Eagle Time
Wizard Detective - Printable Version

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RE: Wizard Detective - BreadProduct - 03-29-2017

Morgan's anxiety boils over. "Now isn't really a good time!" She closes her left eye and covers her left ear and No one in particular's senses come back into view. No one in particular has moved, searching for something. Logan speaks up breaking Morgan's focus once more. "There is no other time. Yeh said yeh are a detective right? I want to hire yeh." Whatever is happening inside 'The Dusty Shrew' is time sensitive but Logan doesn't seem like he is going to leave. She needs to think of something quick. "Something big needs my attention right now. So help me and I will help you. Get this couch on the wagon and follow me to my place in silence, please." Logan's expression is one of insulted confusion. "I dun't see how this ugly couch be more important." Morgan looks back in the direction of 'The Dusty Shrew' "Okay sorry that came out wrong. I am a Wizard, my familiar is spying on some bandits and I need to focus on that okay?" Silently Logan lifts the couch effortlessly and places it on the wagon, with a gesture he says "After yeh."

No doesn't know what Morgan is up to, senses other than emotions don't work both ways. But Master is capable, Master is smart and smell like flowers. There is a non flowers smell right now. The funny pie No smelled last time. It's coming from above, a draft? No climbs the support beams higher up and higher still, A mouse grey and small, it runs away making squeaking noises. "What was that?" Did they spot No? She darts deeper into the shadows. A crossbow bolt hits the wall just inches away from the weasels nose. The mouse scurries further and falls onto a table. "It's just a mouse, don't waste your bolts." The bolt smells funny, like that pie. But No has a job to do and turns away, running across the highest support beam into a hole, she is between the walls now.

Morgan bumps into a fence. Logan grabs her before she tips over into the rushing waters below. "Yeh missed the bridge." Morgan snaps back to her surroundings. "Oh uh, thanks." Logan looks at the lass with a puzzled smile. "Yeh really planned on doing this on your lonesome? Yeh more likely teh get hurt staring off at nuthin." Morgan can see her place. "It's not far now we are almost there, I need to focus."

No shuffles between the walls following that strange smell that both pie and bolt had, She can hear something through the wall. "Keep quiet I think I heard something." That doesn't sound like bandits. There is a small light. a small hole in the wall. She peers through it. Two people wearing aprons. There are brooms and buckets and chairs. No can feel Morgan sympathize with these people are they good guys? They are not talking and the smell is not in there, better keep moving.

Another hole this one has the smell, the weasel scurries in the direction of the light flowing through the knotted plank of wood. On the other side a kitchen with pots and pans and the big guy with a mustache is pacing in circles mumbling. "What do I do? She didn't take the pie and now it's sitting there on the table. I can't go out and get it, but what if they take it? Oh no no no that would be worse." He is leaving. No leans forward to get a better look. The wooden plank moves. It's loose.

Morgan and Logan are at the front door, the couch just slightly too large to fit inside, the two are rotating and positioning the couch at odd angles looking for a clean fit.

No pushes the wooden plank to the floor and jumps into the kitchen. The smell is strong here. Not too far now what is that? A door it's slightly ajar the weasel pulls the door open and peaks her head inside to look. Morgan speaks out accidentally dropping the couch on the floor. "Cultists" Logan looks over at her. "We really need to talk after all."


RE: Wizard Detective - BreadProduct - 03-30-2017

Inside the pantry lies an altar, Solid stone, candles on the shelves where food usually would be, on the far wall written in red text that No doesn't recognize. On the altar a small statue of a winged creature with it's mouth open oozes saliva of some sort that's getting all over the altar and on the floor. "Well what do we have here?" No feels a hand squeeze around her torso, in a panic the weasel bears her teeth and bites the offending hand. "YEEOW!" No falls to the floor, she runs to the hole in the wall, jumps inside and continues her escape.

Morgan paces her so called office, it doesn't have any furniture and the place still looks haunted, the repairs she ordered will be coming tomorrow so all that's in the room is a couch. A dreadful couch who's upholstery reminds someone of being pelted by a bouquet of flowers with a fish in the middle, slap. Morgan smacks her cheeks. "Get it together North. Okay Logan you got the couch here so, what do we need to talk about?"

Logan clears his throat before talking. "As yeh heard before. My party consists entirely of the Gravel Forge clan. Ahm no exclusion, see me clan ain't in the best of conditions so we got ourselves character sheets and set out ta make a fortune to save the clan from bankruptcy." Logan gestures his arms outward defensively. "See we ain't bad folk but I think me brothers fell into a bad quest. An ah don't think me brothers can see the bigger picture."

Morgan paces in circles, it helps her think. "You looked worried when I said cultists." Logan nods slowly. "Aye, see I saw yeh enter the inn where me brothers got the quest, Ah wanted teh ask you what you saw in there that made yeh leave so quickly. First you said they were bandits but now they be cultists? How can ah not be worried?"

'The Dusty Shrew' once quiet is now filled with noise. "Where did it go?!" Yells one of the figures garbed in black. "I don't know! It bit me and it ran off!" No between the walls finds a support beam to climb up. "What did it look like?" The injured man thinks for a moment. "A giant white rat!" A second voice "You sure it wasn't a ferret?" A third voice "No a ferret has markings around it's eyes and a fluffy tail." A fourth. "I think the animal you are thinking of here is a weasel, a smaller body with a thin tail." The second voice "You are right it was a weasel, I think I know who the owner is. She was just in this building not too long ago." The third who's temper rises. "I knew it was a mistake to let her leave alive!"

Morgan perks up with great concern. "My familiar is still inside, I need to save her!" Logan who is now also pacing. "Well why did yeh send it in the first place?" Morgan stops moving. "I thought it was just bandits, bandits don't know magic. Cultists however are highly practiced in warding magic!"

No can see the window. It's so close, just keep quiet and No will be out in no time! The weasel scurries across one of the highest support beams that keeps the roof from collapsing and slams into the window. Shocked No looks at it sure that it is still open, No reaches out a paw and presses against an invisible wall, the air fuzzes on contact. She can hear the cultists go back into the main room. "Spread out don't leave a single nook or cranny untouched!"


RE: Wizard Detective - infuriatingCrimson - 04-03-2017

>Morgan, you are a gosh-dang wizard. You might be on the weak side, but you have an ally and his clan's support! Not only that, you have the town's guard on your side. Even if they don't believe you about the cultists, they will at least send an armed guard with you to check out the situation. Be confident! Use that brain of yours for a badass plan! Raaaaage

>No one in particular, keep moving. They put up a barrier to keep you from getting away, but you can still hide. These idiot's can't even handle your superior sneaking skills. Buy yourself time until your master can get there to help you! BE THE GHOSTLY SPECTRE IN THE DARK! This post is now a ghost post