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The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 04-26-2018

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Quote:Avogadro, go please your mistress. Do not mind doing unseelie things for her.
>Advogadro: Being the abused servant of an uncaring, shallow vixen is what your entire life has been leading up to. Don't squander it.
Avagadro: Prostrate yourself on the ground before Relda and promise her, her every wish and desire. Begin kissing her feet
Grovel at her feet

[Image: 0425avogrovel_zps0tvumuuj.gif]

Suddenly Sergeant Avogadro rushed onto the stage and threw himself at my feet.

"Oh my icy beauty," he whimpered while clutching my ankles. "My lady, I am yours to command. Anything you wish, be it Seelie, Unseelie, or venery-related, I will do it without hesitation."

"Get zis sniveling sycophant off der stage!" SALV Chesswick exclaimed. "Haff you been usink der Viles on him? Because you know, Viles is verboten in zis competition!"

"No," I protested. "I mean, not intentionally .."

Quote:Audience, bring your own pies and other pie-like pastries, the quality of which varies drastically. The contest must go on!
(Con-goers) Start to get rowdy, since the contest is being held up.

"Quit stalling!" someone in the audience called out.

"On to the next event!" another attendee yelled.

"Look, I told you people, the shipment of pies for the next event has been delayed!" Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks reiterated.

"No excuse!" another voice called out. "We've got pies! This is PieFight ValKon! Come on everybody - let 'em have your pies!"

Quote:>Fifi: Suffer a sudden wardrobe malfunction
>SALV Chesswick: Remind Fifi Fofox that she was disqualified for already attempting to use wiles on the judges and to get off the stage.
>Fifi: "But this outfit is cheaply made..." (That what you get for using wiles on a merchant of bootleg Pie Fight Valkerie goods, Fifi)
>Fifi: Wonders why Relda's outfit's still on, you both got the outfits from the same merchant.

The crowd was distracted from following through on this provocative invitation by a loud "YIPE!" from Fifi.

"SALV Fofox!" Alberta snapped. "Vhat did I chust say about Viles? You already missed out on der pie-dodgink. Do you vish to be disqvalified from der entire competition?"

[Image: 0425cameloose_zps38xluhyf.gif]

"It's not my fault!" Fifi gekkered. "It's this crummy cheap costume! Why didn't hers break too? We got them from the same sleazy vendor."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 04-26-2018

>Relda: Be a champ and let Fifi borrow your pair.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 04-26-2018

Relda, realize that it will make you look good if you help Fifi. So make good use of your willing slave and have him fetch a high quality costume for her.
Upon seeing it, decide to just keep it and give Fifi your old one instead. She's not likely to notice.

Fifi, notice but don't mind. It is, after all, exactly what you'd do if your roles were reversed.

Scuti Preston, save your own parasitic tail and rat out Alice.

Rumbling in the distance, intensify as more soldiers enjoy the pie.
Foul smell, start reaching the city with the help of the wind.

Alice, discover something unexpected in the handbook. Discovery, give her an advantage over the Ixies.

Burnside, show up from somewhere.

Congoers, gather enough pies to continue the contest.

Adoyret Sam, watch the whole thing through a scrying sphere. Smile.

Percy, get lost several times before finally finding the embassy. Make observations along the way.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tai-1 - 04-27-2018

Nice big update...now let's get down to business...

>Avogadro: Grab Relda around the waist, one of your paws "accidently" grope her backside.
>Audience: Be treated to a stomping of epic proportions.
>Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks: Be uncertain as to be either laughing at or jealous of Avogadro's treatment.
>Scuti Jimmy: Lie! Lie! Lie! You have no idea what those ixies are talking about. You've always had that tail, you're not a manx.
>Nero & Angus: Smirk at Scuti Jimmy's pathetic attempts to lie. "Rent asunder indeed."

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 04-29-2018

>Scuti-Preston: At the sight of the same ixies that tried to kill you before, you go through a jarring change. Gone is the facade of powerful bravery, you begin tearfully begging for your own life, going so far as to sellout all of your own kind if they let you live. Truly you are the most worthy of the imperial legacy, you sniveling loser.
>Percy: You are "lucky" enough to step into the embassy during another one of their Japery Holidays. You would take notes, but the paper keeps getting doused with seltzer water.
>Thomson and Burnside: With clothespins on your noses, you've been making sure the army is well fed, properly dressed, and cleaning up after themselves. Muse that commanding an army is a lot more like babysitting than you were led to believe.
>For king and country, the ambush has bravely sworn to uphold their duty and charged full speed into the toxic gas cloud that surrounds the tower. They have all died.
>Alice: Yes, a mistake right now would indeed be disastrous. You're reading it upside-down.
>Señor Sleazy Vendor Jr. III: Well of course Fifi's costume broke first. They're designed to fall apart after a certain amount of wear-time, and she put hers on first. Relda's should be any second- there it goes.
>An expert goes up to make sure Relda isn't using wiles to cheat.
>Sweetcheeks: Become explosively jealous of the attention Avogadro is getting from Relda. That pudgy, shut-in is everything a femme would want. You don't stand a chance.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 05-03-2018

Quote:>Señor Sleazy Vendor Jr. III: Well of course Fifi's costume broke first. They're designed to fall apart after a certain amount of wear-time, and she put hers on first. Relda's should be any second

"You bought der costumes from ein Sleazy vendor?" SALV Chesswick chuckled incredulously.

"Well, we didn't exactly like, buy them," Fif admitted.

"HAH!" Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks chortled. "Sleazy brand trick costumes, the pride of Vulpitania! They are designed to fail after a certain interval of time. Did you put yours on first?"

"Yeah, I did," Fifi recollected.

"Well then, any second now ..."

[Image: 0502wait4it_zpswxtd2jl7.gif]

Everyone stopped and stared at me.

Nothing happened. I silently thanked Lady Fuma for her gift of Luck.

"What a rip-off!" Avogadro whined.

Quote:Relda, realize that it will make you look good if you help Fifi. So make good use of your willing slave and have him fetch a high quality costume for her.
>Audience: Be treated to a stomping of epic proportions.
>Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks: Be uncertain as to be either laughing at or jealous of Avogadro's treatment.

[Image: 0502stompavo_zpscu36bdd9.gif]

"Get off me, you simpering toady," I snarled, stomping the grabby mole and kicking him away from me.

"Hey, save some of that passion for the banquet with me, Sweetcheeks," the Vulpsmarshal interjected.

"Go get a decent costume for SALV Fofox," I ordered Avogadro. "GO! Now!!"

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Quote:Rumbling in the distance, intensify as more soldiers enjoy the pie.
Foul smell, start reaching the city with the help of the wind.
Congoers, gather enough pies to continue the contest.

"We've gathered enough pies for the contests to continue!" someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"No more dawdling!"

"On with the show!"

The ominous thunder pealed again, off toward the South, louder this time.

[Image: 0502schtinky_zpsxby1juox.gif]

"Himmel!" SALV Chesswick exclaimed. "I zink zose pies are not too fresh."

"By Fuma!" Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks exclaimed, pinching his nose. "What a stench!"

"It wasn't me!" Estmere retorted indignantly. "Just what are you insinuating?"

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 05-03-2018

>Señor Sleazy Vendor Jr. III: People aren't happy that one of your defective costumes wasn't defective enough. Suddenly that "money back guarantee even if you didn't pay for it" sign doesn't seem like such a good idea.
>Avogadro:*GASP!* She kicked you! She kicked you with her own foot! Quickly now, go fetch what she wants. If you're quick enough maybe she'll kick you again. Perhaps she may even see fit to spit in your eye. Who needs self-respect when you have the boot heel of an abusive she-monster jammed into your forehead?
>Adler-Relda: Begin the next contest. Unfortunately all the pies are flavors that you absolutely detest, and they're poorly made to boot. One pie actually has a boot sticking out of it. Why can't anything ever be easy?
>Unlucky contestant that gets the boot-pie: You have to eat the entire boot to pass the contest.
>Ixies: You arrive just after Alice stepped out to get some supplies to help with her ambitions. Looks like that no-good tailipo gave you some bad info. It looks like you're going to have to run him through the taffy-puller to get anything out of him. Good.
>Percy: Grab the files you need and vamoose. Muse on just how easy it is to infiltrate elven society. You honesty should have come to this realm sooner.
>Enterprising ConVendors: Begin selling clothespins at extortionate prices.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tai-1 - 05-04-2018

>Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks: Apologise to King Estmere (narrowly avoiding a diplomatic incident)
>Enterprising amateur magic practisioner: attempt to conjure a mini whirlwind to blow the stinky air away.
>Attempt: fail miserably
>Pie Fight Val Con-goers: Become dangerously close to rioting due to yet another delay.
>Somefur: Have a bright idea to save the con!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 05-05-2018

(HM King Estmere) Make moves toward the foxes, with emphasis on your well-known prowess with fists, for such a flagrant breach of protocol.
(VM Sweetcheeks) Ask, if he's going to get a whuppin', can he get a whuppin' from Relda?
(HM King Estmere) Deny said request.
(HM King Estmere) Administer a Royal Beatdown.
(SALV Chesswick) Ignore the Royal Beatdown. Wonder what's causing the stench.
(Gourmet among the soldiers) Identify the pie as Elfhamian Radish pie.
(G.A.T.S.) Indicate that a dry white wine goes best with radish pie.
(Wise Professor Skunk) Indicate why Elfhamian Radishes are, ahem, potent.
(Convention Audience) Be unhappy that it isn't Relda giving the Royal Beatdown.
(Riot) Be on the verge of emerging, again.
(Source of Elfhamian Radish) Chuckle madly.
(Mrs. Nero) Show up and berate your no-account spouse.
(Ixies) Fly to the Hall of Ancestors.
(Alice + Scuti) Be prepared for Ixies.
(Brave Percy) Find the file room.
(Brave Percy) Find the file on SALV Faufox
(Brave Percy) Find the file on Percy, Lowfolk Squab.
(File clerkess) Be very busy, in fact too busy, with another file clerk to notice.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - El Santo - 05-06-2018

Pie Eating Contestestant: Have a weight labeled Heavy Lorde badly disguised as a pie placed in front of you
Soldiers: Someone found a stash of canned chili extra spicy PRAISE FUMA! Notice that some of the flowers and plants in the surrounding area are starting to wilt
Avogadro: After getting Fifi's new outfit also bring back a wagon full of useless gifts that you stole just to give to Relda.
Relda: Be given a horse radish pie, actually its not really a pie its just a plate of horse radish in the shape of a pie.
SALV Chesswick: Begin searching for the source of these wild flatulations

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 05-06-2018

Audience, be surprised at the extreme tolerance of spicy food Relda can handle without any discomfort.
Audience, be disappointed at the low tolerance of spicy food Fifi can handle without screaming in pain.
Audience, be absolutely shocked at the sheer amount of pies that the Rotund Vixen can eat without bursting.

Rotund Vixen, be secretly cheating by hiding away parts of your pies in your elfintory instead of actually swallowing them.
Be noticed by someone, but do not be reported.

Izzy, return from having your costume adjusted to better fit with the judges' specs. Look weird.

Clothespin selling Gypsies, make a fortune.

Young Monocled Patriot, give us a lecture on the potential usefulness of a pie in combat.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 05-07-2018

(05-06-2018, 08:35 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »Rotund Vixen, be secretly cheating by hiding away parts of your pies in your elfintory instead of actually swallowing them.

Is a vulpine caching food technically cheating? Estvan certainly wouldn't think so.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 05-07-2018

You know, we haven't had a good Estemere beatdown in a while and I agree that it's high time someone gets a whupping.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 05-10-2018

Quote:>Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks: Apologise to King Estmere (narrowly avoiding a diplomatic incident)

"I, Sweetcheeks, insinuate nothing, Your Majesty," the Vulpsmarshal replied nervously. "There is a foul odor coming from somewhere other than your august personage."

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Quote:>Avogadro:*GASP!* She kicked you! She kicked you with her own foot! Quickly now, go fetch what she wants.
Avogadro: After getting Fifi's new outfit also bring back a wagon full of useless gifts that you stole just to give to Relda.

[Image: 0509avobrings_zpsfgakshxo.gif]

While the con staff were setting up the table for the pie-eating contest, Avogadro returned. In one hand he held a shiny new Pie-Fight Valkyrie costume, and with the other hand he pulled a wagon full of assorted junk.

"Here is a replacement outfit for your friend, my lady," the Sergeant mooned. "Though I would be ecstatic if you would wear it yourself. I've also brought you a wagonload of gifts, as a thank-you for being so beautiful. Please look at them and enjoy them."

I was saved from having to sift through a mound of worthless bric-a-brac by a voice shouting, "Places, people! Places for the pie eating contest!"

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Quote:>Adler-Relda: Begin the next contest. Unfortunately all the pies are flavors that you absolutely detest, and they're poorly made to boot. One pie actually has a boot sticking out of it.
>Unlucky contestant that gets the boot-pie: You have to eat the entire boot to pass the contest.
Pie Eating Contestestant: Have a weight labeled Heavy Lorde badly disguised as a pie placed in front of you
Relda: Be given a horse radish pie, actually its not really a pie its just a plate of horse radish in the shape of a pie.
Izzy, return from having your costume adjusted to better fit with the judges' specs. Look weird.

[Image: 0509pietaste_zpsefc1sx3x.gif]

We took our seats behind a long table on the Convention stage.

"Fan-made pies have been randomly distributed before you," the Vulpsmarsal explained. "When I, Sweetcheeks, ring the bell, you shall commence eating. Whoever finishes the most pies the fastest will earn the full score for this event."

"Well, I'm out," Izzy sighed. "I'm pretty sure this isn't even food. After I went and got myself gussied up to satisfy the judges, too."

"Zis vill be ein challenge," the chubby vixen muttered as she examined her pie.

I surveyed my pie with dismay, noting that it seemed to be nothing more than a pie plate full of horseradishes. "How am I supposed to eat all of that?" I grumbled. "It's huge!"

"Ha ha, suckers," Fifi chortled. "Looks like I lucked out this time. Let the pie-feast begin."

Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks rang the bell.

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Torchfire - 05-10-2018

Relda, despite your best effort, finish second. Find that for some reason you now have a craving for ham and tarragon pastries.
Relda's breath, be strong enough to put tears in the eyes of elves several paces away.

Rotund Vixen, after finishing off your boot, start munching on the Heavy Lorde, which is really just a cake shaped like a weight. Be the undisputed winner of this competition.

Second set of pies, be just as odd as the first.

Glenholm and Lemmy, finally get to the same page. Discover that you'll have to rethink most of your theories.

Avogadro, keep trying to get Relda to accept your gifts. Have some success with items you would not normally associate with a typical vixen.

Estmere, for some strange reason watching Relda eat brings back old memories of you and your brother on your trip up certain river. Get a craving for ham and tarragon cakes.

Percy, read your file. Realize that the Vulpitanians are very precise when obtaining information, but not apparently aware of what kind of information is actually important.
Then read Relda's file. Discover it's written in the same style.

Ixies, start making your way back. One Ixie, discover a piece of evidence that somebody has been in the Hall recently.

A large, ominous shadow, pass overhead.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Tai-1 - 05-10-2018

>Percy: Realize that there are files for a Fofox, Foe-Fox, Phauxfox, Fourfox, Pho-Faux etc.....become confused.

>PLOT TWIST! Relda's pie be a normal pie disguised as horseradishes, Fifi's pie be a horseradish pie disguised as a normal pie.

>Pie fight Valcon audience: Be treated to a (thrilling?) sight as a berserk Fifi destroyes her outfit in her quest to pour a cold drink down her burning throat. End up in a water fountain.

>Audience: Applaud!

>SALV Chesswick: "Fifi! Vat did I tell you about usink viles?!"

>Vulpsmarshal Sweetcheeks: Point out that Fifi wasn't using wiles...She just K.O.'d herself.

>Relda: Sample Fifi's pie...."Hmph...Lightweight."

>Avogadro's cart of extra goodies: Have another costume for Fifi...

>Avogadro: Wish aloud that Relda instead had lost her clothes.

>Audience: Be treated to another stopping. Best Pie Fight ValCon Ever!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 05-11-2018

(05-10-2018, 06:36 PM)Tai-1 Wrote: »>Percy: Realize that there are files for a Fofox, Foe-Fox, Phauxfox, Fourfox, Pho-Faux etc.....become confused.

That can't be right. A Pho-fox would be a Soup-Master.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 05-11-2018

>Fifi: While you are indeed the only one who got a normal pie, it is unfortunate that the filing just so happens to be something you're extremely allergic to. Get disqualified for having an allergic reaction. Don't worry, swollen facial cheeks go down eventually.
>Percy: After you get through all the recipes for lowfolk squab, you find a disturbingly detailed account of nearly everything you've ever done both in Faerie and back home. They even know about that embarrassing health problem you have. The only part they've lost track of is your presence in Albric Tor. The reason being, they believe you can't possibly be in the city as no lowfolk would ever be dumb enough to enter. It then goes on to list all the horrifying punishments reserved for lowfolks who dare so much as gaze upon Albric Tor let alone step inside... Have a panic attack.
>SALV back at the entrance: Hear Percy's panic attack. Huh, he must have read his own file, rookie mistake.
>Avogadro: Hover irritatingly close to Relda. Have a bucket ready in case she gets an upset tummy. The glamorous life of a squire.
>Relda-Adler: You start feeling the effects that horseradishes are infamous for. Oh no, the next pie is even worse... It's just a pie-plate filled with nothing but dijon mustard and roast garlic.
>chubby vixen: The next pie will be an even bigger challenge than the boot. It has that screaming skull from the antglade sticking out of it. Muffled screaming can be heard under the crust.
>Lemmy and Webb: get into an argument over who's-who and what's going on, distracting you from something vitally important you both really should have seen.
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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - smuchmuch - 05-11-2018

>Percy: as all this calssified information is right in front of you for some binge reading (good thing you're a fast reader), stealing and tampering; realise you are as, ironicaly enough, the proverbial fox in the henhouse.

>Relda: In a rare moment of remembering you have the power of Gramayre, you made your horseradishes smell and taste like strawberry. ...Spicy Strawberries

(And that's all the suggestions I'll indulge in because not to be the Marshall GrossFunk in the room here but while the whole pies and wardrobe malfunctions shenanigans are fun and all, I'm sorta hoping the plot gets a small jolt forward in a couple of update or so)

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 05-12-2018

>Gramarye shramarye, that's for wimpy limp-wristed princlets. Take your lumps like a real elven skunkess!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tegerioreo - 05-17-2018

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Quote:for some reason you now have a craving for ham and tarragon pastries.
>Avogadro: Hover irritatingly close to Relda. Have a bucket ready in case she gets an upset tummy. The glamorous life of a squire.
>Relda: In a rare moment of remembering you have the power of Gramayre, you made your horseradishes smell and taste like strawberry.
I'm sorta hoping the plot gets a small jolt forward
>Gramarye shramarye, that's for wimpy limp-wristed princlets. Take your lumps like a real elven skunkess!

I had eaten about one-third of my alleged pie when I began craving salty ham and tarragon cakes. This was ridiculous! There was no way I was going to be able to finish this huge plate of horseradishes. Perhaps if I used Gramarye on them to make them a bit more palatable ..

NO! That was the coward's way out! And additionally it might be considered cheating.

But then again, why did I care? I hadn't come here to win a stupid contest at an absurd Vulpitanian picture-scroll convention; I had come here to warn Estmere about the dire peril he faced unbeknownst! Time was of the essence! I could not afford to dawdle any longer!

[Image: 0516piemind_zpsm16hadfs.gif]

"Estmere," I projected at him with Elfmind. "Estmere, you are in great danger. Seek refuge immediately!"

"Are you feeling ill, milady?" Avogadro simpered behind me. "I have a bucket ready for your need."

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - typeandkey - 05-17-2018

>Ixies: Eat the sugar without a second thought, unfortunately it's enchanted with unseelie magic that makes you Alice's thralls until it wears off.
>Adler-Relda: Your brother seems too preoccupied flirting with that giraffe girl to hear you. However, she seems to notice what you're doing and gives you a menacing glare. Is she somehow blocking your message?
>Relda-personality:"Oh no you don't! I'm going to win this contest and become a star, and you are not going to mess this up for me!" Fight for control.
>Judges: Tell Relda to quit making faces and to stop punching herself and focus.
>Avogadro: Offer to help shovel food into Relda's mouth faster. This is surprisingly allowed since the original pie-what's-her-name had feeding servants too.
>Percy: Note how strange it is that they would keep their files in the kitchen. Suddenly you are not alone.
>Fifi: Choke on an entire tin can that was left in your pie.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - Major Matt Mason - 05-17-2018

>Percy: Suddenly regret your large luncheon of cornbread and chestnut dressing.

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - tronn - 05-17-2018

>Estemere: Be too dull to hear the Elfmind.
>Relda: No time for subtlety. Raise your voice to remind your king of that time when you surprised him naked in his bathroom and elicited a girly shriek out of him, and request an urgent & private audience with him right now. Carry on to reminisce loudly and publicly the conversation about bald spots and other topics of hair loss you had that day until he agrees.

I like Percy reading about himself, very spooky!

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - MasterofElfhame - 05-20-2018

(Brave Percy) Be confronted by two Vulps, one with assorted turkey-cooking equipment.
(Vulps) Be ready to go all in on the cornbread.
(Brave Percy) Deny, upon being questioned, that you are: (a) Percy, and (b) a squab.
(Vulps) Assume: (a) that this fur is telling the truth, or (b) he's being very Vulpitanian.
(Brave Percy) Flee with the files!

(HM King Estmere) Hear a voice on your head.
(HM King Estmere) Be worried: that's how one or two of your ancestors went around the bend.
(Relda Faufox) Pick up your tin with half-eaten "pie."
(Relda Faufox) Throw said pie at the King to get his attention.
(Audience) Cheer madly! THIS is more like it!
(Pie-fight) Erupt.
(VM Sweetcheeks) Get hit with a pie that has a huge, heavy weight in it.
(Avogadro) Get hit with a pie that has yourself in it.
(HM King Estmere) Get an assisted pook.
(Assistance) Come from some fur unexpected.