Eagle Time
The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - Printable Version

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RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - Loather - 03-13-2013

Aliens: Take offense to being referred to as "aliens".

RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - Whimbrel - 03-13-2013

Aliens: Be better than the Zoq-Fot-Pik at their game, despite never having played it before

RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - SeaWyrm - 03-13-2013

Pterodactyl-thing: Intervene.

RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - AgentBlue - 03-13-2013

Game: break something.

RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - btp - 03-13-2013

Frungy > be an extremely simple version of twister

RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - Anthano Zasalla - 03-13-2013


RE: The First Meeting: A Short Adventure - Vancho1 - 04-11-2013

I feel like a quote from Toys for Bob is in order.

Quote:<che`z`puf:#StarControl-chat> How is Frungy played?
<Fwiffo> With gusto!