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Lights out! - Printable Version

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RE: Lights out! - OTTO - 07-17-2016

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RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 07-27-2016

(07-15-2016, 01:59 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Wait. Any secrets you totally 100% don't know about, wink wink, if you know what I mean?

[Image: tumblr_oazqjv9wvO1vq2zflo1_1280.png]


this facility supposed purpose is bio-engineering, but your definitely sure there’s more to it than that. sometimes, at night, you hear odd sounds…screams, growls, the clanging of machinery…something is definitely going on down there

RE: Lights out! - Justice Watch - 08-08-2016

Hum. Well... see if you can get out of this room and look around. Is ALL the power off, or just the lights..?

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 08-09-2016

(08-08-2016, 08:11 PM)earthexe Wrote: »Hum. Well... see if you can get out of this room and look around. Is ALL the power off, or just the lights..?
[Image: tumblr_obnklhUTcs1vq2zflo1_1280.gif]

you cautiously open the door of your office. the emergency lights seem to be working, albeit barely. you notice the absence of a small “beep” from the key card reader as you open the door. the power to the security systems seems to be down, at least on this floor. its too dark to see much else without stepping out into the hallway. do you want to leave your office, or stay back to look around more?

RE: Lights out! - Kíeros - 08-09-2016

> Leave the office.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 08-09-2016

(08-09-2016, 06:14 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Leave the office.
[Image: tumblr_obnvqpBMM11vq2zflo1_1280.gif]

you’ve gotten all you need from here. no sense doddling about not making any progress. you step out into the hallway and quietly shut the door behind you. you have a strange feeling of being watched.

RE: Lights out! - Kíeros - 08-09-2016

> Don't turn around for any reason whatsoever.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 08-10-2016

(08-09-2016, 09:39 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Don't turn around for any reason whatsoever.
[Image: tumblr_obpkmsSrIv1vq2zflo1_1280.png]\

Despite the feeling of being watched, you strangely don't feel in danger. the feeling is almost… familiar. you decide to take a right and continue down the hallway. no sense in going left. after all, that leads to the entrance, which automatically locks down in the (rare) event of a power failure…why a bio-engineering lab would need that tight of security is beyond you. your only real option is to find someone with a higher security clearance to maybe tell you whats going on.

RE: Lights out! - Kíeros - 08-10-2016

> Call out; maybe someone can hear you.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 08-17-2016

[Image: tumblr_oc2ox3YVVV1vq2zflo2_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_oc2ox3YVVV1vq2zflo3_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_oc2ox3YVVV1vq2zflo4_1280.png]

After some walking, you find yourself in front on an elevator. no point in trying to call it, since there’s no power. there’s probably some stairs you could use to get to the other floors-

[Image: tumblr_oc2p5ylIqQ1vq2zflo1_1280.gif]

wait what
(just for clarification, that's the floor indicator above the elevator)

RE: Lights out! - Heyoceama - 08-17-2016

> Don't trust the elevator. For all you know this could be a spontaneous test to see how you handle emergency situations.

RE: Lights out! - OTTO - 08-17-2016

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RE: Lights out! - Kíeros - 08-17-2016

> Wait for the elevator to arrive at this floor. What's the worst that could happen?

RE: Lights out! - smuchmuch - 08-18-2016

>y'know, for a place containing such important governement secret, you'd think they'd let you have a gun of some sort. even if you're here for show it's not like you're guarding a mall here.

>And a radio of some sort to communicate with your collegues.


>you know that in an emergency ,it's alway safer to take the stairs even if the elevator seems to be working, right ? I men wha if the power goes down again while you're in it, whatchergonnado ?

>Although it might be worth opening the door of the cabin even if just to check inside.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 11-03-2016

Hey! im not dead!

sorry about being gone so long. once school started, i was so stress and swamped with work i had no time to work on this. But dont worry! Ill start updating again soon :3

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 11-15-2016

(08-17-2016, 10:41 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Wait for the elevator to arrive at this floor. What's the worst that could happen?

[Image: tumblr_ognv1qYZse1vst8cqo1_1280.gif]
[Image: tumblr_ogntofwCMC1vst8cqo3_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_ogntofwCMC1vst8cqo2_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_ogntofwCMC1vst8cqo1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_ogntofwCMC1vst8cqo4_1280.png]

.... ?
there's no one inside?
and what's stranger is

The lights are on.

guess whos back, back again

RE: Lights out! - Heyoceama - 11-15-2016

> Check the puddle.

RE: Lights out! - SeaWyrm - 11-15-2016

>Check the hall behind you
>Hey, where's the circuit breaker box around here, anyway?

RE: Lights out! - The One Guy - 11-15-2016

> Well, we already knew it had power since it arrived in the first place.

RE: Lights out! - Gimeurcookie - 11-15-2016

> oh no, that's blood isn't it?

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 12-05-2016

(11-15-2016, 02:22 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Check the puddle.

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo3_1280.png]

You cautiously enter the elevator. it appears no one is inside. odd.

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo2_1280.png]

the puddle is completely black, almost like a shadow. it isnt shiny like water, and the smell of it makes you wrinkle your nose.

RE: Lights out! - smuchmuch - 12-05-2016

> Even if there wasn't a black puddle of god know what, there's there anything you casomething wrong with the power, so, it's common sense to take the stairs just in case it suddenly stop functioning.

>Avoid touching the puddle, for all you know it could toxic.

>Look upward at the elvevator ceiling since this is where the liquid seems to be dripping from.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 12-05-2016

(12-05-2016, 05:19 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »> Even if there wasn't a black puddle of god know what, there's there anything you casomething wrong with the power, so, it's common sense to take the stairs just in case it suddenly stop functioning.

>Avoid touching the puddle, for all you know it could toxic.

>Look upward at the elvevator ceiling since this is where the liquid seems to be dripping from.

true. but it wouldn't hurt to look around a bit first. and dont worry, you weren't planning on touching that stuff.

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo1_1280.png]

it seems the elevators number panel is covered in a similar substance, most likely rendering it inoperable. there are also.......claw marks? your starting to feel uneasy.

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo9_1280.png]

you examine the strange, black, slime like substance on the wall. it doesn't seem to bee coming from any source, it almost looks as if someone threw it onto the ceiling. but who would have? and wouldn't they still be in the elevator? maybe you'll
get the chance to ask them once you reach the stai-

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo8_1280.png]

wait what

RE: Lights out! - Heyoceama - 12-05-2016

> Surely your guard training included a session on how to get out of an elevator if the door is locked.

RE: Lights out! - TheMindfulOne - 12-05-2016

(12-05-2016, 06:19 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Surely your guard training included a session on how to get out of an elevator if the door is locked.

[Image: tumblr_ohooivEILX1vst8cqo7_1280.png]

no. it didnt, because you were never supposed to go in the elevator. b-but its fine right? it probably wont start up or anyth-

[Image: tumblr_ohopx6sBXl1vst8cqo1_1280.gif]

oh god it started what do you do