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Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Printable Version

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RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Gnauga - 09-06-2012

Carla tries to say something to the boisterous Kurt, but isn't sure how to pull herself into the conversation he's already having with this other dude. David, he said his name was? She shrugs after a few false starts. There's plenty of people to try to talk to; no big deal.

Carla instead turns to the slouching girl, who's just idly picking her fingernails with a really beat-up hairpin. Goodness knows what that girl did to get it so wrecked, but hey, she's not judging.

She sidles over to Ivory. "Hey." She begins. "My- uh. They call me Carla. You?"

Alright, that sounds good, she thinks.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Kitet - 09-06-2012

... Oh jesus, someone's trying to talk to her. Ivory puts away the hairpin and sits up.
"I'm Ivory. What's up?... those dudes are pretty loud, eh?"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-06-2012

"Well, I applied for Bug. Maybe not the best type, all things considered. But, I figure if it loses in battle, at least it'll lose in battle with style. And it'll have way the most body parts."

Kurt turns to the intimidating fellow in back.

"You look kinda familiar. What's your story?"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Crowstone - 09-06-2012

"oh... everyone is talking except for me...," thinks Illena,..... ....
"Hello,!" she says while approaching the other girls, "Since we're all introducing ourselves, I'm Illena!"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Mehgamehn - 09-06-2012

(09-06-2012, 10:20 PM)Nopad Wrote: »"Well, I applied for Bug. Maybe not the best type, all things considered. But, I figure if it loses in battle, at least it'll lose in battle with style. And it'll have way the most body parts."

Kurt turns to the intimidating fellow in back.

"You look kinda familiar. What's your story?"

"I was a star b-ball player at Port Anther High, so you might have seen me ON DA COURT. But, I got passed over for scholarships for college ball, and I couldn't get in any good colleges on my grades. So I figured I'd give Pokemon a shot.

Gettin' a fighter."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - fakeimpostor - 09-06-2012

'So a rapper, a basketball player, and an Army deserter walk into a bar... 'David thought. 'This isn't what I expected.'
Outloud he said "Oh yeah, I just really said whichever type they thought best was for me. I don't really know all that much about them. It... Wasn't so popular with like, my family, i guess. The pokemon thing."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Gnauga - 09-06-2012

Oh man talking to two people and Carla has not yet taken the multitasking feat! Carla is crazy jovial and shit!

"Yeah they are, aren't they? Haha! I don't blame them though. I'm looking forward to getting my first pokemon too. ...Hey there Illena. I guess you already heard, but I'm Carla and this one's Ivory."

As she says that, she takes a look at the two and is mildly amused at the contrast. She passes a glance at the chattery boys behind her.

"Bug, and fighting. Typical guys, am I right? I'm looking to get an ice-type, at any rate."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-07-2012

(09-06-2012, 10:54 PM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »"I was a star b-ball player at Port Anther High, so you might have seen me ON DA COURT. But, I got passed over for scholarships for college ball, and I couldn't get in any good colleges on my grades. So I figured I'd give Pokemon a shot.

Gettin' a fighter."

Yeah, that's it. I go to PorAnth High too, must'a seen you around there. Or well, went to PorAnth. Guess I'm still getting used to leaving home.

Anyway, Pokaymon are pretty cool, Dave. (can i call you dave?) They do all sorts'a things, 'n they, you know, are all sorts'a things.

You guys wanna go talk to the girls over there?

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Kitet - 09-07-2012

Well, this seems to be going alright so far. You don't get to casually chat with girls your age like this every day, after all.
"Sup, Illena. What pokemon you lookin' to get? I filled out Dark Type on the forms... I dunno, I hear they're smarter than most--- oh , uh, heads up, I think I heard the loud dude's coming over here."
Just great.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-07-2012

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RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - btp - 09-07-2012

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RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-07-2012

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RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - fakeimpostor - 09-07-2012

"Oh, Hey girls, I'm David, and this is... Basketball guy and the other one oh god I am so sorry I already forgot your names"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Gnauga - 09-07-2012

"Hey, guys. My name's Carla, nice to meet you."

She pauses to think.

"Uh. So what do you all do when you're not waiting for free pokemon?"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-07-2012

"No worries.

I'm Kurt, and I'm a high-school dropout! I'm also not the world's best rapper.

I mean, it's summer, so I guess I can go back to school if the whole Pokemon thing doesn't work out."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - fakeimpostor - 09-07-2012

"I... sit and... Wait until i get the chance to wait for pokemon"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Crowstone - 09-07-2012

Illena smiles, "I haven't decided what I would get, just one of the grass,fire or water types. Umm, so, I'm from a pretty normal family, I guess. I went to Ruoyfresh High School."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Kitet - 09-07-2012

Uuuuugh, you can feel all the eyes shifting towards you. Better use the "camping" explanation.
"I, um. I like to travel! I go camping practically every week. It's pretty cool, but it gets lonely out there, so... yeah. I already graduated, too, so I've got a lot of spare time now."
Arright. That didn't sound too questionable, you think.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Gnauga - 09-07-2012

Carla nods for a bit before realizing what David actually said. Her face gets all puzzled-like as she faces the dude.

"W-wait, what?" she blurts out.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Nopad - 09-07-2012

"She said she has a lot of free time."

Kurt gives Carla a look.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Gnauga - 09-08-2012

Carla looks sheepish for a split second before catching what's going on.

"N-no, I meant- I was talking to David. I mean, you had to have been doing something between YTA classes besides sitting around. What's your story?"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Kitet - 09-08-2012

Ivory isn't quite sure what to make of all this.
Every single guy in the room is conversationally awkward, and both of the other girls are quiet and shy.

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - fakeimpostor - 09-08-2012

"Oh i just moved here and..l I don't know this place very well yeah. Wouldn't know just where to go."

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Crowstone - 09-09-2012

The conversation seems to go quiet.
..."Umm.... so where do you plan to go once you get your pokemon?"

RE: Tales of Azela [PokeRPG] - Kitet - 09-09-2012

"Oh, well, I guess I'm gonna go camping around the island with my pokemon, see what it's like with a partner. I dunno, if that gets boring, maybe I'll do the pokemon gym challenge thing, I guess... really just wanna go camping."