are now infused in you but you force them to sing a tune.


Also my IQ is a billion, sir. A billion IQ.

RE: BUSINESS. - Tuesbirdy - 06-25-2017

>lovingly caress dad poster. happy fathers day

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-25-2017

(06-25-2017, 01:59 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »>lovingly caress dad poster. happy fathers day

[Image: RyWiYwN.png]



RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-25-2017

[Image: hDCIvvS.png]

Oh hey guess who it is.


RE: BUSINESS. - Arcanuse - 06-25-2017

>Oh... Hey there. Cousin.

RE: BUSINESS. - wyatt - 06-25-2017

(06-25-2017, 03:01 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Oh... Hey there. Cousin.

Hes too fleshy to be your cousin.

Anyway, hes just kinda.. looking at you.

[Image: udhRxtS.gif]

You hear a telepathic voice...
what the fuck they only had 90 souls, you better get me my 10 souls or else
