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4tuna Mafia Game - Printable Version

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RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - Schazer - 11-06-2016

Yayaya da negotiatin offisr dere doxd my dealins rl gud! Din ntrodoos me ystrdy cuz its bad journo 4m! 2 get 2 prsnl a/s/lwayz lyk wit ur subjects. Dats u crew!

im Hoot! Actl im HootoffDpresses but u can cal me Hoot cuz da actual Hoot is not here hes bz bein da last wordz in Strix fashn trenz an omi poetnix i luv his blog. Lyk wow. Hav any u evr red it lmbo o cours not.

@da 2rist whos name idc bout yet but mayb u chanj ur mind an ask rl nice 4 an in2vw l8r? Im a journalist!! idk if u kno wat dat is, s rl important lyk i gess lyk ur travel jrnls dat sum o u lot keep mayb. but better! cuz more ppl read journalismin an its about tings hapnnin right now! Waaaaay better dan writin bout places where tings hapn'd 1ce but it was aaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago lyk lmbo

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - Schazer - 11-06-2016

look ill evn b da better crewzer here an let u kno some hot tweep trmnlgy so u can share it w/ ur tourist frends. L M B O its short 4 laffin my beak off. wait i guess u cant use it cuz u dont have a beak! lololol

Anyhoot nuff bout me cept not rly. Officer dot can u lyk transl8 n stuff 4 the 2rist plz? ty ilu lots

Cuz ya! I do wanna tel a story! Dats wat journalismns bout cept u cant just make it up its gotta actch happn! I was gonna rite bout da lyf + times on a ship seekin 42na but den! SHOCK TWIST!? s a bit dauntin yaya cuz i neva had an assignmnt lyk dis w/ danger but im rl excited to break open dis whole story as it develops!

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - Hichico - 11-06-2016

[Image: HaAP1Rp.png]

"Dios mio, bien...I think I understood some of that! This, lovely, tweep is a periodista, journalist. And this is going to be their best story yet, I think? Este es un lenguaje difícil de entender ...that is the jist of it, I think.

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-06-2016

(11-05-2016, 11:26 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »Speaking of which, first mate. Is there any reason for you having the number 69 and something else above that? Nombre épicé! I do not remember that being there before!

[Image: klbps.jpg]

Oh, you mean this thing? This is just a sticky note for some reminders I wanted to leave for myself regarding the planet we're going to... nothing way too important.

Veraxus, your food looks very appetizing but I can't exactly eat it, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Actually, Deed, you don't look so good yourself - you seem to be covered in some sort of soot maybe? What's up with that?

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - DS Piron - 11-06-2016

[Image: MT3cdhv.png]
"...We need more time to figure to out who did it. If we go about throwing suspicious people out the airlock without any proof, we might as well just draw straws." Zephik said in a roundabout way of voting to not 'lynch' anyone at the moment

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - a52 - 11-06-2016

[Image: UJb1kJS.png]
Sorry for Gee is late. Gee was busy hiding sto- er, storing personal goods.

Yellow paper thing looks important! Get paper off tall horn man's head before Gee will decide.

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - Apo11o - 11-06-2016

If they had been a notail, their antenna surely would have been quivering, they'd have perked so high. Of course, Slider isn't - instead, their alert distress is being indicated through their grinding teeth, an uneasy step in their move as they fidget and pace.

Goodness, this wasn't what I had expected to happen when I came onto this trip... I knew death was a risk, of course; it alwaays is on Fortuna-destined flights... But I didn't think we would be picking each other off. []<

This is not the history I had hoped we woould accomplish like this.. But if it shall be made, we should do this without panicking. Logic, like everyone is saying; I vote that we lynch nobody. Let us not strike what could be the innoceent. []<

RE: Day 2 - 4tuna Mafia Game (11/11) - Justice Watch - 11-06-2016

[Image: M3qdYuO.png]

Aaaaaah, noooo nono no NO!

This is bad, very very bad! Larry didn't think he would be meeting misfortune like this! No, bad! These are all Larry's new friends, but there was going to be murder? No! Noo!

[Image: fvxz4CA.png]

Aaah... Larry thinks this can all end peacefully. There doesn't need to be killing, no no... Larry votes that nobody is ejected. It would only make the situation worse...

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Schazer - 11-13-2016

hoooooo boi now dat just x's a line + anotha line runnin perpendicular 2 da 1st line! Its a mess! Hope all u d-jenrits hu calld discussos end so erly are rly regrettin it now!

Y o Y did we gotta lose Larry of all da inocents 2 da malicius mnistrations of dese monsters????!?

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Schazer - 11-13-2016

dats it. DAT IS IT! Dis ship is now ofishly da scene of a CRIME! i fig its a WAR crim cuz gettin rid of Larrys lyk the super-opposit o peace yaya?

i was gonna just watch dis all unfold but now Hoot gets HOT on da trail!!

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Schazer - 11-13-2016

An akuzatory Vote for Zephik (DS Piron)! Mayb then u will bring more to dis table than milktoast cracktchat bout how u need more TIME or w/ev!!!

Deres an ol sayin from da ol Tweep clan o Spamers dat silens is golden but ur throat is da last place youd want molten gold. Dey could sneak up on u thru a room fulla cellafane but boi dd dey hav opinions and a halfs!

Yestrdy was rl bad, da shortnd time 2 talk hurt evryone but it hurt Larry mos so no1 gets 2 complain ya? 2day we gotta mak shur every1 speaks up + proper talks 2 each other or ur neva gettin outta dis mess thru a door dat leads 2 actchl habitabl atmosfear!

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-13-2016

[Image: fgpyg.jpg]

Larry, we hardly knew ye.

[Image: klbps.jpg]

Oh! By the way, Hoot, sorry I never got around to answering your text. You kind of sent it really late last night and I was tired so I just kind of ignored it... again, sorry.

But I also don't think we should be casting accusatory votes either! I think this situation has become pretty serious, so I don't think a no vote will help much. Anybody got any incriminating evidence?

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Schazer - 11-13-2016

hmmm well 1st m8 idk if my odiens wud b v interstd in ur histry leadin up 2 u bein da 1st m8, YKNOW W DA MURDERINS HAPNIN.

if u wantd u cud stil anser me tho? lyk iv been bz da last couple nites tryin 2 talk w some folx of intrst. Watv U been up 2, 1stm8? Huh?????

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-13-2016

[Image: fndxz.jpg]

Okay okay I'll tell you!!

Well for the first night I was mostly sleeping ('cause I was tired) but for the second night I stayed up to try and find out who could possibly be part of this KORN organization. Didn't find anything of use though (probably because my investigation wasn't very thorough).

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Hichico - 11-13-2016

<Veraxus walks in with a smile on his face, and a serviceable dish of corn, rice, chipotle, salsa and beans made the night prior>

[Image: HaAP1Rp.png]

"Hola mi amigos! How is everyone on this fine mor-"

<Veraxus takes note of the scene, and the heavy atmosphere>

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]
"ning....oh dear Y ahora otro pobre alma cae...another soul, fallen to the darkness. I had hoped this would not happen, but alas...Larry, you will be missed so dearly, though we only knew each other for but a mere blink of an eye."

<Veraxus places the food out on a nearby table for everyone before continuing>

"This is all...so very awful, perhaps we should all uh...Maldiga mi lengua siempre olvidada... have a heart to heart? yes? I have a lovely meal for everyone, or at least those who can eat, it is...as you say: "A full stomach makes a happy mind" i believe?"

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - DS Piron - 11-13-2016

Zephik wasn't there. He had decided to forgo talking about who might be the killer for now to tear apart Larry's room for clues. On the way He then decided to chill, and search it delicately. A crime scene is a lot like a clean room, it's best not to go about messing them up.

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - a52 - 11-14-2016

[Image: UJb1kJS.png]
Gee received message from Larry "Hi, friend. Do you know anything about what's going on..?" Gee did not know what was going on so Gee did not respond. Gee wishes Gee had sent response before nice robot died.

Gee still wants to read yellow paper off horn man's head.

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - awkwardcarapace - 11-14-2016

[Image: ylvqm.jpg]

I have no idea why you're so interested in it but here.

- Mining / transportation / entertainment
- Don't bring ores in crowds

and a few gang symbols on the bottom followed by "!!".]

Nothing too special 'cause I was just taking notes on the planet we were going to.

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - OTTO - 11-14-2016

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RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Schazer - 11-14-2016

NonononoNO! Y is da janita da 1 pickin a part da crime seen!?!? If deir workin w/ KORN, deyre gonna jus sweep up ne evidens, if deyre not they r n IGNORAMS hus gonna leev us no hop o makin somethin outta Larry's deth!!!

Lisn gud + clean up ur act, not da CRIME SEEN. GAWD. u end up on da rite page for 1ce pagepoh k? U keep dis up or i wont be da only 1 thinkin ur betta off off da ship!!!

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-14-2016

Dorite walks into the room, wrapped in Several blankets.

Poor Larry.

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-14-2016

Dorite settles in a corner, still dozing a bit. After a while, they speak up.
"one of my blankets went missing last night- i haven't been able to find it anywhere."

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Hichico - 11-17-2016

[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]
<As the silence continues it's almost deafening presence, veraxus whispers to himself>
"La calma en la conversación es bastante dramática, pero siento que ha pasado demasiado tiempo"

<Taking notice of the device on the table, Veraxus speaks up>

"ahh..Disculpe...does this belong to anyone?"

<Veraxus holds up the signal jammer, looking at it questioningly>

"I...¿Qué es exactamente esto?...I am not sure what this thing is, electronica are uh..not my especialidad."

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - Starlit-Drakon - 11-17-2016

[Image: 5a0YTrTm.png]

"it is not mine... who would bring a signal jammer, of all things, onto a ship? wouldn't it mess with navigation?"

RE: Day 3 - 4tuna Mafia Game (ten/11) - a52 - 11-17-2016

[Image: UJb1kJS.png]
<Muttering under breath>
Gee does not like gray man with funny accent. Not natural. Not right at all.

Gee thinks funny doodad could be very valuable on black ma -- er, very valuable in investigation. Perhaps give to Gee for safekeeping? Gee has intelligence score of 21 so is sure to figure out what thing is and does.

<George McGee creeps toward the signal jammer>