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Lucidstuck I - Printable Version

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RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 05-14-2016

Hell yeah Emily!!! you tell em! you da girl!
I'm quite impressed, Emily told Daydream exactly what I would have liked her to hear, she aced 100% that conversation, I quite liked this update, maybe, just maybe, Alice could be redeemed.

>Bob: What is done is done, we all have our sins and must atone for them, you are stepping in the right direction Daydream, if your love for Derrick is true, you'll follow Emily's advice, we thought for a moment you were unredeemable and too far gone... but maybe there's still hope for you!
Emily, you did a great job! keep it up!
Now,to adress a pair of concerns we have.
Firstly: Lucia seems to be under some kind of "sleeping beauty" spell, as far as we understand she can't wake up from her coma unless she's kissed at midnight in the waking world by either the prince or the princess , and if not kissed in time, she will die, the deadline is this friday inside construct time, Since you are now willing to forgive Lucia in order to save Derrick, is it possible for you to help lift the spell?
Secondly: The boss monster Vanity, she seems to be able to appear on the waking world and attack people there, this could be incredibly dangerous, at Lexii's sleepover she was about to harm Derrick, but Alice arrived just in time and she dissappeared, We know Derrick was fully awake since he could read his diary, she seems to only attack people who are alone, her being able to appear in the waking world should be impossible, could Vanity be aware that she's in a construct and using that to her advantage? Derrick also saw lil mal one time on the waking world, could these two facts be related?

(05-14-2016, 11:24 AM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »Ok, i should probably revise my last command and gently let DD know that Nightmare is on the loose :I

>Bob: Daydream, please listen carefully, we may not have much time before Emily is pulled back to the main timeline. To be honest we've been rather ambivalent towards you all this time, not fully sure whether we can trust you. But seeing as how you kept your promise and how Emily has readily offered to help you, i believe we can trust you to make the right choices with her as your moral compass. It's about Nightmare. He's slowly clawing his way inside the construct. You may not know, but it's already possessed Derrick at-least once, imbuing him with his dark unfathomable powers. It effortlessly plunged Zendo, a boss monster, into an endless night devoid of any feeling within his own mind, which lasted for eons until everything Zendo once was, even his name, became lost to him. We know not yet the full scope of his ambition, but we do know it's game-changing. And it involves the Arena of Darkness. He may also want to save Derrick and return to his old life, or he may want to tear the Construct down just to spite you. He is very much a wild card in this regard, so i am deciding to fully side with you. Also, please, for your own sake and Derrick's, make an effort to change your ways. Make this the iteration where everything is fixed. You have the power to undo the damage that you've caused. Not many get that kind of second chance ...soo, is there a chance that you can stop Alice from ra... from taking advantage of Derrick this time around, or is it already too late? If so, maybe you could use Emily's time-traveling powers to repair that blunder? Since the Event Horizon is somewhat outside the normal time-stream of the Construct, you should be able to remember this conversation without having to create a stable time-loop first. Also, another thing that's been bugging me is... Lucas has been killing his in-construct self all these billions of iterations in order to keep up the charade, but Emily here is the only one we've seen thus far. What will happen with the in-construct selves once your plan succeeds? Will their memories merge with the originals? Will they outright replace the originals? And most importantly... what sort of faustian deal did you broker in order to erect the Construct in the first place?

I think you might be jumping to conclusions on nightmare, we know too little about him to know for sure he wants revenge against Alice for what she did to him, and maybe he even wants to help.
Here he says "prevent her doom", I think he talks about Daydream.
You do have a point though, Nightmare taking over Derrick too often would be bad.
Daydream did adress nightmare around these pages https://mspfanventures.com/?s=3039&p=2997

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-14-2016

> Hey Emily. Did you know that spiders?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-14-2016

(05-14-2016, 02:56 PM)TerraTorment Wrote: »I think you might be jumping to conclusions on nightmare, we know too little about him to know for sure he wants revenge against Alice for what she did to him, and maybe he even wants to help.
Here he says "prevent her doom", I think he talks about Daydream.
You do have a point though, Nightmare taking over Derrick too often would be bad.
Daydream did adress nightmare around these pages https://mspfanventures.com/?s=3039&p=2997

Right, i'll edit out the rehash of what Zendo did since she already knows about that, but we have to bring the Arena of Darkness up again, since last time i did, i didn't actually mention it was Nightmare's plan, just made an oblique question about it which DD dismissed.

What's interesting about that first link, i that i think Nightmare might've been talking about Emily who needed saving. And yea, pitting DD against him is bad, and i'll also edit that part out.

Still have to ask about what's the exact end-game tho, sorry if that'll come across as cold. There's no easy way to ask "will everybody just DIE when all this ends?" :I

>Bob: Daydream, please listen carefully, we may not have much time before Emily is pulled back to the main timeline. To be honest we've been rather ambivalent towards you all this time, not fully sure whether we can trust you. But seeing as how you kept your promise and how Emily has readily offered to help you, i believe we can trust you to make the right choices with her as your moral compass. It's about Nightmare slowly clawing his way inside the construct. We know not yet the full scope of his ambition, but we do know it's game-changing. And it involves the Arena of Darkness. We need to know what that is and whether we should be worried. He is very much a wild card in this regard, so i am deciding to fully side with you. Also, please, for your own sake and Derrick's, make an effort to change your ways. Make this the iteration where everything is fixed. You have the power to undo the damage that you've caused. Not many get that kind of second chance ...soo, is there a chance that you can stop Alice from ra... from taking advantage of Derrick this time around, or is it already too late? If so, maybe you could use Emily's time-traveling powers to repair that blunder? Since the Event Horizon is somewhat outside the normal time-stream of the Construct, you should be able to remember this conversation without having to create a stable time-loop first. Also, another thing that's been bugging me is... Lucas has been killing his in-construct self all these billions of iterations in order to keep up the charade, but Emily here is the only one we've seen thus far. What will happen with the in-construct selves once your plan succeeds? Will their memories merge with the originals? Will they outright replace the originals? And most importantly... what sort of faustian deal did you broker in order to erect the Construct in the first place?

Also, wanted to mention that DD sowing Bob's mouth shut reminded me of his old music-video:

I just now found out it was based of a PlayStation game, and apparently they re-released the remastered version for PC a year ago xD ...maybe they'll also do that for Fable2 in another decade or 2 :))

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 05-14-2016

Wow, overload on all the comments, lol.

>Bob: Other people are overloading, so I'll make it brief. Could you please give me a question that if answered would prove the existence of the omnipotent being we've been telling you about? Just so that you could more easily believe me when I give you the answers. And Emily, there's a mask item Lexii has called Nevil's Facade. If you can bring it to Derrick along with a full set of clothes and a teddy bear he should be able to make something to help you avoid fights, and theoretically make you a better shot in case you can't.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-14-2016

(05-14-2016, 05:10 PM)martialAcademic Wrote: »Wow, overload on all the comments, lol.

>Bob: Other people are overloading, so I'll make it brief. Could you please give me a question that if answered would prove the existence of the omnipotent being we've been telling you about? Just so that you could more easily believe me when I give you the answers. And Emily, there's a mask item Lexii has called Nevil's Facade. If you can bring it to Derrick along with a full set of clothes and a teddy bear he should be able to make something to help you avoid fights, and theoretically make you a better shot in case you can't.

Seconding! :o

Emily in a teddy-bear outfit would look all sorts of adorable! /)^3^(\

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - intrepidPioneer - 05-14-2016


[Image: WFxYIav.png]

Show ChatlogShow

[Image: I3B53Kk.png]

[Image: sgUlOfG.png]

You are now Derrick, awake. You're not sure how you got here. And you have quite a headache.

Dream 13: END

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Panur - 05-14-2016

>Derrick: check your journal to make sure this is not a dream. If it's not, consider a shower to help feel better.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - martialAcademic - 05-14-2016

>Derrick: Maybe you should drink some cold water to help your headache? Oh, and don't forget about your dream journal.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 05-14-2016

(05-14-2016, 09:25 PM)Panur Wrote: »>Derrick: check your journal to make sure this is not a dream. If it's not, consider a shower to help feel better.

Seconding, and

>Derrick: Examine your fashionable new threads.
>Derrick: write down any dreams you had.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 05-14-2016

Whats that on his beanbag?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-14-2016

Quote:Daydream: The construct is a collection of memories stored in a auto-generating universe.
Daydream: Everyone we meet, that we didn't already know, is fabricated. Moot. 1's and 0's.
Daydream: Us however, especially those of us from the outside, are all that really remains in here.
Daydream: It's an illusion. None of it is real.
Daydream: Now don't tell any of them that, or it could cause problems. Emily is Emily. I am Alice, Nightmare is Derrick, Garreth is construct Garreth, Lucia is Lucia, Lucas is Lucas where construct Lucas should be, and Lexii is outside. The realm attendants are memories, at least from what I remember, Reggie might know a little more this time around.
Daydream: I'm not entirely sure what will happen when this place is terminated anymore. I was sure but... I'm not that sure of anything anymore.
Daydream: Other than that Derrick will be getting out alive.

Quote:Daydream: [...] Garreth is construct Garreth

So this actually poses a big problem...
Thanks to this link Terra graciously brought to my attention, we can now ascertain that Garry may in-fact be the out-of-construct one.

If not, then that means Nightmare can already fully materialize inside the construct ...which, in DD's words, is a whole nother can of worms >.>

Which brings me to my next point... is Emily really the original one, or was DD just being courteous, not wanting to stirr a personality-crisis in her?

If she;s the original, then where is the in-construct version of her? Where would Garry's be for that matter?!

This update raises more questions than it answers, and we STILL can't help undo what has already been done :(
...but then-again, such is life in general.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Shadowfyst997 - 05-14-2016

Yay, thank you IP :'3

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - facethelight - 05-15-2016

Truly a time to catch up, right when the incest hits.
It's like beta knows my kinks like the back of his hand.
Oh, and hi everyone else.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 12:00 AM)facethelight Wrote: »Truly a time to catch up, right when the incest hits.
It's like beta knows my kinks like the back of his hand.
Oh, and hi everyone else.

Hello weary traveler! Welcome!
Welcome to The Dark Carnival that is our home! ^^


>Derrick: Re-evaluate your life choices and decide that drinking just doesn't do it for you and is REALLY not worth it all things considered. You'd sooner drink a cup full of spiders than another drop of alcohol ever again!

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 05-15-2016

(05-14-2016, 10:58 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »
Quote:Daydream: The construct is a collection of memories stored in a auto-generating universe.
Daydream: Everyone we meet, that we didn't already know, is fabricated. Moot. 1's and 0's.
Daydream: Us however, especially those of us from the outside, are all that really remains in here.
Daydream: It's an illusion. None of it is real.
Daydream: Now don't tell any of them that, or it could cause problems. Emily is Emily. I am Alice, Nightmare is Derrick, Garreth is construct Garreth, Lucia is Lucia, Lucas is Lucas where construct Lucas should be, and Lexii is outside. The realm attendants are memories, at least from what I remember, Reggie might know a little more this time around.
Daydream: I'm not entirely sure what will happen when this place is terminated anymore. I was sure but... I'm not that sure of anything anymore.
Daydream: Other than that Derrick will be getting out alive.

Quote:Daydream: [...] Garreth is construct Garreth

So this actually poses a big problem...
Thanks to this link Terra graciously brought to my attention, we can now ascertain that Garry may in-fact be the out-of-construct one.

If not, then that means Nightmare can already fully materialize inside the construct ...which, in DD's words, is a whole nother can of worms >.>

Which brings me to my next point... is Emily really the original one, or was DD just being courteous, not wanting to stirr a personality-crisis in her?

If she;s the original, then where is the in-construct version of her? Where would Garry's be for that matter?!

This update raises more questions than it answers, and we STILL can't help undo what has already been done :(
...but then-again, such is life in general.

Let me give you a hand on that.


Daydream knows that Garry is inside construct, she purposefully obscured that fact, maybe so that Emily doesn't know?
Garry is inside the construct, now


Garreth: (I've got to share my existance with a pseudo presence to keep a low profile...)
The way I understand this, the real garry and contruct garry are sharing the same body, that could explain garry's blackouts (him slipping in and out of consciousness is the real garry taking over) and this pseudo presence, this explains where construct garry went.

The people who were trapped inside the construct since it's creation don't have construct selves (Lucia, Derrick and Emily), Garry and Lucas must have entered at some point after, since they have construct selves, what isn't clear to me is why garry shares a body with his construct self and Lucas has to kill his construct self in order to take over.

But now what i'm pondering is this, DD said "I am Alice" does this mean she has some sort of control over her construct self? this could maybe explain how DD swapped Alice with sentinels with alice not being freaked out about being teleported somewhere randomly, Alice is DD's marionette, This, in turn could also explain how Alice could lucid dream from the very beggining, Alice has been dreaming since very early (Derrick had one of his first conversations with her while dreaming) but later, a reaper states that Alice wasn't supposed to be dreaming, It was all thanks to daydream, she allowed Alice to dream early for her neferious plots.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 12:00 AM)facethelight Wrote: »Truly a time to catch up, right when the incest hits.
It's like beta knows my kinks like the back of his hand.
Oh, and hi everyone else.

wait, who's beta?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 01:38 AM)TerraTorment Wrote: »But now what i'm pondering is this, DD said "I am Alice" does this mean she has some sort of control over her construct self? this could maybe explain how DD swapped Alice with sentinels with alice not being freaked out about being teleported somewhere randomly, Alice is DD's marionette, This, in turn could also explain how Alice could lucid dream from the very beginning, Alice has been dreaming since very early (Derrick had one of his first conversations with her while dreaming) but later, a reaper states that Alice wasn't supposed to be dreaming, It was all thanks to daydream, she allowed Alice to dream early for her nefarious plots.

I'm not so sure this is the case. What reason would DD have to lie to us about Alice's status? Was she trying to get us to stop watching her so she could act without us noticing? Why bother with the distinction in the first place unless she predicted our coming?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - TerraTorment - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 02:04 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »I'm not so sure this is the case. What reason would DD have to lie to us about Alice's status? Was she trying to get us to stop watching her so she could act without us noticing? Why bother with the distinction in the first place unless she predicted our coming?

That's the key word, lying, DD already lied about garry not being in the construct, what else could she be lying about? that's her thing, lies, she's the princess of illusions after all!

Her trying to get us to stop watching Alice sounds like something she would do, oh I just can't imagine the NASTY things she would do if she could stay away from our eyes long enough.

(05-15-2016, 01:56 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »wait, who's beta?

He's known around here as Intrepid Pioneer.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - juddy555 - 05-15-2016

>Always check the journal whenever you "wake up"
>Go drink some water and take an Advil or something! Morning headaches suck.
>Don't think to hard about last night... You don't want to know.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Heyoceama - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 02:39 AM)TerraTorment Wrote: »
(05-15-2016, 02:04 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »I'm not so sure this is the case. What reason would DD have to lie to us about Alice's status? Was she trying to get us to stop watching her so she could act without us noticing? Why bother with the distinction in the first place unless she predicted our coming?

That's the key word, lying, DD already lied about garry not being in the construct, what else could she be lying about? that's her thing, lies, she's the princess of illusions after all!

Her trying to get us to stop watching Alice sounds like something she would do, oh I just can't imagine the NASTY things she would do if she could stay away from our eyes long enough.

Here's the thing though, how would she know we were coming to make the distinction? How would she know when we got here? Nightmare predicting us can be excused as him being a God Tier but theres no logical reason for Daydream to be able to predict that beings from beyond her universe would manifest as a bodyless entity capable of making suggestions to others. Let alone to have developed a plan to distract us without any knowledge of how we function.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - facethelight - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 01:56 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »
(05-15-2016, 12:00 AM)facethelight Wrote: »Truly a time to catch up, right when the incest hits.
It's like beta knows my kinks like the back of his hand.
Oh, and hi everyone else.

wait, who's beta?

Beta is my love bunny
(aka IP. I've known him since before that name is why)

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - neferiusNexus - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 03:22 AM)facethelight Wrote: »Beta is my love bunny
(aka IP. I've known him since before that name is why)

Keep that up and people going by your avatars will think you're both Lesbian Lovers ...which would be pretty hilarious tbh xD


(05-15-2016, 01:38 AM)TerraTorment Wrote: »Let me give you a hand on that.


Daydream knows that Garry is inside construct, she purposefully obscured that fact, maybe so that Emily doesn't know?
Garry is inside the construct, now


Thanks for being a sweetheart and jogging my memory there TT :)

(i swear i will re-read the whole thing again "one of these days" >.>)

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - PurpleLurker - 05-15-2016

(05-15-2016, 09:39 AM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »Keep that up and people going by your avatars will think you're both Lesbian Lovers ...which would be pretty hilarious tbh xD

Face X iP otp?

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - Fellow - 05-15-2016

I know we'd like to go shopping as Derrick, but we should consider letting him have a sick day and sleep during the day now that we have an excuse. Derrick needs more time in the dream world.

RE: Lucidstuck: It's not over! - lovelypenguin - 05-15-2016

Alice and Emily, I'm so proud of you two. X) (well, obviously not what Alice did, but what she's going to do going forward) Gosh dang, tumultuous updates be pullin' on my heart strings. Anywho.

>Derrick: Update your dream journal if need be. Also, go get something for that hangover you undoubtedly have.