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The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tim Tesy - 09-29-2016

(09-28-2016, 09:57 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Wait? She wants you to wait? BAH! You are an Elf of ACTION that waits for nothing! Throw caution to the wind, plug that sucker and watch the sparks fly.

> everyone be electrocuted

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 09-29-2016

>Turns out that the convivial discombobulator array has burnt out and needs to be replaced. Luckily the Alberto Hoffman's two-wheeled unicycle has one, you think it'll do just fine.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - a52 - 09-30-2016

(09-29-2016, 10:09 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Turns out that the convivial discombobulator array has burnt out and needs to be replaced. Luckily the Alberto Hoffman's two-wheeled unicycle has one, you think it'll do just fine.

>Except the duo-unicycle uses Imperial-standard alternating conjury plugs and sockets, while Alice's body is wired with Vulpitanian AC ones. And you're pretty sure they might even be at different voodooages? Oh Fuma...

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 10-04-2016

(09-30-2016, 04:05 AM)a52 Wrote: »
(09-29-2016, 10:09 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Turns out that the convivial discombobulator array has burnt out and needs to be replaced. Luckily the Alberto Hoffman's two-wheeled unicycle has one, you think it'll do just fine.

>Except the duo-unicycle uses Imperial-standard alternating conjury plugs and sockets, while Alice's body is wired with Vulpitanian AC ones. And you're pretty sure they might even be at different voodooages? Oh Fuma...

Both devices, look identical (except for some hard to notice markings) and fit into the same kind of sockets. Adler, do not notice the difference. Have very interesting effects when used incorrectly, both on the mech, as well as on the bike.

Boo-Boo, be brutally honest about everything.

Yolanda, take some time to catch up on various subjects (but mostly fashion and gossip) with your sister.

Vulpitanian experts, finish your dance and start doing other private things.

Meadow, be intrigued by a barely noticeable detail about the experts.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-05-2016

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Quote:>Wait? She wants you to wait? BAH! You are an Elf of ACTION that waits for nothing!
(Mara) Express quite vividly why you don't want the Diagnostic Pseduo-Scuti to be used.

"Wait?" I demanded. "Why wait? I need to get this contraption up and running as soon as possible."

"The probe shoves everything around," Mara explained. "So the control port has to be re-adjusted to fit. Plus it makes everything taste funny for DAYS. This is what she's told me."

Quote:Mara > Get alice out the jar and start hugging and kissing her "I've missed you! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!"
(HRH Prince Adler) Listen impatiently to Mara's talk, and use the Diagnostic Pseduo-Scuti.

[Image: 1004kissycoo_zpsqnwwodkl.gif]

"There's my widdle fluffy-wuffykins," Mara squealed, spotting the fox-scuti inside its jar. She quickly unscrewed the lid and pulled out the bushy orange creature, stroking it and nuzzling its fur. "Are you okay, sweetie? Did they treat you all right? I've missed you so ..."

"AHEM," I interrupted. "I still need to get this automaton functioning, and I'd be willing to wager that the slight inconvenience of an ill-fitting, bad-tasting control socket will be outweighed by the major inconvenience of not having a body."

"Let me try something first," Mara insisted. "I know how to turn her on."

The opossum knelt and stuck her finger in the vixen's ear. Nothing happened.

"Okay, use the probe," she sighed.

Quote:Vixen Automation > Go Bing!
plug that sucker and watch the sparks fly.
(Alice) As the Diagnostic Pseduo-Scuti is plugged in, make a series of eerie chimes.

[Image: 1004bing_zpstyqgisls.gif]

I plugged the device into the socket at the base of the automaton's spine, and her eyes suddenly opened and she emitted a soft chime. The probe buzzed and ejected a small slip of parchment.

Quote:Adler > Read the manual
Avogadro > Be amazed by the vixen automation Tech
(Diagnostic Pseudo-Scuti) Start spitting out bits of papyrus in Elfhamian.
>Turns out that the convivial discombobulator array has burnt out and needs to be replaced.

Matching the code on the parchment with the Trouble Archery Table in the manual, I was able to determine that the source of the problem was either a burned-out Discombobulator Array, or a misaligned Veeblefetzer. Checking the corresponding diagrams, I decided to try the Veeblefetzer first, since it looked simpler to deal with. It was accessible through a panel near the vixen's left elbow.

"Absolutely amazing!" Avogadro whispered in awe as he peered over my shoulder at the tiny cogs and pistons.

Mara pulled a tool set out of SALV Chetsweeks' mecha-elfintory, and I used the tiny screwdrivers and a pair of tweezers to re-seat the Veeblefetzer in its socket. I closed the hatch, and the automaton emitted another chime.

"Let's see if that fixed it," I suggested.

I removed the probe, and Mara placed the fox-scuti near the control socket. It wriggled nauseatingly into place, and a few seconds later the automaton sat up.

[Image: 1004alicetells_zpsxdymdkjb.gif]

"YECCH," SALV Chetsweeks exclaimed glumly. "Everything's going to taste like oil for the rest of the week, and the handrails are in the wrong place ... but thank you for getting me operational again. And I see you've restored my friend-mate to a mostly normal state. I am grateful, Your Highness."

"Can you stand up?" I asked.

"Alas, no. I think the Discombobulator Array is defective and will have to be replaced."

"Well, where can we get one?"

Quote:Luckily the Alberto Hoffman's two-wheeled unicycle has one
>Except the duo-unicycle uses Imperial-standard alternating conjury plugs and sockets, while Alice's body is wired with Vulpitanian AC ones.
Both devices, look identical (except for some hard to notice markings) and fit into the same kind of sockets.

"There is a Maintenance Supply Crate in my quarters at the Embassy," Alice explained. "It contains many replacement parts. Unfortunately, my current status as a Vulpitanian Defector will make it difficult to access. The one-wheeled bicycle in the palace's Hoffmann Suite has a Discombobulator Array which should be compatible, since the cycle was a gift from Vulpitania and is probably wired to the same standards. Obviously you could take me to Glencoe Redbough; he would be able to repair me."

"Hmm," I mused. "I don't think it would be wise to remove parts from the Hoffmann Cycle. I might be able to infiltrate the Vulpitanian Embassy in disguise. Redbough could fix you, but not right away, and we can't wait a month. The visiting SALVs are moving ahead with their experiment!"

"I'd better tell you about that then, while I can," SALV Chetsweeks urged. "Due to an imprecisely worded contract, Nidab and Semos are authorised to produce a sire as well as a posterity for King Estmere, based upon the fertility research of Egdelwon Klive."

"The fox who designed the Ferifax Arch!" I interrupted.

"The same. Part of his theory assumed that lowfolk's physical vigor was a key to fertility, but the hidden purpose of the Arch was to discredit the Imperial dynasty by stripping away their Elfliness while at the same time having them openly support a project to strip away the Elfliness of high society elves. Estmere, since his mother had already undergone the Ferifax process, was part lowfolk already, and would have been reduced to complete lowfolk status had he passed through the Arch."

"Good thing F.E.L.F. blew it up," I exclaimed.

"That was done to prevent SALV Yolanda Chesswick .. er, what was her lowfolk name .. Cognomena - from passing through the arch."

"Chesswick?" I asked. "Isn't that -?"

"The Changeling currently married to Estvan Silverbrush is Ambassador Chesswick's younger sister. I was not entrusted with the details of this part of The Plan, but obviously Vulpitania needed Yolanda to remain pure Elf so she could give birth to the Silverbrush kits. The ultimate outcome of that remains to be seen."

"I don't understand the implications of the visiting SALVs creating a sire for Estmere," I stated.

"According to my brief, they plan to use an elaborate chronothaumaturgical technique in conjunction with the Klive Engine to turn a random lowfolk swapling from the past into an Elf, then resolve the temporal imbalance by swapping Estmere into lowfolk status. They will also alter a single letter so that his father will be someone other than King Gawain. The outcome of all of this will be to absolutely undo his legitimacy, and undermine the Imperial Throne. But, on the bright side, as a lowfolk commoner he will be able to marry whomever he wishes."

"But .. the point was supposed to be to help him produce Royal offspring with Queen Edessa!" I protested.

"That's not what the contract says," Alice shrugged. "It was signed and sealed by Chief Cabinet Minister Lana Lynne herself."

My eyes must have bulged hideously for a few seconds as the enormity of the plot sunk in.

"There's more," Alice continued, with a sidelong glance at Mara. "You must never speak of this to anyone outside this room. There is something we know, but the thaumaturgists do not, which may enable you to save the Empire. We Scuti are of Royal Blood."

"What in Fuma's name are you talking about?" I mumbled, aghast.

"Scuti Prime, the Eldest and First of Our Kind, was King Irenaeus' own tail," Alice explained calmly. "When they were severed, Scuti Prime continued to live, due to Fuma's Holy Fire which flowed in the veins of the white-furred Conqueror. A combination of powerful magicks - and, according to legend, a dragon egg - granted Scuti Prime sapience. Later, unjustly cast out from Irenaeus' presence, he sought the prison tower of the exiled 'mad' Queen Aelfhilde, who consented to provide him a mate in the form of her own enchanted tail, and from this royal pair is our line descended."

"But you're a fox tail," I protested weakly.

"Love knows no boundaries of culture or species," Alice sighed wistfully. "When a Scuti's host engages in venery, the match will produce offspring - even if the partners are of different species. Chances are evenly distributed between the host, the Scuti, and the partner as to which species the child will be. If both partners are host to Scuti, then in addition to the hosts' offspring, there will also be Scuti eggs."

"How does this -" I struggled.

"If, perhaps, a skunk-tail Scuti were to possess Her Majesty Queen Edessa, then she and Estmere could have a child. Chances are two out of three the child would be a skunk, and it would be Imperial Royalty since we, too are descendants of Irenaeus."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 10-05-2016

>Wise Professor Skunk: Be gobsmacked.
>Adler, assume a Vulpitanian disguise and start infiltrating.
>Avogadro, reveal a Previously Hidden Agenda.
>Mara, claim that your skunk tail scuti could be recharged if Adler uses Wiles on you again.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 10-05-2016

>Then again why not let it happen? Estemere being removed is what your mother, and Sisterhood wanted all along. You know you would make for a better emperor and could take a scuti-wife to have double legitimate children yourself. You being the ruler would be better for everyone involved and the empire as a whole, and you wouldn't have to lift a finger.
>In the end decide against it on general principles. You just don't want to give the Vulpitanians the satisfaction of having their plot succeed. Besides who says they would stop at Estemere? They might rewrite you out of the succession next!
>Is F.E.L.F. just a Vulpitanian front, then?
>Put the marshal to delay the fertility experts while you sneak into the embassy, make up something about missing permits.

The plot thickens!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tim Tesy - 10-05-2016

>If the plot succeeds, Estmere would be reduced to nothing but a skeleton. lowfolks dont live long and Estmere has lived a very very long time. If he was to suddenly turn into a lowfolk now, he would perish instantly! You cant allow this to happen, he's your brother dude!

>Trying to attach a scuti to the queen could cause a magical violent end for all involved. Maybe attaching it to Estmere while he's asleep? wait~ what about the hole left behind? anyway to heal it closed? gotta make it seem a dream to estmere without any suspicion

>Find Alice a wheelchair. Her legs are out but her arms are functional.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-06-2016

>You must be BOLD in your actions, Mr. Adler. It will be best to proceed bluntly and directly in obtaining the pieces for the robo-suit. Either yourself or one of your underlings can simply barge into where the pieces are kept, shove everyone aside, and take them without comment. Offer no explanation because whoever asks doesn't deserve one.

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 10-06-2016

> ... Y'know, the idea occurs, could you use magic to turn /yourself/ into a scutti and take someone else over ?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 10-07-2016

(HM Queen Edessa) Lurk about the halls.
(Ixies) Hold hushed conferences via Elfmind with Her Majesty.
(HM Queen Edessa) Issue hushed and cryptic orders.
(Sgt. Avogadro) Be worried about the nature of Prince Adler's plans.
(Sgt. Avogadro) Quietly excuse yourself.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-11-2016

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Quote:>Then again why not let it happen? Estemere being removed is what your mother, and Sisterhood wanted all along. You know you would make for a better emperor and could take a scuti-wife to have double legitimate children yourself. You being the ruler would be better for everyone involved and the empire as a whole, and you wouldn't have to lift a finger.

[Image: 1011gobsmax_zpsle5wke9d.gif]

I stood there, reeling in dismay for what must have been an uncomfortably long time. It looked like the Sisterhood had laid its plans well, and with Vulpitanian help, was on the verge of "editing" Estmere right off the throne. It was so sinster, so underhanded, so UNSEELIE I felt almost sick .. but then again, one had to admire the elegance of it. Everything would fall into place, and I would become Emperor. I would be able to fix all of the mistakes, perhaps even The Mistake, whatever it was. I could revitalize the realm and get rid of all these Gaps.

Quote:>If the plot succeeds, Estmere would be reduced to nothing but a skeleton. lowfolks dont live long and Estmere has lived a very very long time. If he was to suddenly turn into a lowfolk now, he would perish instantly! You cant allow this to happen, he's your brother dude!

I did some quick mental math. Considering my present age, plus the number of years Estmere was older than I, plus the twenty year time-slip when I fell through that Gap .. Estmere was about 60 years old now. Very young for an elf, but what about lowfolk? I was pretty sure they lived at least to 100, so if Estmere was turned into a lowfolk, he'd still have a few decades of good living left ...

Quote:>In the end decide against it on general principles. You just don't want to give the Vulpitanians the satisfaction of having their plot succeed. Besides who says they would stop at Estemere? They might rewrite you out of the succession next!

NO! This was wrong! Estmere was my brother, and he had always treated me well .. aside from all those times he slugged me when we were young, of course. I couldn't let the Vulpitanians think they had won! And besides, if they could do this to Estmere, what was to stop them from turning on me next? I had to foil this plot before it could come to fruition.

Quote:>Trying to attach a scuti to the queen could cause a magical violent end for all involved. Maybe attaching it to Estmere while he's asleep? wait~ what about the hole left behind? anyway to heal it closed?

But if I stopped the SALVs there was still the question of Estmere's legacy. The King needed an heir, and if Alice's outrageous story was true, then introducing a Scuti into the Royal Bedchamber would do the trick. How to pull it off, though? I couldn't imagine either Estmere or Edessa agreeing voluntarily to let a Scuti ride them ... and could I trust the creatures to release their host after the deed was done? Mara's Scuti had already demonstrated an ambition to possess me; Their Majesties would be an even more tempting prize.

Quote:> ... Y'know, the idea occurs, could you use magic to turn /yourself/ into a scutti and take someone else over ?

I briefly pondered the idea of transmogrifying myself into a Scuti, but then had to shake off a sudden fit of disgust as I considered the subsequent ramifications of that plan.

Quote:>Is F.E.L.F. just a Vulpitanian front, then?

"So, the Free Elves' Liberation Front works for Vulpitania, then?" I said at last, settling on the least controversial element of all that Alice had told me.

"It is an independent organization, but the Republic is sympathetic to its cause and takes a great deal of interest in its activities," Alice replied.

Quote:(Ixies) Hold hushed conferences via Elfmind with Her Majesty.

[Image: 1011heyixie_zpspi5gqcfl.gif]

I removed my hat, since it didn't seem appropriate to be acting in an official capacity anymore. I looked around for one of my Ixies, and when I didn't see her I tried summoning one with Elfmind. There was no response.

Quote:>Find Alice a wheelchair. Her legs are out but her arms are functional.

"Can you walk?" I asked Alice.

"I'm afraid not," she sighed. "I won't be ambulatory until my Discombobulator Array is replaced."

"I'll stay here and take care of her while you go get the part," Mara murmured.

[Image: 1011guards_zpscatptsl7.gif]

With a shrug, I turned and peeked out the door of the Detention room.

"HEY! Did you have to kill this guy?" I yelled at Mara after seeing the guard slumped on the floor.

"He's not dead," the opossum sniffed. "My host used to be a bandit, so I know a few tricks."

"She pretended to be a Damsel in Distress," the Shrub guard rustled, "and konked him when he least suspected. She didn't even bother to incapacitate me; she just walked right past. How rude!"

Quote:>Avogadro, reveal a Previously Hidden Agenda.
>Put the marshal to delay the fertility experts while you sneak into the embassy,
(Sgt. Avogadro) Be worried about the nature of Prince Adler's plans.
(Sgt. Avogadro) Quietly excuse yourself.

"Right," I said, making a decision. "You two Scuti stay here. You are on your honor not to stray from this room or cause any additional mischief! Avogadro, I'll need you to go to the Vulpitanian thaumaturgists' quarters and delay them from completing their experiments. They should be woozy, or perhaps fully unconscious by now. Do as much sabotage as you can. Meanwile, I'll sneak into the Vulpitanian Embassy and get those replacement parts for Miss Chetsweeks."

[Image: 1011avonono_zpsiqa3sgzq.gif]

"Oh no, no, no," Avogadro stammered. "I humbly beg your pardon, Your Highness, but I can't meddle with the visiting SALVs' work. They are here by Royal Invitation, and I am the Grand Marshal's personal assistant!"

"Okay, I'll do that, and you go to the Embassy," I countered.

"Infiltrating the Embassy to steal top-secret equipment could be construed as an Act of War," the Sergeant pointed out nervously. "No, I'm sorry, I am already more involved in this than I should be. I, I, I need to return to my office. Excuse me."

With that, he turned abruptly and scurried away down the hall.

Quote:> Hey, could you use Gramayre to make yourself look like a girl
>Adler, assume a Vulpitanian disguise and start infiltrating.
>You must be BOLD in your actions, Mr. Adler. It will be best to proceed bluntly and directly in obtaining the pieces for the robo-suit. Either yourself or one of your underlings can simply barge into where the pieces are kept, shove everyone aside, and take them without comment.

"Right, well I guess I'll have to do everything myself then," I muttered. "Where are my Ixies all of a sudden? No matter. I think, whether I go to the SALVs' quarters or to the Embassy, it would be best to have some sort of disguise. Alice, let me have a look at you."

After a few minutes of scrutinizing the vulpine automaton, I tried transmogrifying myself into a fox.

"Try again," Mara suggested. "The long hair isn't working; it doesn't look right. Either lose the hair, or maybe go as a vixen."

A vixen, eh? The notion intrigued me. I would be completely unrecognizable that way!

I transmogrified again.

[Image: 1011vixadler_zpsuq7vhqdt.gif]

"That's better," Mara affirmed. "But if it was my decision I'd have gone with something a little more curvy."

"The uniform is wrong," Alice pointed out. "You need a monocle and some medals for anyone to believe you're Vulpitanian."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 10-11-2016

Adler, start getting horrible recurring nightmares, where your tail turns into a scuti and makes you do the most unseelie things.

Vixadler, try transmuting some nearby objects into a monocle and medals. Succeed in creating something that might pass a brief glance (but not a full inspection). Also, try tweaking your form at Mara's and Alice's suggestions. Successfully become quite a vulpine "bombshell" without realizing it. Then come up with a believable title and backstory.
And remember, if you name your new form, you won't have to lie about your new identity.

St. Avogadro, catch a sneak peak at the white "vixen", as "she" leaves the building. Love at first sight, happen.

Silverbrush/Chesswick reunion, do NOT go well.

Food "additives", have an odd reaction to the medication one of the Vulpitanian experts is on.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 10-11-2016

>Adler: Luckily your purposefully useless training included extensive arts and crafts lessons. Get some tinfoil, glue, and macaroni to make medals (it's not like the genuine Vulpitanian ones are any better).
>Adler: When you think you're alone check your body that you got all the bits right.
>SALV Sweetcheeks: Whoa mama!

Adler as a vixen is a whimsically delightful thing to see!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tim Tesy - 10-11-2016

Adler > Make yourself a bit more curvy, end up doing it too much!! "You look like those exaggerated per-portioned girls in those lewd wood carvings"

Mara & Alice > Start inspecting Adler over. Make sure uniform is passable. Also show adler how to walk like a vixen. Rather then stomping around like a bloke(male)

Estemere > Have your weekly exercise routine (floozy chase) with a band playing one of jack 'o' japes melody's while following you. your currently chasing the queen all around the castle.

Adler> Get your bottom spanked and pinched everywhere you go around the Embassy. "This is quite annoying!!!"

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 10-11-2016

Statuesque And Lifelike Vixen Vixadler > Knock 'em dead at the Vulpitanian embassy. Have the lovestruck tods get the parts you want from the storeroom.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 10-12-2016

>Now that you have a flawless Vulpitanian disguise that renders you completely unrecognizable, why not take this opportunity to cause a little mischief?

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 10-13-2016

... Amusingly you sorta look almost less feminine as a vixen than as you do your usual self sometime, pretty boy. Somewhere in his grave Iraneus is either turning or laughing to no end.

>Question though, are there foxes elves that aren't Vulpitian ? (as in not part of the duchy/nation ?)

(10-11-2016, 12:02 PM)Tim Tesy Wrote: »Estemere > Have your weekly exercise routine (floozy chase) with a band playing one of jack 'o' japes melody's while following you. your currently chasing the queen all around the castle.

>Someone, .. anyone.. be punished for this musical abomination.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 10-13-2016

(10-13-2016, 11:22 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »... Amusingly you sorta look almost less feminine as a vixen than as you do your usual self sometime, pretty boy.

You...do have a point there. Adler isn't exactly a towering bastion of manliness, but he'll get the job done nevertheless. He encompasses the sly, alluring side of fey.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 10-13-2016

Heh, I never said it was a bad thing, it's not hard to imagine why he's so good at wiles.
(Just that it's sightly amusing considering his ancestor Iraneus to which he kinda looks like otherwise in some respects is supposed to be some kind of archetype manly barbarian figure)

(Also to be fair, the uniform isn't flattering on the figure. kinda the point of a uniform.)

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 10-13-2016

(HRH Prince Adler) Consider using Jane, the Lowfolk Femme as a transmogrification model.
(HRH Prince Adler) Consider using Yolanda Silverbrush as a transmogrification model.
(HRH Prince Adler) Wonder what Sgt. Avogadro is up to.
(Sgt. Avogadro) Drop florin on Prince Adler as to what he's up to.
(Marshal T.) Insist that the proper Finking Forms be filled out. In triplicate.
(HRH Prince Alder) Sneak across in your Vulpitanian disguise.
(HRH Prince Adler) Forget to do the bit about mushrooms.
(HRH Prince Adler) Run into the Silverbrushes and the Ambassador.
(Boo-Boo Silverbrush) Scoff at the obvious fakery of the disguise. Loudly.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 10-13-2016

>Using Jane, the Lowfolk Femme as a transmogrification model: Backfire spectacularly.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 10-20-2016

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Quote:are there foxes elves that aren't Vulpitian ?

"Why must I try to pass for Vulpitanian?" I asked. "Estvan Silverbrush isn't Vulpitanian. Surely there are plenty of foxes not from Vulpitania."

"Not in the Vulpitanian Embassy," Alice replied. "If you want access to Secure Areas then you'll need to look like you belong there."

"I'm not entirely certain I need to infiltrate the Embassy," I said, thinking aloud. "It is more important to foil the visiting thaumaturgists' plot. Honestly, I think repairing you is a secondary priority. No offense."

"None taken," Alice replied graciously. "However, consider this: Ambulatory, I could be of use to you. In my present condition there is little I can do."

"You really should put some effort into making yourself look hotter," Mara added. "Honestly, you look prettier as your regular self than you do right now."

Quote:Adler> Get your bottom spanked and pinched everywhere you go around the Embassy. "This is quite annoying!!!"
Have the lovestruck tods get the parts you want from the storeroom.
Amusingly you sorta look almost less feminine as a vixen than as you do your usual self sometime

"No way," I retorted. "I definitely do not want a bunch of randy tods groping me."

"It'll happen if you stick with this plain-Jane appearance," Mara scoffed. "You need to be aggressively sexy, to overwhelm and intimidate them into doing your bidding."

She had a point. I made a mental note to remind myself that Mara knew more Wiles than she let on. Without her Scuti in control, she could be dangerous.

Quote:try tweaking your form at Mara's and Alice's suggestions. Successfully become quite a vulpine "bombshell"
Adler > Make yourself a bit more curvy
Mara & Alice > Start inspecting Adler over. Make sure uniform is passable. Also show adler how to walk like a vixen. Rather then stomping around like a bloke
He encompasses the sly, alluring side of fey.
Consider using Jane, the Lowfolk Femme as a transmogrification model.

"Speaking of Jane," Alice chimed in, "I am sure you are familiar with the illustrated adventures of Jane, the Lowfolk Femme. Try to imitate her physique."

I adjusted my appearance.

[Image: 1019getgirly_zps9ebavrvx.gif]

"Better," Mara murmured, eyeing me thoughtfully. "But the uniform isn't doing you any favors. Unbutton those top buttons and cinch in the waist. Yeah, like that. Now we're getting somewhere."

"Turn the pants into a skirt," Alice advised. "Make it shorter. Shorter. No, shorter. Tighter. And you'll need to get rid of the royal stripes and add some Vulpitanian insignia."

Quote:Vixadler, try transmuting some nearby objects into a monocle and medals. Succeed in creating something that might pass a brief glance
Then come up with a believable title and backstory.
And remember, if you name your new form, you won't have to lie about your new identity.
make medals (it's not like the genuine Vulpitanian ones are any better).

[Image: 1019relda_zpsbqoywkf3.gif]

I transmuted my jacket's stripes into little Vs on my sleeves, turned a manacle and padlock from the Detention Center into a monocle and a medal, respectively. Then I threw a glamer over all of it to make it seem a little more convincing under scrutiny.

"Not bad," Alice approved. "You'd pass for Vulpitanian if nobody looks too close .. except with that white fur you could only be from the frozen plateau of Lengra-Cha. It's a remote and inhospitable place in the Northern reaches of Upper Vulpitania. Most of its inhabitants live elsewhere. I shall call you SALV Relda Fauxfox."

"I get to be a SALV?" I asked.

"Simulated Approximately Lifelike Vixen," she explained. "It was my rank in between Scuti Activated Locomobile Vehicle and Secretarial Administrative Liaison Vixen."

"Now let's practice your walk," Mara suggested, a bit too gleefully.

"NO WAY," I refused. "I've wasted too much time already on this disguise. I took several years of dance with Dame Chitterleigh; I know how to move gracefully. Now step aside! I have work to do. And remember, you two are to remain here."

I strode out of the Detention Center and down the hall toward the exit.

Quote:St. Avogadro, catch a sneak peak at the white "vixen", as "she" leaves the building.
Whoa mama!
(Sgt. Avogadro) Drop florin on Prince Adler as to what he's up to.
(Marshal T.) Insist that the proper Finking Forms be filled out. In triplicate.

[Image: 1019stride_zpsqlxehkfp.gif]

"Did you see that, sir?" Avogadro blurted as I hurried past the Marshal's office.

"What?" Theronmyathus croaked as he leafed through a file drawer.

"A Vulpitanian agent just walked past," the Sergeant explained as he leaned out the doorway to watch me. "What a vision of loveliness! I've never seen a snow-fox before. She moves with such forceful determination! None of the delicate mincing so typical of other vixens. How is it I've never noticed her around before?"

"Did you come in here to admire the scenery or to tell me something important?" Theronmyathus demanded. He pulled a sheaf of papers out of the cabinet and slapped them onto his desk. "I've got the Finking forms right here, so let's get started."

Quote:Silverbrush/Chesswick reunion
(HRH Prince Adler) Run into the Silverbrushes and the Ambassador.

[Image: 1019another_zpsna5h8uwx.gif]

I rushed out the doors of the building, to behold a small group of foxes standing just across the avenue.

"Hudalaleigh!" Estvan crowed, pointing at me. "Sure and there's another one! I wonder if we stand here long enough, they'll keep coming out, each one lovelier than the last?"

The three vixens looked me over and snorted contemptuously.

Quote:(Boo-Boo Silverbrush) Scoff at the obvious fakery of the disguise. Loudly.

"They're fake," the young tod remarked loudly.

[Image: 1019pinch_zpsafoew9up.gif]

"Boris Beauregard!" Yolanda hissed, pinching the kit's ear. "That's not a nice thing to say!"

"Ow! It's true," Boris protested.

"It's still not nice! Now apologize to the .. um .. lady."

[Image: 1019suspicion_zpsa7iojx5u.gif]

"Please," I chuckled nervously. "There is no need to apologize, and please don't punish your youngling on my account."

"I do not recognize you," Ambassador Chesswick muttered, peering at me suspiciously.

"I'm new," I stammered. "Just arrived. Haven't you heard of SALV Relda Fauxfox from Lengra-Cha?"

"I have not," the Ambassador admitted, still peering.

"Well, heh heh, that's what I am called," I chuckled.

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 10-20-2016

>Adler: Off to the Embassy with you!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tim Tesy - 10-20-2016

Boo-Boo Silverbrush > "But that vixen has a pee pee!"

Ambassador Chesswick > Reacting to Boo-Boo comment, Quickly back hand slap SALV Relda Fauxfox in groin area! but she hits no fruit & veg "Hmm nien little one, there nothing here!" however Chesswick is suspicious of Relda

SALV Relda Fauxfox > Elf mind estvan ask him to keep a eye on the thaumaturgists and quickly give him the gist of whats going on

Estvan Silverbrush > Almost have a heart attack that its Adler!

SALV Relda Fauxfox> Goto Embassy, go quickly, go straight