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Tiny Chat People - Printable Version

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RE: Tiny Chat People - skeleton - 07-18-2017

This is maybe my uhhhhhh favorite forum adventure ever and a really great example of the junk people can do with the medium and makes me want to make a similar style one but I think that's called something Plagiarism or something but anyway
a really good adventure and it's super cute a++

RE: Tiny Chat People - Kitet - 07-19-2017

Aw gosh!! what a sweet thing to say, tbh ;u;
Thank you so much for reading, this adventure's been an Experience for me as well~

RE: Tiny Chat People - Gen - 07-19-2017


RE: Tiny Chat People - Fellow - 07-19-2017

..Why haven't we tought them dispair and fealty? That sounds like a really useful bit of knowledge tbh.

RE: Tiny Chat People - skeleton - 07-19-2017

I wanted to be like "well if were going idiot dicks route lets just do kill:fernando" but
i am not Strong enough

RE: Tiny Chat People - Kitet - 07-20-2017

well, for those of us interested in learning more about the world of tiny cat people...


RE: Tiny Chat People - Kitet - 08-22-2017

this probably won't come up in the thread at all but, canonically, Fernando has named the bees

[Image: bees.png]

RE: Tiny Chat People - gloomyMoron - 08-24-2017

Hmm. I wonder how aware Fernando is of the history behind Aesop's name. Then again, these TCPs are kind of nebulous with the concepts and knowledge they understand. They can learn without being taught learning methods. I can imagine teaching them to learn, for themselves, may be even more dangerous than what we've (as a collective) done to Fernando.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Fallingfeather - 08-29-2017

Ahhh,this is one of my favorite adventures so far!! I love it so much, especially the character designs.

However, I uh. Really don't think we should be trying to lose the loyalty of our cats so fast. I mean I realize a lot of it has been accidental, but I think we kinda need to get our stuff together so we don't, at the very least, end up with all of our cats going rogue and we're just stuck sitting here twiddling our thumbs.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Dark Lord Graham - 09-02-2017

I've mainly been trying to roleplay how a god of Justice and Amphibians would look at the world. Law and Order put behind a very spiky/abrasive reptilian mindset. Part of it was also based on the grumpy appearance of Frog-Crimes' avatar, kind of like an overbearingly serious police chief. And lastly, sprinkled with a bit of my own special seasonings as a player.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Loather - 09-05-2017

what if frog crimes obeyed the law

RE: Tiny Chat People - Gen - 09-06-2017

(09-02-2017, 10:36 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »I've mainly been trying to roleplay how a god of Justice and Amphibians would look at the world. Law and Order put behind a very spiky/abrasive reptilian mindset. Part of it was also based on the grumpy appearance of Frog-Crimes' avatar, kind of like an overbearingly serious police chief. And lastly, sprinkled with a bit of my own special seasonings as a player.

New strategy proposal: We run with the frog killin' knife but we reduce the scope of it.

Can we find a way to make a knife that chops off one of our frog heads? A specific frog head? Can we cut out its froggy tongue so it speaks no more sin?

RE: Tiny Chat People - gloomyMoron - 09-06-2017

I mean, we can just go with Censuring. It is a thing we can do, as a collective. If we ignore the elements who are causing trouble and 'cut them out' of the conversation, as it were, then we can focus more on what needs to be done instead of fighting amongst ourselves with those voices that don't have the best interests of others in mind.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Gen - 09-06-2017

Frog filleting knife

RE: Tiny Chat People - gloomyMoron - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 03:44 AM)Gen Wrote: »Frog filleting knife

I mean, we're kind of like a hydra-frog, so, like, cutting one head off just makes two more grow.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Gen - 09-06-2017

I think we need to look inside ourselves and understand that the true enemy of Frog law, is frog centrism.

Edit: I think its time for resistance type, aka antifa

RE: Tiny Chat People - gloomyMoron - 09-06-2017

Mmm. I'm not being centrist though. Like, we have some pretty despicable elements within us. Confronting them violently head on, though, is kind of what it wants? Marginalizing the unseelie works far better than (meta)physical confrontation. Like, if it comes to defending ourselves from ourselves (meta)physically then we should definitely do it but otherwise we should work to drown out the rogue elements and limit their influence. There are many types of violence, I'm merely a proponent of.. Political... violence over metaphysical violence, as it were.

RE: Tiny Chat People - a52 - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 01:36 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(09-02-2017, 10:36 PM)Dark Lord Graham Wrote: »I've mainly been trying to roleplay how a god of Justice and Amphibians would look at the world. Law and Order put behind a very spiky/abrasive reptilian mindset. Part of it was also based on the grumpy appearance of Frog-Crimes' avatar, kind of like an overbearingly serious police chief. And lastly, sprinkled with a bit of my own special seasonings as a player.

tcps are childlike and trying to make the characters from the cute cat adventure into dark edgy child soldiers clashes with what everyone else is doing, creating needless complications. also child soldiers aren't a good thing


Law and order != child soldiers

I mean, sure it may not be the best method for this situation (and I haven't been paying full attention to everything that goes on), but I think that's a bit of a false equivalency.

Edit: Looks like some people have been trying to make them into soldiers and deliberately put them into danger, but as far as I can tell it hasn't been DLG?

RE: Tiny Chat People - Loather - 09-06-2017

i think if things get too out of hand we should create the god-free zones for real this time, partially because they might be necessary for the well-being of our tcps, partially because bringing wax in might make it possible to get wax to intervene against our worse impulses (something we should specifically request in that case)

id also propose a way for our tcps and our tcps alone to effectively boot us from the session entirely if a majority go rogue, set inside that zone- a solid incentive to not be shitty towards them, because if we are too cruel, the adventure could just end (which im assuming nobody wants)

RE: Tiny Chat People - Kitet - 09-06-2017

SO, I don't really want to publicly take any sides here, because I don't like to have to go out-of-character to tell you guys what kinds of suggestions you should make, but I think by this point it's necessary to say this much:

applying actual abuse tactics to your cats isn't a good idea. I can't warn you against doing so in-game, but using such tactics would not go without severe in-game consequences.

To everyone who doesn't agree to use such tactics: say so! I count votes against specific actions, when I'm choosing what to do for the updates.

RE: Tiny Chat People - a52 - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 06:33 AM)Loather Wrote: »i think if things get too out of hand we should create the god-free zones for real this time, partially because they might be necessary for the well-being of our tcps, partially because bringing wax in might make it possible to get wax to intervene against our worse impulses (something we should specifically request in that case)

id also propose a way for our tcps and our tcps alone to effectively boot us from the session entirely if a majority go rogue, set inside that zone- a solid incentive to not be shitty towards them, because if we are too cruel, the adventure could just end (which im assuming nobody wants)

Aside from a few people being just a bit silly occasionally (myself included), after looking through the last few pages of commands it seems the vast majority of us have their best interests in mind? There are only a few who are consistently negative, it's just we don't have much of a way of stopping them/when we try to help it can sometimes make things worse.

RE: Tiny Chat People - Loather - 09-06-2017

if we can't shut down the few people who are consistently negative it doesnt matter. we have to pressure them, and we need to be willing to take a loss if that fails. we're all controlling the same character, we all share a responsibility, and if we're going to abuse our power and keep flying off into full villainy, the best ending isnt going to be one where we're victorious (if a victory is even going to be possible doing that)

even from a non-roleplaying perspective, it wouldnt be ethical to accept a story where the protagonist is a manipulative abuser

RE: Tiny Chat People - Loather - 09-06-2017

id still say to wait and see how the fernando situation plays out before taking these steps, but if things get any worse, im suggesting them

RE: Tiny Chat People - Fellow - 09-06-2017

(09-06-2017, 06:33 AM)KittenEater Wrote: »SO, I don't really want to publicly take any sides here, because I don't like to have to go out-of-character to tell you guys what kinds of suggestions you should make, but I think by this point it's necessary to say this much:

applying actual abuse tactics to your cats isn't a good idea. I can't warn you against doing so in-game, but using such tactics would not go without severe in-game consequences.

To everyone who doesn't agree to use such tactics: say so! I count votes against specific actions, when I'm choosing what to do for the updates.

Okay, I see where wheat is coming from now. I'd like to go on record to say that I didn't think killing monsters would be so traumatic in a game where fighting other teams is a way to win, and that I didn't mean to make any threats with my latest post.

When I made the ice gnome I did it cause I felt we were ignoring a problem just to distinguish ourselves from triton from the little mermaid, but reasons or no I still went against the group and messed up everyone's game and I'm sorry for that. I think I'll just cross out my latest post and refrain from making any commands for a while.

RE: Tiny Chat People - a52 - 09-06-2017

Ahh okay, yeah you're right.