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Dismal Sands (it's back) - Printable Version

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RE: Dismal Sands - bo - 12-12-2016

>In a slurry of rage and sadness punch that eye in its face until it is no longer an eye

[Image: ID6QrnR.gif]

[Image: sEd0ky6.gif]

[Image: UAfT4DZ.gif]

[The monster has been slain.]

[Image: pO3hzBx.gif]

Might as well take those, Someone thinks.

> Store Donny's ashes inside of your hat, so that he will forever be with you.

[Image: 3oDVAV8.gif]


[Image: NeTPRcP.png]

Someone was really hoping that this wouldn't have had to be a thing he'd have to do.

[Image: xYQhaEb.gif]

What now?

RE: Dismal Sands - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 12-12-2016

weep. bring donny back to life with liquid sorrow

RE: Dismal Sands - Sleepy - 12-12-2016

bring donny back to life with the cookbook of the damned

RE: Dismal Sands - Mayu_Zane - 12-12-2016

give donny the kiss of life

RE: Dismal Sands - Superficial - 12-13-2016

> Bring Donny back to life with your beaming determination to bring him back to life.

As in stop being desolate and do something about it. Necromancy can't be that hard.

RE: Dismal Sands - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 12-13-2016

eat the rest of the ashes

RE: Dismal Sands - Fallingfeather - 12-17-2016

What IS your cookbook of the damned, anyway?

RE: Dismal Sands - bo - 12-18-2016

[Image: Uaz5WQd.png]

Someone assures you that you that you wouldn't want to risk bringing Donny back to life.
The cookbook of the damned would be the only way to do that and the cookbook of the damned is not a thing you should be messing around with.

Someone really only keeps the cookbook of the damned with him as a personal keepsake, he never intends on using it, chances are it would just kill him anyway.

[Image: 9Os3g3k.png]

Someone guesses he could try to do it anyway, but he wants it to be known that there are most likely going to be consequences.

RE: Dismal Sands - Superficial - 12-19-2016

> Cookbook of the Damned: Open

RE: Dismal Sands - Mayu_Zane - 12-19-2016

Open the final page of the Cookbook of the Damned.

RE: Dismal Sands - bo - 05-31-2017

>Open the final page of the Cookbook of the Damned.

[Image: s6km0um.gif]

[Image: L4V8fMR.gif]

[Image: wPfKmNE.png]

....Uuuuhh...?? What the heck?
Someone was expecting some sort of Recipe Book. Or, anything along those lines.

But definitely not this.

For some reason theres a hole in the page on the left and there's smoke coming out of it forever. No idea how that works and why its happening but alright-

[Image: oxROO2n.gif]

[Image: K8vBEkx.gif]

[Image: 3gXTGjW.png]

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Arcanuse - 05-31-2017

>Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell
Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - bo - 05-31-2017

>Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell
Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell Pizza hell

[Image: 3gXTGjW.png]

???: ..What?

[Image: B9faWBt.png]

???: Oh... You know the code.

[Image: TBLq80q.gif]

[Image: t0SDWjr.png]

???: What do you want?

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Tuesbirdy - 06-01-2017

can I have a three meat pizza and a large coke to go please

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Arcanuse - 06-01-2017

You wouldn't happen to know any cooking-based necromancy would you, the good stuff that bring the soul back that is, not the skeleton magics

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - wyatt - 06-03-2017

hey chef man you wanna live with me and um bring my friend donny back to lfie? i'll make you pizza

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-03-2017

wyatt will literally transmute him into a pizza

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Myeth - 06-04-2017

>"a date, please I am so lonely and alone and lonely and also bring my friend back and also I'm lonely"

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - bo - 06-04-2017

>a date, please I am so lonely and alone and lonely and also bring my friend back and also I'm lonely
>hey chef man you wanna live with me and um bring my friend donny back to lfie? i'll make you pizza
>You wouldn't happen to know any cooking-based necromancy would you, the good stuff that bring the soul back that is, not the skeleton magics
>can I have a three meat pizza and a large coke to go please

[Image: 04XBKrf.png]

???: Look, kid. I'm not gonna give you everything. Choose one wish.

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Arcanuse - 06-04-2017

>Oh jeeze this is hard. One question before we pick. What do we gotta do to get more wishes?

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - bo - 06-04-2017

>Oh jeeze this is hard. One question before we pick. What do we gotta do to get more wishes?

[Image: 04XBKrf.png]

???: Well, I don't know! Something, I guess.

[Image: fVnhbI4.png]

???: Would you please just hurry up?

???: I have a cooking show over here and you've just interrupted it. The audience is gonna be really angry with me, alright?

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Myeth - 06-05-2017

>"Bring Donny back, he's too good of a boy to die."

RE: Dismal Sands (it's back) - Sleepy - 06-05-2017

(06-05-2017, 04:24 AM)Myeth Wrote: »>"Bring Donny back, he's too good of a boy to die."