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Ratslaying contest - Printable Version

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RE: Ratslaying contest - smuchmuch - 08-24-2017

> create a silly straw and a bottle of mead and drink it mixed with rat blood from a rat skull cup while chewing on a roasted rat leg.

RE: Ratslaying contest - MagicHats - 08-25-2017

> Punt rats like football. It shall be a great sport.

RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 08-25-2017

>Conjure food and beverage materializer.
>Summon vigilant rat-slaying feline.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Coolacanth - 08-25-2017

(08-24-2017, 04:13 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »gather the skins and bones, create a banner from the pieces

[Image: tumblr_ov8ldmfG0p1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

You extract the skins and bones of your slain enemies. Using awls of bone to connect the skins, you construct a small and shoddy banner.

(08-24-2017, 04:05 PM)Cauchemar Wrote: »Drain all of the rats' blood and memories. Feed.

(08-24-2017, 05:32 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »> create a silly straw and a bottle of mead and drink it mixed with rat blood from a rat skull cup while chewing on a roasted rat leg.

You eat the brain of each rat. The blood is congealed, though none of the meat seems to have spoiled. It does not taste good. You switch to the flesh of the rat which produced Flame, and find it much more palatable.

(08-25-2017, 04:56 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Conjure food and beverage materializer.
>Summon vigilant rat-slaying feline.

You conjure clean, fresh water for yourself and your Light Steed. You sense that its supply is as limitless as the plane on which you exist. You are yet unable to create an entity that itself creates.

You mount your Light Steed and ride back towards the Swarm. It seems more recalcitrant than the day before - it must be hungry, but you do not have appropriate food in this world.

(08-25-2017, 02:32 AM)MagicHats Wrote: »> Punt rats like football. It shall be a great sport.

[Image: tumblr_ov8m4cfbpQ1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

When you reach the leading edge of the swarm, you have an epiphany. You create a singular Sport, the greatest this plane will ever see and thus the only one that will ever be remembered. A sport that creates a plan out of violence, a dance out of planning, violence out of dance. You will daily flee into the Cut, but you will never be Downed. You Blitz the rats, punting with every stride, and destroy 6. 3 rats bite your ankles.

[Image: tumblr_ov8mixAbgp1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

You feel new opportunities opening, new memories surfacing. The power of Change surrounds you. As you Ascend, who are you, and what is this world?


RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 08-25-2017

Hmm... Let's start with simple and fundamental stuff.
>A sky, horizon, a sun, a moon, stars, a weather system, a sea, a day/night cycle.

How about some more complicated stuff.
>Rat-slaying wildlife, civilization.

(Do these count as alterations or additions or were you looking for something else)
How about...
>Grow a tail.

>You are Rattigan March of course.

>This world is Cal' Endar, a world of limitless possibilities.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Cauchemar - 08-25-2017

You are Seod, the six-eyes woman, recently murdered by the Cult of Harfij. They killed you in order to save the world, but little did they know the Vast Whiteness would bring you back anyway, in any shape you'd desire.
You therefore wish to be born again as a centauress. And to keep your six eyes.

The world is the mighty RUBIKA, an heavenly Rubik's Cube, each of its facets supporting nine square-shaped regions. Every decade, the TURNING happens and the regions are mixed by two successive moves of facet slices, entirely reorganizing the geopolitical situation, interrupting alliances or ending wars, breaking some roads and opening new possibilities.

The light on the Cube is provided by two opposite Rubik's Mirrors, heavenly bodies of the same dimensions than the cube, but with vastly different properties.

The next TURNING is meant to happen in a few months and every nation on Rubika is waiting in fear and hope of the result.

(Why would we need a classical planet? A classical sun? Or stars? Things can be more *interesting* than that!)

RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 08-25-2017

(Can we have a superflat world? Like in Minecraft?)

RE: Ratslaying contest - wyatt - 08-26-2017

Have a boogie planet. Gotta have a boogie planet.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Arcanuse - 08-26-2017

You are Rattigan March, crimson herald of ratty death and you are going to summon your Rattingpiece rifle to show these ratty hooligans what for, wot wot.

Of course, what proud Rattigan would be seen without a majestic banner to carry and show off your hunting glory? Take the scrawny rat banner and infuse it with the death cries of rat kind, that they might squeak praises of your rat-killing prowess until the end of rat kind.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Coolacanth - 08-26-2017

(08-25-2017, 11:39 AM)Cauchemar Wrote: »You are Seod, the six-eyes woman, recently murdered by the Cult of Harfij. They killed you in order to save the world, but little did they know the Vast Whiteness would bring you back anyway, in any shape you'd desire.
You therefore wish to be born again as a centauress. And to keep your six eyes.
The world is the mighty RUBIKA, an heavenly Rubik's Cube, each of its facets supporting nine square-shaped regions. Every decade, the TURNING happens and the regions are mixed by two successive moves of facet slices, entirely reorganizing the geopolitical situation, interrupting alliances or ending wars, breaking some roads and opening new possibilities.
The light on the Cube is provided by two opposite Rubik's Mirrors, heavenly bodies of the same dimensions than the cube, but with vastly different properties.
The next TURNING is meant to happen in a few months and every nation on Rubika is waiting in fear and hope of the result.
(Why would we need a classical planet? A classical sun? Or stars? Things can be more *interesting* than that!)

(08-25-2017, 11:27 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »Hmm... Let's start with simple and fundamental stuff.
>A sky, horizon, a sun, a moon, stars, a weather system, a sea, a day/night cycle.
How about some more complicated stuff.
>Rat-slaying wildlife, civilization.
(Do these count as alterations or additions or were you looking for something else)
How about...
>Grow a tail.
>You are Rattigan March of course.
>This world is Cal' Endar, a world of limitless possibilities.

(08-25-2017, 11:14 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »(Can we have a superflat world? Like in Minecraft?)

(08-26-2017, 05:47 AM)wyatt Wrote: »Have a boogie planet. Gotta have a boogie planet.

(08-26-2017, 12:28 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »You are Rattigan March, and you are going to summon your Rattingpiece rifle to show these ratty hooligans what for, wot wot.

[Image: tumblr_ovayn9YKfE1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

You are Seod March, and your 6 eyes are clear now. The sky is reddish above the flat horizon of your world, and you see a cuboid satellite lowering towards the edge.

You feel a weapon forming in your hands. You know how to use it, though you are not sure it is time. You sling the Weapon onto your back, and it bumps against your tail as you adjust the strap.

[Image: tumblr_ovaza8bbtj1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

The rats rush at you, a wall of fur and teeth that bends perception, rising taller than you. You note symptoms of thirst in the black eyes of your onrushing foes, and you suddenly realize that 10 of the rats have died in the press.


RE: Ratslaying contest - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 08-26-2017

release the full power of the freedom of the press

RE: Ratslaying contest - Dalmationer - 08-26-2017

Build a portal to the rat dimension, and deposit some rats within.

RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 08-27-2017

>Unleash hail of bullets of sunlight.

RE: Ratslaying contest - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 08-27-2017

(08-26-2017, 08:34 PM)Dalmationer Wrote: »Build a portal to the rat dimension, and deposit some rats within.

that'll just bring more rats streaming out of the portal. build a portal to the anti-matter rat dimension

RE: Ratslaying contest - Heyoceama - 08-27-2017

> Become the Grim Reaper of rats. Harness their souls to fuel your powers!

RE: Ratslaying contest - a52 - 08-27-2017

(08-27-2017, 12:26 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Unleash hail of bullets of sunlight.

(08-27-2017, 02:13 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Harness their souls to fuel your powers!

Sounds like Dark Souls.


RE: Ratslaying contest - Coolacanth - 09-22-2017

(08-26-2017, 06:47 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »release the full power of the freedom of the press


You enter the thick of the rats, kicking here and shoving there. The rats meet your frenzy with needling teeth and claws, and you are fairly swallowed by the Swarm. But as the rodent mass accumulates, you find a strange kind of inner calm.

(08-27-2017, 12:26 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Unleash hail of bullets of sunlight.

[Image: tumblr_owoz0dIuhL1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

You slowly ready your gun. Sight down the barrel, which swiftly vanishes into the darkening pile. And unleash a hail of sunlight.

[Image: tumblr_owozygOXrP1rr2h9co1_r1_1280.png]

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS has ended. The Swarm's crushing power has waned in response. You have taken 3 rat bites and killed 10.

(08-26-2017, 08:34 PM)Dalmationer Wrote: »Build a portal to the rat dimension, and deposit some rats within.

(08-27-2017, 02:13 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Become the Grim Reaper of rats. Harness their souls to fuel your powers!

You collect the dead and dying rats around you. You are not sure how to build a portal, but you feel a pattern forming in your mind. A four-faced pyramid of rats, with the top space empty. You call on the souls of your enemies, which now suffuse the ether of this realm, to open a Door.

[Image: tumblr_owp25lIiI01rr2h9co1_540.png]

(08-27-2017, 12:51 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »that'll just bring more rats streaming out of the portal.

[Image: tumblr_owp25lIiI01rr2h9co2_1280.png]

KILL 14000+1 RATS

Your consciousness shifts to the rat which you have just summoned.

(08-27-2017, 03:55 AM)a52 Wrote: »>YOU DIED

You feel the opening degrading beneath you. A thousand smaller versions of yourself swarm over your body, biting you with a fury you cannot comprehend or even relate to. Stunned at first, you lash out, but it is too late - you cannot free yourself. A tiny pair of jaws clamps around your neck, and you feel something break, and everything goes dark.

[Image: tumblr_owp3a0vOwV1rr2h9co1_540.png]

Your consciousness returns to Seod in time to see the rat you summoned fade out of existence. It managed to kill 5 of the smaller rats before being slain.


RE: Ratslaying contest - Lieutenant Fish - 09-22-2017

> Conjure a high-entropy bubble, aging the rats into harmless arthritic codgers.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Lieutenant Fish - 09-22-2017

I call that the codger conjure hah ha hah

RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 09-23-2017

Crush their spines with spikes of light. Break their bones with hails so bright. Pound their flesh with pellets of might.

RE: Ratslaying contest - ICan'tGiveCredit - 09-23-2017

just. bring that mosquito into existence. aedes egypti. i'm pretty sure that kills 1000000 people every ye-

nevermind we can't wait that long.

how about making a rat trap. just create a mountain with a huge hunk a' cheese at the top and a bunch of traps all around it. and by a bunch i mean 14000, 15000 to be safe. and make them self-burying traps so they can't just walk over the corpses to advance.

you don't even have to put real cheese up there. just a picture would do.

create Thank You, Please

i'm pretty sure they eat mice

RE: Ratslaying contest - smuchmuch - 09-23-2017

>Brainwash some rats into an pocalyptic cult and become their idol and god and make them kill others in a bloody crussade.

RE: Ratslaying contest - Heyoceama - 09-25-2017

> Call upon a swarm of mice to combat the swarm of rats

RE: Ratslaying contest - Coolacanth - 10-10-2017

(09-22-2017, 07:16 PM)Lieutenant Fish Wrote: »> Conjure a high-entropy bubble, aging the rats into harmless arthritic codgers.

You create a sphere of Age at the surface of your palm and lunge down to intersect it in the body of an onrushing rat. The rat's skin crackles as if paper-thin.

(09-25-2017, 05:43 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Call upon a swarm of mice to combat the swarm of rats

(09-23-2017, 02:03 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Create a breeding pair of owls but first make a very tall owl house that can't be climbed nor bitten and just hang out in there until the owls do your job

(09-23-2017, 02:18 AM)ICan'tGiveCredit Wrote: »create Thank You, Please

i'm pretty sure they eat mice

You exert the powers of Creation . . . and nothing happens. The tide of rats waxes over you in your moment of distraction, and you take 4 rat bites. As you inspect your bloody wounds, you realize that you have exhausted the power of Creation yet again. Your Weapon and your Light Steed are your only aid remaining.

[Image: tumblr_oxltpvuPPv1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

(09-23-2017, 05:18 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Brainwash some rats into an pocalyptic cult and become their idol and god and make them kill others in a bloody crussade.

[Image: tumblr_oxlvcgC7WA1rr2h9co1_1280.png]

You take one of the rats in your hand, and vow to use Compulsion to make yourself its deity as soon as you have the chance. It bites you, once.

(09-23-2017, 01:58 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »Crush their spines with spikes of light. Break their bones with hails so bright. Pound their flesh with pellets of might.

Motivated by the Rage of the sensation Pain, you stomp around in a dance of kicks. The rat which you previously cursed with Age is helpless under your onslaught; its blood flows freely from its thin skin, and its bones are as brittle as metal that exists in a state of Cold. You kill an additional 12 rats. But can you sustain this?


RE: Ratslaying contest - FlanDab - 10-10-2017

Make rats get rain
Full of pins made for pain
May all of them be slain
Have their numbers drain
Let them vanish from the plain