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RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Schazer - 10-09-2017

Go grab a snack from the kitchen

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - typeandkey - 10-09-2017

>He looks like a cool dude who likes cool things. Ask for his wisdom.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - FlanDab - 10-09-2017

>Say yo to that dude.

>Examine plates on table. Flip them over. Perhaps the manufacturer or some marking would be a clue to this mystery.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Wessolf27 - 10-09-2017

>Can you spot the cafeteria workers if they're there?

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - quixoticTokki - 10-09-2017

> Compliment the dude on his sweet shades

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - BreadProduct - 10-09-2017

He is not someone wearing sunglasses indoors. He is blind.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - FluxYggdrasil - 10-10-2017

(10-09-2017, 09:40 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Examine plates on table. Flip them over. Perhaps the manufacturer or some marking would be a clue to this mystery.

[Image: ylPbAJ7.png]

Hmm... All that seems to be under here is some cartoon cat. Unless this is supposed to be the manufacturer's logo? Its taking up a lot of room... Or maybe the cat itself made it. Hah, wouldn't that be funny to see. Unfortunately for you, black and white cartoon cats don't exist... probably.

(10-09-2017, 02:36 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>He looks like a cool dude who likes cool things. Ask for his wisdom.

[Image: FuIxBop.png]

Danny: Ah, Hello?
???: Hm? Who are you.
Danny: Ah, my name is Danny, were you kidnapped too?
???: Hmph, Depends on the definition of Kidnapping.
Danny: What... do you mean?
???: There seem to be a lot of accomodations.
Danny: Well, it is a camp, it seems.
???: I would think that if we were held for ransom, we would be chained to the wall and have guns trained to our heads, or something.
Danny: Thats... uhm...
???: So why else would Ultimates be brought together...
Danny: Oh, You're an ultimate too?
???: Don't be so stupid. Of course. We're all ultimates.
Danny: Well jeez... you don't gotta be so rude.
???: Hm? Ah, Apologies for being so blunt. I suppose I should introduce myself.
Ashiro: My name is Ashiro Sawamura. I possess the title of Ultimate Class Representative.
[Image: gIz9ySC.png]
Ashiro: And you?
Danny: Ah! Yes! Digital Artist.
Ashiro: Alright, I suppose it isn't too useless, like some of the others I've seen here.
Danny: Others?
Ashiro: I suppose you haven't met the rest then. No problem, you will eventually im sure. Then, you will know.
Danny: Jeez, thats a little presumptuous, don't you think? Im sure their talents are perfectly fine.
Ashiro: Yeah, whatever. Look, you have your own opinions, and thats great, but, you should let other people have their own, alright? I'd rather I wasn't surrounded by weird demon freaks and people who play with toys. Thats my opinion.
Danny: ...Fine, Jeez.
Ashiro: Now... where's my lunch... he should have been done by now...
Danny: Lunch?
Ashiro: Im having someone make my lunch for me. I can't stand to get my hands dirty. Just being out in nature is a little more stress than I need right now.
Danny: oooo.... kay... Well, Maybe I'll go check up on your little friend...

You step away from that guy. Jeez, he's probably not trying to, but you get the feeling that he's still a big prick. He just sits there with his plate in front of him. What a weirdo. Now then, where else should you go?

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - collaberal damage - 10-10-2017

> Head to the watchtower! You'll probably have a great vantage point, and you might be able to see where the others are!

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Winklekinkle - 10-10-2017

Please..please bash Ashiro over the head with a plate

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - typeandkey - 10-10-2017

>You were mistaken. This guy ain't no cool dude, he's a nerd. Give him a wet willy and a wedgie to establish the hierarchy.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Schazer - 10-10-2017

Go tell whichever poor bastard has been ordered into the kitchen that you're liberating them from their bullshit job

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Wessolf27 - 10-10-2017

>This guy's stiffer than a pole. Go someplace else.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - daviddrawsgood - 10-11-2017

> See what's cookin in the kitchen.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - FluxYggdrasil - 10-12-2017

(10-10-2017, 01:00 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Go tell whichever poor bastard has been ordered into the kitchen that you're liberating them from their bullshit job

[Image: y3g6ZDU.png]

You walk into the KITCHEN to find a blonde boy in a tweed jacket. He's preparing some kind of meal. He has a red cravat and his hair is all slicked back and neatly combed.

Danny: Hey there!
???: ...
Danny: Hello...? Can you hear me?
???: ...
Danny: Are you mute? Or are you just... super focused with-
???: I will be with you right away, Master Voclain, right as soon as I finish preparing Master Sawamura's meal.

He went back to preparing the food. Ah. He already seemed to know your name? You wish you could say that it was the creepiest thing thats happened to you today, but, you don't really have it in you to fight all the weird occurences anymore. What you did have the strength to do however was...

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Winklekinkle - 10-12-2017

You know, now is a great time to shove your head in the oven.....FOR CLUES.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - quixoticTokki - 10-12-2017

> Is a he a staff member or a student? Figure out why he knows your name and is making food for that nerd.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - typeandkey - 10-12-2017

>How rude. Kick him as recompense.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - FlanDab - 10-12-2017

>Let the cook cook or else, it may cook you. Leave them alone.

>Must be from the same school as you, or they found some sort of list of names.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - Wessolf27 - 10-12-2017

>Get very curious as to the meal this guy's making.

RE: SHOOT FOR THE STARS - daviddrawsgood - 10-17-2017

> Peek in that fridge.