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Don't open the door - Printable Version

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RE: Don't open the door - Heyoceama - 08-22-2017

This room, as you have observed, has no ventilation and is completely sealed. If you don't leave you'll eventually suffocate. Even if its a monster you might as well go out fighting.

RE: Don't open the door - FlanDab - 08-22-2017

Does the door have a keyhole? Inspect garments and body for possible objects hidden or stuck.

RE: Don't open the door - Seyhial - 08-22-2017

CeruleanSky Wrote:> Answer the voice, but still remain cautious. It is possible that we are dealing with something that can mimic a human's voice.

You carefully move closer to the door before answering the voice on the other side :
"Who are you ?"

There a long pause during which you think you might have imagined the voice you heard, but finally you hear it again :

"There is no time for introductions. The door will soon be gone, you must open it now !"

"Gone ? What do you mean ? Can't you open it yourself ?" you ask nervously. You're not sure you trust that person.

"It only opens on your side ! Please hurry, the monster can come back at any time !"

Well you guess that explains why there isn't any lock on your side. But still, something about this doesn't seem right... You're not sure it's safe to open the door. The sign was pretty clear about it, and that girl did mention a monster.

Smurfton Wrote:At least tape up the paper saying OPEN THE DOOR and take down the DON'T.

You switch the paper saying "DON'T" for the paper saying "OPEN THE DOOR", and suddenly you feel better about all this. Yay !

a52 Wrote:just open the goddamn door already jesus it isn't that hard

You put your hand on the doorknob, and once again you can hear the buzzing sound and feel the door vibrating. Your slowly turn the knob and pull the door.
Nothing happens. The door won't open.

You look at the doorknob for a few seconds, confused, then realise that you need to push it. It opens on the outside after all.
You slowly push the door, when suddenly it swings open. You feel something cold and slimy on your hand, and when you look at it you see a grey tentacle-like shape wrapped around your arm. It violently pulls you outside of the room, and you hear the door slamming shut behind you.

You're in complete darkness.

You feel more tentacles scrawling all over your body. You try to scream but they get into your mouth as soon as you open it. You desperately swing around your shard of glass but a tentacle grabs your free arm and pulls on it so hard your shoulder dislocates.
More and more disgusting appendages wrap themselves around your body.
Something is breathing just in front of you. It smells of blood and rotten meat.
You try to break free, but the tentacles just squeeze you harder. You let out a desperate moan.

The last thing you hear is the sound of your bones breaking as your body is being torn apart.

Subject 0001 is missing.
Door succesfully opened.
Proceed with subject 0002.

RE: Don't open the door - Seyhial - 08-22-2017

You're in a room.
There is a door with a teared up sign on it that reads "OPEN THE DOOR".

What do you do ?

RE: Don't open the door - Arcanuse - 08-22-2017

>Examine walls. Very carefully. Rub your hands on the whole wall, check for indentations or optical illusions.

>Repeat with floor

RE: Don't open the door - CeruleanSky - 08-22-2017

> Take off shirt and examine chest for signs of any numbers or whatnot.

RE: Don't open the door - gloomyMoron - 08-22-2017

> Everybody do the flop.

RE: Don't open the door - a52 - 08-22-2017

open the door

RE: Don't open the door - The One Guy - 08-22-2017

> Well, the sign says to open the door, who are you to argue?

RE: Don't open the door - Heyoceama - 08-22-2017

> Is there any broken glass around?

RE: Don't open the door - FlanDab - 08-23-2017

>Remember who you are or were?
>What are you wearing? What are you? What is around you? What is the color of the walls?
>What is the door like? Does it open towards your side? Does it have a lock? Does it have a door knob or a lever? Does it have a peekhole?
>Check behind paper sign.

RE: Don't open the door - smuchmuch - 08-23-2017

>exclaim out lous "oh gee, I sure have got let myself go lately, I am fat plump and jjuicy and barely fit in my japaneese schoolgirl uniform. How alone and vulnerable I feel and also i accidently slathered barbecue sauce all over myself." then put your ear on the door.
If you hear any telltale signs of tentacles coiling and rasping and/or the wet slurping of a toothy otherwordly maw slaivatin in anticipation of it's next meal of tender human flesh (... we won't ask how you even know what that sounds like), you probaly /shouldn't open the door.

RE: Don't open the door - Seyhial - 08-23-2017

You look around yourself. This isn't your bedroom. That's weird. You don't remember what your bedroom looks like but you're pretty sure it includes a bed, which this room does not. This room sucks.
Fortunately for you, you see a door with an "OPEN THE DOOR" sign.

a52 Wrote:open the door
The One Guy Wrote:> Well, the sign says to open the door, who are you to argue?
You agree with the mysterious voice in your head. You grab the doorknob and try to turn it, but it won't move. Obviously the door is locked. You don't see any keyhole so you guess it was locked from the other side.
You realise this means you're trapped in a room with nothing in it. This is bad. You're going to be SO bored.

Arcanuse Wrote:>Examine walls. Very carefully. Rub your hands on the whole wall, check for indentations or optical illusions.

>Repeat with floor
Since the door is locked, you decide to look at the walls. They don't seem special to you, they are just regular walls made of regular walling stuff. You take your time to look at them carefully but can't find anything wrong with them. They are pretty well made. You don't like the colour though, they are all white and you're more into baltic gray.
You decide to look at the floor, but it is also pretty normal looking to you. It's gray concrete, which is good, but it isn't baltic gray either so you're not sure what to think of it. You notice a few glass shards under the light in the middle of the room and make a mental note to not step on it because you're barefoot.

CeruleanSky Wrote:> Take off shirt and examine chest for signs of any numbers or whatnot.
You want to take off your shirt to check your body for any weird marks that could help you remember how you got here, but you think the creep who put you in here could be watching through an hidden camera. You're not taking off your clothes. However, you quickly look down under your shirt collar and notice a weird tatoo on your chest that says "0002". It's ugly so you make another mental note to have it removed.

FlanDab Wrote:>Remember who you are or were?
>What are you wearing? What are you? What is around you? What is the color of the walls?
>What is the door like? Does it open towards your side? Does it have a lock? Does it have a door knob or a lever? Does it have a peekhole?
>Check behind paper sign.
Oh my god, nobody ain't got time for any of these question !. You're getting out of here, pronto !

bigro Wrote:Don't open the door, knock it down. Drop kick it.
You go as far from the door as possible to gain momentum, which considering the size of the room is like 5 meters, then run towards it as fast as you can. You jump and dropkick the door as hard as you can. TAKE THAT DOOR !

gloomyMoron Wrote:> Everybody do the flop.
The door remains unfazed by your assault and you flop on the floor, defeated.

RE: Don't open the door - Dragon Fogel - 08-23-2017

Maybe you wound up in here because you've developed the power to teleport. Attempt to teleport out.

RE: Don't open the door - Arcanuse - 08-23-2017

>0002? Well that's concerning. Not so much that your not 0001, but that whoever put you here thought they probably would go through a lot more than two subjects.

>Check for a nice big shard of glass. Something you could scrape messages in the wall with. Just because you start off this mess without any idea what to do doesn't mean the schmuck after you has to be unaware of whatever trouble happens.

RE: Don't open the door - Smurfton - 08-23-2017

Make sure that you scratch what you are going to do before you do it, and the results after you do it, and sign your messages. If you are incapacitated, future people won't be able to read what you don't write.

also be polite and leave the glass behind.

RE: Don't open the door - Seyhial - 08-24-2017

Dragon Fogel Wrote:Maybe you wound up in here because you've developed the power to teleport. Attempt to teleport out.
While you're lying on the floor, you close your eyes and try to remember how you got here. Maybe you accidentally teleported yourself here. These things can happen. You don't remember it but you're pretty sure you know someone who heard about a guy who had a cousin who could teleport from his bedroom to his living room.
You slow down your breathing and focus on... nothing, because you can't remember any place beside this damn room. Fuck. You don't know how teleportation works but you're pretty sure you need to know where you want to teleport.
This won't work.

Arcanuse Wrote:>0002? Well that's concerning. Not so much that your not 0001, but that whoever put you here thought they probably would go through a lot more than two subjects.

>Check for a nice big shard of glass. Something you could scrape messages in the wall with. Just because you start off this mess without any idea what to do doesn't mean the schmuck after you has to be unaware of whatever trouble happens.
Smurfton Wrote:Make sure that you scratch what you are going to do before you do it, and the results after you do it, and sign your messages. If you are incapacitated, future people won't be able to read what you don't write.

also be polite and leave the glass behind.
You think about the tattoo on your chest. Assuming the person who put you here is counting the people they capture, they are planning for way more people than just 2. Maybe you won't get out, but you could help others by telling them about your experiences.
You get up and grab the biggest shard of glass you could find, then look for a place to write messages... It needs to be somewhere you know people will see it and easy to scrape using glass. Somewhere like... the door.
You remove the piece of paper that's still taped to the door and begin engraving your message :

0002 Wrote:Hey guys ! 0002 here !
Door is locked.
Cannot kick down door.
No exit in walls/floor.
Teleportation not available.
Walls should be baltic gray.
You feel good about yourself. If you keep on being this helpful to people you're going to have the BEST karma !

RE: Don't open the door - FlanDab - 08-25-2017

>Perhaps it has voice recognition and it needs a password? Shout any of this loud and clear: Open Sesame! Abra Kadabra! Alakazam! Bibidi Bobbidi Boo! Klaatu Baradu Nikto!

RE: Don't open the door - a52 - 08-28-2017

(08-25-2017, 05:08 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Perhaps it has voice recognition and it needs a password? Shout any of this loud and clear: Open Sesame! Abra Kadabra! Alakazam! Bibidi Bobbidi Boo! Klaatu Baradu Nikto!


RE: Don't open the door - Dragon Fogel - 08-28-2017

If this is an experiment, somebody must be observing it. Therefore, your best bet is to make it as boring as possible for the observer in hopes that they give up and let you out, or at least decide not to bother repeating it.

Ramble on for several hours about beets.

RE: Don't open the door - wyatt - 08-29-2017

God damnit why did we open the door

RE: Don't open the door - Reyweld - 08-31-2017

>Pick up all of the glass shards with your shirt and put them in the far corner.

RE: Don't open the door - FlanDab - 09-01-2017

(09-01-2017, 08:12 AM)bigro Wrote: »
(08-28-2017, 03:14 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »If this is an experiment, somebody must be observing it. Therefore, your best bet is to make it as boring as possible for the observer in hopes that they give up and let you out, or at least decide not to bother repeating it.

Ramble on for several hours about beets.

No you fool they will simply dispose of us if we are not entertaining. Dance. Dance like you have never danced before. Burn the room down in a disco inferno.

To the sound and beat of the best music you could think to sing.