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You are in a room in a room in... - Printable Version

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RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Kíeros - 08-29-2016

> Take the nose-picking David.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-03-2016

You head to the WEST side of ROOM 2. There is something resembling a VENDING MACHINE here, full of little figurines in varying colors, similar in size and make to the David. It has a sign on top that says "FIGURINES <--> 25¢", and in addition to having a slot for quarters, a coin return button and an area at the bottom that probably dispenses the quarters and/or figurines, there is a larger, square-shaped hole up near the top that might just fit one of those figurines.

There is also what appears to be a WINDOW CURTAIN, which might have a window behind it, but it's closed so you can't tell for sure.

(08-29-2016, 06:06 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Take the nose-picking David.

You go back to the SOUTH side of ROOM 2 and retrieve the David replica from the STOOL.


RE: You are in a room in a room in... - The Walrus - 09-03-2016

>Place the David figurine in the square shaped hole of the vending machine, then hit the coin return button.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-09-2016

(09-03-2016, 02:30 AM)The Walrus Wrote: »>Place the David figurine in the square shaped hole of the vending machine, then hit the coin return button.

You place the David figurine in the square shaped hole of the vending machine, then hit the coin return button. The machine makes some noises and rattles slightly before a single QUARTER falls out into the dispenser hole, so you take that. You have TWO (2) QUARTERS now.


RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Kíeros - 09-09-2016

> Push the coin return again.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - OTTO - 09-09-2016

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RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-10-2016

(09-09-2016, 01:36 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Push the coin return gain.

You try pushing the coin return button again, but nothing seems to happen. The machine doesn't even make any noises.

It doesn't seem like there's any way to actually select a figurine; when you try putting in one of your QUARTERS the machine just instantly starts making noises and rattling some more before depositing a BROWN FIGURINE. This one looks like AMELIA EARHART but..with closed eyes and a bullet wound in the center of her chest.

Since you're pretty sure you can always get your QUARTERs back, you go on and try putting in another one. A few more noises later you get a BLUE FIGURINE of DARTH VADER, but his mask is off and he has the face of a young, uninjured Anakin.


RE: You are in a room in a room in... - qwerx3 - 09-10-2016

Convert both figurines to quarters, then both quarters to figurines.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-11-2016

(09-10-2016, 05:42 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »Convert both figurines to quarters, then both quarters to figurines.

You put the figurines in one by one and then hit the coin return button, netting you two QUARTERS again. You then put both of them in, and the machine dispenses for you two more figurines. The first is a WHITE FIGURINE of SALVADOR DALI with a fried egg sitting on top of his head; the second is a YELLOW FIGURINE of NIKOLA TESLA holding aloft some kind of device that's probably supposed to look technological, but the figurine is too small and not detailed enough to really convey that very well.



RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Kíeros - 09-11-2016

> Examine the two totally unexamined things.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-14-2016

(09-11-2016, 01:00 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Examine the two totally unexamined things.

You examine your index fingers VERY CLOSELY. You don't really find much of anything of interest.

If that wasn't what you meant, you probably should have been more specific.



RE: You are in a room in a room in... - qwerx3 - 09-14-2016

Convert both figurines to quarters, then both quarters to figurines.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Smurfton - 09-14-2016

ok then.

> Examine the MONKEY. x ROLLING CART. x BLACK TABLE. Look under TABLE. x BLACK WEIGHT. x SAND. x WHITE OUTLET. x TV Cabinet. x TV Cabinet's padlock

Open the CURTAIN, then look in the POTTED PLANT POT.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-14-2016

(09-14-2016, 03:43 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »Convert both figurines to quarters, then both quarters to figurines.

You do this. The first figurine you get back appears to be the RED David again, or possibly a different copy of the same. The second one is a BLACK FIGURINE of a older man you don't recognize standing on top of a rock.

(09-14-2016, 06:00 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »> Examine the MONKEY. x ROLLING CART. x BLACK TABLE. Look under TABLE. x BLACK WEIGHT. x SAND. x WHITE OUTLET. x TV Cabinet. x TV Cabinet's padlock

Open the CURTAIN, then look in the POTTED PLANT POT.

The MONKEY is just a key; there's not much to say about it. It's made of metal and stuff.

The ROLLING CART the TV is on is basically just a single platform that the TV is tied to attached to some pillars, which are in turn attached to a frame at the bottom with four all-direction-turnable wheels under it. Nothing too meaningful here.

The BLACK TABLE appears to be an ordinary wooden table covered in black paint, with nothing visibly fixing it to the floor. There is some DUST and LINT underneath it.

I really have nothing clever to say about a pile of sand.

The WHITE OUTLET is a set of three holes, two vertical lines spaced evenly above a more circular kinda hole type thing, intended for the two prongs of a plug like the one the TV has along with a grounding plug part, which the TV does not have. The holes are in a WHITE roughly but not quite circular plate which is fixed inside of a squarish WHITE plate attached to the wall.

The CABINET the TV is displaying has the camera zoomed way in on it, so you can't see if there even is a room around it, just the doors of the cabinet and maybe enough space between the camera and them to fit the doors if they were cracked partially open. It's made of wood and looks pretty average.

The PADLOCK on the CABINET's doors is the sort with a keyhole at the bottom that should probably open it up. You can't help but wonder if the MONKEY would fit it.

You open the CURTAIN in the WEST side of ROOM 2 and find an actual GLASS WINDOW behind it. The window looks out on scenic ROOM 3 WEST, which seems to have extra walls blocking it off from the rest of ROOM 3. In ROOM 3 WEST, prominently centered to the window, there is a thing that looks like one of those carnival "fortune teller" machines with a sign taped to the top that says "HINTS 25¢". The animatronic woman inside the machine wears a peaceful smile and her eyes appear to be following you. Off to the left is a WOODEN BOX about half your height, cubic in shape, made of wooden boards and nails.

You find TWO DIMES in the POTTED PLANT's POT, which brings your current amount of money to 20¢.


RE: You are in a room in a room in... - AABowser - 09-15-2016

>Try the monkey on the cabinet's padlock.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - OTTO - 09-15-2016

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RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-16-2016

(09-15-2016, 01:36 AM)AABowser Wrote: »>Try the monkey on the cabinet's padlock.

On a whim, you try putting the MONKEY through the TV screen. To your surprise, your hand and the MONKEY pass through the screen to the other side as easily as if it were an open window!

You go ahead and try the MONKEY on the PADLOCK, and it fits. You pull the PADLOCK off of the CABINET's handles. The MONKEY has become the matched set "MONKEY + PADLOCK".

Since it's now unlocked, you try opening the CABINET's doors. They won't open all the way, seemingly bumping against something on the same plane as the TV (or the camera on the other side, or whatever), but they will open enough to see and retrieve a few items from inside.

You find a SEALED METAL BOX. It's about mid-sized, with a panel affixed to the front consisting of six buttons, each one a particular color, arranged into two rows of three. In natural reading order, the colors are: BROWN, BLACK, BLUE, YELLOW, WHITE, RED. You also find a BROOM BRUSH, which looks like it has a slot for a handle to go in; two TEASPOONS; and another BLACK FIGURINE.

You cannot rename a dime as it is not a UNIQUE object.


RE: You are in a room in a room in... - OTTO - 09-16-2016

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RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Smurfton - 09-16-2016

Well I was hoping that you would tell us whether the MONKEY is for a newer, tumbler lock, or for an older, lever lock I guess it doesn't matter if you're just planning on telling us what it fits.

Can we not break our money please? We only need a nickel to get through the door right now.

Try closing the cabinet and climbing through the television. At the very least, try sticking your head in and looking around the cabinet.

Those colors on the box are matching the figurine colors so far... try pressing RED, BLACK, BROWN, BLUE, WHITE, YELLOW (The order that the figurines come out in) twice, as we do not know whether RED is the start.

RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Xindaris - 09-16-2016

You try, but you just aren't strong enough to bend metal all by yourself.

(09-16-2016, 03:38 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Try closing the cabinet and climbing through the television. At the very least, try sticking your head in and looking around the cabinet.

Those colors on the box are matching the figurine colors so far... try pressing RED, BLACK, BROWN, BLUE, WHITE, YELLOW (The order that the figurines come out in) twice, as we do not know whether RED is the start.

You carefully re-close the CABINET and then try to stick your head through the TV. Your shoulders are just a bit too wide to fit the TV's frame, so you can't get all the way inside, but you manage to get a bit of a look around the room the CABINET is in. It has WHITE walls, floor, and ceiling, and seems to have a wall directly behind the cabinet. The walls to the side are also really close to the CABINET, suggesting a positively tiny room. Twisting yourself around you find that the screen of the TV seems to form a rectangular hole in another WHITE wall, which means that aside from whatever it is you've got your head through this room actually has no entrances or exits.

Pulling yourself back out of the TV, you get out the SEALED METAL BOX and try the given sequence of button presses. On your sixth button press a very tiny seam along the top suddenly pops open as a hinged lid, allowing you access to the inside of the box. Inside the box is a WHITE WEIGHT, a NICKEL, and an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. The HARD DRIVE is missing both its POWER and USB cords, not to mention a COMPUTER to use it with.



RE: You are in a room in a room in... - Smurfton - 09-16-2016


obviously we must forge the sand into a working computer, usb cord and power cord. shouldn't take too long.

You could convert your figurines into money and enter the door to room 3 now....

....but how will we convert money to figurines and back without money? Its a mastery ponder this mystery as you insert the figurines into the vending machine. maybe change one back and forth, for old times sake. then you'll put the money in the nice door. you don't need to change money anyway. not really. who needs money, right?

i mean but what if you do need to change money into figurines and back, but don't have the money? what then? WHAT THEN

At least you can trust the scale won't betray you. It'll be safe to put the WHITE WEIGHT down on it. probably.